Love of mother

"They say that love of mother is the one that is unconditional, the more beautiful and pure, the most real of all. But remember that we are all capable of love, it is very easy to love and just want to love only brings joy.

Take this as an example for holy love in the mirrors and to spread it around the world all our love.This love that is so beautiful and true as the love of truth has to be true.

Love everything and everyone without expecting anything in return, only love and love without too ashamed to expose their love, it spread like the wind spreads the flowers of the trees.

Love, literally, from the bottom of his heart without fear of anything.

Happy Mothers Day "

Joyce Silva
Enviado por Joyce Silva em 10/05/2009
Reeditado em 10/05/2009
Código do texto: T1586184
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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