We are simply entering a formality in which we say that we can find a place to be complete with the soul in a state of grace in which all the wills of the human being can be well directed to the ego and that this ego is more than a reality. knowledge with the feeling that one can recognize and establish certain doctrines under a sincere pleasure of knowing and conquering life and because life is fully a school of certain habits where we can dedicate ourselves body and soul to a more realistic knowledge that can to react under such circumstances of happiness in which the human being recognizes himself on certain tracings in life that make us react on all the fantasies of knowledge in which we apply the true desire to know life and its foundations to favor knowledge with improvement that always gave rise to the relative and reactive world of certain combinations that makes me recognize today the boy I am between certain desires and only that prevails over me and made me feel about various distractions of life that with optimism I certainly knew and saw the well-being of life where I characterized my morals with my personality that was valued and brought me on the scene of a poster more similar to a more vivified nature and contemplated with my importance of knowing the future and that all the reactions of the will can tell me that I am doing well about true feelings reconstructed of thoughts that I perfected of my conscience about a will in life to gain something of value in my perseverances that I see life better and greater under all my conquests and dreamed dreams that I caught and got to know the future of my conceptions that I kept as proof of my freedom in life in which I had a personal recognition of a desire of my own that led me to various satisfactions that I see today as a future in which I have fulfilled several desires and consecrated myself as a missionary on a margin of knowledge that I always had and dreamed of the best and biggest future of all my fantasies that reminds me of a beautiful path between the entrances of a time when I always survived my best moments in which today I can admit that I conquered my best attitude about all the bonds of life that was rolled with feelings and soon I knew my best intuitions for the life in which I always had and showed the best of me and that all my youth is locked and related to my will in which I see myself and desire all my desires of a man mystical on the side of the soul and spirit and material, on the side of all reactions in which I show and do and transmute my integrity by my sensible work of reacting and persisting over all the winged desires and glued to the matter and the spirit calls my attention and my feelings are proof of recognition that I have always sought and today I am more than a man simplified by reason and we will always be, unless certain circumstances arise in life to overcome and to win by desire at the same time that they are well dreamed and thought is the key to happiness and knowledge, the supreme goal of the religious man obtained through ascetic discipline and meditation that everything comes from the superior force of the proper character and reason for living and that are always all the reactions and relationships of high esteem and knowledge of life as proofs of living and recognizing ourselves in all circumstances of the maturation of the human being in life and that we can always say., We will be strong about the realities and eternal commitment to live and that the my consciousness is innate to the mere pleasure and passing of time in all relationships and reactions of life and so I see the future show me the true path of consciousness, intelligence and will. Hugs!

By: Roberto Barros