Life's path

Somehow, I'm stuck in my path.

I found what people have been looking for for so long.

I met my soulmate, but couldn't have him for my own.

Can you figure how hard it is to forget someone

you know is the "right one"?

Sometimes it's tough to let him go

and open up your heart to a new one.

I guess there's nothing else to look foraward

when what you loved has been lost on the way.

My heart has been sore for so long

that nowadays, what hurt me even more

is being used to the pain.

So, the only thing that keeps you going on

is the warm feeling called "hope".

Light it up!


Enviado por GeGe em 03/12/2012
Reeditado em 11/01/2017
Código do texto: T4017056
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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