These empty words

Let the wind know what you feel

Show love to the unloveable one

Take what you have said without waiting to heal

With him, observe the destruction of the sun

Tell another that you lied

Lie that makes me wait for the summer snow

As You laugh by his side

And I observe my esteem begging to grow

Throw a message in a bottle at sea

Come to me like a flower goes to a bee

Cultivate something you do not intend to do

Burn the red and leave only the blue

Regret for the man trapped in his own jail

Please do not say these empty words

to someone who still believes in this fairy tale

Oliver Yeager

7th March 2018

Oliver Yeager
Enviado por Oliver Yeager em 15/01/2019
Reeditado em 16/03/2019
Código do texto: T6551876
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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