__________> retrospective 2022 <_____________

on the last day of the year,
a retrospective of my own life rolled in my head,
there were beautiful moments, others not so much,
objectives have been achieved,
others were successfully forgotten,
love was not forever,
and true friendship emerged.
where I didn't expect it, thank you
happiness came in the form of a new pregnancy,
I stumbled into love when I thought everything was safe,
It hurt a lot,
I fell, I thought I wasn't going to get up,
and the disappointment came when I thought that everything was love,
but I managed to lift my head,
when they pulled out my rug,
there were days of suffering, and then
I understood that life is a box of surprises,
I wish that next year is really a new year.
With new projects,
new problems, new solutions and new hopes.
I wish that this year's mistakes will never be repeated,
and serve as a springboard to success to come.
I never want to give up doing what's right,
but know that doing it right once is enough to know which way to go,
and that I never get tired of looking for new successes.
May I be better as a person,
as a human being, because it's no use being good,
if you are not able to change someone's life.

I hope that the verb “to learn”
never leave my vocabulary,
that I never forget
that the game only ends when the referee whistles”
. that I remain forever convinced
that we can never change the past,
but the way we deal with that past
this agent side can change

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 30/12/2022
Reeditado em 01/01/2025
Código do texto: T7683091
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro