Whoever has Jesus does not die
Eternal life only with Jesus.
Whoever has Jesus does not die.
He closes his eyes here, and opens them
there, in front Him to live eternally with Him.
He is truly, the way , the truth and the life.
Without Jesus, we are in an alley, a dead end
without knowing the destiny of our life.
For He is the way, the truth and the life.
Our Creater is the author of life,
and life is the Divine breath of Him who
Created us. If you want to know, He is Jehovah Rafah.
Wherever I am, He is with me.
Night and day, and wherever I go.
There it is, Marly Jesus and Jehovah Rafah.
Se você quiser assistir meus vídeos, eu estou no Kwai, recitando as poesias.
Fico muito grata.