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"Making 2012 the Best Year Ever:
A few years back, an inspired grandfather who's wellspring includes being a karate black belt, psychotherapist, jazz drummer, and successful watercolor artist, sat down to write the truth of his heart.
He typed the title page: MEMO From Your Soul. Then amazing things began to happen.
The universe saw to it that this new author's mission to put a book of deep compassion and wisdom into the world would be supported by best selling authors. Other spiritual teachers offered endorsements, including New York times Best selling author, Sonia Choquette - calling this book "A beautiful opening to your Spirit."

 And renowned scientist, Dr. Rustum Roy - spiritual teacher and host of Whole Person Healing via Body, Mind and Spirit - wrote a beautiful Foreword.
The author's name is Thomas Newnam. And the good news is his book: MEMO FROM YOUR SOUL subtitled: Trusting Your Inner Wisdom to Guide You to Fulfillment is now available.
It would be almost impossible to read this beautiful book (in which the soft back version even includes artwork) and not have:
Your heart warmed...Your appreciation of yourself and all of life enhanced... Your inner guidance system activated like never before, and...the Year 2012 becoming the year you were finally introduced to your Best, Most Authentic Self.
One click ... can change many things in your life..."