------------------------ our daily defeat ----------------------

Look at everyone around you and see what we have made of ourselves and this is considered our daily victory. We have not loved above all things. We have not accepted what is not understood because we do not want to make fools of ourselves. We've been piling up things and security guards for not having each other. We have no joy that has not been catalogued. We have built cathedrals, and stood outside the cathedrals we build ourselves, we fear are snares. We haven't surrendered to ourselves, because that would be the beginning of a long life and we fear it.

We have avoided falling on our knees before the first of us who out of love says: you are afraid. We have organized smiling associations and clubs where it is served with or without soda. We have tried to save ourselves without using the word salvation so as not to be ashamed of being innocent. We haven't used the word love so we don't have to recognize its context of hate, love, jealousy and so many other contradictions. We have kept our death a secret to make our life possible. Many of us make art because we don't know what the other thing looks like. We have disguised our indifference with false love, knowing that our indifference is anguish in disguise. We've been disguising the big fear with the little fear and that's why we never talk about what really matters. Talking about what really matters is considered a gaffe.

We have not worshiped because we have the sensible meanness to remember the false gods in time. We haven't been pure and naive so as not to laugh at ourselves and so that at the end of the day we can say "at least I wasn't silly" and thus not be perplexed before turning off the light. We've been smiling in public than we wouldn't smile when we were alone. We have called our candor weakness. We fear each other most of all. And we consider all of this our daily victory.

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 26/12/2022
Código do texto: T7679736
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro