FM CITY 97.7


Here I certainly want to talk a little about a certain relativity in which I have a great variety that I describe about beautiful and magnificent messages that remind us, through a simple notion of time, of a great harmony that transcends us of a great deep love that I use of my beautiful words as a radio presenter that I pass on a great influence and information to everyone who enjoys good sound coming from a good FM radio that makes us wake up to a new day in which the sums of love multiply on an unforgettable point of restoration of our souls that we can dedicate ourselves body and soul to the most inevitable moment of pleasure that makes us believe in the future and I see here life telling me and blowing on my feelings and thoughts that life doesn't stop and we are just passengers of a journey that transports us through a great tune of all the wonders of the world that makes us believe in the full fantasy of our lives and our dreams of love where we can find and dream together about great melodies and slow rock sounds to give us the honor and the grace of our best and greatest moments in which life can tell us and take us to a certain moment of love in time in which perhaps we can in our thoughts see certain turning points where the human being is limited by a capacity of time that is not has more end and transforms us more euphoric about great pleasures that reveals to us something enough to cling body and soul to the fearless pleasure of living and conquering life and the world ahead of almost everything that life offers us and I can see and always count here the seconds, minutes and hours that make us younger for a simple notion of facing life and no longer fearing death because I can imagine immortality uniting me on a more magical portal where the waves illuminate me and make me feel and see the present, past and future just for an emotion, moment of pleasure that reveals something substantial to me to a world captive fully on my desires that I try to find the city of my dreams as much as the woman I love on a simple notion and moment of pleasure where I can describe everything I have seen and experienced in life and that my dynamics will always be remaking me based on a fearless notion of living and I look for the more than dreamed nature of my dreams where I can find life and my best moments of pleasure and when I see that the days turn into nights and the nights turn into days and I can believe that I am still alive, wise, and healthy against all the imperfections that make man discouraged about life and I can feel love and pleasure and that the flames of God dance over me and that I can believe in destiny that takes me to an unforgettable feeling where I can keep all my words like a saying in which here I believe that I did the best for myself and the best of me because they are just fantasies that played out in my youth that I see the future calling me on a great verse that I describe to the romantic sound that awakens me to the paradise that here I believe in and I can describe my daily emotions that are caught between my life and I want to thank you here for this extraordinary book that simply always served me as a romantic saying in which I could see paradise and simply transcribe it in my emotions for some time and here all my messages are listed. Thank you all and a big hug from the great creator of dreams and fantasies that are defined in this extraordinary book of beautiful messages and stories that I also show in Audiobook to the sound of slow romantic music and I wish you all much peace and love which are my best wishes great writer, screenwriter and radio host Roberto Barros. Thank you to my dear friends, fans and followers and a big hug!


1. Afternoon message with radio host Roberto Barros.

2. Messages from the evening with radio host Roberto Barros.

3. Early morning messages with radio host Roberto Barros.

4. Messages from the present with radio host Roberto Barros.

5. Messages from the past with radio host Roberto Barros.

6. Messages from the future with radio host Roberto Barros.

7. Messages about life's dreams with radio host Roberto Barros.

8. Messages of the day with radio host Roberto Barros.

9. Psychology messages about the story rumors of a dream.

10. Spring messages with radio host Roberto Barros.

11. Winter messages with radio host Roberto Barros.

12. Autumn messages with radio host Roberto Barros.

13. Summer messages with radio host Roberto Barros.

14. Messages and the entire history of Paris with radio host Roberto Barros.

15. Messages from the entire history of Greece with radio host Roberto Barros.

16. Messages from the entire history of Rome with radio host Roberto Barros.

17. Messages from four stories with radio host Roberto Barros.

18. Messages and dreams of life with radio host Roberto Barros.

19. Thanks.


For those who are arriving from a beautiful and good journey in which all the answers and relationships in life involve the most beneficial joys that from the most sensible fruit of love everything becomes a soul that through all our euphoria that makes us incandescent about our adventures of facing life in mere and sincere statistics of reviewing the future that awaits us with open doors to get to know up close the path of the stars and where the sun sets that through the wonders of life everything is graced and chosen as a good fortune to see and face life much better over all the affections that break from the socialist silence that falls from the nights that appear sad when the sun shines on us with love, affection and happiness showing us through everything and throughout the beginning of a day in the afternoon when twelve o'clock is marked, which refers to noon, the sun takes care of all the formalities and relativities that bloom and fade in life, showing us a magical and unforgettable world of pleasure that we preserve and console us over all most faithful and real commandments of all the existence of God that he does when he shows us the sun that illuminates us and that shows us the light of day that we can understand with beautiful words that God created the world and gave light to brighten the life that this life the sun has shone, which is rich and vital and which makes us strong and which strengthens us with fervor and which simply opens the doors of the afternoon to a new day, how long do we have to

prove with more warmth and love everything we are and what we have for life. For those who are arriving from a beautiful and good journey in which all the responses and relationships in life involve the most beneficial joys that from the most sensible fruit of love everything becomes a soul and I see the birds fly towards the sea to salute mother nature when we are just learning to understand the mysteries that lead us to life through a more realistic and spontaneous simplicity that formalizes us with love and knowledge from the depths of our souls that like to live and know the world up close and I see love telling me that I have to trace all the mirages and affirmations that seduce us about the hard reason to live and be happy and that the day is more panoramic towards a beautiful image that shines over life and that makes us think and feel all the advantages and answers of the love that affects our hearts over all our desires to be and believe in the dreams and fantasies that take place in our youth, as well as a desire in which we are captivated by the silence of life and our desires are well clarified that we say well how much we love life and may the flower of youth show us the best paths that nature leads us to and may peace always simplify our vanities that align themselves on forms of consistency and existence on all the affections that are built and destroyed life by the magnitude of the voracious reality that nature penalizes us as a destiny and we are grateful for love and health on earth and that above the heavens we live well with open minds as well as body and soul to have creative thoughts and feelings about the world that we transform ourselves into great artists and come from the fruit of pleasure and the creation of the soul the beautiful affections that life reveals to us from the mind knew, the more than perfect and blessed to the world of dreams and fantasies when we can live on our wills and affections so clear and hidden that reveal themselves from the fruit of creation that is transported and transformed into living nature and passes into a being that is ourselves who have to embrace all the movements of lives in a role of conquering the world with peace and love on the other qualities and capabilities that we always transform ourselves from all forms of power to the time of departure and return in which we can think about the space and time that the universe awaits us and that youth can find a path that pacifies us with deep love over all the barriers of time in which we can return to the future as a journey of affection to the fullest pleasure of knowing and conquering life and the world. I remember that I was enjoying international music and I saw a very old ship coming towards me with golden masts that lit up with blue lights that made a kind of haunting sound that played beautiful and beautiful love melodies that I remembered from the ancient world that always I wrote your story sayings about my beautiful books that I always described beautiful stories that always told me about the beginning of the world when the first human beings gave rise to life on earth and I also saw beautiful stories of the ancients such as pyramids, sphinxes, Roman temples and about the seven wonders of the world that inspired me with great formalities and love for my life that tell the story of the 8 world and the imaginary axis that holds the earth that was when the astronauts placed themselves a give by your side and met the moon that left its footprint on lunar soil and today we can believe with much love and optimism about the ten commandments of life and that I can be happy if I could fulfill them maybe some that made me feel peace and love for my life and I saw the world change color and we can still see the sun set and that we are here just living the best and greatest pleasures in life that on a sunny afternoon we find happiness, and how the world is perfect and the people they still believe in happiness and I can still be happy here at this moment and that there are no longer demons or angels populating the world, at least that we ourselves have to replace God in every moment of life and we believe in luck and I don't see it even in the silence of the morning the things that derail the world of ability and we can be perfect and all the joys are not sad when we believe in the

true god and I saw the soft light above the sky crying out its colorful rainbow over the endless spaces to the limit of the man who may have known the ark of god and conquered the underworld and the birds still continue to run to the shore in search of the wild green that surrounds the woods and enchanted forests of the world that consoles us in the lives of the faithful and faithful and we can say that we are still learning from life and there is no better thing in the world than being happy and I saw in the invisible several things that they mixed and changed the history of life and the world and I can believe in mirages and images that are theurgic things and only God knows how much I loved and got to know better certain divine things that exist in nature and I can complete myself with life and be one more be part of life and the spiritual world that preserves and transcends us over mortals and immortals and we are made of diamonds and perhaps someday we will improve various alchemies that take place in life on a more comprehensive and relatively unlimited chemistry to the pleasure of human beings that we can be happy and live forever and we maintain life despite any lack of feeling and only peace will shape us about heaven and earth and so we can perhaps be happier through the simple realistic way of living and we will not accept death and its void as existence because we are innate by the consistency of life and someday we may find ourselves in perhaps some place that is fully of a benefactor nature and that we are in all space as planet earth because we are homogeneous by the nature of god and we are grateful for a moment of love and pleasure because we are still alive and we can believe in the flower of youth that finds peace along with infinite wisdom because we need to know better about life. Do you understand life? Have you ever thought about how consistent life is? Maybe you all know right here what I'm telling you. OK?

Today here you will understand this story that ends this afternoon! For those who are arriving from a beautiful and good journey in which all the reactions and relationships of life are based on the most beneficial joys that from the most sensible fruit of love everything becomes a soul that through all our euphoria that makes us incandescent over the our adventures of facing life in mere and sincere circumstances of reviewing the future that awaits us with open doors to get to know up close the path of the stars and where the sun sets that through the wonders of life everything is graced and chosen as a good fortune to see and face life much better over all the affections that break from the socialist silence that falls from the nights that seem sad when the sun shines on us with love, affection and happiness showing us through everything and throughout the beginning of a day in the afternoon when twelve hours are marked which refer to noon for the sun takes care of all the formalities and relativities that bloom and fade in life showing us a magical and unforgettable world of pleasure that preserves and consoles us about all the most faithful and real commandments of all of God's existence that he does when he shows us the sun that illuminates us and that shows us the light of day that we can understand with beautiful words that God created the world and gave light to brighten life that from this life the sun shone out, which is rich and vital and which makes us strong and strengthens us with fervor and which simply opens the doors of the afternoon to a new day in which time we have to prove with more warmth and love everything that we are and what we have for life. Today I differentiated myself about the monotonies that disappear in life because I want to say that I am today the happiest man in the world. I wrote my story and described certain things that bring about the peace of human beings in life and I want to say that I can be like a god and be you who don't pay better and greater attention to the world and I can tell you that I managed to know and conquer the world by studying and here I show you everything I saw and know about life and we can be fully more than a man as perhaps a god who is complete I'm in life and so I played my role and here I thank you for my extraordinary story in which I am more than

a giant of love and peace and may these rock bullets that are unforgettable songs that hide in the fundamental time remain for every afternoon and I am grateful once again to you for passing on these extraordinary energies to everyone and keep these good romantic songs to the tone and great unforgettable words of radio host and writer Roberto Barros. Hugs and good afternoon everyone!


I believe that we are spending this night enjoying the pleasure of being right with life that due to our most intimate simplicities of living and being happy we have found an answer to our doubts that is emptying us into an emotional activity of containing ourselves over a more logical life would be to live and that life only teaches us to better understand the differences of each person because here I say that I am always one person who, through my personality, I looked for the most perfect dilemmas and the character of respecting life and conducting oneself on a more unprecedented emotion to experience because I tell you that people can be disconnected from life and don't care about death because perhaps we can understand that we are all innocent in every second of life and that we simplify each shelf a good way to favor life and recognize ourselves better about our desires because life can show us the reality of living uncertain things that do not make us grateful for every moment and second of life conquered and appreciated by our natures that are not depreciated with the old time that makes us understand every moment of life that we are living and going through the 13 best moments and worst moments of our lives that it is rarely that we understand deep down in our souls how to shirk about life with so many fears that cannot be done or created by God and that only God knows what to do to get rid of these inhuman fractions that truly oppress our thoughts and that want verses to take away our time because it's good to live on every shelf, always happy with life and I thank you here for my affections created on each shelf and for my realistic ability to face life and simply I believe that I am going through moments that are a little difficult to assure myself about the momentary things in life and that I just balance myself on all my constructions that for me are made of steel and I don't see things differentiating my customs because I learned from life to recognize and master all the tasks and work that come my way and I can cry out to God in the most defined times that I have to do because I think we need it too much of security guards and I see the world a little dark in how much we can dedicate ourselves to a simple night of love and pleasure over a beautiful ringtone and song that makes us sunset over that same dilemma of conquering the world over all the things in life and that only then we will remain united with the best things in life. I believe that I was dreaming of someone who had seen me very happy and a little sad and that all my intentions were propagating towards a more affective reality of understanding all the details of my life and why children are not as sad as the most old people who do not live happily and suffer from poor things that distort the beautiful way of looking at life better and we can be happy with the good intentions that infiltrate our thoughts that are always dividing and giving space to the constructions and destructions of life and let's talk here a little about the strength of love and courage that makes us believe in a world full of enchanted dreams where we can at least correspond with the magnitudes that go unnoticed, always at night when we can rest from the worries of everyday life and I saw the wolf howl and I felt that the nights were half hazy with a constant sigh of time co-acting the good and bad memories that life lacked for us and we can understand that we are still alive for a moment of pleasure in which few people they cannot live and give themselves up to despair because of something relatively dispersive, life and that there are several ways to live and be happy and that we are just experiencing the best moments and worst moments of our lives and so we live every day in the same way trying to find and face life in a more magical, friendly and adventurous way of containing ourselves and doing everything we think and that life inhibits us to give more strength to understand it with each void that breaks with each shelf and each passage that we have to cross a difference in luck and that we are only contributing to life and we will be more or less effective with the time of return and departure in how much we learn to understand the wills of existence and that love is something sufficient for our s capabilities and we experience all the issues of our maturation about life and let's say that there are no more deaths and that we are just dealing with the forces of nature that always preserve us because we still think positively about good intentions and ways of living life and we find the happiness of living in the light and I want to thank you here now for this magnificent moment of pleasure that I dedicate myself with body and soul to the most blessed 15 passages in time and that the nights want to challenge our desires and that there is always somewhere in paradise a wolf howls for a girlfriend or a partner hidden in the cold nights that break through all the challenges of the maturation of the human being that is transformed by something related to the deepest love and in need of defying the obscurities of life and that the tomorrows are covered with white lights that illuminate us and give us life and that nature can lead us to the most perfect harmonies of happiness and that we are still young by affection and emotions and can better dedicate ourselves to life over all the demands of the will about the love that focused on the realities of living and on the hate that did not want to die and so we will deeply wish from the bottom of the well the best clairvoyance that will save us from the black and evil darkness and only we can believe in life because I believe that We are still young and we love life and the silence falls on cold nights over a story of adventure ideas about a nightmare of facing all the distances and benevolences of time and we can still be happy because I believe we are still daydreaming about creating something to live and make life better and I think that I have already created wonders for the world, may God protect us from any disguise against our truths and that the world needs trust more to feel safe than we who are mild desire a better life and something greater to break through the challenges of time and that life can always give us light to face all the disappointments of tomorrow and in this way we will remain alive above all and that the nights will always show us in their silence the voids that are lost in the lives in when they break through construction to dawn the day and destruction to arrive at night and that tonight I am very constructive and creative to show life 16 all my value and thought of evolving over all things and relativities of life and thus we will conquer the world and we will develop, among all the logics of science, simply life and music, a feeling of preserving the peace and quiet of living and that we can admit that God is among us and that we will always be glued to the nights of love, heat and cold in that a feeling can understand what we are and what we do to live and be happier. I believe that we are spending this night enjoying the pleasure of being right with life that due to our most intimate simplicities of living and being happy we have found an answer to our doubts that is emptying us into an emotional activity of containing ourselves over a more logical life would be to live and that life only teaches us to better understand the differences of each person because here I say that I am always one person who, through my personality, I looked for the most perfect dilemmas and the character of respecting life and conducting oneself on a more unprecedented emotion to experience because I tell you that people can be disconnected from life and don't care about death because perhaps we can understand that we are all innocent in every second of life and that we simplify each shelf a good way to favor life and recognize ourselves better about our desires because life can show us the reality of living uncertain things that do not make us grateful for every moment and second of life conquered and appreciated by our natures that are not depreciated with the old time that makes us understand every moment of life that we are living and going through the best moments and worst moments of our lives that it is rarely that we understand deep down in our souls how to go about life with so many fears that cannot be made or created by God and that only God knows what to do to get rid of these inhuman fractions that truly oppress our thoughts and that want the verses to take away our time because it is good to live on every shelf always at ease with life and I would like to thank you for my affections created on each shelf and by my realistic ability to face life and I simply believe that I am going through moments that are a little difficult to assure myself about the momentary things in life and that I just balance myself on all my constructions that are made for me of steel and I don't see things differentiating my customs because I learned from life to recognize and master all the tasks and work that come my way and I can cry out to God in the darkest hours.

There are certain definitions that I have to fulfill because I think we need security too much and I see the world as a little dark in terms of how much we can dedicate ourselves to for a simple night of love and pleasure over a beautiful ringtone and song that makes us sunset over that same dilemma of conquering the world about all things in life and that only then will we remain united with the best things in life.


I want to, with much love and affection, show here certain relevant things that, out of a radio conviction, I offer good terms and dedications to other social classes that live on pure pleasure and appreciate life in a stronger, friendlier and more adventurous way that we can still believe in. in the flower of our youth that can take us to some deeper place in our relationships to paradise that dazzles us with love for life in which our duty here is to show the most beautiful words and feelings that you have come to think and dream about the old times and that we can here now understand each moment lived and enjoyed better by me and you and that the most infinite and beautiful things in life can show us and tell us how alive we are and reality is at least taking us little by little of pleasure that infects us in all aspects of life and that tomorrow is a reflection of deep love and that someday we will all live equally in the demands that arise in life and thus we are happy in our ways of being! 19 We are here at the end of this afternoon, giving thanks for an honest, more realistic simplicity of living and we are here remembering the best moments and achievements of our lives that, through a divinity, God makes us strong about the advantages of living and

that we will always be united and combined over any dream and fantasy that surprises us, our best moments of living, and that life is at least our euphoria that multiplies over certain emotional fluids that reflect us on the flower of youth and that we will always be here on this smiling morning approaching the good ways of living and that all people feel happy when there is a gesture and expression about the good conditions of living and even so I do not disperse you who perhaps could not have given me the love or affection of living and that the life can say that we always live under certain monotonies that break over the destinies that reveal themselves and that the forces of nature dissolve over the inabilities to live and that we are all still disciplined in putting our wills and that we are still restless children learning to loving the world and always looking in dreams for a real feeling and meaning for life and the taste for living and that all fantasies reveal to us and are based on our own wills that we reveal ourselves about life and that we only have eternal memories of a magical passing and more perfect way to achieve life and in this way we will sprout more lives like the flowers of the field that are revealed in tomorrows and we can understand all the differences in the world and talk about God who may have made us perfect and that we are still excited by the light of the sun that we lack life and deep love every spring and I can see in your eyes the light of your soul that always wanted to tell me beautiful things and stories from the other world about pirates and wizards that I can unravel in some dream that love is something 20 effective and surprising that leaves us rich and happy with life and I am softer and whiter than the mists of tomorrow that can tell us and show us life and its existence better and that the fruit of love is in our way of being and so we will remain more alive and we are and what we do and life is still looking for us and we will be awake at the end of the tunnel looking for an answer to live and be happy and even so I see you telling me that you are happy for the way you are and you can confess that to me I still feel young about life and I am covered in colors like the rainbow that spends its entire life drawing water from the earth in rivers for a very natural image and that remains stored and glued to us for a long time and in this way we will be richer and happy as the spring rains and I can see tomorrow calling me about my defects to make me feel closely some customs in which when I was a child I lived a good time of memories well guided and taken to the past that made me dream of death and with life when we are here by chance passing through a passing rain between a challenge of understanding and conquering life and we dream of being happy as always because we are omnipotent as God and only God can recognize us among the clouds and ruins I saw the I can say that I was another happy man when the roof of the world collapsed on our heads. I could see the true difference between human beings and the evil that was conceived due to a great rain called the flood that made me wake up in front of a crystal mirror. and I can see the children still smiling in the middle of the war to prove that we are great innocents attracted by a challenge to conquer the world so that we can still be happy and can build the world on different things because we are made of deep love and we know the nature of God that transcends us with deep love and I can still feel the smell of the 21st nature flower draws our attention and tells us that we are still alive for a moment of pleasure and that we can believe in the existence of God because only God would be over all the things contained in paradise and we become more alive and creative with pleasure because we learn from life to love and be happy and that every morning is like a golden bell and solar lights that penetrate from top to bottom showing us life and the entire existence of paradise and say that god is within all of us because I can feel this and that the best thing in life is to be happy and so we are richer and love the world better. We are here at the end of the afternoon giving thanks for an honest, more realistic simplicity of living and we are here remembering the best moments and achievements of our lives that by a divinity God makes us strong about the advantages of living and that we will always be united and combined over any dream and fantasies that surprise us with our best moments of living and that life is at least our euphoria that multiply on certain emotional fluids that reflect on the flower of youth and that we will always be here on that smiling morning approaching the good ways of living and that all people feel happy when there is a gesture and expression about the good conditions of living and even so I do not disperse you that perhaps you could not have given me the love or affection of living and that life can say that we always live under certain monotonies that break down over the destinies that reveal themselves and that the forces of nature break down over the inabilities to live and that we are all still disciplined in our wills and that we are still restless children learning to love the world and always searching in our dreams for a feeling and real meaning for life and the taste of living and that all fantasies reveal to us and are based on our own wills that we reveal ourselves about life and that we are only left with eternal memories of a magical and more perfect passage of achieving life and This way we will sprout more lives like the flowers of the field that are revealed in tomorrows and we will be able to understand all the differences in the world and talk about God. I know that I am happy but I know that there is only one god who is above everything in the world who made us, captivated us and leads us through life through a more realistic simplicity of living and that we only emanate our best moments of living and that life want to tell us how much we love life because we are still young and only young people can admit for a very natural reason about life and that we are just getting familiar with the existences and resistance that made up the world and this music is coming very softly over the our ears because we are listeners wanting to conquer the world and life has made us believe how perfect we are so that we can be happy and here I leave all the

my pleasure that turns into deep love and that reveals itself over all the most adventurous realities of life and I can be happy and I want to tell you that I am satisfied for another moment of pleasure and being happy and I want to thank all of you and I leave it here with Lots of love and emotion, my big hug. Thanks!


I want here in these beautiful and unforgettable words of mine to say with all my love and affection that life can tell us when there is a new beginning for so many obstinations that take us to the present that in everything and for everything we can here now we have been for a couple of eternity that we can only truly believe in the future that awaits us and releases us with great satisfaction and love for our lives that we always see the dawn rising between our eyes that we are astonished by the sunlight brightening and giving us rigor over our health in that we see the future as evidence of our fantasies that we are always based on the depths of our more than dreamed-of experiences of living and that our integrity always makes us richer and we always show our best value in which we sow life more abundantly and super-activity between our commitments and affections that makes us navigate the modalities that build life and we are by chance great supermen who preserve from the fruit of youth our wisdom that makes us conquer the new world and that we have to chart the best paths that life reveals to us because I believe in the strength of will and you can understand how much an adventure through life is worth and we are deeply realistic with our trials of living and we believe in life and its existence and we are happy for the reason that we live and we know the world and we can say that we can change the world or when we fully love

our desires to live and that I have always believed in the strength of love and I think life is very clear when we can say that I love and we all love life in the same simplicity and love because I know that not even in hell we will not admit losing it seen even if we are at rock bottom there is still a very full existence and an unchanging light makes us unite and find ourselves through a simple notion that we met one day or over a long period of time in which the fearless laws of life may have led us astray in mere circumstances and I know that we are all destined for any imperfection that we are destined to die and that someday we will still find ourselves in both heaven and hell and that this passage can tell us and reveal to us how much we will still understand and understand the value that we have and that life is simply a tonic expression of our realities that we are going through a passing rain that strengthens us and that makes us understand all the modalities of life and that we will still find ourselves, because I know that there is still for each of us a judgment when we leave for eternity because it is part of life and death and we have to admit that we are perhaps great people who are living to know different paths that pass us hidden through different places between life and death and we can be happy even though we have to prove our existence, I certainly saw paradise in front of me call me and tell me that there is a place fully for me to know and that life never stops when we simply believe in it and death us reveals several very fearless places to remake all living things into dead things that would eat another more extinct life and far from a freedom that contains us under the light of God that always captivates us with truths of life and that we all have to believe in an existence that never stops its rhythm that is certainly life that after death we can understand any hidden factor about life and that things will always appear to tell us how strong we are and how much we have to do

to live and be more vigorous with all existences and only a god can make us understand how the world was born and that we can simply understand about the truths that are constructed in life and the lies that are consumed in death as loss and gain of an existence that creates truth that cannot remain silent and that we are only preserving our lives on an existence that emanates from both the borders of heaven and the borders of hell and we can discuss life and see a world covered in different things from both as well as the evil that we may lack good and beautiful words about a world that was born from nothing and developed from everything and everything that sows life and that we will still believe that we are alive because we simply disappear from real life and pass on to others plans that make us more alive and that perhaps we can find peace somewhere more intelligent and live in a magical world that fills us with love for all things that relate to life and so we can believe in a passage in time or in a journey into an eternal world where life has no end and that we will only be apprehending as the world lives and that God is simply back to us and that from this journey we can truly believe in life and life is simply infinite.

I saw the future telling me that life doesn't stop, and do you believe in the future even if you have to die?

And spaces have no end and we can unveil them in another way and that there may be a more realistic foundation about the origin of the world and that man came from space and also originated on the earth, which has no end and which only We live on a passage in time and space that determines the true physics and theory of life.

When I was born I was a helpless child who grew up in life looking at the world without much distress because perhaps I could have been born more different about the hidden aspects that make us believe in life teaching that through an efficiency of time I grew up and became a man and met life and death up close and so we all walk equally in the world that can show us a better way to live and I believe in luck and that God is watching us and showing us what life should be like and that someday we will meet somewhere place and we will talk about past things and that we can be born again and that we must always preserve ourselves in any existence because life is one and we have to stay and keep ourselves together with our entire family as a more intimate integration of keeping ourselves in time and so let us be forever as always.

You may be perfect or imperfect, you will always be affectionate towards certain things in life that simply can provide you with a just cause for living and that not all things are normal.

and that you limit yourself in life because you learn more about living.

I see that the world is not as beautiful as we see it because things are remote, the realities of living and that at the same time we recognize the world from the beginning because life developed and made us believe too much in death and we can still find life and face life better knowing how to live because the world is not really beautiful outside of the reality of the captive love that God created on man who describes himself as a human being and we can see another image in man that is not normal that we really are all equal with some differences that are not based on paradise.

Do you believe in god anyway dear friends?

I know that god exists and he is really one for many minds that describe him in other ways, I think that makes no sense!

I have never really seen God, I think that God is within each one of us and that he is always acting better when we do good and feel love for others, you can believe that!

We must really love life with a lot of love and attachment because I believe that in the end there will be a more certain and reliable path for us to better face life and its relativities and that God lives within that whoever loves him will certainly all of us see him one day and I think that paradise is not a fantasy of our desires because it may have been born to provide us with rest after death because there is hell, all of us as a purgatory to make us pay for the crimes we commit and I think life is something relative to our ways of act on the world and that we can be happy perhaps one day because there is an explanation for our intentions and regrets.

I see the present sweating so hard that I feel more captive in my words and way of living because I understand life and I think I can understand the world when there really is a normality in our mind about everything and everything that simply happens. we get attached and then we want to have it as good fortune and it would be better if we hold back from reality at least when

let us be sure of what we are really doing in life.

Here I want to wish everyone who enjoys a good song about a beautiful philosophy that I describe about a relationship of facts and burdens that makes us reveal ourselves and understand all the substance of living and all the things that fit into the expression of living and be happy and I want to wish everyone a good day and a big hug to all my dear listeners. Thanks!


Dear listeners, I want to say with my words that there is a music, a sound, a gesture that is constantly defined over a fiction that simply inspires me and makes me live over a fuller song in which my love can infect us over the most beautiful wonders that we perceive in life as a system of transcribing and transforming us on the more than tireless paths that give us at least one contagious and fascinating feeling that exhales us with life on the more than restless adventures that transform us in life for the progress of the future in which I can see you beautiful and beautiful walking on the stars and you tell me things from the other world that perhaps through a dream or a gesture I just describe myself as an artist that I am passionate about in a very full mirage that I can certainly have I recognize myself on the other side of the border where the unknown can tell me how much the magic of my dreams makes me feel love and affection for a simple fantasy that can perhaps take me to the fearless place of great and enchanted harmonies that unfold over a mere and unforgettable place where the island of imagination awakens us to a new and enchanted day that love takes us captive like great animals that walk fully in the snow where the forests of the north enchant us as the forest of the south where we can plant large and beautiful and beautiful trees for Christmas and may this Christmas be very Vitalino for us and may it give us great peace

interior that can show us the true path of dreams where an old sailboat from ancient times hides that shows us great bravery of great heroes who fought in time for a simple royalty of living and winning great victories over a conquest of the paradise that awaits us from eternal fantasies of love, fantasies of happiness, fantasies of peace and glory in full youth that we know the four constructive elements that make up nature and that they reveal themselves on a very magical portal that makes us delve deeper into beautiful and magnificent parchments that describe ourselves as realities of life and that mother earth makes us feel and say that we are fully preserved and concentrated by an emotion worthy of living and that in other dimensions we can find the love that is dignified about life and fraternal about the plans of God that keep us above the restless clouds that surround us with the serenity of tomorrow and that you and all things appear more alive on a constructive reality of living where mother nature shows us the songs of birds on the banks of beautiful and mysterious green and enchanted lakes that surrounds the entire forest and shows us the fertility of live and be happy for a fuller circumstance of life and we can face death without any fear because it is said that nature emanates its wishes to us and that it is from the flower of the landscape and youth that a beautiful and unforgettable way of living is preserved and be happy and we can see life more enchanted because it is said that nature extracts us about a perfection of making us younger when the existence of life is and can be conserved and control all the relativities of life and we can dedicate ourselves to a great alchemy that reveals itself in the past and presents itself in the future as a great chemical omnipotence that awakens us and frees us from the beautiful functions of living among life and that all things can convert and combine like an astral dream in which magic of life presents itself in a great alchemy called the chemistry of life that enables us to recognize ourselves about the

feats of life and that youth dances over all desires that is consistent, fabulous and rich on a benevolence that translates us on the magnificent expressions that make up life in a high superlative esteem that makes us feel pleasure and that emanates from us on the frontiers of life that frees us from great fantasies that meets the euphoria that completely dazzles us and certainly by a simplicity of recognizing ourselves about life and containing us about great magics to awaken us from anything morbid that is not yet in the realms of life because we can understand that there are things in life that do not come together and that are dead and that life only shows us the resistance and relativity of conserving the world over life, which simply represents an order over a law that makes us live and a law on an order that limits us.

Have you preserved your nature in relation to life?

I know that there are borders on an estimable dogma that makes us reflect on all the relationships in life and that the seeds of Eve and Adam were placed to develop youth by a very lavish doctrine about human beings who are alienated about the existence of themselves. live and that he simply wants to live and doesn't know real life!

Do you know real life my friends?

I believe that we are unconsciously living in an indifferent modality that we are really distancing ourselves from the resistance and ability to live life because I know that life is morbid when we are not well chronalized in it because it is useful to us when we learn to live with life in relationship with nature and we can see in the past real proofs of a very complete and preserved familiarization with life that made human beings develop on great magical practices using the gift of alchemy on certain things that if there is resistance because life can unite us on

a great capacity for living and that there is a great wonder above all things in life that makes us feel more alive and preserved as time has passed!

I believe I had a very dynamic dream when I read and saw a story that made me reflect on life and that taught that human beings should believe in the full existence of life and that in order to live one must contain oneself and preserve life better because In every living existence and in life there is a more dynamic alchemy to remake us in all aspects of living and being happy.

Dear listeners, I want to say with my words that there is a music, a sound, a gesture that is constantly defined over a fiction that simply inspires me and makes me live over a fuller song in which my love can infect us over the most beautiful wonders that we perceive in life as a system of transcribing and transforming us on the more than tireless paths that give us at least one contagious and fascinating feeling that exhales us with life on the more than restless adventures that transform us in life for the future progress.

When we talk about the past we have a notion of a time that perhaps could have told us and shown us certain things that relatively human beings cannot have witnessed, a system of going back to an era or a time that was precise and graceful and revealed to us certain capabilities as well. surroundings that define us on a beautiful paradise that I definitely believe that the past remained silent and glued to the thoughts of the man who saw the entire history of life and formed over time a state of time and space that was when the human being began evolve on the bliss that time reveals to us against a commitment to great revelations with life and that the future can await us according to our actions and developments with life and that it really is relatively that there is a thought and a

most human feeling of each of us that distinguishes itself over the barriers of youth and that in the world there are great passages in time that can make the human being recognize and learn from life to master the beautiful dynamics against a good relationship with the old time and that we can truly understand the past as an inexhaustible source that inspires us with a contagious system of living and being happy.

I believe that you are glued to time like an old clock on the wall and I know that the sockets have always allowed you to seek a very realistic answer to your future and that you have to unite yourself with it and not get lost in the hours in which that you can do everything and all things very realistic and adventurous in a beautiful time because that's how life goes and so let's always be a good optimist and realist who always didn't give up on facing life better and believed in his wishes because time can give us contain and lead us to certain things that we venture about in life because I believe that we are simply living active over any distractions that inhibit our commitments and affective characters from walking in full life.

I think it's good to enjoy a beautiful sound with so many words at its side, making you feel great reflections between a very romantic musical philosophy that cannot inhibit us from a beautiful and extraordinary reaction to living life and that human feeling is a bomb of great contradictory effects to so many imaginations that I can no longer see and see the future and review the past that is effective as a simple revelation of a system in which we can review a commitment to youth and life and that peace simply will always bring us together for a new day, as always, that's how life is and can never change because we are positively surviving and using our creativity as a beautiful system over the monotonies that consume each other and make human beings consume themselves behind every reaction and relationship.

with life and the doors of time give us a feeling that always makes us fight against life and that we always appreciate true achievements that the past does not make us rest on a great relationship with life and I believe that this is the case better and that we will always seek a fertility of sowing a good fruit that we are aware that we should never be distracted by the disadvantages of life and that life is a more idealistic cause for all our reasons for living and conquering the world.

I sit here thinking about this beautiful Tuesday morning and listening to these beautiful and beautiful words to the romantic and international sound that reflected from my image to the unforgettable moment of pleasure to a very shining mirage on a touching realistic moment to live and that we only remember things that are past and that are fully reflected in the future and that we will forever be like beautiful and beautiful children who are still learning to know life and the world better and that one day we will better illuminate all traditions, emissions, resurrections, pacifications of love future about life that makes us younger for our integrity and for a simple notion of living and being happy and everyone stay with God and I want to leave here a beautiful and unforgettable hug from the great writer and radio host I passed on to all these words that we enjoyed a good sound and a good lesson in love and a big hug from the writer and radio host called Roberto Barros and a big hug to everyone. Thanks!


I want to thank you with much love and sincerity unforgettably for this wonderful day that we are completing, a very romantic final touch for a very optimistic recognition that can take us to the doors of the future that I truly believe that we are very high in the heights of heaven as a commitment to believe in the divine existence of God and that all things are directed towards paradise as well as our modernities that begin by making us need the most captive love that is found on a very indivisible portal that through great relevance and relativity that everything begins as a story in which a beautiful young man crosses the most real and natural doors that nature encodes for us to revisit a beautiful time in which we can find ourselves in modernity

and to the rhythmic sound of good words that comforts our hearts that free us from great emotions and that makes us think today about how life is going in the stars and on earth in which man is fully an artifact and the beginning of a simple dynamic that we can understand the dance of paradise and that it is said that butterflies love springs and that flowers awaken a pure aroma that makes us feel love for a more mystical nature and that the gates of the caves that line the forest lie above the great jungles are hidden a magician who, through all the circumstances of life, reveals to us a very mysterious feeling what surrounds us

about the elements of nature that make us and complete us in our bodies that through a neutralization of the existence of life everything is made and emanates to return to the beginning to another life that is of this life simply a proof of resistance and existence under all effects of life.

Now let's go back to the future, my dear friends, who I know have all their antennas turned on and their minds at ease and who almost all live in devotion to the mere seasons that set us apart over time and that make us feel pleasure and love for a beautiful, hesitant girl who can be somewhere very far away from us and that perhaps it can be connected at this exact moment when we are enjoying and feeling all the effects of a beautiful and enchanted romantic music that reveals to us through some circumferences and existences of life that it is said that souls born after death in a paradise that can infect us with great influences that we can be under the effects of the mind in contact with this snow girl who suddenly declared herself in her finest innocence that conceived him and made him smile over the constant beats of this song that today here I feel radiated and happy by a simple effect and gesture of love that through the lyrics and rhythm of this song I can see and be very attached to life and that I even got involved with things from the other world as well as a dynamic that is connected to this

moment of sound and harmony when we talk about joyful things and there will never be the unfaithful sadness that surrounds us in the voids of life when we are tense with the vanities of life and we just reject the poison of death that always hurts over the flower of youth when perhaps the harsh realities want to confront and oppress our desires that are as touching and resonant as this song that frees us from the emptiness of death about the fullest advantages of living and when time passes we can understand all the questions that break in our maturations that pass from great virtues and I can see the world even happier and I can

tell her that I dreamed of life and that she was a very beautiful girl in white and dressed in very sacred clothes, the mere modernities that we are made to believe cannot be compared with the socialist vanity of today and I could see in her beautiful face, which looked like it was made of gold, it was so white and soft in front of me that it made her face shine constantly like a mirage that made me dream of things in the other world and at the same time I was able to remake myself, body and soul, as a dream in which of my life I threw myself into his arms and saw in his mind a blue light that constantly shone towards me that formed like four corners of the world in a calm that took me to joy that made me dance about life constant and resonant that today I may be older and I am still young by a grace achieved by feeling a great love that was born from within that beautiful girl who made me trust in the truths of life and she gave me advice that told me not to to care about the foolishness of youth and that life had always shone like an emanation of peace and love over all mortals and that from this magnitude I embraced the time in which I woke up from this beautiful and enchanted dream made of lights that showed a good time and that Then it disappeared, releasing beautiful colored butterflies that danced over my eyes, I saw a magical portal that showed me a path that looked like paradise and I can understand that life is a relativity that transforms us

about dreams and which shows us a fuller and more dynamic feeling about life and we can believe in miracles and I believe in the strength of love that gives us a great human feeling about living beings that awakens us from an emptiness that is not real life and that perhaps it wants to inhibit us from the ways of living and that everything that is morbid has no life and almost all things in life are morbid because they are dead and only a path of deeper love that frees us from the fire of perdition that perhaps he is or is superlatively over life and that we can still

believe in its existence because those who love never die and perhaps what makes us die inside is our means of thinking that it is inevitable to accept the truth for the unjust and there is only a path to perfection and eternal life when we delve deeper into the existence of life where we can enter into God's plans and that's how I saw life and we stay here in these words trying to find a better way back and forth that gives us all the graces and I can tell you that I have already reached the holy spirit by listening to certain beautiful and beautiful romantic songs that told me things about love and things from the other world that maybe I'm trying to face life better and disseminate old thoughts that can't make me live happily and I can tell you that there are extraordinary things in life like a love affair that tells us about old people lovers and I saw a girl smile at me and say that she knew me from afar and that she was probably trying to get on a music station that they talked about otherworldly things and that life would be the best thing to know and she told me that she had talked with the stars over a sky of vanilla and diamonds where a great and beautiful fortress was hidden that always appeared to her over her dreams that are things of the past and that always filled her heart with deep love and that she saw the future say in your mind that in a love song hid a beautiful and beautiful story that spoke of the dances of swans on the rivers that were created from the green springs of the tropical forests that emanated from the world of

immortal to flourish a paradise full of beautiful and beautiful colors to salute mother nature which is full, healthy, rich and illuminated by a circumference of life on the planes of the soul and spirit that populate the most subtle paths of space and that life There will never be a lack of the magic of love that reveals something substantial and dynamic to us, our youth that struggles with our maturation over the severe realities of life that makes us better understand and mature for a long journey very close to the great majesty

that gave light and life to the world and that things are really born from nothing like a light that comes from infinity and that reveals certain things to us that in the logic of life we ​​can mature with society because perhaps it can show us why we live and because everything has its price and things are infinite to the mere unforgettable pleasure of knowing and understanding life's new ways and I can say that I see the future in front of me because I believe that everything I did was out of love and I can thank you once again I thank God for my ability to live and know the world and conquer life.

I am certainly listening here now to great songs that can tell me how rich and satisfied I am with my life. Here I tell beautiful and beautiful magnificent stories of love and great mysteries where I can see sovereignty remake me and I know better It's my dilemma of living and that's how we comfort ourselves with life and we're just recognizing ourselves and I know that there is a place on the other side of the world to dream and be happy and that all my circumstances have been causes of my euphoria and love for my life and that I embraced and saw in my dreams the city of dreams and came to know the wisdom of the wise men who taught me better about all the relativities of life and that today I can have in myself a much better and real image of the life in which I became a knowledgeable about the world and that science made me believe in the existence of life and that life never stops and that it only makes us believe in supernatural things and I can see it in my dreams

a magical portal on a mirage that can take me and make me better acquainted with paradise and that life is simply a beautiful constant girl that shows us everything and everything to live for and so be the music of life as the beginning of the world that everything started from nothing and maybe we can return to the dust and it is said that it is from the dust that we are born to another life and that is how eternity goes and we can be more intelligent with the dynamics of life and I saw the future smile at me like a magical dream of eternal happiness.

You like listening to beautiful music my dear friends!

And I can tell you that I almost conquered the world like a dream listening to beautiful romantic love songs that made me transcribe the present, past and future!

I saw the world of imagination tell me that creativity is born from dreams and that something much better is made from dreams!

Are you really a dreamer or a visionary?

I believe you are at peace with yourself because there are so many things that you can't even think about anymore and we have to dream about these things while it's still early!

I narrated a verse that told me about the love that begins like this!

I was dreaming about the girls from Hawaii when I tried to synchronize a very romantic song in my sound that told me about the fruit of love and that among this love I started reading the holy bible that told a story about the beginning of the world and that God created Adam and Eve who lived in paradise and committed a great sin by eating from the tree of life and I thought this thing was a bit of a betrayal of two hearts that met to establish at the beginning of life a great harmony between two hearts that should certainly be learning to know each other better life and God did not accept this sin of both of them eating the apple and I think we should

really accept life as it leads us and to be happy we have to perhaps venture into certain things that, as better virtues, can give us good health because to be happy it is better to conduct ourselves with full nature and know life better from the inside, from the beginning to the end and that's how life and love goes is something that we should recognize as perhaps a beautiful story that makes us admit the wealth of the soul over love as a more confident and complete proof that is told in the version of the story of Romeo and

Juliet who fought for a simple love that turned into a tremendous passion that resulted from family problems that led to suicide and that always proved that brotherhood can never be offended and that the best way is the union of two hearts that are fully intertwined by an act and gesture of affection and love and thus we can see better about various things that surround us and makes us feel that life is simply a lesson in which we must always cultivate good herbs and seeds that can sprout and good fruits are born for a life as an intimate relationship with living that is born, grows and dies and we can say that love is a more moving cause to make us understand and conquer life better.

Whether you are enjoying good music or perhaps on the beach with your girlfriend and friends, it is much better to have a story that makes us reflect on great stories so that we can assimilate the good dynamics.

I saw paradise filled like a flame that made me understand every step I took on the stars that always lived in my restless heart that I dreamed of the seven wonders of the world that always show man great honors and a great expression on the life that distinguishes us by a certain relevance of living and that this world has seen great heroes and great gods who have always shown life a supreme expression that has made man believe that God may have shown us great aspects of a higher existence than us. leads to royalty

profoundly divine and that hope springs from the strongest and that life is simply like a sounding board that we can share the contagious love and simply learn from its sayings about all the realities that prove us justice about life and so we will forever be great men about life.

I want to thank you with lots of love and sincerity unforgettably for this wonderful day that we are completing, a good touch

romantic ending for a very optimistic recognition that can take us to the doors of the future that I truly believe that we are very high in the heights of heaven as a commitment to believe in the divine existence of God and that all things are directed towards paradise as much as ours modernities that begin by making us need the most captive love that is found on a very indivisible portal that, due to great relevance and relativity, that everything begins as a story in which a beautiful young man crosses the most real and natural doors that nature gives us. encodes to review a beautiful time in which we can find ourselves in modernity and to the rhythmic sound of good words that comfort our hearts that free us from great emotions and that make us think today about how life is in the stars and on the earth where the man is fully an artifact and the beginning of a simple dynamic that we can understand the dance of paradise and that it is said that butterflies love springs and that flowers awaken in us a pure aroma that makes us feel love for a more mystical nature and that The gates of the caves that line the forest, lie above the great jungles, hides a magician who, through all the circumstances of life, reveals to us a very mysterious feeling that involves us about the elements of nature that make us and complete us in our bodies, which for a neutralization of the existence of life everything is done and emanated to return to the beginning for another life that is of this life simply a proof of resistance and existence over all the effects of life.

Now let's go back to the future, my dear friends, who I know have all their antennas turned on and their minds at ease and who almost all live in devotion to the mere seasons that set us apart over time and that make us feel pleasure and love for a beautiful, hesitant girl who can be somewhere very far away from us and that perhaps it could be connected at this exact moment when we are enjoying and feeling all the effects of a beautiful and enchanted romantic song

which reveals to us through some circumferences and existences of life that it is said that souls are born after death in a paradise that can infect us with great influences that we can both be under the effects of the mind in contact with this snow girl who suddenly declared herself in his finest innocence that conceived him and made him smile over the constant beats of this song that today here I feel irradiated and happy by a simple effect and gesture of love that through the lyrics and rhythm of this song I can see and be well glued to the life and that I even got involved with things from the other world as well as a dynamic that is linked to that moment of sound and harmony in which we talk about things of joy and there would never be the unfaithful sadness that surrounds us in the voids of life when we are tense with the vanities of vid a and we just reject sin and in this way we will learn to live life better and I want to say here with lots of love and respect for all my dear and illustrious friends that I am at good terms with life and that good thinking is done by listening and passing on great information both romantic and certain stories listening to a beautiful and valuable romantic sound that reaches us and makes us feel all the emotion that infects us with a deep and unforgettable love that makes us dream about life and that we can one day find a path of light, love and loyalty and I want to thank all my listeners from the corner of letters and I want to say that from my soul I show here in beautiful sound beautiful words that can tell us how much we can dedicate ourselves to life and the best value of a man comes from his more optimistic way to think and show your love and have good sweets

a good romantic sound like the one you are listening to and a big hug from writer and radio host Roberto Barros. A hug to the beautiful youth!


Hello, dear friends, how are you?

I leave here as an old dream of life in which all the magnitudes of life between the love that lacks desires and pleasures in which we can be awake to a new day in which every morning shows us the mere circumstances of living and which life is simply a reality that is more opposite to our distractions that take place in the lives of each of us who feel the subtlety of the infinite that dances like a sounding board at each real passage of life in a constant pulsation that is relatively constructions of the world that was created in functions towards everyone and everything, life being something created at a

more splendid nature that makes us maintain ourselves on a foundation of living and be even happier with life than due to a great atomic transformation we owe all the resistances and existences created from the space on the earth in which it created us and made us sprout from a certain circumstance of mother nature that through the transformations of life we ​​acquire something more realistic that makes us surprised by the divine love that lacks good thoughts when life keeps us ahead of a

more divine plenitude and we can contemplate life over certain predominances of affection and affection for everything and everyone and we are real and loyal pieces of paradise and we will only get to know up close the concerns of life over all the monotonies that stop and roll in time and so we will be living according to life because we are living beings and children of the supreme mother who was born from all the relationships of nature to give life to the human being, the galaxies, the planets and the stars that pass over cosmology a sympathy between others for us and that makes us awaken to a path of life and love for nature that rebels against the storms that turn into nights and days and we can say that our zodiacs are simply signs that give us great relevance and virtues about our means of if we think and act on a revelation that relates to the great magnitude from the time of our births to our deaths as a point of closure that through all transformations and projections we can share our love and commitments to life and that all seasons make us more sentimental and originate from all the synchronies that take place in time and we can follow life better and thus be happier and we can simply say how much we are and are alive with life and totalize the good fortunes of good against evil that can show us secret paths and mysterious passages that break the silence of life over death and death over life and thus we are essences of nature and seeds of the earth in which we develop forward from

all the transformations and projections that universal nature passes over planet earth as a filtration of life and subsistence that we can feel all spiritual and material things in our mind as we see and go through a circuit of elevation with life and transformation with nature and we are earthly beings surviving on a great concentration and vibration of life and we can contemplate nature because it is simply a light that

makes us be born and die so that we can start life again and so we are just apprehending and developing on all relationships, both spiritual and material, in a passive concentration of a positive and negative melody that transcends us from the best value to the indispensable moment of emotions that we may lack constructive and destructive feelings and thoughts and thus the sounding and pulsating universe was born over all the modalities, existences and resistances of nature that gave rise to life from the flower of birth until our aging so that one day we will perhaps find hell as a payment judgment and then we find ourselves in paradise there is an ascent of the conquest of heaven over eternal life in which we classify ourselves to God's plans and life lacks deep love and eternal peace over a mysterious side that makes up life over existence after the fight of good against evil becoming our commitments forever.

For you, dear listener, who is now arriving from a childhood like an angel who is simply still in the womb of a good mother being born into life and will know and learn its references from life and after some time the mere monotonies of death as a last sign of warning about life that awakens from sleep to another world and that its passage is triumphant as a beautiful arrival that is experienced with mother nature and the great divine existences of God who will always show us the path to light and of life upon mortals and that we may after

for some time to enjoy and be at ease with life as always young and dynamic on a construction of peace and love about life and so we will experience someday in a new season or at the turn of time the beautiful magnitude and fantasy of living and we are just still learning from life simply to dominate the world over a dynamic power that makes us live and understand the mere notion of being alive in full life and thus everyone lives to know and

conquer the world and let's talk about fantastic things that govern us about a triage of time about a beautiful romantic sound that makes us shine and flourish over the dynamics of all existences in life, the purest pleasure of living and being alive and so on we are triumphant and warriors of the time in which we will always fight over the barriers of youth over life and death and we qualify from the flower of our maturity a path of hope, peace and love for life in which we can find paradise and which we only distance ourselves from hell for a certain time and moment of pleasure because hell would be an unusual thing due to our reasons for living and knowing life better and its relationships with the nature of man who was born and grew up and conquered life simply through an act of love and faith in God and that everyone understands that there is a path like an unchanging light that cannot have an end and that it would be better for everyone to understand its high value and love because the man who saw God should be acting on an agreement of the existence of life and we are pieces of paradise and we never accept the uncertainties in knowing how much we have value and we walk on real commitments and so we will be forever with everyone and everyone will always be at peace with life and this is how the man who was born possessed of love walks and he saw God as his follower who always showed him the best paths in life that he simply did not conceive of perdition and he reaped good fruits and then qualified for paradise and ate from the tree of life without sinning because he was faithful to God and we can understand the dynamics of life about a beautiful message that we assimilate through

eat the fruit of pleasure and we are only preserving immortality over life when we learn to know its paths and can trace the monotonies that want to inhibit us from any emotional declines due to certain circumstances of the realities of life and thus we live a commitment in which we must always believe in the royalty of living and we let it go

the ironies that may not be real to our behaviors and optimism in living and dealing with life so that we can be eternally happy.

I saw from a sound a very passive lyric that simply told a story of life and love where a man preserved himself and sought the light when he felt in the shadows when there was never humor, feeling and pleasure about his fantasies that were being sold in life as worthless things and that he soon became aware that in order to live he didn't need to bow down because of simple feelings that made him imagine himself lost in hell while the dynamics of a beautiful young man who always stood out above the society he faced revolved around him. were incapable of favoring him with beautiful perseverance and due to a sudden illness that came from a pleasureless and solid image that it would not be worth mixing among people when he himself had to know himself and his error was a frustration that he he felt and that it was making him remain in failure and he then looked at a path that he heard a sound talking about freedom about life and he tried to listen and he simply triggered the bad feeling that was dying his dynamic for life and he found the truth when he recognized himself and saw a light shine from the depths of his mind that gave him love and peace over his personality that removed him from perdition that soon he conquered his emotions that were fixed to his way of acting and thinking that was that he soon found salvation when he recognized himself and saw that nothing was different and everything was different.

passed from a high confidence that go opened the doors to life for him and made him the happiest man in the world.

I know that not everything is how we want it and that to know something we have to know ourselves first and that life is just a school that drives us to certain and uncertain declines that almost everything can be perfect when we are at peace with ourselves and that we should not take everything in life as truth without understanding

why can we be dissatisfied with life due to an uncertain relevance or act occurring substantially on an unusual nature of our mind when it cannot contain itself if it holds back when life is showing the other common side that due to displeasure we cannot assimilate the truth about perseverance as a reaction and power because my dear friends we must live in reality and that the inserted fantasies that are almost entirely out of nostalgia are well satisfied and I think we are too selfish with life because everything we are thinking and looking for is within our reach around and at least I believe that we should just have more humor and let unusual things not take space over our capabilities because the world can be perfect when we are at least aware of our desires and that we should believe in the truth and forget the fear of anguish which would simply perhaps be the other key to recognizing yourself in front of almost everything and thus learning about life.

Hello, dear friends, how are you?

I hope everyone is listening and reading my words about this beautiful and enchanted song that we are just looking for some facts that we ceremonially meet the future that gives us more life and love for our desires and so I can see you next to me and I know that everything is perfect as always and we are always united by a very intimate force that takes us to paradise!

I leave here as a dream of life in which all the magnitudes of life between the love that lacks desires and pleasures in which we can be awake to a new day in which every morning shows us the mere circumstances of living and that the life is simply a reality that is more opposite to our distractions that take place in the lives of each one of us who feel the subtlety of infinity that shines like a resonance box at each real passage of life in a constant pulse that is relatively constructions of the world that was created in functions to

with everyone and everything, life becomes something created by a more splendid nature that makes us maintain ourselves on a foundation of living and being even happier with life, which due to a great atomic transformation we owe all the resistance and existences created in space on the earth in which she created us and made us spring from a certain circumstance of mother nature that through the transformations of life we ​​acquire something more realistic that makes us surprised by the divine love that lacks good thoughts when life keeps us ahead of a more divine plenitude and we can contemplate life over certain predominances of affection and affection for everything and everyone and we are real and loyal pieces of paradise and we will only get to know up close the concerns of life over all the monotonies that stop and roll in time and so we will be living according to life because we are living beings and children of the supreme mother who was born from all the relationships of nature to give life to the human being, the galaxies, the planets and the stars that pass over cosmology a sympathy between the austros for us and make us awaken to a path of life and love for nature that rebels against the storms that turn into nights and days and we can say that our zodiacs are simply signs that give us great relevance and virtues about our means of if we think and act on a revelation that relates to the great magnitude from the time of our births to our deaths as a point of closure that for all

transformations and projections we can share our love and commitments with life and that all seasons make us more sentimental and originate from all the synchronies that take place in time and we can better follow life and thus be happier and we can simply say how much we are and we are alive with life and we total the good fortunes of good against evil that can show us secret paths and mysterious passages that break the silence of life over death and death over

life and thus we are essences of nature and seeds of the earth in which we develop before all the transformations and projections that universal nature can unite on planet earth as a filtration of life and subsistence that we can feel all spiritual and material things in our mind as we see and go through a circuit of elevation with life and transformation with nature and we are earthly beings surviving on a great concentration and vibration of life and we can contain embrace nature because it is simply a light that makes us be born and die so that we can begin life again and so we are just apprehending and developing over all relationships, both spiritual and material, in a passive concentration of a positive and negative melody that gives us transcend from the best value to the indispensable moment of divine emotions that we may lack constructive and destructive feelings and thoughts and thus the sounding and pulsating universe was born over all modalities, existences and resistances of nature that gave rise to life from the flower of birth until we grow old for one day we perhaps find hell as a payment judgment and then we find ourselves in paradise there is ascent and conquest of heaven over eternal life in which we qualify for God's plans and life lacks deep love and peace eternal on a mysterious side that makes up life on existence after the fight of good against evil remaining our commitments forever.

It's five twenty one in the morning in the middle of the night where the radio waves begin to transmit to us a certain circumstance of artifacts that have occurred in our lives and that we are just looking for love to delve into a fuller nature that gives us esteem for our lives and that we will always be here planting and germinating good fruits that can make us happy and that we are listening to different love songs

deep that tells us about a great storm and that there is a beautiful and ancient ship lost in the storm on the high seas trying to return home to its defined place and that old love songs play on its shore in which there is a tall and old captain old man with a long white beard in a uniform telling me in my dreams that he almost shipwrecked in the Bermuda Triangle and that his compass showed him that there was a deserted island, mysterious and full of charms that the shine of the moon guided him through a passage in time in which he took him and he managed to take his ship to a secret place in paradise that looked like a great desert surrounded by old ships anchored in a fearless place under the roars of sirens who sang to him beautiful and beautiful songs that he heard and almost became enchanted and that they told him not to pass through the triangle again and that he should take a direction to the north to distance himself from the waters of the underworld and that there are secret doors on the other side of the bank and that a black sailboat with blue masts and lit lamps appeared that gave him showed blue lights coming out of the ship with images of dragons and prehistoric monsters that spoke about ancient things that crossed between space and the castle of death that formed in front of it like a rainbow releasing colors everywhere and that he closed his eyes and just ahead he appeared in another place that looked like an old deserted city with a port very close by for him to anchor and he simply asked a man with blue eyes who was in the port for information to return to the sea on the shores of the North Atlantic that was when an immutable sound that seemed to descend from the black clouds of the sky on a mother ship that was manning a command of extraterrestrials that saw him and lightened his ship gently and sent him back to the sea with a magnetic force field. a strange language that made him believe in the frontiers of the unknown and he always dreamed of life and death that inevitably showed him a frontier he said from dreams to me that there was a generation of ancient people about this ancient place in the waters and that he came from the united states of

america about a journey to the unforgettable that would earn him a fabulous achievement amidst a great fog that could appear on any bookshelf and that he was filled with nostalgia that made him discover like never before the frontiers of the unknown, leaving this story as a case in which he and his crew walked listening to beautiful slow rock songs on the shores of the north sea Atlantic that we can understand that it was really a magical vision coming from dreams that dazzled me with an unprecedented Pink Floyd rock collection called: The Dark Side Of The Moon, the dark side of the moon that we can really understand about certain rock ballads that are profaned as a philosophical space that leads man to a certain imagination about things from the other world that shows us in his album the other side of life as a true dream in which in philosophy certain remote places that are preserved in the sky are revealed and in hell it is simply prescribed that the world hides a desire between the love that fights over the fire of God against the vicious hatred of the serpent's evil that turns into nightmares and dreams that can take man to certain places very close to paradise how close to hell and that perhaps we can believe in the passages of life that can tell us and show us that life and death are extinct things and that they simply take us to some place very distant in time.

For all the listeners who are connected to the sound of this song, I believe that I am fully daydreaming to the beautiful sound of the message that I conveyed and that will be kept as a dreamy image that is described among a good international romantic sound that talks about things from another world or on a mirage of love and that you have all my affection as a writer, novelist and screenwriter here for everyone, here I leave with lots of love between a good sound and a big hug for everyone from the great esteemed radio host Roberto Barros!


I wish here with much love and satisfaction a good day, as we are purifying our souls better with each shelf that we illuminate with the wonderful light of tomorrow that purifies us with an intense capacity to make ourselves and know life more intensely and vividly. that takes us for a second, minutes and hours that we are all united by the vital essence that purifies our souls and that makes us react to a greater and better feeling about our lives that in everything is an existence and resistance on a fearless conflict that by mother nature all things are relatively, deeply and magically established to an unforgettable moment of pleasure that unites us by their extraordinary and innate quality that it is said that life began from nothing in an atomic explosion between both atoms when the universe was undergoing a very inevitable metamorphosis that began to heat up and exploded, forming the earth of an infinite number of atom particles that are Quark, gluon, electron and photon, which are among the first fundamental particles formed in the Big Bang. From the combination of quark particles, in the first seconds of the universe's life, protons and neutrons were formed, the components of atomic nuclei.

The Earth was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago, probably as a result of a supernova (explosion of a

star). The debris from this explosion began to come together due to gravity, forming the sun.

And then the life that gave rise to the earth was simply formed, which is said to have formed from the sources of all the wonders of the world with human beings the light that appears as a great emanation and power over a source of life beyond all things like the existence of the universe, which is infinite and like a sounding board that never stops playing its melodies, as well as the great universe that is always expanding like an inexhaustible source that in everything and through everything proliferates the existence of life that gives us As the spirit, which is the nuclear chemistry that made us and was completed over all the matter called the atomic nucleus, we can feel better about our formation through the soul, which is subtle and takes us to all the emotions of the mind that we feel and think. that we can relatively see life through our eyes, which through the cosmic relationship of our mind makes us feel good about the organic system through the five senses, vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch, which are what allow us to capture images , sounds, flavors, odors and touches, guaranteeing a perception of the entire environment, which allows us the means to survive the environment in which we can be aware of life about a great generalization and construction of our superior Self and our inferior Self that we can fully feel how beautiful life is and its creation teaches us that the world was just dark and that it began deeply from a void that made us exist and survive like a flower that blossomed from a petal like the awakening of a rose in which everything made us live and simply turned into the light that made us mutual and that from this wonder everything and everything is seduced and made us persist for a more realistic simplicity of life in which we can now say, I'm alive!

I thank God for all the relativities of life that created us too and for the Super-dynamics that guide us on our best gifts of the soul that drive our feelings through the chemistry of the spirit that passes into the soul that makes us love as much as possible. hating the life that we are simply just learning and getting to know much better and that made us subsist and live life as always together with everyone as always by all the forces, centripetal and petrifying, of an atom that made us in a smaller fraction of the time that perhaps we can better understand its existence and creation that through simplicity someday we will all have to return to the beginning of the world when we returned to nothingness towards everything and over all the forces and relationships between good and evil, we are born back to life and This is how the universe lives in a function of construction and destruction that makes us feel that we are in a movement of time and space in which everything is completed on the higher and lower planes in which we can in religion qualify ourselves both to the s heavens as well as hell and in this way life moves towards death which gives us life and life which gives us death passing over the spiritual planes to the material planes in an emanation of light which represents life which is the ascent of man to heaven and earth, and death which is the descent of man to hell in the spiritual planes as a new beginning for another life or eternal life that in everything was formalized over life and death in which the true history and just as in the bible, god created man in his image and likeness and gave him life and he made progress in his existence becoming known as a living being and thus made angels and gods beautiful men in a relationship magnanimous with mother nature and everything was created on earth and on earth lived the gods who dominated the world of immortals until the arrival of prehistory when primate men and dinosaurs were born who ruled the world over the power and development of creation , art and culture and thus life was made to die again, the world and the world was destroyed by the fall of a large asteroid in which

They all died and thus life ended for another fresh start as the ancient world was formed in which great ancient civilizations ruled the world under the great dominion of pharaohs, kings and queens and until the world was once again made to die in great wars which fell silent and everything ended up giving rise to the Middle Ages when it was ruled by the first kings of Israel. - Saul was the first king of Israel. - David the successor of Saul. - Solomon was the third king of Israel, known for his wisdom and the beautiful temple built and then the first king of Jerusalem who was called Baldwin 1 and in Egypt 7 great pharaohs called Egit Narmer. Between 3,200 BC and 3,000 BC, an event marked world history: the union of two kingdoms, one in the north, known as Lower Egypt, and the other in the south, called Upper Egypt, Cheops, Amenhotep III, Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, Seti I, Ramses II and Queen Cleopatra and in Rome it was ruled by eight kings called Titus Tatius, Romulus, Numa Pompilius, Tullius Hostilius, Ancus Marcius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius and Tarquinius the Proud.

I wish here with much love and satisfaction a good day, as we are purifying our souls better with each shelf that we illuminate with the wonderful light of tomorrow that purifies us with an intense capacity to make ourselves and know life more intensely and vividly. that takes us for a second, minutes and hours that we are all united by the vital essence that purifies our souls and that makes us react to a greater and better feeling about our lives that in everything is an existence and resistance on a fearless conflict that by mother nature all things are relatively, deeply and magically established to an unforgettable moment of pleasure that unites us by their extraordinary and innate quality that it is said that life began from nothing in an atomic explosion between both atoms when the universe was undergoing a very inevitable metamorphosis that began to heat up and ended up exploding, forming the earth of a

Infinity of particles of atoms which are Quark, gluon, electron and photon, are among the first fundamental particles formed in the Big Bang. From the combination of quark particles, in the first seconds of the universe's life, protons and neutrons were formed, the components of atomic nuclei.

The Earth was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago, probably as a result of a supernova (exploding star). The debris from this explosion began to come together due to gravity, forming the sun.

And then the life that gave rise to the earth was simply formed, which is said to have formed from the sources of all the wonders of the world with human beings the light that appears as a great emanation and power over a source of life beyond all things like the existence of the universe, which is infinite and like a sounding board that never stops playing its melodies, as well as the great universe that is always expanding like an inexhaustible source that in everything and through everything proliferates the existence of life that gives us As the spirit, which is the nuclear chemistry that made us and was completed over all the matter called the atomic nucleus, we can feel better about our formation through the soul, which is subtle and takes us to all the emotions of the mind that we feel and think. that we can relatively see life through our eyes, which through the cosmic relationship of our mind makes us feel good about the organic system through the five senses, vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch, which are what allow us to capture images , sounds, flavors, odors and touches, guaranteeing a perception of the entire environment, which allows us the means to survive the environment in which we can be aware of life about a great generalization and construction of our higher Self as well as our lower Self It is better that we can fully feel how beautiful life is and its creation teaches us that the world was just dark and that it began deeply from an emptiness that made us exist and survive as

a flower that blossomed from a petal like the awakening of a rose in which everything came to life and simply turned into light that made us mutual and that from this wonder everything and all things are seduced and made us persist for a greater simplicity realistic life that we can now say, I'm alive!

Now, dear friends and listeners, I want a gesture of deep love that takes me back to the beginning of the world that life originated through a beautiful and great relativity of nature that developed over a great atomic aspect that became the earth and living beings through a resonance of life in which here we also return to the past that teaches us great and mysterious stories of ancient life and its fascinations until today where we can understand and understand the great development of life and planet earth in which we can pass these beautiful and magnificent transmissions as beautiful facts that occurred a long time ago that were recorded in the history of human beings and that we will always never avoid a factor as an event that teaches us the real logic of life and that I want to say with deep knowledge that my Lessons are for everyone like great proofs of a moral and passive recognition that makes us awaken to a new day in which we mark among those beautiful and beautiful romantic songs that tell us of eternal glories and deep love that our souls lack on a factor of love for life and that the nature of a being can never survive consciously and consistently when it has not yet understood the true history and creation of life because I believe that we are learning to know ourselves much better and life can teach us the key to deep knowledge that we should never forget and stop adoring every second of life everything that God did because I think he did it out of love for us and we should never forget how much everything he has taught us and given us because simply what will remain stored in us maybe be your affection and

the eternal soul of our feelings that never silences us about the truths of life and that we all have to prove what we see because in this way we will be proving its existence and the creation of life because the mind can tell us about its revelations among our visions that the Time is what makes us an agent and we are perhaps similar to a past that will always be remembered about a life that we sow and learn to live and thus we are pieces of this world and that we will forever have the root of youth that is unforgettable and will always lead us to the tonic reason and expression of living and that feeling is the key to knowledge and that life simply is a logical factor of love and light forever.

I want to make it very clear about this day that I describe sentimentally about a great space that stands out from the emptiness of life and falls into your mind about a soft light that consoles us in our best moments and love for those romantic songs that we may lack certain memories and pleasure in life that it is always said that the light of day makes us recognize the strength of our youth that perhaps lifts us above the world on an immense emotion and efficiency of our affections that we are just learning to recognize and subsist on all realities when we delve deeper into reason, affection and optimism for life and that life is a more reflective cause at the same time that we will always remember the things we do and that we still have to do because there is a feeling about the soul that makes us think and feel how much we owe all the revelations and lives to the spirit that we will always reveal ourselves to forever as an energy of survival for life.

I wish it with immense deep love and I tell you that I took these words from the bottom of my soul with great affection and that I pass on to everyone these beautiful romantic love songs that always talk about life and nature that shows us the truths and the new beginning of the world about a fundamental mirror in which we say that there is a

function about the beautiful youth that cannot remain silent and that the vital light of life teaches us to know and learn from life about beautiful images and happy people who always fought and gave their lives out of a deep feeling of love for themselves and others and that these words are a gesture and aspiration that we can believe and see life better between a desire and a human feeling of expressing oneself and seeing the fruit of life better and I want to thank everyone for my magnanimous quality in which I show these beautiful and love messages in which I tell about beautiful songs a beautiful and unforgettable real story. Hugs!


I want, for a simple notion, to identify here with my best and greatest friends who have always are following me in the corner of lyrics to hear about beautiful international romantic songs, a beautiful and enchanted story that here at this exact moment can tell us how much we need to trust and believe in the best possibilities of conquering the world and being, through a simple influence of life, a great entrepreneur that here I, as a fabulous and fascinating writer and radio presenter, I want to go through some steps and theory, I surprised many people and learned with a lot of honor, wisdom and power to conquer the world that we can rarely show the true reason for living and being alive because here at this exact moment I can tell you how much life begins from the beginning that consequently makes us dream and learn from life the law of survival and his teachings with God that make us very happy and fill our hearts with eternal happiness and that life is defined by the environment that offers us various achievements and great achievements that makes us subsist behind life and know, through a fine quality of living, the mysteries of death that divert us towards a dark side that is not one of beautiful memories and that in everything a great respect for others is required and that takes us to other dimensions of a nature that struggles with the most comprehensive side of the soul that in everything and for everything the human being can still remember that by an insistence against life begins a new story that at the beginning of the conversation things are differentiated and the light is passed on to another life and we can negatively talk about the end that perhaps in all the relativities and circumstances of life everything is absorbed and starts to be created on other existences that here we can understand the true value of life and its circumstances and we can understand that nothing will exist anymore because life is perhaps one and there is no human inequality in various contexts about life because by a simple gesture and magnitude we are spending time like a rain that reveres us deeply about a reaction and relationship between a passage in time and that we are all somewhere equal and I want to say here psychologically that life is morbid and that we can understand its eternal value and essence when we really know him because I believe that we will see each other in another place and that death is not the end because whoever loves will always live somewhere where there are lights that do not make us lack our deep love that is said to be born as stunning as the blue skies and that we learn to know eternal places that we have never seen and that are just dreams and fantasies that we witness when we try to see life better. And what would it be like to find true paradise?

I have come to say, my dear listeners, that the sparkling lights like a rainbow are definitely not above us because the world behind the curtains of heaven is magical and much bigger than life that resplendently leads us to the eternity of an astral reunion with angels and life that dresses in white on its divine mantle that makes us feel and react on the secret doors that open on the other side of life and we can believe in the subsistence of a phenomenal world that we overcome the barriers of time on a resonance well-defined against death that is found in another existence that tells us about six mysteries and the world of the dead that tells in the Christian Bible about an obscure place that man certainly considers the underworld and that is found in purgatory for the resurrection of life forever amen.

Now my valued friends, let's talk a little about time travel?

Do you know what time really is?

Where do we come from and what are our origins?

I'm going to honestly tell you here about a journey through time that reminded me of a very romantic dream I had when I was sleeping at home and I was woken up at 5 am by the cold drops of rain that fell in a very dark winter that made me dream that I was spending my vacation in the United States in California that I actually met a beautiful girl called Lady Rose that we met at a beautiful dance in the Californian city that when Celine Dion's beautiful song called my heart was playing will go where it means in Portuguese. My heart goes out to you, it was an inevitable thing for me when I looked very tensely and saw a beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes, 1 meter 80 tall, coming in front of me and smiling at me with a very elegant charm and it was when I called her to talk to her on the steps inside the dance near a snack bar that sold a lot of food such as a real barbecue on the grill and the delicious hot dog which was when I, very excited by the sound, asked her the time and she simply stopped at in front of me and said. It's midnight sharp!

That romantic night it was very cold and raining a lot and I drank some the doses of wuisque that seemed to make my whole body tremble with extreme cold, my legs were frozen from walking from one side to the other of the dance, which was playing several international romantic songs that said things about love, which was that the girl called Lady Rose stopped dancing and was dressed in red like a lady that I stood there as if I was mesmerized by her charm and feminine elegance because she was a beautiful American and had a beautiful body that looked like a pop star model and I felt her perfume penetrate my nose like a soft scent of jasmine that really haunted my mind with so much love and admiration that I felt for her and she told me that she would accept a drink from the handsome gentleman in the blue shirt that I had bought in the shop center in the American city, that's all it was so simple and magnificent that it made me feel enormous pleasure for its beauty that radiated my joyful eyes, so happy that I showed with my words and achievements a good conversation about my books of poetry and history that I have always written and tells the She was very happy to meet her and she simply told me that I was a very handsome and tall boy with an athletic body who smiled freely with that smile telling her that I always practiced beautiful physiques at home that I always took as beautiful lessons from my life that for me I have always found life to be a school of qualities that I have always dedicated myself to studying and the art of writing as a great writer that I created my own website and blog that opened the doors of my youth that I published all my work for the world to see and today I am more than a visionary unveiling great mysteries and creating a good philosophy of living about life and she told me that she was enchanted with everything that was happening to us which was when I asked her about the her work and dreams and she told me in a soft voice in English that she was a businesswoman and manufactured beauty products for many countries with her brand called gold rose which in Portuguese is called rose gold which were high quality products and good for the body and she smiled at me telling me that I was a very intelligent boy and I always admired her touching her smooth, white face with my hands which looked like the face of a star doll and she smiled a lot with me and then we went for a walk along the side of the court next to the dance pool when she, already tired, told me that she liked me and I remained in that moment without action in which I could feel that my emotions were multiplying over a love dilemma and I I could not avoid this tension that I had no sighs on my heart that felt dominated by an unforgettable moment of pleasure in which I said to her at the same time words of love that was that she told me that I had good manners of a perfect Gentleman, I took her arms and asked her for a kiss on her cheek and we stopped for each other and she kissed me on the mouth and told me very happily in her soft English. I am simply a rose that inevitably feels like I have to make you happy because I think I have found the angel of my dreams who can make me happy! Which in Portuguese means. I am simply a rose that inevitably feels like I have to make you happy because I think I have found the angel of my dreams who can make me happy!

I was really very happy with all this and I told him that I was too much in love and that I had no reactions to avoid such a beautiful girl who looked like a Hollywood movie girl and that I would never forget that wonderful and fantastic night that I I met a girl so intelligent and with a Marilyn Monroe smile that after the dance was over I took her to the bathroom at 3 am and then we went outside the dance and I walked her to the parking lot and she took her Cadillac car. red and kissed me, hugged me and gave me his phone number so we could communicate and I took a taxi and went back to the hotel closest to Las Vegas and a little tired and went to sleep and woke up at 10 o'clock in the day I had breakfast at the hotel called Palace president which is called in English president of the Palace and I went to have a nice swim in the pool at the hotel and I called her after 2 o'clock in the afternoon and she answered and said to me Hello my friend! Hello my friend. And she said she wanted to see me at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in front of the Disneyland resort park and I arrived at 3 and 53 o'clock in the afternoon and I met her who was beautiful dressed in yellow with a white hat and sunglasses and we walked around almost the entire park and had ice cream strawberry with cream and then we went bowling inside the park and we made out a lot with beautiful kisses that I felt enormous joy and love when she smiled at me like a beautiful movie girl and we went to the hotel after we left the park and she was super enchanted with me, she told me she would marry me because I would drive her crazy and we had sex at the hotel and had an unforgettable night It is clear that I got to sing with her listening to romantic songs in John Lennon's hotel room, like many past songs by the Beatles and also Phil Collins, which we drank a lot and preserved a time that I can still dream about this great emotion that is said to American nights make us feel in our soul a purer feeling that we dispense with the inabilities of living and gain the certainty of being happy along with the mere pleasure of feeling blessed by the good times and I want to say that love touched my soul like a fearless desire that made me discover the great relevance of meeting someone very special in my life and that time is like beautiful songs that are certainly recorded here in memory of a valuable and happy time in which I wish like a beautiful dream that I dreamed when I slept afterwards that I heard these beautiful international romantic songs at home in my room that took me to the paradise that made me known by a simple emanation of love that simply shines through us and makes us feel pleasure for beautiful things like good people and beautiful unforgettable places that took me to paradise or a certain quiet time in a space that locked itself in my estimable thoughts like a deep dream of love and adventure that I knew from a deep feeling about my fantasies California and I found in dreams a beautiful and beautiful girl with blue eyes who gave love and pleasure that I can better understand this space of time that made me recognize life about a dream that from that dream I found paradise and I want to say that I am happy for this adventure that I never imagined would happen that turned around in a dream of love and I want to pass on this information to my dear and illustrious friends and listeners who are going through this moment of pleasure equal or similar to mine and which will certainly be kept as a slow rock dream as much as we can hear and describe a beautiful and good image that we want to know and that passed through us as I searched and made this best collection of romantic songs for everyone to hear and I want to thank you on behalf of my dear followers, listeners and fans who appreciate romantic songs and I want to wish these beautiful songs as a fascinating dream of my life, the beauty I met through dreams when I fell asleep at home when I heard those romantic songs at night and I dedicate it to my dear friend Lady Rose, who I saw in my dream and met, and may this story remain as a factor of love from my romantic youth that could become a movie story and I want to thank all my dear listeners with lots of love once again and I work as a writer and radio host on the nook of letters and thank you very much to all the young people who follow me and enjoy beautiful romantic songs. Hugs!

Now my valued friends, let's talk a little about time travel?

Do you know what time really is?

Where do we come from and what are our origins?

I'm going to honestly tell you here about a journey through time that reminded me of a very romantic dream I had when I was sleeping at home and I was woken up at 5 am by the cold drops of rain that fell in a very dark winter that made me dream that I was spending my vacation in the United States in California that I actually met a beautiful girl called Lady Rose that we met at a beautiful dance in the Californian city that when Celine Dion's beautiful song called my heart was playing will go where it means in Portuguese. My heart goes out to you, it was an inevitable thing for me when I looked very tensely and saw a beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes, 1 meter 80 tall, coming in front of me and smiling at me with a very elegant charm and it was when I called her to talk to her on the steps inside the dance near a snack bar that sold a lot of food such as a real barbecue on the grill and the delicious hot dog which was when I, very excited by the sound, asked her the time and she simply stopped at in front of me and said. It's midnight sharp!

That romantic night it was very cold and it was raining a lot and I took a few shots of wuisque which felt like my whole body was shaking with the cold, my legs were frozen from walking from one side to the other of the dance which was playing several international romantic songs that spoke things of love which was that the girl called Lady Rose stopped dancing and was dressed in red like a lady that I stood there as if I was mesmerized by her feminine charm and elegance because she was a beautiful American and had the beautiful body that seemed a pop star model and I felt her perfume penetrate my nose like a soft scent of jasmine that really haunted my mind with so much love and admiration that I felt for her and she told me that she would accept a drink from the handsome gentleman in the blue shirt that I had bought at the shop center in the American city, everything it was so simple and magnificent that it made me feel enormous pleasure for its beauty that radiated my joyful eyes, so happy that I showed with my words and achievements a good conversation about my books of poetry and history that I have always written and tell to her that I was very happy to meet her and she simply told me that I was a very handsome and tall boy with an athletic body who smiled freely with that smile telling her that I always practiced beautiful physiques at home that I always took as beautiful lessons in my life that for me I have always found life to be a school of qualities that I have always dedicated myself to studying and the art of writing as a great writer that I created my own website and blog that opened the doors of my youth that I disclosed all my I work for the world to see and today I am more than a visionary unveiling great mysteries and creating a good philosophy of living about life and she told me that she was enchanted with everything that was happening to us, which is when I asked her about her work and dreams and she told me in a soft voice in English that she was a businesswoman and manufactured beauty products for many countries with her brand called gold rose which in Portuguese is called rose gold which were high quality products and good for the body and she smiled at me telling me that I was a very intelligent boy and I always admired her touching her smooth, white face with my hands which looked like the face of a star doll and she smiled a lot with me and then we went for a walk along the side of the court next to the dance pool when she, already tired, told me that she liked me and I remained in that moment without action in which I could feel that my emotions were multiplying over a dilemma of love and I could not avoid this tension that I had no sighs on my heart that felt dominated by an unforgettable moment of pleasure in which I said to her at the same time words of love that was that she told me that I had good manners of a perfect gentleman that was that I took her arms and asked her for a kiss on her cheek and we stopped for each other and she kissed me on the mouth and told me very happily in her soft English. I am simply a rose that inevitably feels like I have to make you happy because I think I have found the angel of my dreams who can make me happy! Which in Portuguese means. I am simply a rose that inevitably feels like I have to make you happy because I think I have found the angel of my dreams who can make me happy!

I was really very happy with all this and I told him that I was too much in love and that I had no reactions to avoid such a beautiful girl who looked like a Hollywood movie girl and that I would never forget that wonderful and fantastic night that I I met a girl so intelligent and with a Marilyn Monroe smile that after the dance was over I took her to the bathroom at 3 am and then we went outside the dance and I walked her to the parking lot and she took her Cadillac car. red and kissed me, hugged me and gave me his phone number so we could communicate and I took a taxi and went back to the hotel closest to Las Vegas and a little tired and went to sleep and woke up at 10 o'clock in the day I had breakfast at the hotel called Palace president which is called in English president of the Palace and I went to have a nice swim in the pool at the hotel and I called her after 2 o'clock in the afternoon and she answered and said to me Hello my friend! Hello my friend. And she said she wanted to see me at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in front of the Disneyland resort park and I arrived at 3 and 53 o'clock in the afternoon and I met her who was beautiful dressed in yellow with a white hat and sunglasses and we walked around almost the entire park and had ice cream strawberry with cream and then we went bowling inside the park and we made out a lot with beautiful kisses that I felt enormous joy and love when she smiled at me like a beautiful movie girl and we went to the hotel after we left the park and she was super enchanted with me, she told me she would marry me because I would drive her crazy and we had sex at the hotel and had an unforgettable night that I got to sing with her listening to romantic songs in John Lennon's hotel room, like many past Beatles songs and also Phil Collins that we drank a lot and preserved a time that I can still dream about this great emotion that is said that American nights make us feel in our soul a purer feeling that we dispense with the inabilities of living and gain the certainty of be happy along with the mere pleasure of feeling blessed by the good times and I want to say that love touched my soul like a fearless desire that made me discover the great relevance of meeting someone very special in my life and that time is like beautiful songs that are certainly recorded here in memory of a valuable and happy time in which I wish like a beautiful dream that I dreamed when I rmied after I heard these beautiful international romantic songs at home in my room that took me to the paradise that made me known by a simple emanation of love that simply shines through us and makes us feel pleasure for beautiful things like good people and beautiful unforgettable places that took me to paradise or a certain quiet time in a space that locked in my estimable thoughts like a deep dream of love and adventure that I knew from a deep feeling about my fantasies California and I met in dreams a beautiful and beautiful girl with blue eyes that gave me love and pleasure that I can better understand this space of time that made me recognize life about a dream that from that dream I found paradise and I want to say that I am happy for this adventure that I never imagined would happen that turned I am in a dream of love and I want to pass on this information to my dear and illustrious friends and listeners who are going through this moment of pleasure equal or similar to mine and which will certainly be kept as a slow rock dream as much as we can hear and describe a beautiful and good image that we want to know and that passed through us as I searched and created this best collection of romantic songs for everyone to hear and I want to thank you on behalf of my dear followers, listeners and fans who appreciate romantic songs and I want to wish these beautiful songs like a fascinating dream of my life the beauty I met through dreams when I fell asleep at home when I heard these romantic songs at night and I dedicate it to my dear friend Lady Rose who I saw in my dream and met her and may this story remain as a love factor from my romantic youth that could become a movie story and I want to thank all my dear listeners with lots of love once again and I work as a writer and radio host on the nook of letters and thank you very much to all the young people who accompany me and they enjoy beautiful romantic songs. Thank you and see you next time!


I want to say here now, dear friends, that I certainly believe that you are going through an unfavorable situation that suddenly the brightness of our lives has been merged by a deficiency in our lives that perhaps cannot be completed as we have to prove our existences that make us live and that in everything an emptiness is broken that does not want to inhibit us against our euphoria because I know that life awakens in us some sensation of pain, resentment, sadness and fear that beyond infinity perhaps we will find an answer that is more in keeping with our notions of if we live and only death doesn't want to tell us that everything is coming to a complete end when our souls can reap good fruits and that from that moment anguish can simply tell us that the flowers are for spring and that death may lead us about another life because in everything and for everything I simply talk here about the sadness of flowers and the emptiness that passes over life when resistance can make us walk slowly on a side that can become cold when sorrows are examples of a full reality that makes us seek over the great illusion of life the more defined reality that oppresses us and at the same time comforts us and keeps us stronger over a challenge of facing life and death that is inevitable and conceivably we transcribe the sayings of life about relativity that transcends us and makes us feel the gift of construction and the logic of each movement that is represented both in nature and in the human sense of developing dynamics over great functions that makes us forget the fear of dying or taking life as perfection and about the dynamics of the relativity of life that here now, my dear friends, we must logically simply forget your weak dick and the flowers that always represent the arrival of spring and that are made to adorn life, both living and dead, and that we must dedicate ourselves to the world that lacks love and value and I know how much a life is worth when we also witness the love over the affection that is formalized from the roses over their petals and buds that fall on the gardens and we can understand the relative and constructive movement that makes up the life. And do you think life is dynamic friends?

I simply want to say that we are living under a very different chemistry that, according to the law of nature, life is completely similar to a chemical response that is related to life that is supposed to be alchemy, everything is clarified and remade by a very rotating circuit for mere pleasure. from the subsistence that transforms us and at the same time dissolves us to a relationship with life and we can believe in the atomic formation of life because everything was as favored and fearless as a key that opens in infinity and rises to paradise that completes us naturally and well we say that we are under a cosmic force and that the omnipotence of God subsists behind and above and through beneath the world and we are resonant beings who learn to understand the mysteries of the universe. And how many years did man study to set foot on the moon's soil?

Perhaps we are trying to understand what was the best leap of man in the world that conquered aerodynamics and developed the theory of relativity as well as geophysical development to so many trials and works on earth as bioscience to know about the scientific study of life and man evolved about metaphysics for a goal of knowledge and research that we analyze the logic and maturation of living beings on earth and God created the sky and the sea and nature provided him with geographic development and the biosystem of living of living beings as nature may be the mother of relationships and man projected himself over the waters of the seas to study the surface of the earth and the soil of the moon. And science was formalized on the seas from the remote times of Plato and the Atlanteans that survived in a city built on great pyramids that simply the sages and priests studied in the supreme pyramid?

And that in everything we can understand the subject or chance traveled and simplified about the magnetic aerodynamics that collided with an accessory charge of energy and exploded, causing the complete sinking of the city that today we can understand the total disappearance of Atlanta and certainly the palace of the gods in another setback stood Poseidon, the king of the seas who in his fervor should silence the sorrows of a woman who certainly time did not divide the space that the odyssey of the gods had certainly already been witnessed and man has always prescribed with himself the dictates of life and I think we can be aware of a more passive notion and that life has triggered several purposes for great mysteries where man can be more thoughtful and resonant about the melodies that build life and we just give our opinions through space of time that is vast and inevitable for us to the knowledge that is said to throw one's cards on the table to know something truly of value while silence hides behind life that simply makes us commune in front of a prayer and that the subject is opposite to any statement in which man described his analogical grammar to reflect a good verbal conjugation to the sense of harvesting good words to the mere literary and philosophical concept of questioning a story and damaging a role in life as rhythmic nature can flow to us an unexplored fruit when their relationships with life are in conjunction with the personal and emotional nature of a being that transfers love, hate and power to us that are certainly part of a relationship of character, affection and affection and I want to say that we live this restless character that we pacify the feeling and thought as two keys to enter and exit and that it is from this fruit that the soul of consciousness develops as the chemistry of the relativity of life that simplifies and each shelf the developments of life consistency and dynamics of man's relationships with nature vi stay and we can return to the step of life as a story that pacifies all paths and here I want to talk about a harmony that perhaps is at par with our notions and that our capabilities are at the musical rhythm when the sidereal universe dances like a box of musical resonance and that a great harmony of sound passes through each relationship that resembles human metabolism and that is just how it is and everything reaches the meaning of life and its subsistence and that in space the atomic elements relate as an agglomeration of stars in an empty space to be completed in a fraction of a second that determine us in a great communion for a time and space over each atom that form into fearless elementary particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, simtrons, mesons and others that the chemical pulsation of electrons on the smallest particles of the elements that form in space and three other atomic elements in an atomic nucleus and thus preserves a tonic song and function the cells that through the chemical process and electrical functions formulate the metabolism transforming in proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and nucleic acids that together form in a living organism and that we can understand the real basis of the rhythmic existence that is built in life and we can say that the universe is a bomb of chemical and physical effects that we simplify life and so we are all a piece of the universe rhythm that is subtle and dense like a steam engine giving exhaust outlets and leaks of electrons in a course rhythm and percussion the tonic song and reactivity of life.

I want to say that I am in a somewhat dynamic space that, due to the spatial magnitude, my emotions adapt to an emotional circuit that in my logic I see complement my dreams and fantasies that enter into rhythmic harmonies and that elevate me to a euphoric system of reliving me our thoughts that collide like electron bombs on my energetic emotions that through my stimulation and mental faculties I developed the dynamics through my affection over my dynamic radio that fluidly passes information to my brain and my emotions are like energies that to the sound what happens romantically in this audio book, we can now understand a little about the sympathy, rhythm and fantasy that enters into emotional harmonies over the mind and I want to say that I am at this very moment passing on great information to everyone and I say with my words that the soul becomes It resembles a very invigorating and resonant step that transforms itself into harmony with life and I want to say here with my formidable words and expressions that the vital essence of life is completed through a great chemical transformation of the spirit that through the subtlety of the soul passes to the mind a great emotional and physical relativity that makes us love and purifies our body and that it is from this transformation and information that life on earth developed in each act and effect on matter, which is really in physics the atomic nucleus in which here for a great scope and significance we can conceal a high control over life and my most intimate greetings that for the hidden affections that were not shown to the being perhaps even as the soul of life is rhythmic and electric and we can know and tell the story of life and I want with much love and dedication of my valuable studies and work to pass on to all these examples that are well preserved in my great euphoria and love about my life and that music perhaps will certainly take us to the paradise that we certainly dream and seek about the beautiful and fantastic fantasies that we keep as affection and will of our lives and I want everyone to see this beautiful and extraordinary message that I talk about various dimensions and expressions that life and time will not take and that will always show itself in the eternal step of the reality of life and I want Enjoy here now, my dear friends, these romantic words and songs that touched your more than secret pleasures and that loneliness will never take the true realistic place for young people to live and always truly love life in the best dynamics to the sound of music . As a radio host and writer, I reveal here a little sound and mysteries and that my philosophies and psychologies are focused on the best human recognition of my character and my compassion for my life and existence of will and thank you very much to all my dear readers, writers and listeners, I leave here my strong embrace as one of the best psychoanalysts of all time. Hugs and many thanks to all of you!

Returning to the beginning of the conversation about the nostalgia that surprises us when we are surprised by anguish or something unwanted that we do not admit as satisfaction in our lives and that sadness is part of the loneliness that breaks from the emptiness of death over a season of flowers that show us a dazzlement for our consciences that is referred to in spring as a yearning to contract rather than the real struggle of life that we fully want to talk about here a little about the silence of the flowers that show a half-distinct passage to the silence that cannot silence the truth from the other side of life that I know that there are existences about a sublimation that transcend our desire to live and the desire to die in time that we simplify anguish as an act of repression to the challenge of existence about the fight against death in which we can develop the high efficiency of life against the infractions imposed and compounded on life and I will first say that anguish can perhaps show us a dark path when we can survive on the euphoria of life and I will tell here about a beginning of spring that leads us to a space that represents in life a case that we simply deduce another side that we can understand much better and improve upon the beautiful and simple dynamics and I will talk about how in the beginning of flowers where the season is simply a time of environmental change and that gives us shows through the absence of the silence of spring a sad season that we are based on the imposed theory of solitude that shows us more distinctly and solemnly about our homes that perhaps due to an inequality of summer things become alive and warm and not the sadness or emptiness that May our joys surprise us when life is a high esteem of living and do not remain silent about a metamorphic reactivity and relativity that perhaps we are undoing through another side created in the high esteem that determines various ways of living.

I want everyone to understand this passage as an enchantment about perhaps the sentimental side of the flowers in the field that perhaps they want to tell us through a natural feeling that the melody of solitude affects us in its passage of a season that does not want to subsist like the summer that shows more energetic and euphoric to a more related feeling to another side that in the middle of this story we play a more vific and impious role that we talk about different things about life and simplify the relationship and function of human beings over nature and I'm going to talk about spring here, which could perhaps be the other side of another season that we can relatively talk about euphoria characterized about summer and nostalgia characterized about spring. Hugs!

I want to say here now, dear friends, that I certainly believe that you are going through an unfavorable situation that suddenly the brightness of our lives has been merged by a deficiency in our lives that perhaps cannot be completed as we have to prove our existences that make us live and that in everything an emptiness is broken that does not want to inhibit us against our euphoria because I know that life awakens in us some sensation of pain, resentment, sadness and fear that beyond infinity perhaps we will find an answer that is more in keeping with our notions of if we live and only death doesn't want to tell us that everything is coming to a complete end when our souls can reap good fruits and that from that moment anguish can simply tell us that the flowers are for spring and that death may lead us about another life because in everything and for everything I simply talk here about the sadness of flowers and the emptiness that passes over life when resistance can make us walk slowly on a side that can become cold when sorrows are examples of a full reality that makes us seek over the great illusion of life the more defined reality that oppresses us and at the same time comforts us and keeps us stronger over a challenge of facing life and death that is inevitable and conceivably we transcribe the sayings of life about relativity that transcends us and makes us feel the gift of construction and the logic of each movement that is represented both in nature and in the human sense of developing dynamics over great functions that makes us forget the fear of dying or taking life as perfection and about the dynamics of the relativity of life that here now, my dear friends, we must logically simply forget your weak dick and the flowers that always represent the arrival of spring and that are made to adorn life, both living and dead, and that we must dedicate ourselves to the world that lacks love and value and I know how much a life is worth when we also witness the love over the affection that is established from the roses over their petals and buds that fall on the gardens and we can understand the relative and constructive movement that makes up life. And do you think life is dynamic friends?

I simply want to say that we are living under a very different chemistry that, according to the law of nature, life is completely similar to a chemical response that is related to life that is supposed to be alchemy, everything is clarified and remade by a very rotating circuit for mere pleasure. from the subsistence that transforms us and at the same time dissolves us to a relationship with life and we can believe in the atomic formation of life because everything was as favored and fearless as a key that opens in infinity and rises to paradise that completes us naturally and Well we say that we are under a cosmic force and that God's omnipotence subsists behind and above and below the world and we are resonant beings who learn to understand the mysteries of the universe. And how many years did man study to set foot on the moon's soil?

Perhaps we are trying to understand what was the best leap of man in the world that conquered aerodynamics and developed the theory of relativity as well as geophysical development to so many trials and works on earth as bioscience to know about the scientific study of life and man evolved about metaphysics for a goal of knowledge and research that we analyze the logic and maturation of living beings on earth and God created the sky and the sea and nature provided him with geographic development and the biosystem of living of living beings as nature may be the mother of relationships and man projected himself over the waters of the seas to study the surface of the earth and the soil of the moon. And science was formalized on the seas from the remote times of Plato and the Atlanteans that survived in a city built on great pyramids that simply the sages and priests studied in the supreme pyramid?

And that in everything we can understand the subject or chance traveled and simplified about the magnetic aerodynamics that collided with an accessory charge of energy and exploded, causing the complete sinking of the city that today we can understand the total disappearance of Atlanta and certainly the palace of the gods in another setback stood Poseidon, the king of the seas who in his fervor should silence the sorrows of a woman who certainly time did not divide the space who certainly already witnessed the odyssey of the gods and the hman has always prescribed with himself the dictates of life and I think we can be aware of a more passive notion and that life has triggered several purposes for great mysteries where man can be more thoughtful and resonant about the melodies that build life and we only opine for the space of time that is vast and inevitable for us to know that it is said that we throw our cards on the table to know something truly of value while silence hides behind the life that simply makes us commune before a prayer and that the subject is opposed to any statement in which man described his analogue grammar to reflect a good verbal conjugation to the sense of harvesting good words to the mere literary and philosophical concept of questioning a story and teaching a role in life as rhythmic nature can give us flow an unexplored fruit when its relationships with life are in conjunction with the personal and emotional nature of a being that transfers love, hate and power to us that are certainly part of a relationship of character, affection and affection and I want to say that we live this character restless that we pacify feeling and thought as two keys to enter and exit and that it is from this fruit that the soul of consciousness develops as the chemistry of the relativity of life that simplifies and each shelf the developments of life consistency and dynamics of the relationships of man over nature vi stays and we can return to the step of life as a story that pacifies all paths and here I want to talk about a harmony that perhaps is at par with our notions and that our capabilities are in tune with the musical rhythm of how the sidereal universe dances like a musical resonance box and that a great harmony of sound passes through each relationship that resembles human metabolism and that is just how it is and everything reaches the meaning of life and its subsistence and that in space the atomic elements relate like an agglomeration of stars in an empty space to be completed in a fraction of a second that determine us in a great communion for a time and space over each atom that form into fearless elementary particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, yes trons , mesons and others that the chemical pulsation of electrons on the smallest particles of the elements that form in space and three other atomic elements in an atomic nucleus and thus a tonic song and function are preserved in the cells that through the chemical process and electrical functions are formulated to metabolism transforming into proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and nucleic acids that together form in a living organism and that we can understand the real basis of the rhythmic existence that is built in life and we can say that the universe is a bomb of chemical effects and physicists that we simplify life and thus we are all a piece of the universe, a rhythm that is subtle and dense like a steam engine giving exhaust outlets and leakage of electrons in a rhythmic course and precursor to the tonic song and reactivity of life.

I want to say that I am in a somewhat dynamic space that, due to the spatial magnitude, my emotions adapt to an emotional circuit that in my logic I see complement my dreams and fantasies that enter into rhythmic harmonies and that elevate me to a euphoric system of reliving my thoughts that collide like electron bombs on my energetic emotions that through my stimulation and mental faculties I developed the dynamics through my affection over my dynamic radio that fluidly passes information to my brain and my emotions are like energies that to the sound what happens romantically in this audio book, we can now understand a little about the sympathy, rhythm and fantasy that enters into emotional harmonies over the mind and I want to say that I am at this very moment passing on great information to everyone and I say with my words that the soul becomes It resembles a very invigorating and resonant step that transforms itself into harmony with life and I want to say here with my formidable words and expressions that the vital essence of life is completed through a great chemical transformation of the spirit that through the subtlety of the soul passes to the mind a great emotional and physical relativity that makes us love and purifies our body and that it is from this transformation and information that life on earth developed in each act and effect on matter, which is really in physics the atomic nucleus in which here for a great scope and significance we can conceal a high control over life and my most intimate greetings that for the hidden affections that were not shown to be perhaps still as the soul of life is rhythm, electric in which we can know and tell the story of life and I want with much love and dedication of my valuable studies and work to pass on to all these examples that are well preserved in my great euphoria and love about my life and that music perhaps will certainly take us to the paradise that ce we dream and search about the beautiful and fantastic fantasies that we keep as affection and desire for our lives and I want everyone to see this beautiful and extraordinary message that I talk about various dimensions and expressions that life and time will not take and that will always be will show you at the eternal pace of the reality of life and I want you to enjoy here now, my dear friends, these romantic words and songs that touched your more than secret pleasures and that loneliness will never take the true realistic place of young people to live and always truly love life over the best dynamics to the sound of music. As a radio host and writer, I reveal here a little sound and mysteries and that my philosophies and psychologies are focused on the best human recognition of my character and my compassion for my life and existence of will and thank you very much to all my dear readers, writers and listeners, I leave here my strong embrace as one of the best psychoanalysts of all time. Hugs and many thanks to all of you!


Hello my dear listeners who are entering a cold winter season in which all things in life and in society are perhaps not so smooth and well tempered on the beautiful measures of the weather that catches us by a rainy season which I really believe is not we are pacifying like a beautiful song that reaches us with a beautiful and unforgettable song that I think we are stuck in time by an inexhaustible rain that perhaps can make us take shelter inside our homes like a wave that awakens us to face a feeling that perhaps by an order of nature wants to cool down for a period of time some parts of the world that are experiencing a warmer atmosphere due to the global warming of planet Earth, which ends up completely depleting and flooding several underwater regions with water that dramatically we can understand the value and distortion perhaps of the human being who has always ruined the life of the planet, causing biodiversity by causing the flora and the illegal deforestation of wood that naturally results in certain harmful fires harming the life of our planet and social life with the development of the ozone layer that destroys life on Earth due to the lack of oxygen on our planet which makes it rain and causes great damage to the most natural laws of nature.

And for those who are leaving the hot month of summer in February and entering the month of March, I believe that we are all prone to mastering these tricks when, in addition to certain things and circumstances in our lives, we wake up to a new season that says that from the heat, for an inevitable moment, everything turns into water and life proliferates relatively over a mission of the rainy season that we designate over the great storms of winter.

I want here, my dear friends who are tuned in to this radio that is inevitably broadcasting this beautiful message with these beautiful and magnanimous romantic love songs, to say with immense love from the bottom of my heart that life will never stop with the same melody as seasons that come gently like wind and rain beautiful rains that we can feel the cold natural softness that transcends us from the waters that are falling at this exact moment that makes us feel the purest and most real taste of the storms that descend from the cataracts of the heavens and we wet our souls with a simple touch that feels the captive taste of the cold that cheers us up and strengthens our tired bodies and that makes us love for the simple pleasure of being alive and happy with the maneuvers of time and that music it makes us follow the rhythm of the rain like a rhythmic melody of nature where we can face life with immense love and thus we will be more alive in our relationships with life.

Everything has begun and winter will give its signal on June 20th until September 22nd where we will wage through our existences and resistances a simple season of reflecting on life, the relative vitality of matter where we experience the fluidic nature and which washes with all the blessings The soil of the earth will be blessed by a natural passage and relationship with God's atmosphere.

Now here my dear friends who are always enjoying the old and magnificent dynamic rhythm that I always pass as a reactivity and tonic harmony of beautiful messages with beautiful love songs that play like beautiful international music that marked a good time of desires, dreams and fantasies that comfort our soul and make us love and as they say music has the gift of making us love and live and I want to talk about this beautiful and extraordinary moment of pleasure here about great mysteries that will reflect our souls and I want talk about things from creation that perhaps nature will reanimate with clarity our inner and inner stimuli about the reasons for living and of creation.

The mystery of creation

Creation is something more than nature, because it refers to “God’s project of love, where each creature has a value and meaning”. There is a greater spiritual density, given that creation is always conceived “as a gift that comes from the open hands of the Father of all, as a reality illuminated by the love that calls us to a universal communion”. It is a path that makes it possible to “think of the whole as open to the transcendence of God, within which it develops. Faith allows us to interpret the meaning and mysterious beauty of what happens».

In fact, we are used to saying that God created the world out of nothing (ex nihilo), which, in a certain sense, contains something true. However, the fundamental thing is not the affirmation of God's power or the defense of his absolute freedom. The essential thing is to affirm that God created the world out of love (ex amore): «the universe did not appear as a result of arbitrary omnipotence, a demonstration of force or a desire for self-affirmation. Creation belongs to the order of love. God's love is the fundamental reason for all creation». Therefore, “the entire material universe is a language of God’s love, of his affection for us. The soil, the water, the mountains: everything is God’s caress.”

It is precisely because creation is the fruit of God's love and in it "each creature is the object of the tenderness of the Father who gives it a place in the world", that "from created works we can rise to the loving mercy" of God. In the same way that an artist always hides in his work, to the point of reaching its creator through it, so through creation one can intuit something of its Creator. All of nature is then an open book, which tells us about God in all its details and subtleties. To the extent that “no creature remains outside this manifestation of God”, creation becomes a “continuous revelation of the divine”, so that its contemplation “allows us to discover any teaching that God wants to transmit to us through each thing, because, for the believer, contemplating creation also means listening to a message, listening to a paradoxical and silent voice».

Once again, Jesus presents himself as the prototype of this harmonious relationship with the work from God's hands. Pope Francis says that “Jesus lived in complete harmony with creation, to the great wonder of others. He did not present himself as an ascetic separated from the world or an enemy of the pleasant things in life. He was far from the philosophies that despised the body, matter, the realities of this world”.

We are invited to rediscover nature in its close bond with the Lord of all things. Biodiversity – so threatened and injured in our days – is the great orchestral symphony that not only expresses extraordinary divine creativity, but also sings the grateful praises of the Creator...

Even though Judeo-Christian thought has demystified nature, it has never stopped asking for its value and fragility to be taken into account. Nature is not a divine entity, but one cannot “stop admiring it for its splendor and dimension”. This awareness helps to “put an end to the modern myth of unlimited material progress”, because “a fragile world, with a human being to whom God entrusts its care, challenges our intelligence to recognize how we should guide, cultivate and limit the our power”. In this sense, taking care of nature is presented as a “duty”.

Our relationship with the natural world, before being the use of its resources for our well-being, is a relationship of dependence. A very antipathetic definition of the human being says that we are animals and that our origin and condition are part of the evolution of the species. Nature thus presents itself as a “living refuge”, which is why it is a mistake “to think that other living beings should be considered as mere objects subject to the arbitrary control of human beings”. In other words, “the ultimate end of creatures is not us. But they all advance, together with us and through us, towards the common goal, which is God”. This means that “each creature has a function and none is superfluous”, since “all nature, in addition to manifesting God, is a place of his presence”.

This care for nature finds an unavoidable reference in Jesus. He “worked with his hands, coming daily into contact with matter created by God, to shape it with his craftsmanship. It is noteworthy that most of his earthly existence was devoted to this task, leading a simple life that aroused no wonder”.

We can find a very current example of this care for nature in aboriginal communities. These see themselves as seriously threatened because, by defending and caring for their territories, they come into open and direct conflict with a development model that destroys the Common Home. Pope Francis recalls that, “for them, land is not an economic asset, but a free gift from God and the ancestors who they rest in it, a sacred space with which they need to interact to maintain their identity and values. When they remain in their territories, they are the ones who take best care of them».

I conclude with a very suggestive warning: «just as life and the world are dynamic, so caring for the world must be flexible and dynamic. Merely technical solutions run the risk of taking into account symptoms that do not correspond to the deeper problems». It is naive to believe that technology will solve all the problems that affect our world…

By: José Domingos Ferreira

I simply want to talk here, my dear listening friends, about certain things that may not be visible to human beings, that certainly the ancient world hides from us, through unification, great mysteries that science may still try to see and understand where and when it began and there are so many artifacts that were born before us and inhabited our planet and left many creations as well as the silence that cannot be silenced and is more affectionate and developed by great and perfect civilizations lost in time and I want to talk here simply a little about borders that we can see in my story and narration a great clamor and compendium about beyond borders that it would be something relatively to study and that life is an artifact of great generations that completely dominated the world until today and I simply want to deduce this beautiful and mysterious story.

I want my dear friends and listeners here at this very moment to reflect together with all of you who enjoyed these beautiful messages that tell us about great and fearless mysteries that surround us about a great and eternal ancestral fraternity that portrays us about a great notion and prodigal memory that define so much the movement of human beings towards the beginning of the world that I speak deeply about the creation of life and the mysteries that the earth has shown us through great work on the part of human beings, perhaps the search for God or an explanation about the true science that we find today encourage us to know life and its deepest and most profane mysteries in which we can deduce ourselves about the valuable power left by their sailing scientific arts on the great quantum physics that gives us more esteem and reactions to understand much better the system of life among its ten best relativities of antiquity through an interface that subjectively made man understand life and its valuable mysteries.

I want here now, my great friends, through my psychoanalysis and psychology to ask you relentlessly what you say about my messages that I reported as a great contravention of my estimable teachings alongside the music that you like most and that can make you reflect and say how much you identified with this message and encompass an atmosphere that can show you the truth behind hidden illusions that we may not see clearly due to contradiction or insufficiency of the will to the act or subject of sublimating oneself on any issue that is of our opinion exact and I think that everything is characterized by a lavish formation in which we must, out of a conviction, preserve the history of the world and of life by starting from chaos as a simple relationship and definition of reaching the contextual value and the most concrete relevance of the truth and I think that We are, my dear friends, walking in a higher boat and we must always look for the best alternatives, as I am here, out of great conviction and fascination, I want to leave my sincere hugs, good wishes as a friend, I simply wrote this message to pass on a good teaching about beautiful romantic songs that earned the high esteem and firmness over my words that valued everyone for being doses and that here the world perhaps is for everyone who seeks the knowledge of wisdom with the strength of youth that cannot stop joining simply to the unforgettable sound that suddenly becomes linked to the deep knowledge that unites us in each instant and moment that makes us love as much as the romantic beat that deep down will reveal the emotions and thoughts that build us and will be of use to us here for this moment and I want with lots of love now and friendship to say with immense affection and affection that I am happy to show another message to my dear listeners and I want to dedicate these songs and messages to everyone with immense love and happiness and everyone stay at ease with life and we are going through a reactionary period of one good rainy weather that shows us the arrival of winter that will wet our souls in a very deep feeling of our desires to the sound of melody and romantic music that makes us review for a beautiful significance, beautiful and extraordinary moments and I leave it here with you my great love and have a great day. Hugs!

I want to say that we are in the midst of a new era that makes us harden by a fascinating idea that will resurrect us about a beautiful time that I or you do not want to say that some time ago it was designated by the root of the knowledge of the soul that great civilizations have already lived here that certainly, my friend, we have no notion of subsistence and life that due to a complete fascination of great races and a people that makes us fear about their immense creations and imaginations that the past revealed to us through great study and research, a great industrial development and machinery that today we can barely resemble when it is said that they were born from the sky in a dizzying descent that if it passed from the gods upon the imagination of the ripening of the flower of nature to the enjoyment and human birth that it could be all made of gold or fire that was conceived from the birth by the creation of the planet earth upon upon the great resonance and existence of the universe that perhaps team them to go back behind quantum physics in which we can verify a great advance of alchemy over nuclear chemistry that developed in the great chemical transformation that took place in the solid state that became dense in an elemental pulsation of the four elements like water, air, earth and fire that enter into atomic and nuclear combination in a smaller fraction of time over three atomic and natural elements that are protons, neutrons and electrons that in an explosion turn into small particles of an atom called earth in which we can unveil a great knowledge and development of both the planet and the living beings that inhabit the earth and simply my dear and valuable friends who are at home at this time thinking about something well evolved to the system and relativities of life that I create that we are all classified under a resonance and a dynamic that in turn created the gods who developed the world of science and magic, and behind such escape routes lives the supernatural that we simulate in its affects on life, the full existence more deep that makes us seek perhaps the high esteem and superactivity over life when man was already beginning to live and develop in a more human dilemma that divided the world of mortals when subsistence never failed behind another life and other ways of living where man took heaven as lord, the gods kept him ahead of a more endable plane and opened his way of surviving and there existed the immortals who came subsistence from the infinite and who would pass over the world and they live in the world and billions of years ago when the great and immense civilizations that dominated the ancient and magical world that we deduce today as graceful and fearless to certain things were indispensable to life and the subsistence of the high knowledge that was when materiality evolved with the history of the World.

And simply I want here, my dear and illustrious friends who are well synchronized to a beautiful and romantic song, to be fully speaking about ancient things that made us search for a good philosophical concept of material and spiritual man that I think can tell us certain things that We are worthy of living a reality and someday we will look for more definitive and complete answers about the end and the previous generation until today, when we will talk a little and reflect clearly on the ancient age that tells everything about a long period of history ancient to the present day.

The Ancient Age

The Ancient Age is a period of history that extended from around 3500 BC, when cuneiform writing emerged, until 476 AD, when the Roman Empire disintegrated.

The Ancient Age is one of the periods of history stipulated by modern historians. This period extended from 3500 BC, when cuneiform writing emerged, until 476 AD, when the Western Roman Empire was disintegrated with the dethronement of the last emperor of Rome.

Also access: Who were the Celtic people?

Understanding the Ancient Age

The Ancient Age or Antiquity is a period of history that, chronologically, began around 3500 BC. All periods have milestones that are used as markers of their beginning and end, however it is always important to point out that these milestones are approximate markers and take into account events that indicate significant long-term changes.

In the case of the Ancient Age, the initial milestone was the emergence of cuneiform writing, humanity's first form of writing, which was created by the Sumerians and was used throughout Mesopotamia, until around 100 BC. The translation of this writing was carried out in 19th century and allowed us to considerably expand knowledge about Antiquity.

The emergence of cuneiform writing, developed by the Sumerians around 3500 BC, is considered the milestone that began the Ancient Age.

The Ancient Age extended until the year 476 AD, when the Western Roman Empire disintegrated. This event marked the end of the Roman Empire in Western Europe and began the process of occupation of that continent by the Germanic kingdoms. This allowed the fusion between Latin culture and Germanic culture and shaped the Middle Ages.

When studying the Ancient Age, we can refer to any civilization that existed between 3500 BC and 476 AD, although the development of civilizations is not uniform and each has had different degrees of sophistication. In any case, the focus in the study of Antiquity tends to be Eastern civilizations and classical civilizations.

When we talk about eastern civilizations, we are considering the Mesopotamian, Phoenician, Hebrew, Persian, Egyptian, Hittite people and many others. In the case of classical civilizations, we are referring to the Greeks and Romans. In the case of the Greeks, the Cretans and Mycenaeans are usually included.

Of course, Antiquity goes beyond this and the ancient civilizations that existed in Asia can be studied, with emphasis on the Chinese and Indians. In the case of the American continent, pre-Columbian civilizations can be studied, such as the Olmecs, Zapotecs, Chavín, etc.

The African continent also has its ancient civilizations, such as the Cushites and the Carthaginians. Despite being included in Eastern civilizations, the Egyptians were also Africans, since, geographically, Egypt is located in Africa.

Also access: History of the Great Pyramid of Giza – one of the wonders of Antiquity

Main civilizations of Antiquity

We have already seen some examples of ancient civilizations and, in this part of the text, we will highlight some of them. We selected four civilizations of great relevance when studying this period: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome.

Ancient Egypt

The Pyramids of Giza were one of the greatest legacies left by Egyptian civilization.

The Egyptian civilization developed in the northeast of the African continent, on the banks of the Nile River, whose floods provided the region with very fertile soil. The existence of the Nile guaranteed the possibility of human survival in an extremely hostile place: the Sahara desert.

Along the banks of the Nile River, a series of communities, called nome, developed. Around 3500 BC, these communities formed two kingdoms known as:

Lower Egypt,

Upper Egypt.

It is believed that these kingdoms were unified sometime between 3200 BC and 3000 BC, and Menes placed himself as the first pharaoh.

Egypt had a theocratic monarchy and, therefore, religion had crucial importance in the execution of political power. The ruler, called pharaoh, was considered the manifestation of a god and had full powers over the Egyptian lands. This civilization became known:

by writing through hieroglyphics,

by the construction of great tombs – the pyramids,

for the practice of mummifying the dead.


Mesopotamia does not represent a civilization, but a region of the Middle East that was home to a series of ancient peoples. The term “Mesopotamia” has Greek origins and means “land between rivers”, a reference to the fact that Mesopotamian civilizations established themselves in this region located between two rivers: Tigris and Euphrates.

Among the main Mesopotamian civilizations, the following stand out:






Of these, the Sumerians were the first to gain notoriety, forming a more advanced civilization around 3200 BC. They developed the first cities, created cuneiform writing, established local governments, built large buildings, etc.

Other great civilizations, such as the Amorites, were marked by a great king called Hammurabi. This king ruled a small empire from Babylon and became known for the Code of Hammurabi, a set of written laws that had great influence in Mesopotamia. The Assyrians were known for their great violence, and the Chaldeans had the last great Mesopotamian empire. In 539 BC, the region was conquered by the Persians.


Athens was one of the great cities of Ancient Greece, becoming known as the cradle of democracy.

The Greeks were one of the great people of Antiquity and left great contributions in politics, philosophy, mathematics, history and many other areas. This civilization began to develop through the migration of some people to the south of the Balkan Peninsula, starting in 2000 BC.

The Greeks emerged from the fusion of peoples, such as:






Greek history was divided into a series of periods. The first of them – the Pre-Homeric – is marked by the existence of two great civilizations developed by Cretans and Mycenaeans.

The Greeks, during their Classical Period, were known for having developed the polis, a model of city-state, with Athens and Sparta being the most striking examples. These were the largest and most powerful poleis in Ancient Greece, possessing vast lands and rivaling each other, as they had different polis models and different interests.

The Athenians had a democratic model, which allowed the participation of all citizens of society (men, born in Athens and children of Athenians), while the Spartans adopted the aristocratic model, which allowed the participation of a small minority of privileged, well-known like fragments.

Greek history was marked by two major conflicts:

Medical Wars: against the Persians;

Peloponnesian War: civil war between Athenians and Spartans.

The two wars weakened the poleis and allowed foreigners, such as the Macedonians, to conquer the region.

Ancient Rome

Roman civilization arose from a small Latin city that developed on the Italian Peninsula, in the 8th century BC. Rome was one of the great civilizations of Antiquity and had a large territory that extended from Mesopotamia to Western Europe and from Britain to North Africa.

Roman history was divided into three major periods:

the monarchist,

the republican,

the imperial.

From a small village in the Latium region, Rome became a gigantic civilization that expanded through war. The marks of the Roman presence, in the places they conquered, resisted for a long time and many exist to this day.

Roman society was divided between patricians and plebeians and, throughout history, social inequalities led these classes to clash several times. One of the great demonstrations of the clashes between plebeians and patricians can be found in the reforms proposed by the Gracchus brothers.

Roman decadence began in the 3rd century AD and was directly related to the weakening of the Roman economy. Firstly, Rome's power over its provinces weakened, and the Roman economy crumbled, mainly due to the crisis in the slave system, which supported Roman production.

Furthermore, Roman control over its borders began to decline, and Germanic peoples and other barbarians from the limes began to penetrate Roman territory. Many were added to the Roman army and, in return, received land in the territory. The Germanic invasions were the event that sealed the end of the Roman Empire in Western Europe.

In 476 AD, Emperor Romulus Augustus was deposed by the Heruli, and the territories of the Western Roman Empire were occupied by different Germanic peoples. The Middle Ages were established by this fusion between Latin culture and Germanic culture.

Periods of history

Whenever we study history, we realize that the entire extent of human history was divided by historians into periods, and this division was structured during the 19th century. The creation of periods for historical time is an ancient practice in humanity, and historian Jacques Le Goff has already demonstrated that in the Bible there is a periodization proposed in the book of Daniel.

Other periodization proposals followed over time until history became an area of ​​professional knowledge and a teaching subject. The transformation of history into a teaching subject took place in Western Europe, at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century, and, in this process, periodization became a very useful tool.

This happened, firstly, because periodization is a very productive teaching tool to facilitate the teaching and understanding of historical events. Furthermore, this tool was designed to handle historical time as a succession of events, which made it possible to visualize the evolution of humanity over time.

This idea does not make much sense today, since historians understand that the passage from one period to another does not necessarily indicate evolution or progress. Therefore, we understand that, even with the change from one period to the next, delays or moments of recession can happen.

The periodization that is currently used has taken shape over time. During the Renaissance period, the idea that saw European history as marked by three major periods began to take shape: Ancient (Greece and Rome), Middle and Modern (beginning with Renaissance culture).

I believe that we are in good shape and we can believe in the existence or subsistence of life that tells us an immense relationship about the flower of knowledge that develops on human consciousness and creation develops through dynamism between perhaps how much an artist has shows his arts that reveals to us the high esteem on the dynamics of life and its high natural controls of creation when politics emerges as a system of socialist construction that is preserved on education that also teaches religion as a means of educating, loving, feeling affection for something relatively about life as discipline and love of god as divine existence about the high sufficiency and reactivity and relativity of life that we must admit and understand and I want to say here my friends friends who are going through this winter moment and that the tune is well defined regarding certain things that are told as beautiful and graceful stories of life and of the human being in which we can delve deeper into this empty space and admit how much we are by nature originated by a long-standing relationship that tells us the old story of life and that we learn from science the demagoguery of all surfaces that simulate notions of living and actions about life and that we learn here good manners that we will all teach in the future and We must always believe in life and in the human capacity to live.

Here I would simply like to ask from the bottom of my soul those of you who live today in such a modern world that classifies us among the environment of great contradictions that, due to the realistic basis of life, we believe in various surfaces that make us revive and that pacify us between a concept of standing on life and fully contemplating its actions that validate our desires to love, we believe in life and simply in the strength of will and courage that makes us live each moment that passes in life and that we cross the most difficult barriers high against daily imperfections that want to inhibit our rights to live and progress in life because I think we are too optimistic when we learn and know every dictum and realism of our desires that shows us more perfect about the world of fantasies and imaginations that I just don't think we're going to go through life without real and concrete reasons to establish a more emotional chemistry that transfers to us the desire of the will over our selfishness, which in everything and everything breaks down to give doors to the optimism that turns later and turns into euphoria as an independence of will against the other empty side of life that would be all the disadvantages we have and that rises as a scale of moral concepts so that we can then put everything into the active survival of our personalities that I believe you never stopped love when you completely desire or are fantasizing about a desire that is exactly what you most dreamed and thought about doing and by that I mean that life is morbid and that almost all things become a stimulus when you make each gesture live and desire and perhaps the world is indifferent because we have to learn from life what life teaches us and everything is fully something subjective that makes us want to have and know because I think we are always giving space to time as well as in physics everything ends is limited even in terms of the universe, which has no end and it survives over a small fraction of time and space and so we truly grasp and recognize the varied distance and time per space there is to end and in everything and on everything there is a certain and small place that determines us over time and makes us react over its space like a projection, resonance of life over being and being over life as well as the universe itself, which is always expanding and which was created by a great explosion in a smallest fraction of time generating an atom called earth that would simply be called a primordial atom.

I want to say here with my beautiful words that life has certainly always made us react as it has related us through a metamorphosis that we can simply understand that we live from a great affection that encodes us and makes us seek a relationship of time and space over each moment and reaction. of our desires and I want everyone who is listening to these international romantic songs to seek from the depths of the feeling that can show us or prove us later in thought as a philosophy of life or logic of physics inverted in psychology the beautiful creation and affection as a relevant take of time and space that we never recede the richest things that we dreamed of, fascinations and dreams and fantasies that we simplify with each shelf and moment of pleasure that we learn for a simple pleasure and love and well-being of our lives that we always dedicate ourselves to modern life and that We will always be here, we will tell and we will hear beautiful stories of love, adventures and happiness for life and I want to thank you for another one of my messages and thank you all very much. Hugs and happiness to everyone in the name of love and education as always the old times that rule us and similarly make us live for a simple moment of pleasure and love!

With regards to all my listeners and thank you very much!


For those who come from a journey well completed in which a great significance blossomed between summer and winter, as well as we say and as we go through the seasons of the year, life tells us that we are leaving ourselves as we fall from the silence of the dawn as the leaves fall and stand out in the big trees which is like simply saying that summer is really a case or chance of making us more cautious about dispensations.

es that break up in life that it can always tell us that all things are dispensed with like the leaves on the trees that in a period of transitions that over the great climatic memories of the seasons makes for a great relativity as a pastime that represents to us the void between the greens which is considered a transition period and is characterized by declining temperatures, with the exception of regions located close to the Equator. During this period, the leaves of the trees have yellowish tones and tend to fall, indicating a change in season and we see these changes as a warning that we are similar simply as a full relationship that man by nature is truly animated by four natural elements that, due to their magnitude They are part of these seasons that in everything and for everything say about a great relativity and relationship that the seasons are to promote life together. Nature simply in its phases begins a great development that breaks free from the emptiness of death that between four natural elements makes us concrete in the step of the maturation of life that awakens and animates us on an attachment to deeply relate to all nature that so much concentrates us and puts us in ways of promoting both development towards maturation and concentrates us in disfavoring ways of disseminating both development towards maturation among all species, among fruits, trees and plants, which is disseminated through the setbacks of each phase passing to begin other seasons that life can be innate and that itself is based on a great natural relationship between life and death, just as the man who is born to die and dies to be born represents himself in an elemental fertilization and electric that takes place on the elemental planes and represents a great living revival in the seasons so that we can know its effects and contradictions as much as we love and those of love that shows us more simple and graceful affection as well as hate and those of hatred that us shows more fearful, indefinite, solid to the detachment that simply shows itself in the seasons that life is a daily representation of both the human being and nature that it is said that everything is born to die and dies to be born as in all imaginations of the living being that is in accordance with both natural and emotional life can consciously feel and go through these effects that we would simply never recognize among all free will and how long do we have to prove this relationship as nature also definitely shows us its elemental points that only make us understand life better and grow with it when we have a lot to do to survive and thus begins a great trajectory in the life of the human being who is born, lives and dies, and have you, my dear friends, ever thought about these divine things?

May we say that for an infinity of time?

That human beings have learned to know life much better!

And simply studied nature?

Between his impulses of construction and destruction or how certainly and simply, entirely, he felt enveloped on the planet that made him imagine relational life from the outside as much as he through a simple imagination that would cost him billions of dollars that could be his end or his conquest and enjoyment of a recognition of life on earth and in the heavens in which we can well say that nature preserved him ahead of his creation and imagination that made man recognize himself and see life up close that made him climb so high to the heights of sky and the depths of the sea and so everything turned around his ability to build, develop and in everything the science was conceived that would prove everything and bring him to life with high esteem and great knowledge that made man live and better understand the subsistence and existence of all sciences and the world created more lives and life made him dream bigger and man felt like god and saw the stars and conquered space and the sea that simply made him aware of the light as an emanation of life and awakened him to the hidden world that would be his place with the high knowledge of high magic that became a science of more than profound and more than dreamed-of mysteries that we can believe today and in the past time that makes us transcribe everything between time and space that due to submissions, proliferations, transmutations are in relativity with life, time and space that is reflected fluently on nature giving us escapes over large charges of electrons, protons and neutrons that perhaps align with all existences of life and death causing a great alchemy between both fundamental and natural elements, and what do you think about this great trajectory?

And that we are winged by nature under the same transformation, in states of both life and death!

And that climate change only changes because We are living beings and we live from the elements that make us transmute the nuclear elements over the chemistry of the spirit that vivifies each atom through exhaust outlets and electron centrifuges to form and combine in the nucleus causing the chemical development of the elements in the organism that pass through the the cells developing the human metabolism in a combination of electrons, protons and neutrons and thus the living being was created and the universe that was formed was formed from a great atomic explosion that through escapes of electrons, protons and neutrons the planet earth was formed which we can understand its state, both liquid and solid, and so it is really nature that made us almost the same creation and we are small pieces of the universe and we vivify each atom and exhaust outlets through centripetal and centrifugal forces in which a nucleus is formalized, forming a body and generating a being and so we can talk here about a great climate change that could come from a season where, through a period of transition and decline in temperature, life is actually fully stable to become as dense as the universe itself and we are going to talk about a more rhythmic melody that certainly does not confuse us with the transformations and seasons of life and that for a significance and subsistence man makes himself loved and otherwise leaves and releases a moment of marriage with the soul that passes from the spirit of emotions in sensations of the soul and sensible creations of the

thought, it makes live optimism instead of nostalgia that through a simple subjection and emotional emotion everything is created and becomes stable and sensible to a beautiful sound and harmony in which we are going to talk here now a little about music that by a more passive nature we proliferate from the depths of the soul a more human feeling, pleasure in feeling something desirable, consistency and consciously we are celebrating something substantial to our mere pleasures and that music transports us with almost the same natural efficiency that makes up nature because I can simply say that the universe is rhythm, constructive, desirable to get rid of because all things are always showing us what life is like and we can see very close up like the beautiful music that makes us more alive, loving, happy, captive, friends and so we simply see paradise say how rich we are, fascinated by life and its elevations are unprecedented, possessed of pleasure and it is said that in everything they align with light to create something more elegant that contains us and makes us love and that is life and we should be grateful for It is because we are pieces of the universe and I certainly saw something tell me that nature always wanted me on a sentimental side that guided my dreams and desires for life and I understood it even better when I learned to see all the relativities of nature in me founding on its aspects that described beautiful sciences where art drew me and I saw the doors to the margins of life and I saw the better world and was born on my unforgettable thoughts and dreams that my fantasies crossed over my chemical functions that transcended my feelings and I found life much better and I thank God for the screen with me and I can see very closely all the development of life and life inspired me and I overcame the fear of death that took me in the silences when I was just taken by the insecurity of life and I began to recognize my mistakes and I saw that what I needed was more love and dedication to life and certainly to myself, which was when I discovered deep down in my mind that it was certainly my creations that came as projections of my mind because my desires always gave me they gave their opinion on the world and I want to say and dedicate these best moments of love, music and adventures to all of you and as for me, I made these beautiful sentimental recordings where the glory of angels is born, the resurrection of the flesh and eternal life and amen.

I want here in this exact moment of love and pleasure to say from the bottom of my soul that my feelings are being born right now in this moment and that I am developing the holy spirit that through my joy of being alive I was born again and saw the light unchanging sun briefly clear my entire mind that I honestly sanctify with my pure love because my emotions are relationships and reactions that I have with mother nature and my supreme mother loves me and always said that I was a young man fascinated by the will and that I I am covered with pleasures in all my moral and intellectual relationships because life is really a star bomb where emotion takes over my desires and I am learning that life is much better and because I feel nature always sweating in beautiful romantic love songs say that somewhere hidden there is a love waiting for me to live all my desires and dreams that I have always captivated and dreamed that the world would reveal to me the most dreamed wonders of my life because today I am more than a hero to discover among my more than dreamed feelings and thoughts that the most fantastic things only come when we learn from life to actually be a superman or a warrior who saves his skin and defeats all the destructible evils that happen in life and God will always guide me as always because today I am a hero captivating in all my achieved desires that I evoked and created to all the wonderful sciences and stories that time will never forget because I am indeed a great and esteemed writer and scientist who saw life as a step of magic and today by a simple notion, by my dedication to my valuable work and my greatest satisfying moments of joy I have become a god against evil spirits and against all the aberrations of life where God's justice has no limits to dismantle everything that there is against me because I am the richest and most satisfied man in the world and I want to thank everyone for this wonderful and unforgettable moment of love and pleasure because I live for happiness and I will never bow down to others because I showed the best of myself and I will always be rich as always until the end of my days in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and I want to say here with everyone with great honor and I know that everyone knows me for my formality and work that I am a good writer and broadcaster that I will always show in my contradictions and relationships the best things that satisfy the heart of a friend or listener and that I made these messages as great read and moral proofs of a great socialist who simply has the soul of an artist to prove and show the world how much he is worth just live life and be happy and I want to say here with immense love that these formalities are well related to the world of stations and that on the airwaves I simply dedicate with lots of love and affection to my dear listeners these best messages of love and thank you very much to all of you. Congratulations and lots of Axé!

For those who come from a journey well completed in which a great significance blossomed between summer and winter, as well as we say and as we see through the seasons of the year, life is well said to be leaving us as we fall from the silence of the dawn as the leaves fall and stand out in the big trees which is like simply saying that summer is really a case or chance of making us more cautious about the daily dispensations that break through in life that it can always tell us that all things are dispensed with like the leaves of the trees that in a period of transitions that over the great climatic remind of the seasons makes for a great relativity as a pastime that represents us the void between the greens that is considered a period of transition and is characterized by the decline of temperatures, with the exception of regions located close to the Equator. During this period, the leaves of the trees have yellowish tones and tend to fall, indicating a change in season and we see these changes as a warning that we are similar simply as a full relationship that man by nature is truly animated by four natural elements that, due to their magnitude They are part of these seasons that in everything and for everything say about a great relativity and relationship that the seasons are to promote life together. Nature simply in its phases begins a great development that breaks free from the emptiness of death that between four natural elements makes us concrete in the step of the maturation of life that awakens and animates us on an attachment to deeply relate to all nature that so much concentrates us and puts us in ways of promoting both development towards maturation and concentrates us in disfavoring ways of disseminating both development towards maturation among all species, among fruits, trees and plants, which is disseminated through the setbacks of each phase passing to begin other seasons that life can be innate and that itself is based on a great natural relationship between life and death, just as the man who is born to die and dies to be born represents himself in an elemental fertilization and electric that takes place on the elemental planes and represents a great living revival in the seasons so that we can know its effects and contradictions as much as we love and those of love that shows us more simple and graceful affection as well as hate and those of hatred that us shows more fearful, indefinite, solid to the detachment that simply shows itself in the seasons that life is a daily representation of both the human being and nature that it is said that everything is born to die and dies to be born as in all imaginations of the living being that is in accordance with both natural and emotional life can consciously feel and go through these effects that we would simply never recognize among all free will and how long do we have to prove this relationship as nature also definitely shows us its s elemental points that only make us understand life better and grow with it when we have a lot to do to survive and thus begins a great trajectory in the life of the human being who is born, lives and dies, and you my dear friends Have you ever thought about these divine things?

May we say that for an infinity of time?

That human beings have learned to know life much better!

And simply studied nature?

Between his impulses of construction and destruction or how certainly and simply, entirely he felt enveloped on the planet that made him imagine life related to the mind on the outside as he by a simple imagination that would cost him billions of dollars that could be his end or his conquest and enjoyment of a recognition of life on earth and in the heavens in which we can well say that nature preserved him ahead of his creation and imagination that made man recognize himself and see life up close that made him climb so high to the heights of sky and the depths of the sea and so everything turned around his ability to build, develop and in everything the science was conceived that would prove everything and bring him to life with high esteem and great knowledge that made man live and better understand the subsistence and existence of all sciences and the world created more lives and life made him dream bigger and man felt like god and saw the stars and conquered space and the sea that simply made him aware of the light as an emanation of life and awakened him to the hidden world that would be his place with the high knowledge of high magic that became a science of more than profound and more than dreamed-of mysteries that we can believe today and in the past time that makes us

transcribe everything between time and space that due to submissions, proliferations, transmutations are in relativity with life, time and space that is reflected fluently on nature giving us escapes over large charges of electrons, protons and neutrons that perhaps align with all existences of life and death causing a great alchemy between both fundamental and natural elements, and what do you think about this great trajectory?

And that we are winged by nature under the same transformation, in states of both life and death!

I want here in this exact moment of love and pleasure to say from the bottom of my soul that my feelings are being born right now in this moment and that I am developing the holy spirit that through my joy of being alive I was born again and saw the light unchanging sun briefly clear my entire mind that I honestly sanctify with my pure love because my emotions are relationships and reactions that I have with mother nature and my supreme mother loves me and always said that I was a young man fascinated by the will and that I I am covered with pleasures in all my moral and intellectual relationships because life is really a star bomb where emotion takes over my desires and I am learning that life is much better and because I feel nature always sounding in beautiful romantic love songs say that somewhere hidden there is a love waiting for me to live all my desires and dreams that I have always captivated and dreamed that the world would reveal to me the most dreamed wonders of my life because today I am more than a hero unveiling among my more than dreamed feelings and thoughts that the most fantastic things only come when we learn from life to actually be a superman or a warrior who saves his skin and defeats all the destructible evils that come his way in life and God will always guide me as always because today I am a hero captivating in all my achieved desires that I evoked and created to all the wonderful sciences and stories that time will never forget because I am indeed a great and esteemed writer and scientist who saw life as a magic step and today by a simple notion, by my dedication to my valuable work and my greatest satisfying moments of joy I have become a god against evil spirits and against all the aberrations of life where justice God has no limits to dismantle everything that is against me because I am the richest and most satisfied man in the world and I want to thank everyone for this wonderful and unforgettable moment of love and pleasure because I live for happiness and I will never bend over backwards. others because I showed the best of myself and I will always be rich as always until the end of my days in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and I want to say here with everyone with great honor and I know that everyone knows me for my formality and work that I I am a good writer and broadcaster who will always show in my contradictions and relationships the best things that satisfy the heart of a friend or listener and I made these messages as great read and moral proofs of a great socialist who simply has the soul of an artist to prove and show the world how much you just live life and be happy and I want to say here with immense love that these formalities are well related to the world of stations and that on radio waves I simply dedicate with lots of love and affection to my dear listeners these best messages of love and much thank you all. Congratulations and lots of Axé!


I am arriving from a beautiful occasion that for a very defined reason that is struggling with my life and that perhaps I can even be guessing all the trajectories that for a simple very realistic notion that defines itself to a beautiful conviction of my extraordinary thoughts in that the feeling is what makes me consciously remember now at this blessed time that I was dreaming that for a simple adventure that can make us admit good images as well as good well-attended walks that make me feel today like a great adventurer that I spent my entire life getting to know better up close to the life that I have always dominated as a friend of my dreams and my extraordinary fantasies that I remember that I was well suited and well focused on captive and deep love that I almost begged for a very different state of life and that gave space to my fantasies and chilling dreams that when I met the Hawaiian girls I was certainly possessed with pleasure when I simply surfed a gigantic wave that almost swallowed me completely over a fantastic and immediate shower that I took that soon I saw the Hawaiian girls smile in my direction as I I was a tough guy who my intimates always seemed to tell me that I was never good at surfing and that I think I was too used to a life more socialized to rock in roll that always plugged in my ears because I listened to rock songs so much of the engineers from Hawaii who always sang, infinite Highway, too far from the capitals, safety and others that were slow rock, ballads and romantics that I came very close to the peace that soon left me with my jaw dropped that I went to the gigolo's pool in Las Vegas to maybe see the girls taking a shower without their bikinis which immediately reminded me of something unusual which was when I heard that song by the great singer called Billy Idol who sings the song Eyes Without a Face on the other side of the pool which in Portuguese means faceless eyes which is a metaphor for lack of humanity and emotional coldness, suggesting a disconnect between a person's external appearance and internal essence. In the context of the lyrics, the narrator expresses a feeling of hopelessness and disappointment in love. The lyrics reflect on the loss of a close friend and the hope of a reunion in the future. Through its words, the song expresses the pain of absence, but also celebrates the moments shared and the memories that remain as I feel that life is wonderful perhaps when we are engraved and united over a single and full dimension that all our illusions fall apart. are nothing more than projections and that life is or is at high tide or low tide when we learn from life and when life makes us worth all that we do best in our lives and that the future can conceive divine graces for us and that not there is nowhere in our life when we are not aware and free from any depression because I believe that we are going through a world that is too solid to satisfy us, possess us and change our routines so as not to lose the optimism of our youth because I think I was down with no way out which was when I found, in just one moment of pleasure, a path that gave me the light in which I woke up to face the world much better in another way in which I saw the supreme life which was simply distracted and lifeless which was soon that I found love that was something unexpected to my confident conclusions in looking for beautiful girls who passed beautiful information to me when I was possessed by my mere illusions and compassions that I was distracted by life when I was always looking for peace of mind, the pleasure that I have always played fair to reap good fruits and life is still always teaching us when there is existence about the realities that are testaments to tomorrow and we are time travelers who seek to establish a standard of life that is more finite than our real and intimate natures that ravage the nerves so that we can better understand life and the music played softly over my mind when I heard the song, My heart will go where it is called., My heart goes with you and forever young which is called forever young who was tied to a sentimental desire to better conquer the world in which I saw the bright and splendid life telling me that I played my part in the inequalities that perpetuate life!

And what would the romantic side of life be like?

Have you ever thought, dear listener!

Oh, my friend too!

Can we define ourselves over the indifferences that want to inhibit us? Well, baby, I crossed the seven seas You are like an adventurer who, in my contradictions of living, I saw in my present a past that was half glued to the future and that I almost went crazy due to a certainty of living and facing life that could be a contradiction for perhaps a transformation in which I could visualize everything whatever life is or can give me regarding the future that I have to do and I think that people are always deluded about a fatal war of nerves because of love because I know that between both people there is an indifference that makes us emphasize the pure intention to unite or are contradictory acts or effects of the personality of uniting and soaring over the monotonous things that life teaches us to oppress us simply on moral, social and sentimental issues that we can make our minds an instrument of pleasure more shocking than Convene us to unite and thus preserve the old and good friendship of love.

Be it me, you, or whoever!

You will never feel covered in gold or diamonds, or be able to relate to other people as opposed to living precariously to any inconsistent factor, even if you see or fantasize in your mind a hero who is prone to disadvantages or incoherence, insufficiency aberrations of life you will always feel defenseless unless you are aware and you will not defraud both your image and someone's most vulnerable personality because that person may be unaware of your attitude and let's not tarnish and ruin someone's friendship because that may be unusual and I think that we should achieve pure friendship much better because at the bottom of this story we will find all the contradictions and good moral aspects that in the future can bring us both love and friendship and we simply become friends forever in which we can Someday we will learn to love her and conquer her much better.

I saw, dear friends, emerge from the silence that captivated in solitude a chemistry that established an immense arrogance that, according to the law of feeling, would be the deadest things that were indexed to the displeasure that, due to a sudden evil in the world of shadows, could be the precarious opposite of existence or invalidity of the feeling of attachment, solidity, suffering, incapacity, insufficiency of love over the logic of pleasure, of the good fortune that a mind that is precarious due to the contradictory act or effect or obstinate and dissatisfied with the reality that makes us seek the desire that is capable of love and the will is distinguished by pleasure as the taste of knowing that if there is life differently that simply cannot be obscured as solitude that does not and brings moral benefits causing different effects on the emotions of those who live of pleasure, good fortune because they love each other and are friends of the will that comes to fruition in the fire of truth that animates and makes two hearts live as much as there is love to give as life establishes as a sound that can give us pleasure over music who is a teacher who exhales in us the tenderness that made my heart more beautiful for someone who loves me and is based on the taste of pleasure that becomes one's own will and we harmonize on the sound that becomes a spiritual chemistry that consciously transmits information to our consistent minds that everything turns into a soul and is achieved at the taste of the sounding melody that awakens us to a reunion with the emotional nature through the charges of electrons that become life, becoming a body called the atomic nucleus that combines with the soul in the periphery of electrons turning into the spirit that is nuclear chemistry and we can say my dear friends that music has an effect that transforms us, cheers us up, makes us love, leaves us free and that this phenomenon may lack pleasure for us at the same time. sound of both the harmony and its lyrics, which are shocking, passive and in everything preserve us the fullness of dreaming and living happily.

I am arriving from a beautiful occasion that for a very defined reason that is struggling with my life and that perhaps I can even be guessing all the trajectories that for a simple very realistic notion that defines itself to a beautiful conviction of my extraordinary thoughts in that the feeling is what makes me consciously remember now at this blessed time that I was dreaming that for a simple adventure that can make us admit good images as well as good well-attended walks that make me feel today like a great adventurer that I spent my entire life getting to know better up close to the life that I have always dominated as a friend of my dreams and my extraordinary fantasies that I remember that I was well suited and well focused on captive and deep love that I almost begged for a very different state of life and that gave space to my fantasies and chilling dreams that when I met the girls from Hawaii I was certainly possessed with pleasure when I simply surfed a gigantic wave that almost swallowed me completely over a fantastic and immediate bath that I took and then I saw the girls in Havaianas, smiling at me like I was a fool in which my intimacy always seemed to tell me that I was never good at surfing and that I think I was too used to the more socialized life of rock in roll that always plugged in my ears I listened so much to the rock songs of Hawaii engineers who always sang, Infinite Highway, too far from the capitals, security and others that were slow rock, ballads and romantic songs that I came very close to the peace that soon gave me

It made my jaw drop that I went to the gigolo's pool in Las Vegas to maybe see the girls taking a shower without their bikinis which immediately reminded me of something unusual which was when I heard that song by the great singer called Billy Idol who sings the song Eyes Without a Face on the other side of the pool, which in Portuguese means eyes without a face, is a metaphor for the lack of humanity and emotional coldness, suggesting a disconnection between the external appearance and the internal essence of a person. In the context of the lyrics, the narrator expresses a feeling of hopelessness and disappointment in love. The lyrics reflect on the loss of a close friend and the hope of a reunion in the future.

Now you are sleeping in your room both afternoon and night and dark thoughts come to you that you may be at ease with life and life may have taught you magnificent, fantastic things so much better that you never fail to understand their best and greater successes and courage to live because I believe, oh my great friend!

You may simply be going through a temporary downpour and you hate to say that you're not doing well with yourself because I think you have good or bad reasons to feel alone in life, even if you are alone!

You wouldn't behave with indifference because you are simply maybe a man or maybe a girl who see life in another way and don't look for issues to get confused by even maybe petty uncertain things that don't suit us anyway because life would be too abstract in the sentimentalist way that through a mistake we almost get lost in counting our foolishness, always running and dedicating our entire lives to mere youth that transcends us, more love for us and we don't want to tarnish our intentions nor our very faithful ones. identities, intimacies and judgment on others because I think life is a bomb of moral effects that we are certainly just giving our opinion on every second of life and every shelf of pleasure and for our fellow human beings and that we must always love our neighbors because we are human beings and this is rational our more than secret intimacies and let's not go now in these beautiful love songs that I talk about so that music can illuminate our souls and our purest pleasure of living and winning in life as something very relevant and of good grace as virtues of our lives, my dear friends, I may even be trying to enter my intellectual side into life because I know that I am doing well with it and people will also feel pleasure like me because things suit us. sides become too boring for us to appreciate life much better without so much selfishness and I can see the world differently because I read in the Bible about the ten commandments and I thought that we will have to pay something simply common because we are not in accordance with the laws of God and only God he knows about us and we should learn better from him, and people still find life so boring!

Have you ever thought about God and his commandments, friends?

I'm not going to stay here on this very romantic night listening to beautiful international music, researching anyone!

I created this summer message here with a lot of love, respect and work to satisfy the good taste of my dear listening friends because I know how much they love my work and that they are magnificent people who have the soul of an artist and also pass on great information to me that I treasure it with much love and I want to say that I am here very satisfied and that I can now share here in this wonderful hour of romantic songs my best lengths as a great artist, psychologist, philosopher and writer that I show with immense love, work and songs the most beautiful women in the world and I want everyone to enjoy this valuable moment of love and pleasure and whether you are a doctor, businessman, writer, painter, designer, singer and others who are great people who deserve the best of my words that I show here with much love and respect for everyone and I want to say that music will never die because it is simply the human being's moral awakening for life, the totality of love about great people who see life with lots of love and perseverance and I want you to always look my work as an artist because I am here to show in my great space the best of me in my unforgettable role as a writer and radio presenter and I want to thank now at this moment firstly God who has always helped me gave the peace and love for me to describe so many imaginations that served for the fundamental progress of humanity and to all my listeners and followers who always gave me the greatest strength to enjoy my words and may God enlighten everyone forever and thank you very much heart for another message I made for everyone as real and loyal proof of my love. Thank you very much!


Here I want to show an unprecedented narration as a complete

message that define themselves about a great and fabulous story in

that I show about the ancient city called Paris that I tell about

beautiful and unforgettable international romantic songs for everyone

listen with immense love to understand and feel deeply

about beautiful knowledge that touches the true dynamics

that we can remember several ancient events that

can tell us and show us great stories that marked a

great time of dreams where fantasy can be the best

companion of a great adventurous dream that we seek in your

past or future a deep relationship and reaction with nature

more coding that lacks pleasure and love for our world

and that makes us search among many trajectories and achievements for one

valuable role of getting to know each other much better and with divine love

own life in which here in mere words that simply

we can be well connected about our desires to be

happy, knowledge of the ancestor's life, recognition with the

myself who dedicate ourselves to the mere pleasure of knowing much better

life and our world for the best way to live and be happy

where here now with lots of love, dedication for all my

formidable listeners, I want to say that we satisfactorily admit

by a simple notion and desire about life that life might be

a passing thing and that we are duly delving into

a space that I simply believe we will still meet

how much we have to know and tell beautiful and extraordinary

stories that simply reveal to us a very remote time in

our time and that we are synchronized with the era of young people who

always believed in the past as an answer to the true

future and that we can fully know it as closely as possible.

we have to take them as a friend of a simple adventurous notion that

in everything and through everything passes through us and that will always be kept

as a memory and memory of a great time that here

Now let's remember with beautiful love songs about a

romantic moment of pleasure where the radio waves

synchronize with power and that we can dream much better with the

future in which here I will tell a beautiful story to everyone

hear where I leave my best regards as a writer and

radio host Roberto Barros. Hugs!

Rarely do I believe that we are talking about a fully

very valuable that went through a great period in the May revolution

from 1968.

Rarely can we understand all the contradictions that

a harsh expression really disappears under a more

evolutionist that took place between the two times that were

forming a great country that today shows itself under a great culture

and its great traditions of a people who always fought and showed in

your best ways your soul, desire, work and culture that today

is shown under a great cultural construction list that has gone through

a major change between several dilemmas and became a country of

gold and dreams where we can conquer and see your best up close

value. We live big childhood dreams and if we return to the world of

fantasy where we can see and see with our soul the best

theaters and cinemas that are successful all over the world and today

we can understand all the value and capacity of a great people

that remained and will always be preserved in the cinematographic culture of

life to this day and we are going to talk about a political movement in

France that we can understand all reason and movement between

young people and the society that is extinguished under a very socialist relationship

under the power of freedom.

May 1968 was a political movement in France that, marked

due to general strikes and student occupations, it became an icon of a

period in which the renewal of values ​​was accompanied by

prominent strength of a youth culture. Sexual liberation, the

War in Vietnam, movements for the expansion of civil rights

made up all the gunpowder in a barrel constructed by the speech of

young students of the time. More than starting some kind of

trend, May 68 can be seen as the unfolding of the entire

a series of questions already proposed by the review of customs carried out

by political struggles, philosophical works and youthful euphoria. On the 2nd of

May 1968, French students at the University of Nanterre

staged a protest against the division of dormitories between men

and women. In fact, this simple reason was rooted in a

new generation that demanded the end of conservative stances s.

Taking advantage of the incident, other French university students and groups

party politicians decided to join the ranks of the protests

against the problems experienced in France. With television coverage, the

French episode became known around the world.

In a short time, the outline of the issues that motivated the protest

gained broader and more delicate contours. The students passed

to demand the resignation of President Charles de Gaulle, considered a

conservative, and the calling of general elections were the new

proposals from the protesters. From there the city of Paris

became the scene of clashes between armed police and

Protesters protected by barricades. Lacking equal strength

war, the rebels threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the

cops. On the 18th, workers staged a general strike

of alarming proportions. More than 9 million workers

they crossed their arms demanding better working conditions. Cornered

due to the proportion of the episodes, President Charles de Gaulle

took refuge in a German military base, granted a 35% bonus to

minimum wage and called new legislative elections. In this way, the

workers emptied the demonstration spaces and returned to

occupy their jobs.

In the elections called by the French government, politicians linked

to the figure of Gaulle they achieved a significant victory. The president left

of the episode as a figure capable of overcoming the problems

faced by society at the time.

Even without achieving some kind of objective achievement, the movement

May 68 indicated a change in behavior. The arts, the

philosophy and affective relationships would be the space of action of a world

marked by changes. We cannot really judge this

episode as immature or hasty. Much less do we know how to limit

precisely how much the world has changed since then. At the

However, we can reflect on the place where the rebellion and vigor of

ideas occupy in a society systematically taxed

consumerist and individualist.


It began as a series of student strikes that broke out in

some universities and secondary schools in Paris, after

clashes with the administration and police. The government's attempt

Gaullista to crush these strikes with more police actions in the

Latin Quarter led to an escalation of the conflict, which culminated in a

general student strike and strikes with factory occupations

throughout France.


Some philosophers and historians have claimed that this event was a

of the most important and significant of the 20th century, because it is not

owed to a restricted layer of the population, such as workers and

peasants - who were the majority -, but to a popular insurrection that

overcame ethnic, cultural, age and class barriers. In addition

Furthermore, it had intrinsic links with post-war events

and with those of the Cold War.

Other interpretations place May 1968 in the context of

demonstrations and insurrections much broader than the events

French, such as the Italian ‘Hot Autumn’ and the “Cordobazo”

Argentine, culminating in the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia. O

common trait between such uprisings would be the repudiation of the official line of

Soviet Union and Stalinism.

According to professor Felipe Maruf Quintas, May 68 was the

first of the Color Revolutions incited by the CIA. One of

characteristic of color revolutions is, according to Andre Korybko,

that agents "take advantage of identity problems in a

Target state in order to mobilize one, some or all of the issues

common identity issues to provoke large movements of

protest, which can then be co-opted or directed by them to

achieve their political objectives." According to Quintas, Charles de

Gaulle in 1964 broke the blockade that the United States imposed on

Western countries with regard to loans to the Union

Soviet Union, which infuriated the Saxon country. Furthermore, de Gaulle

reestablished relations with Cuba and began independent relations

with Third World countries, that is, non-aligned ones, with, including

"possibility of transferring technologies by

French companies to third world countries in several

sectors." "The legacies left by May 1968 were the

Neoliberalism and Identity Politics. May 68 was individualistic,

extolled subjectivist individualism against the welfare state

social in Europe."

Most of the insurgents were supporters of left-wing ideas. Many

saw the events as an opportunity to shake up the values ​​of

"old society", opposing advanced ideas about education,

sexuality and pleasure. Among them, a small minority, such as

Occident, professed right-wing ideas.

In popular culture

At the movies

• The film Baisers volés (1968), by François Truffaut, takes place in

Paris during the protests. Although it is not an overtly

political, it contains references and images of the demonstrations. O

film captures the revolutionary feeling of the period and explains why

Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard called for the cancellation of the festival

Cannes 1968.

• The film Mourir d'aimer (1971), by André Cayatte, is based on the

true story of Gabrielle Roussier, a professor of

classics (played in the film by Annie Girardot) who committed

suicide after being found guilty of having an affair

with one of her students during May 1968.

• The film Tout Va Bien (1972), by Jean-Luc Godard, examines the

class struggle that continued in French society after May


• The film The Mother and the Whore (1973), by Jean Eustache, winner of the

Grand Prix (Cannes Festival), cites the events of May 1968 and

explores its consequences.

• The film Molotov Cocktail (1980), by Diane Kurys, tells the

story of a group of French friends who were traveling to

Israel, but decide to return to Paris after hearing news about the


• The film Milou en mai (1990), by Louis Malle, is a portrait

satirical about the impact of the revolutionary fervor of May 1968

about the bourgeoisie of a small town.

• A 2003 film by Bernardo Bertolucci, The Dreamers,

based on the novel The Holy Innocents by Gilbert Adair, narrates the

story of three young people who, during May 1968, see the

revolution happens through the bedroom window. In the extras of a DVD

film, there is a documentary about the time. The movement is described

by contemporary academics as a critique of society

contemporary capitalist Western and a return to a romantic

idealized past. The film Les amants réguliers (2005), by Philippe

Garrel, tells the story of a group of friends who participate in

protests, and their lives a year later.

• In the film OSS 117: Rio ne répond plus (2009), the protagonist

Hubert mocks the hippie students when he says "It's 1968. There will be no

revolution. Cut your hair."

• The film Après mai (2012), by Olivier Assayas, tells the story

of a young painter and his friends who bring the revolution to their homes

local schools and have to deal with the existential and

legal aspects of the act.

In the song

• The song "Verão de 68" by the Brazilian punk band Blind Pigs -

Blind Pigs, is the story of a female guerrilla member of the MR-8

during the 68 protests in Brazil.

• The song "É Proibido Proibir", by Caetano Veloso, took its

name of graffiti sprayed on the streets of Paris during May

1968. The song protested against the Brazilian military regime. The letter

from the song Street Fighting Man (1968), by the Rolling Stones, refers

to the protests seen from the perspective of a "sleepy city of

London". The lyrics were adapted to the melody of a Stones song

with different lyrics and that had not been released. The melody too

brings influences from the sound of French police car sirens.

The work "Sinfonia" (1968/1969), by Luciano B erio, included slogans from the

May 1968.

• Many lyrics by French anarchist singer-songwriter Léo Ferré were

inspired by May 1968, such as "L'Été 68", "Comme une fille"

(1969), "Paris je ne t'aime plus" (1970), "La Violence et l'Ennui"

(1971), "Il n'y a plus rien" (1973) and "La Nostalgie" (1979).

• The song Paris Mai (1969), by Claude Nougaro. Vangelis released,

in 1972, the album Fais que ton rêve soit plus long que la nuit (Do

your dreams bigger than the night). The album contains sounds from

demonstrations, songs and a newscast.

• The imaginary Italian official described by Fabrizio De

André in his album Storia di un impiegato (1973) has the idea of

explode a bomb in front of the Italian Parliament, upon hearing the

news about the May events in France and compare their

boring life with the exciting life of revolutionaries in France.

• The song Bye Bye Badman, from the album The Stone Roses (1989) by

band The Stone Roses, is about the protests. The album cover features

the three colors of the French flag, as well as lemons (which

were used by the French to nullify the effects of bombs

tear gas during May 1968). The song Papá cuéntame

otra vez (1997), by Ismael Serrano, refers to May 1968,

when he says "daddy, tell me that beautiful story again,

guards, fascists and long-haired students; of sweet war

urban girl with bell bottoms, and Rolling Stones songs, and

girls in miniskirts."

• The song "Protest Song '68" (1998), by the Swedish band Refused, is

about the protests of May 1968. The music video for the song I heard

Wonders (2008), by Northern Irish musician David Holmes, is based

in the protests, and alludes to the influence of the Situationist International in the

same. In literature

• The novel The Merry Month of May (1971), by James Jones,

tells the fictional story of an American expatriate who finds himself

accidentally amid the protests.

• The philosophical book "Anti-Oedipus", by Gilles Deleuze and Félix

Guattari, a great critic of traditional psychoanalysis, was written,

as the authors say, under the strong influence of May 68.

The history of Paris is linked to a combination of several factors

geographical and political. It's CL You see who decided, in the 6th century, to install

the fixed organs of political power of the kingdom in the small city of

Parisians. This capital position will be confirmed by the Capetians,

after a gap of two centuries during the Carolingian era.

The position of Paris at the crossroads between land routes

commercial and river routes in the heart of a region rich in agriculture,

made Paris one of the main cities in France

during the 10th century with royal palaces, rich abbeys and a cathedral.

During the 12th century, Paris became one of the first centers of

Europe for education and the arts.

Whether with the Fronde, the French Revolution or May 1968, Paris

has always been at the heart of the events that marked the history of


The Historical Library of the city of Paris allows the public to

delve into the historical memory of Paris and Ile de France, under

very varied aspects.

Representation of "old Paris" in front of the Eiffel Tower in

Universal Exhibition of 1900

The city's patron saint is Saint Genoveva, who would have excluded Attila and

the Huns of the city, in the 5th century, for their prayers. Your reliquary

it is now in the Church of Saint-Étienne-du-Mont.

History and Prehistory

The first known settlement in Paris is of the Chassean culture

(between 4,000 and 3,800 BC), on the left bank of an ancient

branch of the Seine within the 12th arrondissement of Paris. The presence

Human activity there appears to have been continuous during the Neolithic.

The remains of a village in the Administrative District of Bercy, part of the

12th arrondissement, were recovered and dated around 400

B.C. — notably a vessel stuck in the mud that

at the time it was and is currently on display at the Carnavalet Museum.


Roman baths beneath the Latin Quarter

Apart from this, the lack of data characterizes the knowledge of the period

from the so-called prehistoric occupation to the Gallo-Roman era. The only

It is certain that the Parisians are the masters of the region when they arrive

Caesar's troops, in 52 BC, who renamed it Lutetia

(Lutecia). The Parisians had submitted to Vercingetorix to

fight against the Roman invaders, but without success. Not yet

knows precisely where the Gallic settlement was: île de la Cité

(hypothesis today very discredited), île Saint-Louis, or some other

island that today is attached to the left bank of the Seine, or even

even Nanterre.

The Roman city was built according to an orthogonal grid map

dating from the 1st century, on the left bank. Lutetia, like

called the Romans, probably no more than five to six

thousand inhabitants in its heyday, it was no more than a modest village in the

Roman world. Compare it with Lugduno, capital of the three Gauls

(one of which was Gália Lugdunense, which encompassed the region of

Lutetia), which had, in the 2nd century, 50,000 to 80,000 inhabitants.

Even so, Lutetia had a forum, palaces, baths,

temples, theaters, and an amphitheater.

According to tradition, the village was Christianized by Saint Denis,

martyred in the year 272. During the Low Empire, Lutetia was

affected by major invasions and its population took refuge on the île

de la Cité, fortified with stones recovered from large buildings

ruined. However, since the fourth century, the existence of

settlements outside the wall is attested, and the town resumes its

name of the people of which it is the capital, the Parisians.

In 451, Saint Genoveva, future patron saint of the city, will be the one who

will be able to convince the inhabitants not to flee before the Huns of

Attila, who are effectively repelled without combat.

Middle Ages

Reconstructed map of Paris from the year 1223

King Clovis I made Paris the capital of the Kingdom of the Franks around

506. It then remains until at least the beginning of the 7th century. At the

sixth century, the Church of Saint-Gervais is the first place of worship

located on the right bank — a sign that the city has


The Vikings, arriving in their longships with minimal displacement,

pillage for the first time in 845 the city abandoned by their

population. Their incursions lasted until the beginning of the 10th century, and

Their assaults were only mitigated with the Treaty of Saint-Clair-surEpte concluded in 911.

The Capets, who reigned from 987, preferred Orléans to Paris,

one of the two large towns in his personal domain. Hugo Capeto,

despite his residence on the île de la Cité, he spends little time there.

Roberto Pio visits her very often. The city becomes a

important center of religious education since the 11th century. The power

real estate progressively settles in Paris, which once again becomes the capital of

kingdom, from Louis VI (1108-1137) and even more under Philip Augustus

(1179–1223), who surrounded it with a wall.

Commerce enriches Paris which takes advantage of its position in

convergence of major trade routes. The wheat enters the Rue

Saint-Honoré; the fabrics of the North on Rue Saint-Denis and the fish

of the North Sea and the Channel via Rue des Poissonniers. A

importance of its market, together with the Lendit fair in SaintDenis, demands a square in a less crowded place than that the island

de la Cité: Louis VI installs it around 1137 in the place called "Les

Champeaux" (the little meadows); the Halles de Paris (Mercado

Municipal) would remain there for more than eight centuries.

Collection of ordinances of the provost of the merchants of Paris, 1416,

by Charles VI

In 1163, Bishop Maurice de Sully undertook the construction of the

Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral on the île de la Cité. A

importance of the city increases, both politically and

financial and commercial. The central bodies of her government make the

her thirst, and the king's desire to better control her does not allow her to

enjoy a communal charter. Despite this, he grants him the

privileges of "king's burgh" and grants favors to "hansa" (or

"guild") of river merchants. In 1258, Saint-Louis took the

provost of the hands of the merchants and entrusts it to a friend, Étienne

Boileau. In 1263, the merchants' hansa elected the first council

composed of a provost of merchants and four councilors.

This establishes a system of dual authority between the city and

real power.

Around 1328, the Parisian population is estimated at 200,000

inhabitants, making it the most populous city in Europe. But in

1348, the Black Death decimates the population. In the 14th century, the wall of

Carlos V (1371–1380) encompasses all of the current 3rd and 4th

arrondissements and stretches from Pont Royal to Porte Saint-Denis.

The Louvre fortress at the beginning of the 15th century from the illuminated manuscript

Book of hours, Les très riches heures du duc de Berry, month of


During the Hundred Years' War, popular discontent fueled the

ambition of the provost of the merchants, Étienne Marcel, provoking the

great ordinance of 1357 and then the first great uprising

popular history of Paris, causing new ruptures between the king and the

city. The kings have since ceased to reside in the city center,

preferring first the Hôtel Saint-Pol (destroyed by order of

Charles VI after the Bal des ardents), then the Hôtel des Tournelles,

where you can more easily escape in the event of a riot. In 1407

(shortly after the assassination of Luís d'Orleães), a civil war breaks out

between armagnacs and bourguignons that lasted until 1420. The city passes

to the camp of the Bourguignons in September 1411.

Paris ends up ruined by the Hundred Years' War. Joan of Arc, in

1429, she is burned alive in his attempt to free her from the English and

their Bourguignon allies. Charles VII and his son Louis XI have

reservations against the city and insist on not living there,

preferring the Loire Valley. Its population grew between 1422 and 1500,

counting from one hundred thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand souls. A modest

economic expansion resumed in the middle of the 15th century, but the

The city suffers from the absence of the Court. Paris turns into a

administrative and judicial city.

Modern age

The Renaissance, markedly present in the royal court resident in

Loire Valley consequently does not benefit Paris much. Despite

of its removal, the monarchy is worried about the expansion

disorder of the city. The first urban planning regulation is

decreed in 1500 regarding the new Notre-Dame bridge, over

in which uniform brick and stone houses were built in the style

Louis XII.

In 1528, Francis I officially established his residence in Paris. A

intellectual irradiation grows: to university teaching (theology and

liberal arts) comes together with modern teaching aimed at the

humanism and the exact sciences according to the king's wishes, at the Collège

from France. Under his reign, Paris reaches the 280,000 mark

inhabitants and remains the largest city in the West.

Map of Paris in 1787 by Brion de la Tour

On August 24, 1572, under Charles IX, the massacre of

Saint Bartholomew's night. They are counted between two thousand and ten thousand

victims. The French Catholic League, particularly strong in the capital,

raises against Henry III during Barricades Day in 1588.

He escapes before laying siege to the city. After his murder, the

siege is maintained by Henry of Navarre, crowned as Henry

IV. The city, despite being ruined and hungry, does not open its doors to him.

until 1594 after his conversion — at which time he coined the

famous but apocryphal quote "Paris vaut bien une messe." (Per

Paris, it's worth going to mass).

Barricade Day 1648 marks the beginning of the Fronde, which

causes a severe economic crisis and an atmosphere of contempt for

king vis-a-vis his capital. Despite a high mortality rate

children, the population reaches the mark of 400,000 inhabitants thanks to

immigration from the provinces. Paris is a very poor town where the

lack of security. The neighborhood of the legendary court of miracles (so

called because the destitute and sick of the day disappeared after

overnight, as if by miracle) is progressively emptied

from 1656 by police lieutenant general Gabriel Nicolas de la


Louis XIV chose Versailles as his residence in 1677, before leaving

there to move the seat of government in 1682. Colbert takes into his hands the

Parisian management and makes the comings and goings between Paris and Versailles.

During his reign, the Sun King was no more than twenty-four times the

Paris, essentially just to be present at ceremonies

officers, in a show of hostility that the


In the 18th century, Versailles did not take away Paris's pre-eminence

intellectual; on the contrary, it becomes a rebellious flame to

feed on Enlightenment ideas. This is the period of the salons

literary ones, like that of Madame Geoffrin. The 1700s is

also a period of strong economic expansion which allows for a

important demographic milestone: the town reaches 640,000 inhabitants at

eve of the French Revolution.

In 1715, the regent Philip d'Orléans abandoned Versailles for the Palais

Royal. The young Louis XV settles in the Tuileries Palace, thus

making an ephemeral return of royalty to Paris. Since 1722, Louis XV

returns to the Palace of Versailles, breaking the fragile reconciliation with the

Parisian people.

The city then extended more or less over the first six

current arrondissements, with the Jardin du Luxembourg marking the

western border of the city. Louis XV begins to take an interest

personally around the city in 1749, which is when he decides to reform

the Louis XV square (currently Praça da Concordia), create the military school in

1752, and above all to build a church dedicated to Saint Genoveva

in 1754, better known today as the Pantheon.

The French Revolution and the Empire

The Storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789

It was in Versailles that the French Revolution began with the call

of the States General and then with the Oath of the Game of Pela. But

economic crisis (in particular, the price of bread), sensitivity to

political problems born of Enlightenment philosophy, and the resentment for having

royal power abandoned the city for more than a century, give the

Parisians a new orientation. The storming of the Bastille on July 14

of 1789, linked to the insurrection of artisans in the suburb of Saint-Antoine, is the first stage of this. On July 15, 1789, the

astronomer Jean Sylvain Bailly receives the position of

first mayor of Paris. On October 5, an uprising

triggered by women in the Parisian markets reaches

Versailles at dusk. At 6 am, the castle is stormed and the king is

forced by the people to take up residence in Paris at the Palácio das

Tuileries and from there convene a constituent Assembly, which

Installs on October 19th at the Tuileries Salle du Manège.

On July 14, 1790, the Federation Festival was held in Campo de

Mars. In that same place, the occasion will be less festive when, in

July 17, 1791, it will serve as the stage for a shooting.

The assets of the Catholic Church and the Crown are declared as assets

national, owned by the revolutionary government. Among them, d

the Cordelheiro convent and the Jacobin convent are located, taken over

in May 1790, which would constitute the heart of revolutionary Paris;

this demonstrates the absolute power of Parisian clubs over the course

of the Revolution.

On the night of August 9, 1792, a revolutionary "commune" took over

possession of the Hôtel de Ville. On August 10, 1792, the crowd

surrounds the Tuileries Palace with the support of the new government of

advice. King Louis XVI and the royal family are imprisoned in the Tour du

Temple. The French monarchy is in fact abolished. After the elections of

1792, representatives of the Paris Commune, ultra-radical, oppose

to the National Convention dominated by the Girondins, who

they represent the most moderate opinion of the provincial bourgeoisie; The

Girondin Convention is dispersed in 1793.

The Hôtel de Ville,

on 9 Thermidor of the year II

Parisians then live under two years of rationing. The horror

reigns with the specter of the Committee of Public Safety. The police officers of

Paris, under the authority of the mayor, undertake the task of

imprison all those left in the city among the nobles, the rich

bourgeoisie, priests and intellectuals. It is for this reason that the

Mayor of Paris is still to this day the only one in all of France to be

prohibited from exercising any police powers. On January 21,

1793, Louis XVI is guillotined in Place Louis XV, renamed as

"Revolution Square". He is followed on the scaffold in only a few

weeks by 1,119 people, including Marie Antoinette, Danton,

Lavoisier and finally Robespierre and their supporters after the 9th of

Thermidor of the year II (July 27, 1794).

The Revolution is not a favorable period for the development of the city

(few monuments are built), which has no more than 548

000 inhabitants in 1800. Numerous convents and churches are

razed and give way to unplanned subdivisions, resulting in a

reduction of the city's green spaces and a densification of

center. Under the Directory, splendid properties, in neoclassical style,

are erected.

By 1806, Paris had already compensated for the losses suffered during the

Revolution and had 650,000 inhabitants; This progression is

especially the effect of immigration from the provinces, as it continues

weak birth rate. After the middle of the 18th century, the city is

surpassed by London in full economic and

demographic, reaching 1,096,784 inhabitants. On December 2

1804, Napoleon Bonaparte, who had taken power in 1799, is

sacred emperor by Pope Pius VII in Notre-Dame Cathedral. He

decides to establish the capital of his Empire in Paris.

From the Restoration to the Paris Commune

The Avenue de l'Opéra as seen by Pissarro from the current Hôtel

du Louvre

The fall of the Empire in 1814-1815 brings the English armies to Paris

and Cossacks who camp on the Champs-Élysées. Louis XVIII, on his return

from exile, he re-enters Paris, there he is crowned and settles in


Louis XVIII and Charles

concerned about Parisian urbanism. The working proletariat, in

strong expansion, miserably piled up in the central neighborhoods

which, with more than 100,000 inhabitants per square kilometer,

constitute severe outbreaks of epidemics; cholera in 1832 makes 32,000

victims. In 1848, the final destination of 80% of the dead was a cesspit

common, and two-thirds of Parisians are too poor to afford

taxes. The impoverished mass of the people, neglected and worn out,

is in the ideal climate for repeated revolts that the government will not

can neither predict nor win: the barricades first cause

fall of Charles

Balzac, Victor Hugo and Eugène Sue.

During this period, the city accelerated its growth rate

until reaching the Mur des Fermiers Généraux. Between 1840 and 1844, the

last wall of Paris, called Enceinte de Thiers, is built

on the current location of the boulevard périphérique. In the heart of the city,

Rue Rambuteau is opened.

With the arrival of the Second Empire, Paris was transformed

radically. In a city with a medieval structure, with buildings

old and unhealthy, and practically devoid of large axes of

circulation, it becomes a modern city in less than twenty years.

Napoleon III had precise ideas about urbanism and housing. A

Paris today is therefore, above all, the city of Napoleon

III and Haussmann, who was hired to remodel the city,

opening several new streets, axes and boulevards, as well as new

open spaces and monuments. In this way, Paris acquired a new

urban layout.

A typical Haussmannian building

On January 1, 1860, a law allowed Paris to annex several

neighboring communes. The French capital thus goes from twelve to twenty

arrondissements and from 3,438 to 7,802 hectares. After these

annexations, the administrative limits of the city will be modified

no more than slightly, and urban growth, which continues

uninterrupted from the end of the 19th century until the 20th century, it will not be

accompanied by a similar expansion of the commune's borders,

where the "suburbs" originated.

During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, Paris is besieged by

several months, but it is not taken by the Prussian armies. Nessa

On this occasion, air mail was invented, thanks to mail balloons.

Refusing the armistice signed on January 26, 1871 and in

followed by the February elections which bring to power the

monarchists eager to put an end to the war, Parisians

uprising on March 18, 1871. It is the beginning of the Paris Commune. A

Monarchist Assembly provisionally installed in Versailles, if

clash against the Commune between the 22nd and 28th of May, in which

called it Bloody Week. This remains to this day

like the last civil war that Paris would know.

From Belle Époque to World War II

Universal Exhibition of 1889

During the Belle Époque, Paris' economic expansion is

significant; in 1913 the city had one hundred thousand companies that

employ one million workers. Between 1900 and 1913, 175

cinemas are created in Paris, numerous department stores

are born and contribute to the growth of the city of light. Two

Universal exhibitions leave a huge mark on the city. A

Eiffel Tower is built for the 1889 Universal Exhibition

(centenary of the French Revolution) which hosts 28 million

visitors. The first line of the Paris Metro, the Grand Palais,

the Petit Palais and the Alexandre III Bridge are inaugurated on the occasion of

Exhibition of 1900, which receives fifty-three million

visitors.[18] The industry is progressively moving towards

nearby suburbs where more space is available: Renault a

Boulogne-Billancourt or Citroën to Suresnes. This migration is the origin

of the "banlieue rouge". However, certain activities remain

strongly implanted within the intra-wall city, in particular

the press and publishing.

From the Belle Époque to the Crazy Years, Paris experiences the height of its

cultural influence (notably around the neighborhoods of

Montparnasse and Montmartre) and welcomes many artists such

such as Picasso, Matisse, Braque and Fernand Léger.

Adolf Hitler and his generals with the Eiffel Tower in the background, after the

Battle of France during the Second World War world error

In 1910, the Great Flood of the Seine caused one of the most serious

floods that the city would experience and cause three billion francs

in losses. During the First World War, Paris, spared from the

direct combat, suffers German bombing and cannon fire.

These bombings are sporadic and constitute nothing more than a

psychological operation.

The Interwars unfolded against a backdrop of social and

economic. The public authorities, in response to the housing crisis, voted to

Loucheur Law, which creates the Habitation à Bon Marché (HBM,

social price housing) erected in the place of the old enceinte of

Thiers. The other Parisian properties are, essentially,

dilapidated and constitute hotbeds of tuberculosis; urban density

culminates in 1921, Paris within the walls has 2,906,000 inhabitants.

At the same time, subdivisions are developing everywhere in the

around the city, in "banlieues" where expansion takes place in a

anarchic, often in open fields without organization and

no public services.

Parisians are trying to regain their political pre-eminence in a

context of multiple financial and corruption scandals of

political means. On February 6, 1934, the demonstration of

Patriotic Youths against the parliamentary left degenerates into

violence and leaves seventeen dead and one thousand one hundred and five injured, which

follows on July 14, 1935, an important demonstration in

favor of the Popular Front has five hundred thousand protesters.

French Resistance troops commanded by Gen. Charles de

Gaulle at the Arc de Triomphe after the liberation of Paris on August 26

1944 during the Second World War, Paris, declared

as an open city since the Battle of France, it is occupied by

Wehrmacht on June 14, 1940. She is relatively spared. O

Marshal Pétain's government settles in Vichy, and Paris ceases to be

the capital and becomes the headquarters of the German military command in France

(Militärbefehlshaber in Frankreich). On December 23, 1940, the

engineer Jacques Bonsergent is the first member of the Resistance

to be shot in Paris. On July 16 and 17, 1942, Rafle du

Vélodrome d'Hiver, or Vel d'Hiv, the seizure of 12,884 Jews, the

more massive in France, with the majority being women and


As allied troops approached, the French Resistance

triggers an armed insurrection on August 19, 1944.

Liberation of Paris takes place on August 25th with the entry into Paris of

2nd armored division of General Leclerc, which the captain commands

Raymond Dronne to pierce enemy lines with his ninth

company (Régiment de marche du Tchad). General von Choltitz

capitulates without carrying out Hitler's orders demanding the destruction

of the old city. The city is relatively spared from fighting. Paris is

one of the rare communes in France to be awarded the title of

Compagnon de la Libération (Companion of Liberation).

Contemporary Paris In 1956, Paris was linked to Rome by a tie

privileged, a strong symbol of the dynamics of reconciliation and

cooperation after the Second World War.

Under General de Gaulle's tenure from 1958 to 1969, several events

political events unfold in the capital. On October 17, 1961, a

demonstration in favor of Algerian independence is violently

repressed. According to estimates, between 32 and 325 people are

massacred by the police, then led by Maurice Papon. From

March 22, 1968, an important student movement emerged

at the University of Nanterre. Upon arriving at the Latin quartier,

demonstrations degenerate into violence. The objection, taking

form in a context of international solidarity and emulation

(American blacks and feminists, the Dutch Provos, the Spring

of Prague, the attack on the German Rudi Dutschke, etc.) among

idealists and young, rocked by Bob Dylan and his song The Times

They Are a-Changin', wishing to "change the world", develops

rapidly into a national political and social crisis. On May 13, a

huge popular march brings together 800,000 people in protest against the

police violence. On May 30, a demonstration of support for the

government and General de Gaulle brings together a million people, including

Place de l'Étoile to Place de la Concorde. After two months of

disorder and turmoil, Parisians vote massively in favor of

General de Gaulle in the legislative elections and calm returns.

General de Gaulle's successor, Georges Pompidou, is interested in

close to the capital. He lent his name to the building that houses the

musée national d'Art moderne, à bibliothèque publique d'information

and the right bank expressway. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing,

president during his term, does not share his vision of a

radical modernization: he called into question the project envisaged for the

Halles and partially halts the expressway project. In

1976, the State allows for the first time since 1871 that the capital

have autonomy on the board. The Gaullist Jacques Chirac is then

elected mayor. He will be reel ect in 1983 and 1989. Under the first

mandate of President François Mitterrand, a reform is adopted

by the decentralization law of December 31, 1982: it gives the

each arrondissement of the capital has a mayor and a municipal council

own and no longer appointed by the Mayor of Paris. In 1991, the piers

of the Seine, from Pont Sully to Pont d'Iéna, are placed on the list of

UNESCO World Heritage Sites as a notable ensemble

river-urban with its various monuments which constitute

masterpieces of architecture and reason. Elected President of

Republic in May 1995, Jacques Chirac is replaced by Jean

Tiberi, whose only mandate is notably marked by the exposure of

several corruption scandals and the division of the majority of the council.

In 2001, socialist Bertrand Delanoë was elected mayor. He would

stands out from its predecessors for its public desire to reduce the

automobile space in the city for the benefit of pedestrians and

public transport. It develops the animation of Parisian life

through major cultural events such as Nuit Blanche or

simply playful like Paris-Plage. On March 16, 2008,

Bertrand Delanoë is re-elected mayor of Paris against Françoise de

Panafieu (UMP).

In November 2005, France found itself agitated by social conflicts

where the trigger would have been racial differences. Great riots

popular events occurred in the country, including in Paris and its suburbs: they

were affected by disorder and burning of cars at night, in

episode that became known as Autumn 2005.

The political and intellectual capital of France, Paris is the seat of government,

of the main administrations, of an archbishopric, of a

University (which brings together a third of French students),

of several museums and libraries. It is, moreover, the main center

industrial and commercial sector in France, thanks to the importance of the

consumption, the convergence of communication routes and the concentration

of capitals.

Paris is the headquarters of the international organizations UNESCO, OECD and

International Chamber of Commerce.


The film industry was born in Paris when Auguste and Louis

Lumière projected the first film for a paying audience at

Grand Café on December 28, 1895. Many of the

concert/dance in Paris were transformed into cinemas when

This type of media became popular from the 1930s onwards.

Later, most of the largest cinemas were divided into several rooms

minors. The largest cinema in Paris today is at the Grand Theater

Rex, with 2,700 seats.

Large multiplex cinemas have been built since the 1990s.

UGC Ciné Cité Les Halles with 27 screens, the MK2 Bibliothèque with 20

screens and the UGC Ciné Cité Bercy with 18 screens are among the largest.

Parisians tend to share the same personality tendencies

cinema that many of the world's global cities, with cinemas

dominated mainly by entertainment generated by Hollywood.

French cinema comes in second place, with great directors

(réalisateurs), such as Claude Lelouch, Jean-Luc Godard and Luc Besson,

and the most popular genre, with director Claude Zidi as an example. You

European and Asian films are also widely shown and

appreciated. On February 2, 2000, Philippe Binant held the

first digital cinema projection in Europe, with DLP technology

CINEMA developed by Texas Instruments, in Paris.


The Opera Garnier

The largest opera houses in Paris are the Opéra Garnier of the century

XIX (historic Paris National Opera) and the modern Paris Opera

Bastille; the first tends towards more classical ballets and operas, while the

The second provides a mixed repertoire of classical and modern. In

mid-19th century, there were three other active opera houses and

competitors: the Opera-Comique (which still exists), the Théâtre-Italien

and the Théâtre Lyrique (which in modern times has changed its profile and

name for Théâtre de la Ville). The Philharmonie de Paris, the modern

symphonic concert hall in Paris, opened in January


Theater traditionally occupies a large place in culture

Parisian, and many of its most popular actors today are also

French television stars. The oldest and most famous theater in

Paris is the Comédie-Française, founded in 1680. Run by the government

from France, presents mainly French classics at the Salle

Richelieu at the Palais-Royal, at 2 rue de Richelieu, next to the Louvre.

Other famous theaters include the Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe, next to

next to the Luxembourg Gardens, also a state institution and

a theatrical landmark; the Théâtre Mogador and the Théâtre de la GaîtéMontparnasse.


The most famous monuments in Paris date back to different eras, whether

often found in the center or on the banks of the Seine. You

quays of the Seine that are between the Pont de Sully au Pont de Bir-Hakeim

constitute one of the most beautiful urban river landscapes and make

part of the UNESCO world heritage site. There they meet, to the east and

to the west: Notre-Dame, the L hear, the Invalides, the Alexandre Bridge

III, the Grand Palais, the Quai Branly Museum, the Eiffel Tower and the

Trocadéro. Several classical-style monuments also leave

your brand in the center of Paris. The Sorbonne chapel in the heart of

Quartier Latin, was built at the beginning of the 17th century. The Louvre,

royal residence, was embellished in the 17th century and retouched

many times more since then. The Hôtel des Invalides, with its

famous golden dome, was erected at the end of the 17th century in

suburbs of the city by Louis XIV, who was eager to offer

a hospital for wounded soldiers. Since the 15th of

December 1840 Napoleon Bonaparte's ashes and also his

grave since April 2, 1861. The 19th century heritage is

very abundant in Paris, namely the Arc de Triomphe, the promenades

covered, the Garnier Palace (built since the end of the Second

Empire until the beginning of the Third Republic and which houses the Opera de

Paris) and the Eiffel Tower (a "temporary" construction built by Gustave

Eiffel for the Universal Exhibition of 1889, but which never reached

be dismantled). The tower became the emblem of Paris, visible from

most neighborhoods in the city and even nearby suburbs.

Throughout the 20th century, the best architects planted the streets with

Paris with its achievements: Guimard, Charles Plumete Jules

Lavirotte, true references of Art nouveau in France,

followed by the achievements of Robert Mallet-Stevens, Michel RouxSpitz, Dudok, Henri Sauvage, Le Corbusier, Auguste Perret, among others, during the interwar period.

Contemporary architecture is represented in Paris by the Center

Georges Pompidou, building from the 1970s that houses the Museum

National Museum of Modern Art as well as the Public Library of

Information. No less important are the achievements idealized by the

President François Mitterrand: the National Library of France, the

Opera Bastille and, probably the most famous, the Louvre Pyramid,

work by architect Ieoh Ming Pei erected in the main courtyard of the Louvre.

More recently, the Musée du Quai Branly, or Museum of Arts and

Civilizations of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas designed by Jean

Nouvel and opened in 2006, it further enriched the

architectural and cultural diversity of the capital.

I want to thank you for this work prescribed here as a

very familiar example of a great people who have always dedicated themselves to

popular culture and I want to say that we are very familiar with the

finer nature and vision that makes us look for the true reason why

us to get to know life and the ancient world much better and I want to wish

all this wonderful story in which it portrays us about various

romantic songs of deep love about a past that

remained stuck in time and still reveals to us today and shows us the

simple reason that we get to know beautiful stories better up close

old ones that today we will find an answer to your questions and

that can make us know up close its unforgettable value

and here at the end I want to say with lots of love and affection to everyone

my listeners wherever they are, be it me, you or whoever,

the world will always be the same as ever because what changes is

our ways of thinking and that life is a resonance

endless and that we must always follow behind the old

time that perhaps he can and wants to tell us that life has always been

a simple reaction and revelation that made us search above all

the certainties and uncertainties the pure and harsh notion that made man stop

in the time when he was undecided about life and its nature that

made him recognize himself through time and taught him about emptiness

of death to get to know life better up close and that ancient times

will always keep us fuller and more adapted to a simple notion of

face ourselves and understand life better and it is said that science has done

man over ancient times and that today man can govern

and make life the best disciplines for living, just

getting to know life much better and preserving the time that

may be based on a great relationship with nature that is limited

about a circuit in the life of space and time. I want here so much

deep love thank all my dear friends

who are always enjoying here in this climate of peace and love the

best international romantic songs that make us look for the

present, past and future of a new and unforgettable generation that

always showed us with more affection and dedication the best proofs of

live and contain yourself about the most dreamed of educations and lessons

that have always been stories in the life of man on earth and I want here

wish all my dear friends, from friends to friends a

unforgettable big hug from writer and radio host Roberto Barros.

Hugs and have a good day!


Here I want to show an unprecedented narration as a complete message that defines itself on a great and fabulous story in which I show about the ancient city.

called Greece that I tell about beautiful and unforgettable international romantic songs for everyone to listen to with immense love to understand and feel deeply about beautiful knowledge that mixes with the true dynamics that we can remember several ancient events that can tell us and show us great stories that left a mark a great time of dreams where fantasy can be the best companion of a great adventurous dream that we seek in the past or in the future a deep relationship and reaction with the most codifying nature that lacks pleasure and love for our world and that makes us makes us seek among many trajectories and achievements a valuable role in getting to know life itself much better and with divine love, in which here in mere words we can simply be well connected about our desires to be happy, knowledge of our ancestor's life, recognition with the I myself, who dedicate ourselves to the mere pleasure of getting to know life and our world much better, the best way to live and be happy, where here now, with lots of love, dedication to all my formidable listeners, I want to say that we satisfactorily admit for a simple notion and desire about life that life is perhaps a fleeting thing and that we are duly delving deeper into a space that I simply believe that we will still meet as we have a lot to know and tell beautiful and extraordinary stories that simply reveal to us a very good time remote from our time and that we are synchronized with the era of young people who have always believed in the past as an answer to the true future and that we can fully know it as closely as we have to take them as a friend of a simple adventurous notion that in everything and everything happens through us and that will always be kept as a memory and memory of a great time that here now we will remember with beautiful love songs about a romantic moment of pleasure where the radio waves synchronize us with power and that we can dream much better about the future in which here I will tell a beautiful story for everyone to hear and in which I leave my best hug as writer and radio host Roberto Barros. Hugs!

With simple pleasure, I want to go back in time to show a story that we can really understand how it all began in ancient Greece with its Olympic games, culture, art and religion to simplify and have an idea about a beautiful place of beautiful historical buildings that reigned many gods and that history can tell us how long we have to understand their value that is more attached to our natures and that culture begins in art moving on to a more divine field in which man follows certain commandments of great gods until the days in which we can decipher a good narration of old writings by certain men who remained in the history of humanity until today and we will have to go back in time and see how it all began and know how to understand the true cause of living and conquering life and let's talk a little about your culture and have a good lesson.

Culture in Greece:

The Parthenon is an enduring symbol of ancient Greece and Athenian democracy

The culture of Greece evolved over thousands of years, beginning in Mycenaean Greece and continuing mainly into classical Greece, through the influence of the Roman Empire and its eastern Greek continuation, the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire). Other cultures and nations, such as the Latin and Frankish states, the Ottoman Empire, the Venetian Republic, the Genoese Republic, and the British Empire, also left their influence on modern Greek culture, although historians credit the Greek War of Independence with revitalizing an entity unique and cohesive of its multifaceted culture.

In ancient times, Greece was the cradle of Western culture. Modern democracies owe a debt to Greek beliefs in government by the people, trial by jury, and equality before the law. The ancient Greeks pioneered many fields that rely on systematic thinking, including biology, geometry, history, philosophy, physics, and mathematics. They introduced important literary forms such as epic and lyric poetry, history, tragedy and comedy. In the search for order and proportion, the Greeks created an ideal of beauty that strongly influenced Western art.

Art and architecture

Laocoon and his sons, Hellenistic period

Artistic production in Greece began in the prehistoric Cycladic and Minoan civilizations, both influenced by local traditions and the art of Ancient Egypt. Ancient Greek sculpture was composed almost entirely of marble or bronze; with cast bronze becoming the preferred medium for large works in the early 5th century. Marble and bronze are easy to form and very durable. Lephantine crisis sculptures, used for temple cult images and works of luxury, used gold, most often in gold

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leaf and ivory for all or parts (faces and hands) of the figure, and probably gems and other materials, but these were much less common and only fragments survive. By the early 19th century, the systematic excavation of ancient Greek archaeological sites had produced a multitude of sculptures with strikingly multicolored surface traces. It was not until published discoveries by German archaeologist Vinzenz Brinkmann in the late 20th century that the painting of ancient Greek sculptures became an established fact.

The art and architecture of Greek societies existed from the beginning of the Iron Age (11th century BC) to the end of the 1st century BC. Before that (Bronze Age), the Greek art of the mainland and islands (except Crete, where there was a different tradition called Minoan art) is known as Mycenaean art, and later Greek art, called Hellenistic, is considered integral to the culture of the Roman Empire (Roman art). The Greeks, initially a group of relatively autonomous tribes that had common cultural factors, such as language and religion, settled in the Peloponnese at the beginning of the first millennium BC, starting one of the most influential cultures of Antiquity. After the orientalizing phase (between the 11th century BC and 650 BC), whose artistic manifestations were inspired by Mesopotamian culture, Greek art experienced a first moment of maturity during the archaic period, which lasted until 475 BC.

Marked by geographic expansion, economic development and the increase in international relations, this time saw the definition of the aesthetic and formal foundations that would characterize later Greek artistic productions.

After Greek independence, modern Greek architects attempted to combine traditional Greek and Byzantine elements and motifs with Western European movements and styles. Patras was the first city in the modern Greek state to develop a city plan. In January 1829, Stamatis Voulgaris, a Greek engineer in the French army, presented the plan for the new city to governor Ioánnis Kapodístrias, who approved it. Voulgaris applied the orthogonal rule to the urban complex of Patras.


