Lord here where I am I pray to you,
Give me strength to carry on without thinking about taking my life,

help me to endure my anguish,

may my smile come visit me and may joy be present,

and may I feel complete even though I have nothing,

may I accept my son with joy even though I am very sad,

help me to find my way back to where I got lost,

Lord, help me to find peace in my days of war,

so that I can glimpse a shelter that strengthens me,


take care of me at this moment when I feel fragile and I don't recognize myself,

help me to reconnect with my essence,

Lord, thank you,

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 07/04/2023
Reeditado em 07/04/2023
Código do texto: T7758247
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro