__________> reciprocity <_____________

When we really want a person, we make mistakes. We try to fit that other human being into positions that were never his. We cry out to the universe a yes in something that has already started destined for no. We want it, we stomp our feet and act like children to get it. But one day we realized that love has to be a two-way street. Love has to be easy, it has to be good, it has to be a complement, it has to be help. Love that is struggle is ego. The love that degrades is pain. And then we learn that love that is not love, does not fit, does not adorn, does not complete.


Stay with someone who doesn't involve you in a false love that . Don't mince words. Don't make excuses. Don't put barriers in what should be easy and simple. Be with someone who knows what they want and


Be with someone who takes over you. May you walk with pride by your side. who doesn't have a problem to introduce you to parents, friends, boss, company cleaner. Hold your hand when you walk down the street. Who is not afraid to look passionately at you in front of others. Stay with someone who doesn't care about others.


Stay with someone who doesn't have trauma. Let there be no unresolved problems. Let this person be sure that in order to be happy, you need to let go of the past forever. Be with someone who is only interested in the future and wants that future to be with you.


Stay with someone who makes you laugh. May it show you that life can be light even in hard times. May it be your refuge on chaotic days. Be with someone that when they hug you, the rest of the world doesn't matter anymore.


Stay with someone who overflows you. That makes you feel like you're going to explode with so much love. That makes you feel like the most special person in the universe. Be with someone who makes sense of all the clichés in love.


Stay with someone who admires you. That propels you forward. Support you when no one else believes in you. May it help you turn dreams into reality. Be with someone who believes you are capable of anything you want.


Be with someone you don't need to convince you're worth it. Have no doubts. Be with someone who looks at you from head to toe and knows without hesitation that it's you and only you.


Stay with someone who makes you look back and be grateful that it didn't work out with anyone before. Stay with someone who makes no one else exist afterwards.




Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 29/12/2022
Código do texto: T7682449
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro