What I want to write

I want to leave a trace of my life where my text goes through.
I want to have a style not based on the many books and poems I haven't read or on the few ones I have read.
I want to be pure and faithful to my feelings and inspirations.
I want to write quite clear to every one without writing crystal clear.
I want to write with no roses, no sunshine, no moonlight, no dew drops, no broken hearts, no tears of love and without God mention.
What I want to write isn't in a commonplace, but also isn't in nowhere.
What I want to write I don't know where it is, it can only be found after I finish to write, how I just do now, and so it is ready to read.

Versão em português, "O que eu quero escrever", T5715755

A Imagem foi colhida na internet, em caso de autoria, por favor entrar em contato para que eu retire ou restitua-lhe os devidos créditos. Obrigado.
Roberto Morand
Enviado por Roberto Morand em 03/08/2016
Reeditado em 31/08/2016
Código do texto: T5717843
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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