At the square’s seat

“It’s not like I’m feeling gorgeous tonight, I’m gonna be rude with all you guys.

The fact I’ve found another way of life it doesn’t mean I’m gonna treat you right.

But I’m wrong, and it’s not your fault if I can’t feel excited with simple things like I used to, or being happy with a simple hug.

Yeah! You’ve got me wrong baby. But if a song could get me you (Marit’s word) maybe I would change.

What do I need to change anyway?

I had a point of view. Something fixed, closed.

When I lose the screw of my head last year, I can say I’m not confused. Oh no! But I’ve found many ways and they are colorful. Sometimes it seems like a rainbow.

All this side is brilliant and I get bored of this fantastic industry of “happiness”.

Found myself among the ashes? No! Not this time…”

Gabriella answering some questions about her present fancy moment.

She was seem wearing a cute pink knot on her hair, pinup make up and plaid skirt.

She’s not working with dark songs anymore and she hasn’t been seem at the underground rock festivals at her city and where the hell is she?

The darkie doll sometimes goes out but no one knows where.

She still has that macabre sense of humor and all those metal cds.

She has been collecting new bands from many styles. Good ones, of course.

And she’s always writing. Whatever she is…

-Post written at square’s seat 8:16 pm

Gabriella Gilmore
Enviado por Gabriella Gilmore em 05/02/2009
Código do texto: T1423940
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