I really feel grateful for all the girls who really managed to see me better, both my soul and my matter because I think nothing in this world is perfect, but simply we see the people around us better because I think we learn to be recognize better when we just accept the truths that are rare, inevitable, indispensable because we want to look for something better that perhaps is not reminding us loud enough of the reality that perhaps awakens us to face life much better, whether it is good or bad, more we lose that damn desire to be happy and we feel fear, resentment and even resentment, but this is just an emotional issue that maybe takes us by surprise and maybe life isn't so bad or it's an astral self or moral fluid that wants to take over our spaces , improve our paths and there are no longer grudges and rumors because life is or would be restless so many empty minds that want to take our loves that I think we should believe in ourselves more and forget about life because we should contain ourselves and that I can tell you. And that's how it is!

I was thinking about taking better care of myself with my youth and friendship and I think I was walking around with low thoughts and an empty mind that was when I realized that I was being distracted by the influences of life and I thought my youth had passed away to my secret pleasures that I even realized that I was alone in the world, but the truth is that I had never been able to love someone who never touched my personality in another way, which was that I saw that it wasn't right and that you play to win and no one loses when they feel and you want to actually meet someone better than you enjoy, make them take other paths and take them away from the vast solitude of life and I found people so boring that you don't even want to, I would never know who that person was inside that I I longed for him so much, I preserved him so much and I never really got to taste a little of his love and in all this I felt that I was alone and that his words would touch my heart and it was then that I recognized him and I could see his soul much better inside an appearance so forgotten that I think I was dreaming and fantasies always optimized my distracted and conceived feelings of pleasure that were just illusions that were held in my secret life that I saw the world outside in another way than simply being able to understand the what happened to me and I think that true love is only born when we learn to recognize ourselves, whether it's me, you or whoever, I never imagined that the beauty of a woman forces my feelings like it does because I think people are naive and have to recognize themselves to face life and the world better because we are passing through and we certainly don't have life forever because I think that the feeling is only limited when it recognizes itself because no one can change someone's personality unless a logic is defined for it. think, love because I think that not all heads are the same no matter how much we know each other because life is truly a resonance as the universe itself and we have to contain ourselves, unite because someday we will learn to unite and really love someone because life No, it just fights back against our wills and we will not be made of steel because we cannot hurt anyone's heart because we are all equal and we must forget the vanities against the wills that we do not and we will never unite because the logic is to be stronger than the death and I say this to you and everyone because the world has never been perfect and never ruin a friendship in your life because tomorrow you may need that person and you will thank him for his company and someday we can really fully and truly satisfy someone's taste that you may have certainly been born to be great friends and you will understand the true value that we have because certainly one day you will be alone and that does not make or bring happiness to anyone because perhaps we will search deep within our souls for the truth and we will learn to experience love well better and enmity is not the fruit of God because love certainly rubifies us and makes us strong in full life because we are here perhaps as a trial to show the best of us and anyone will ever remember this circumstance and when they wake up to life and for the world will be freed from this prison that I can tell you here because I know the logic of love as much as I know that God made us to love each other and certainly today I am free and I don't want to question or prevail on anyone because here now you can you understand me that the best love is in us when we can understand someone and it is easy to believe, understand because everyone will understand that life has value and something superficial wanting to deceive us perhaps by poor and solid thoughts of greatness that life means weaknesses, when others try to inhibit someone using an advantage that may be things the senseless ones that in the end become insufficient to become repressions due to the abuse of power that we simplify as a term of censorship that is something dissatisfied or that has no shame and become weakened to the human and normal pleasures of life that can never be allowed to pass by as a refuge that is inevitable and is instead of courage that is simply called. Fear! that in the second psychological term they contract in a fusion as something subtracted from subtracting and that in everything the many contradictions as something unusual to lack as existence and in everything it has no definition of correcting itself reaching failure and madness called weakness.

I really believe that you are thinking that I am a psychologist at this very moment that we are really talking about love and friendship and about the exercise of the personalities of each individual who is not suitable for any psychic disorders that become cases of discipline for someone and that for One question I want to say from the bottom of my soul is that not all strings come together as we have a lot to learn from life because I believe that the human being is an inconsolable or undisciplined factor that will never understand when it recognizes itself and others and no and we should never conceal issues as things that are not against someone because we would have to see ourselves first and that's how life is, either you join the dance or you leave just because people will never come together correctly in terms of learning to like each other and to love yourself in a more passive way that comes into conformity with life and so the world can one day come together and we will all favor each other correctly and I want to talk about beautiful and magnificent people who perhaps tried both to see themselves and to see life because I believe that love for everything has a logic that deep within our souls we authenticate the beautiful and good manners that make us flourish and awaken us to life and there are no longer storms in such a chaotic world that I think we make the most of 50 percent of satisfaction would not make any difference to the maladjustments that occur in our chemistry that we can simply distinguish a good concept when we need to grasp by that same right a more passionate factor that gives us more intimate chances of recognizing and living and so we are mischievous and I believe that we have to pacify various reactions and logical questions for a good relationship and understanding in social life and with mere words I have felt distracted, perhaps merely to a moral and social reunion that perhaps could have given me insufficient pleasure in achieving something more realistic and defined my will and desire for certain things that I think have been sacrificing my success, which would be something of pleasure established, to a feeling of guilt or despair for a factor defined by the gift of my living, which would be realism as a form and source of pleasure that touched me like many others, I think that desire excites us, makes us live, gives us desire and strengthens our mind because I think that human beings want almost everything and become stronger in everything because almost everything can make a mind and a man and it's good that everything is or does him good because I can tell you that what makes a healthy mind makes a heart because life is a toxic thing that perhaps I can both teach us and inhibit us with mere fantasies and dreams that can make us limit and favor giving us good concepts and pleasure that turn into euphoria that is part of the chemistry that goes into physical and mental functions and I think that for everything there is chemistry because I believe that it is this chemistry that brings us both good and bad and the universe is even like this in its tonic and subtle resonance that transcends us from how much it limits us and we can say that we are and are part of this universe that we can designate various functions as relativities to the organism as an effect of making us love as much as we hate and that is how nature is and in everything one goes and comes back in everything like the beginning, middle and end and we can believe in love and I think that love is represented when we are more passionate about the strength of the will because life perhaps teaches us something both substantial and superficial that both favor us as much as it makes us lose and there is in everything its own reason to love and at the same time hate because life is an emanation of development, growth and death and man in physics is subject to both material and spiritual laws because in everything at one function of attraction and rejection and this is the laws of physics that govern the material and spiritual world which in chemistry is called the spirit that gives life and establishes functions to the atomic nucleus called matter and we can understand the movement of life that develops in the being human.

Here, with a few words of deep feeling, I want to say with a lot of love and dedication to everyone who is reading this story, which for me I created as a sublimation of a very logical factor related to a surface of pleasure where my feelings lived as an affection, it calls it a desire that today I can see it as an event that marked my life on a great trajectory of my youth on a trace that I cannot even imagine and that love has always taken my heart like an adventure in that I always had good and bad memories that gave me a stronger and more attractive notion that today I dedicate all these words and expressions to my best friends who always follow me and like me both on the nook of letters website and on Facebook and Instagram as a good writer and admirer and I want to say from the bottom of my heart that love can be perhaps close by or perhaps far away that it is simply inevitable and purifies our soul and that we can always be friends because in the world we are always looking for true paradise May it always be stored both within us and in the world, that one day we can really meet somewhere to be great and eternal friends, to get to know each other much better and live together, and in this way we will conquer the world like beautiful children and make us a beautiful and indispensable friendship where we find love and free ourselves from loneliness.

As a writer, I want to wish all the girls who have always liked me a big hug and a kiss with lots of love and admiration and thank you very much for your satisfaction. Hugs!

By: Roberto Barros