You are my best future

Please, don't leave me alone anymore

You're my secret desire

The one I whisper every night:

I need you!

I wish we could be together one day.

You're the best part of me.

You're the one who makes me feel alive

and able to do any thing in the world.

I care about you even when I'm hurt

I'd cross the universe if it's necessary,

Only to please you!

I'd like if we could be together

It doesn't matter how much time have passed,

even though the odds are against us,

I'll always think we still have pendences,

like if we owe each other something.

I still believe you're my best future.

We belong together.


Enviado por GeGe em 05/01/2017
Reeditado em 11/01/2017
Código do texto: T5872410
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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