The ancient theater of Epidaurus is still used today for Greek drama shows

Theater in its Western form was born in Greece. The city-state of Classical Athens, which became a significant cultural, political, and military power during this period, was its center, where it was institutionalized as part of a festival called Dionysia, which honored the god Dionysus. Tragedy (end of the 6th century BC), comedy (486 BC) and satire were the three dramatic genres that emerged there. During the Byzantine period, theatrical art was heavily oppressed. According to Marios Ploritis, the only surviving form was folk theater (Mimos and Pantomimos), despite the hostility of the official State.

Later, during the Ottoman period, the main theatrical folk art was the Karagiozis. The revival that led to modern Greek theater took place in Venetian Crete. Significant playwrights include Vitsentzos Kornaros and Georgios Chortatsis. Modern Greek theater was born after Greece's independence in the early 19th century and was initially influenced by Heptanean theater and melodrama, such as Italian opera. The Nobile Teatro of San Giacomo di Corfù was the first theater and opera house in modern Greece and the place where the first Greek opera, Spyridon Xyndas's Parliamentary Candidate (based on a uniquely Greek libretto), was performed. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Athenian theater scene was dominated by revues, musical comedies, operettas and nocturnes, and notable playwrights, including Spyridon Samaras and others. The National Theater of Greece opened in 1900 as the Royal Theater.


Bust of Homer

Greek literature can be divided into three main categories: ancient, Byzantine, and modern Greek literature. Athens is considered the cradle of Western literature. At the beginning of Greek literature are Homer's two monumental works: the Iliad and the Odyssey. Although dates of composition vary, these works were created around 800 BC or later. In the classical period, many of the genres of Western literature became more prominent. Lyrical poetry, odes, pastorals, elegies, epigrams; dramatic performances of comedy and tragedy; historiography, rhetorical treatises, philosophical dialectics and philosophical treatises emerged in this period. The two main lyric poets were Sappho and Pindar. The classical era also saw the beginning of the drama genre. Of the hundreds of tragedies written and performed during the classical era, only a limited number of plays by three authors survive: those by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. The surviving plays of Aristophanes are also a treasure trove of comic performance, while Herodotus and Thucydides are two of the hymns.

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most influential historians of that period. The greatest prose achievement of the fourth century was in philosophy, with the works of the three great philosophers.

Byzantine literature refers to the literature of the Byzantine Empire, written in Attic, medieval, and modern Greek, and is the expression of the intellectual life of the Byzantine Greeks during the Christian Middle Ages. Although popular Byzantine literature and modern Greek literature began in the 11th century, the two are indistinguishable.

Konstantinos Kaváfis, whose work was mainly inspired by the Hellenistic past, while Odysseas Elytis (center) and Giórgos Seféris (right) were representatives of the 1930s generation and winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Modern Greek literature refers to literature written in common modern Greek, emerging from late Byzantine times in the 11th century. The Cretan Renaissance poem, Erotokritos, is undoubtedly the masterpiece of this period of Greek literature. It is a verse novel written around 1600 by Vitsentzos Kornaros (1553-1613). Later, during the period of Greek Enlightenment (Diafotism), writers such as Adamantios Korais and Rigas Feraios prepared the Greek Revolution (1821-1830) with their works.

Major figures in modern Greek literature include Dionysios Solomos, Andreas Kalvos, Angelos Sikelianos, Emmanuel Rhoides, Demetrius Vikelas, Kostis Palamas, Penélope Delta, Yiannis Ritsos, Alexandros Papadiamantis, Níkos Kavvadías, Andreas Embirikos, Kostas Karyotakis, Gregorios Xenopoulos, Konstantinos Kaváfis, Kostas Kariotakis and Kiki Dimoula. Two Greek authors received the Nobel Prize for Literature: Giórgos Seféris in 1963 and Odysseas Elytis in 1979.


Most Western philosophical traditions began in Ancient Greece in the 6th century B.C. The first philosophers are called "pre-Socratics", meaning they came before Socrates, whose contributions mark a turning point in Western thought. The Pre-Socratics were from the western or eastern colonies of Greece and only fragments of their original writings survive, in some cases just one sentence. A new period of philosophy began with Socrates. Like the Sophists, he entirely rejected the physical speculations in which his predecessors had indulged, and made the thoughts and opinions of the people his starting point. Aspects of Socrates were first united by Plato, who also combined them with many of the principles established by previous philosophers, and developed all this material into the unity of a comprehensive system. Aristotle, Plato's most important disciple, shared with his teacher the title of greatest philosopher of antiquity. Plato's student preferred to start from facts given by experience. Except for these three most important Greek philosophers, other known schools of Greek philosophy from other founders during ancient times were Stoicism, Epicureanism, Skepticism, and Neoplatonism.

Byzantine philosophy refers to the distinctive philosophical ideas of the philosophers and scholars of the Byzantine Empire, especially between the 8th and 15th centuries. It was characterized by a Christian worldview, but which could extract ideas directly from the Greek texts of Plato, Aristotle and Neoplatonists. On the eve of the fall of Constantinople, Gemistus Pletho attempted to restore the use of the term "Hellenic" and advocated a return to the Olympian gods of the ancient world. After 1453, several Byzantine Greek scholars who fled to Western Europe contributed to the Renaissance. In the modern period, Diafotismos (Greek: Διαφωτισμός, "enlightenment", "enlightenment") was the Greek expression of the Age of Enlightenment and its philosophical and political ideas. Some notable representatives were Adamantios Korais, Rigas Feraios and Theophilos Kairis. Other early modern Greek philosophers or political scientists include Cornelius Castoriadis, Nicos Poulantzas, and Christos Yannaras.


Feta cheese with olives, typical mezes of Greek cuisine

Greek cuisine is characteristic of the healthy Mediterranean diet, which is epitomized by Cretan dishes. Greek cuisine incorporates fresh ingredients into a variety of local dishes such as moussaka, pastitsio, Greek salad, fasolada, spanakopita and souvlaki. Some dishes can be found in ancient Greece, such as skordalia (a thick puree of walnuts, almonds, garlic and olive oil), lentil soup, retsina (white or rose wine sealed with pine resin) and pasteli (roasted sesame chocolate bar ) with honey). Throughout Greece, people often enjoy eating small dishes such as meze with various sauces such as tzatziki, grilled octopus and small fish, feta cheese, dolmades (rice, raisins and pine kernels wrapped in vine leaves), various types of legumes, olives and cheeses. Olive oil is added to almost all dishes.

Some sweet desserts include melomakarona, diples and galaktoboureko, and drinks such as ouzo, metaxa and a variety of wines, includes

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ing retsina. Greek cuisine differs widely from different parts of the continent and from island to island. It uses some flavorings more often than other Mediterranean cuisines: oregano leaves, mint, garlic, onion, dill, and bay leaves. Other common herbs and spices include basil, thyme, and fennel seeds. Many Greek recipes, especially in the northern parts of the country, use "sweet" spices in combination with meat, for example cinnamon and cloves in stews.


The Olympic Flame during the opening ceremony of the 2004 Olympics at the Olympic Stadium in Athens

Greece is the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, first recorded in 776 BC at Olympia, and has hosted the modern Olympic Games twice, the inaugural Olympic Games.

of 1896 and the 2004 Summer Olympics. During the parade of nations, Greece is always called first, as the founding nation of the modern Olympics. The nation has competed in every Summer Olympics, one of only four countries to do so. Having won a total of 110 medals (30 gold, 42 silver and 38 bronze), Greece is ranked 32nd for gold medals in the all-time Olympic medal count. The best performance of all time was at the 1896 Summer Olympics, when Greece finished second in the medal table with 10 gold medals.

The Greek national football team, ranked 12th in the world in 2014 (and having reached 8th in the world in 2008 and 2011), was crowned European champions at Euro 2004. The Greek Super League is the highest professional football league of the country, made up of sixteen teams. The most successful are Olympiacos, Panathinaikos and AEK Athens. The Greek National Basketball Team has a decades-long tradition of excellence in the sport, being considered one of the main basketball powers in the world; in 2012, it ranked 4th in the world and 2nd in Europe. They won the European championship twice in 1987 and 2005.

Ancient Olympic Games

The Ancient Olympic Games were a religious and athletic festival in Ancient Greece, which took place every four years in the sanctuary of Olympia, in honor of Zeus. The traditional date attributed to the first edition of the Olympic Games is 776 BC.

The Olympic Games were the most important Pan-Hellenic Games, having been banned by the Christian emperor Theodosius I in 393, as they were a manifestation of pagan rituals. An important source on the games is Pausanias (2nd century AD), author of the book Description of Greece, a guide to Greece based on his travels through the territory. Another important source is a treatise on gymnastics by Philostratus of Lemnos (2nd-3rd century AD).

Greek sculpture and ceramics represented not only athletes but the practice of sports itself. With regard to sculpture, which had bronze and marble as its favorite materials, many works survived only as copies from the Roman era. Only the base remains of some statues, where inscriptions relating to the athlete are engraved, providing information. Finally, the coins minted in certain cities depict a specific sport in which the city stood out.


Artistic representation of ancient Olympia

According to antiquity scholars from Elis, from the time of Pausanias, the temple of Olympia was built by men from the region at the time when Cronos was the king of the Titans, the so-called Golden Age. When Rhea left Zeus in the care of Ida's dactyls, or curettes, Heracles of Ida, the eldest, defeated his brothers in a race, and was crowned with an olive branch. From then on, the games began to be celebrated every fifth year, as there were five brothers (Héracles, Peoneus, Epimedes, Iáusius and Idas).

According to some versions, Zeus defeated Cronos at Olympia, but other versions say that he held games there to celebrate his victory. The champion of victories among the gods was Apollo, who beat Hermes in running and Ares in boxing; For this reason, the flute is played when pentathlon competitors are in the jumping event, as the flute is sacred to Apollo.

Fifty years after the flood of Deucalion, Clymenus, son of Cardis, descendant of Heracles of Ida, came from Crete to Olympia and founded an altar for his ancestor Heracles and the other Curetes. Clímeno was deposed by Endimião, son of Aetlio, who left the kingdom to his son who won a race.

The next to celebrate games in Olympia were Pelops, Amitaão, son of Creteus, the brothers Neleus and Pelias, Augias and Heracles, son of Amphitryon. Óxilo was the last of this era to celebrate the games, which were not celebrated again until his descendant Iphitus of Élida.


The golden period of the ancient Olympic Games corresponded to the 5th century BC. The disturbances that the Peloponnesian War generated in Greece would inevitably have consequences for the games: Élide, who until then had maintained

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a politically neutral attitude, sided with Athens during this conflict and banned the Spartans from the event. In 424 BC, under the threat of invasion from Sparta, the games had to be held under the protection of troops. Although Sparta did not actually invade the sanctuary, this episode reveals that the concept of the "sacred truce" had been forgotten. In 365 BC, Arcadia, helped by Pisa (enemy of Élide), conquered the sanctuary; the two cities organized the games in 364 BC Élide tried to recover the sanctuary using force; the conflict generated would lead to the pillaging of the Altis temples. Élide would end up regaining control of the sanctuary because the wrath of the gods was feared, and the Olympics of 364 BC were considered invalid.

In 336 BC, after the Greek cities were conquered by Philip II of Macedonia and his son Alexander the Great, the Philippion was built in Altis, a building where statues of Alexander and his family were made of gold and ivory, materials that until then they had been reserved for statues of the gods.

In 146 BC Greece was conquered by the Romans. To finance his war against Mithridates VI of Pontus, the Roman general Sulla sacked Altis (as well as the sanctuaries at Delphi and Epidaurus). In 80 BC, as a way of celebrating the success of his war, Sulla moved the games to Rome, but after his death in 78 BC the games returned to Olympia. During a brief period of the Roman era, games regained their vitality.



The Olympic Games took place in the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia, which was made of crystallized marble located in the western region of the Peloponnese, about 15 kilometers from the Ionian Sea, close to the confluence of the Alpheus and Cladeos rivers. This sanctuary takes its name from Mount Olympus (which is located far from the site, in Thessaly, northern Greece), the highest point on mainland Greece and which in Greek mythology was the residence of the deities.

The core of Olympia was Áltis, a sacred grove. In the center of the forest there was a Doric style temple dedicated to Zeus, which was built between 468 and 456 BC, inside which there was a colossal statue of the god by Phidias and which was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.



Foreigners (the "barbarians" according to Greek mythology), slaves and women could not participate in the games - it is suggested that only the priestess of Demeter could be present at the altar in honor of the goddess. Women who violated the rule would be thrown from the top of Mount Tipéon. There was an exclusively female competition, the Heraea, named in honor of Hera, Zeus' wife. The case is told of a woman, Calipatira,

who, in 404 BC, dressed in men's clothing, disguised herself as a trainer to enter the gym and watch her son, Psidoro of Thurium, fight. The son won the race and the mother, celebrating the victory, dropped her disguise, revealing herself to be a woman. She was acquitted because she came from a family of Olympic champions, but after that event, coaches also began to appear naked in competitions. There were women considered champions, however, in horse races, where the owner of the horse, not the drivers, was declared the winner. The athletes generally came from the most advantaged classes and had been introduced to sport from a young age. They did not just come from mainland Greece, but from all parts of the Greek world, which in Antiquity included the colonies spread along the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The winners were honored by their city: they could receive free food, have statues erected in their honor and be sung by poets.


The organization of the games was the responsibility of the Élide polis. In 668 BC, Phydon of Argos conquered Olympia and handed over control of the sanctuary to the city of Pisa, which organized the games until 558 BC, the year in which Élide regained control over Olympia thanks to the intervention of Sparta.

In the year in which the games were to be held, Élide sent heralds throughout Greece who announced the specific date on which the games would take place and who invited athletes and spectators to participate. The heralds also announced the sacred truce, which prohibited war during the period of the games and which aimed to protect spectators and athletes during their arrival, stay and return.

The Olympic Games were supervised by judges, the helanócides ("judges of the Hellenes"). These judges came from the nobility of Élide, being chosen at random ten months before the start of the festival; the number of judges has varied over time. The judges were responsible for sending the heralds. They should also guarantee the good condition of the sanctuary buildings and guarantee policing and security. They also intervened in the competitions, drawing lots of athletes, refereeing the competitions and proclaiming the winners, whom they crowned. The judges held a jury

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agreement through which they committed to judging competitors impartially and maintaining confidentiality regarding aspects related to an athlete. They also ordered the execution of punishments for athletes and coaches who had not complied with the rules; these could be punished with floggings in a public place, something that among the Greeks was generally reserved for slaves. In the case of bribery, high fines were imposed, the money of which was used to pay for bronze statues of Zeus, displayed in the sanctuary. Athletes and coaches arrived in Élide a month in advance to train under the supervision of the judges. It is believed that during this period athletes who were not considered fit or who did not meet the participation criteria were excluded.


Gun race

Pedestrian races

Pedestrian races included four types of races: the stadium, the diaulo (or double stadium), the dolic and the hoplitódromo (or arms race). The stadium was the oldest and most prestigious event, as the winner would give his name to the games. It consisted of a 192 meter race, the length of the stadium; diaulo corresponded to a run of 384 meters. As for the dolic, it was a race that varied between 7 and 24 furlongs. The arms race varied between 2 and 4 stages and in it the athletes carried the hoplites' helmet and shield, which could be painful given the weight of this weaponry. To prevent fraud, the shields used by athletes were kept in the Temple of Zeus, to prevent anyone from running with a shield that was lighter.

Equestrian races

This type of event included chariot or saddle horse races. In the first two horses (bigas) or four horses (quadrigas) could be used. Quadrigues would have been introduced into the Olympic Games for the first time in 680 BC and saddle horse racing in 648 BC. A chariot race consisted of twelve laps around the hippodrome, each lap being between 823 and 914 meters; the horse race was a lap of the hippodrome.

It was not the men who had won the races who received the crowns, but the owners of the horses, as these involved costs that only the richest could bear. Thus, some wealthy women and politicians became winners of these races, without ever having participated in them.

Fighting, boxing and pancratium

Vase representing fight scene

The fight was born in the Near East, having been adapted by the Greeks, perhaps in Mycenaean times. His patron god was Hermes.

In Greek wrestling it was necessary to cause the opponent to fall three times to become the winner. A fall was considered to have occurred when the opponent's back, shoulders or chest had touched the ground. Before starting the fight, the competitors greased their bodies with olive oil and sprinkled a little dirt on them to prevent their skin from becoming slippery. The test did not have a time limit. It was permitted to break the opponent's fingers, but it was not permitted to attack the genital region or resort to biting. There were tests reserved for adult men and boys.

The practice of boxing in Ancient Greece dates back to the 8th century BC. You could only attack with your fists and competitors wrapped their fingers with leather straps. There were no assaults or categories based on the weight of the athletes. The game ended when one of the athletes became unconscious or put a finger in the air as a sign of giving up.

The pancratium was a combination of fighting and boxing, the result being an extremely violent test, in which competitors could even die. Everything was allowed, with the exception of sticking fingers in the eyes, attacking the genital region, scratching or biting. Victory occurred when one of the athletes was no longer able to continue fighting, raising a finger so that the judge could notice.

For each of these sports, there were competitions reserved for adult men and boys.


An athlete performs the long jump armed with two dumbbells

The pentathlon of the ancient Greeks was different from the modern pentathlon, being composed of the discus throw, the javelin throw, the long jump, the stadium run (similar to the 200 m) and the fight.

The disc thrown by the athletes weighed around 9.5 kilos and could be made of stone, iron or bronze. The winner was the one who could throw the disc as far as possible and the winner was also considered a hero. As for the javelin, it was the height of a man and was made of wood. In the long jump, four dumbbells were used to propel the athlete upwards and were then thrown when he descended.

If an athlete had won the first three pentathlon events, the last two would not take place.


The History of Greece comprises the study of the Greeks, the areas they governed and the territory of present-day Greece.

The scope of housing and government of the Greek people has undergone several changes over the years and, as a consequence, the hi

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The story of Greece reflects this elasticity. Each period had its own interests.

The first Greeks arrived in Europe shortly before 1,500 BC, and during its heyday, Greek civilization ruled everything between Greece, Egypt and Indocush. The Greeks established traditions of justice and individual freedom, which would become the foundations of contemporary democracy. His art, philosophy and science became foundations of Western thought and culture. The ancient Greeks called themselves Hellenes (everyone who spoke Greek, even if they didn't live in Greece), and they called their land Hellas. Those who did not speak Greek were called barbarians. During antiquity, they never formed a national government, even though they were united by the same culture, religion and language.

From the ancient Greek past to the present world, most Greek minorities remained in their former Greek territories (Turkey, Italy, Libya, Levant), and Greek emigrants assimilated into different societies across the globe (North America, Australia , northern Europe, South Africa and others). Currently, however, the majority of Greeks live in the states of contemporary Greece (independent since 1821) and Cyprus (independent since 1960).

Aegean Civilization: Prehistoric Greece

The first civilization to appear in Greece was the Minoan (or Minoan, or Minian) Civilization in the Aegean Sea. This culture took place approximately between 2,600 BC and 1,450 BC. Compared to more recent periods of Greek history, little is known about the Minoans, whose name is even a modern term, coming from Minos, legendary king of Crete. Apparently, the Minoans were a pre-Indo-European people. Their language, known as Eteocretense and unrelated to the Greek language, is probably what is seen in the writing system called Linear A, found on the island, but which has not yet been deciphered.

The Minoans were a mainly merchant people, engaged in maritime trade, that is, they had a thalassocratic culture. Features of Minoan religious life mainly include symbolism, the absence of temples, and the prominence of female deities.

Although the causes of the fall of these people are uncertain, it is known that they ended up being invaded by the Mycenaeans, a people from mainland Greece.

Mycenaean Period (Bronze Age)

The restored Stoa of Attalus, Athens

Mycenaean Greece, also known as "Bronze Age Greece", is the name given to the Bronze Age civilization of the Early Helladic period (the latter generally established as the interval 2500–1900 BC). Greek culture of this period lasted from the arrival of the Greeks in the Aegean around 1,600 BC until the collapse of their Bronze Age civilization around 1,100 BC. It is to this period that Homer's epic work refers, as well as much of Greek mythology. The Mycenaean period had its name adopted from the archaeological site of Mycenae, a city located in the northeast of Argolis, a region of the Peloponnese (a huge peninsula in southern Greece). Athens, Pylos, Thebes and Tiryns are also important archaeological sites from the Greek Mycenaean period.

The Mycenaean Civilization was dominated by a warrior aristocracy. Around 1,400 BC, the Mycenaeans extended their control to Crete, the center of the Minoan Civilization (cf. previous item, Aegean Civilization), and adopted a form of Minoan writing so that they could record their primitive variant of the Greek language. The new spelling system (Minoan symbols representing the new Greek language), the Mycenaean writing system, was called Linear B.

The Mycenaeans buried their nobles in tolos (Greek: θόλοι; singular thólos; literally "dome" or "dome-shaped"), large circular burial chambers with a high vaulted ceiling and an open rectangular-shaped entrance passage, lined with the stones from which the tomb was made. Mário Giordani defines a classic example of a fool as being "the tomb found in Mycenae and known as the Treasury of Atreus. It was common to bury daggers or any other military equipment with the deceased. The aristocracy were often buried with gold masks, tiaras, armor and jewel-encrusted weapons. Mycenaeans were buried in a sitting position, and some aristocracy were mummified.

Around 1,100 BC, the Mycenaean Civilization began to celebrate because life was great and very calm. Several cities were sacked and the region entered what historians call the Dark Ages. During this period, Greece experienced both a population and literary decline. The Greeks themselves used to attribute the cause of this decline to the invasion of a new wave of Greeks, the Dorians. However, archaeological evidence that could prove this point of view is scarce.

Age of darkness

The Dark Ages in Greece (c. 1,200–800 BC)

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refers to the period of Greek prehistory beginning with the presumed Doric invasion, bringing about the end of the Mycenaean Civilization in the 11th century BC, and ending with the rise of the first Greek city-states in the 9th century BC, with the epic poems of Homer and with the first instances of Greek alphabetic writing in the 8th century BC.

The collapse of the Mycenaeans coincided with the fall of several other great empires in the Near East, especially the Hittite and Egyptian empires. The reason can be attributed to an invasion of the Talas Socratic population in possession of iron weapons. When the Dorians appeared in Greece, they too were equipped with superior iron weapons, easily defeating the already weak Mycenaeans. The period that followed these events is called the Dark Ages in Greece or the Greek Dark Ages. Archeology shows that the civilization of the Greek world suffered a collapse during this period. The great palaces and cities of the Mycenaeans were destroyed or abandoned. The Greek language stopped being written. The ceramic art of Greece during the Dark Ages shows simplistic geometric designs, devoid of the rich figurative decoration of Mycenaean wares. The Greeks of the Dark Ages lived in smaller and more sparse dwellings, which suggests famine, food shortages and a population decline. No imported items were found in archaeological sites, showing that international trade was minimal. Contact between powers in the outside world was also lost during this time, resulting in slow cultural progress, as well as an atrophy of any kind of growth.

The kings of this period maintained their form of government until they were replaced by an aristocracy. Later, in some areas, this aristocracy was replaced by an aristocratic sector within itself - the elite of the elite. Military warfare techniques had their focus changed from cavalry to infantry, and due to the

With its cheap production cost and local availability, iron replaced bronze as a metal, being used in the manufacture of tools and weapons. Slowly equality grew between different social strata, resulting in the usurpation of several kings and the rise of the geno, that is, family.

The families, called genos, began to reconstruct their past, in an attempt to trace their lineages to heroes of the Trojan War, and even beyond - most notably to Hercules. While most of those stories were just legends, some were picked apart by poets of the school of Hesiod. Some of these "storytellers", as they were called, included Hecataeus of Miletus and Acusilaus of Argos, but most of these poems have been lost.

Homer's epic poems are believed to contain a certain amount of tradition preserved orally during the Dark Ages period. The historical validity of Homer's writings has been vigorously disputed (cf. the "Homeric question").

At the end of this period of stagnation (one of the main characteristics of the Dark Ages) Greek civilization was taken by a period of renaissance that spread throughout the Greek world, reaching as far as the Black Sea and the Iberian Peninsula. Writing was reintroduced by the Phoenicians, taken up and modified by the Greeks, and then by the Romans and the Gauls.

Archaic period

The archaic period runs from the 12th to the 8th century BC. Generally, "Ancient Greece" is called the entire period of Greek history prior to the Roman Empire, while "Archaic Greece", a term used by historians, refers specifically to one of the periods of Greek antiquity.

Some writers include the eras of Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations in the Greek archaic period, while others argue that these civilizations were so different from later Greek cultures that they should be classified separately. Traditionally, it has been agreed that the Greek archaic period began with the date of the first Olympic Games in 776 BC, but most historians currently go back this interval to approximately 1,000 BC. The transition date to the end of this period is the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, which marked the beginning of the period classified as Hellenistic. However, not everyone observes this rule of distinction between Archaic and Hellenistic Greece: some writers prefer to consider ancient Greek civilization as a continuum extending until the advent of Christianity in the 3rd century AD.

Archaic Greece is considered by most historians to be a culture that represented the foundation of Western civilization. Greek culture was a powerful influence on the Roman Empire, which brought a version of that culture to many parts of Europe. The civilization of archaic Greece had a powerful influence on the modern world, in various cultural aspects, such as language, politics, education and schooling, philosophy, art and architecture, mainly during the R

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revival in Western Europe, and again during various neoclassical revival periods in the 18th and 19th centuries in both Europe and the Americas.

The basic political unit in archaic Greece was the polis, usually translated as city-state. The very word "politics", "public affairs" or "state affairs") means "affairs of the polis". Each city was independent, at least in theory. Some cities could be subordinate to others (like a colony traditionally acceding to its mother city), others could adopt forms of government entirely dependent on other cities (the Thirty Tyrants of Athens were imposed by Sparta at the end of the Peloponnesian War), but the title of supreme power of each city was found in themselves. This means that when Greece went to war (e.g. against the Achaemenid Empire), it was as if an alliance went to war. This characteristic, on the other hand, also gave ample opportunity for wars within Greece itself, between different cities.

Most of the Greek names known to readers in today's world come from this time. Among the poets, Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes and Sappho were active. Famous politicians include Themistocles, Pericles, Lysander, Epaminondas, Alcibiades, Philip II of Macedon, and his son Alexander the Great. Still in this period, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle left their legacy, as well as Heraclitus of Ephesus, Parmenides, Democritus, Herodotus, Thucydides and Xenophon. Almost all of the knowledge and mathematical study formalized in Euclid's Elements, published in the Hellenistic period, was developed during the archaic era.

Two wars of major importance marked the ancient Greek world: the Medical Wars and the Peloponnesian War. The Medical Wars (500–448 BC) are told in Herodotus' "Histories". The Ionian Greek cities revolted against the Persian Empire and were supported by some mainland cities, eventually being led by Athens (the most memorable battles of this war include the Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Thermopylae, the Battle of Salamis and the Battle of Plateia).

In order to carry out the war - and, subsequently, to defend Greece from subsequent attacks by the Persians - Athens founded the League, or Confederation of Delos in 477 BC. Initially each city in the confederation would contribute soldiers and ships to an army common Greek, but over time Athens allowed (and then forced) smaller cities to contribute capital instead of building ships. Any revolution with the

intention to leave or modify the confederation would be punished. After conflicts with the Persians, the treasure ended up being transferred from Delos to Athens, which resulted in the strengthening of that city under the control of the confederation. The Delian League ended up being referred to pejoratively as "the Athenian Empire".

In 458 BC, even while the Medical Wars were still taking place, war broke out between the Delian Confederation and the Peloponnesian Confederation, which comprised Sparta and its allies. After inconclusive battles, the two sides signed a peace treaty in 447 BC.

It was stipulated that the treaty should last thirty years, but instead it survived only until 431 BC, when the fearsome Peloponnesian War broke out, which would forever change the Greek world. The main sources about what happened in this famous war are Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War" and Xenophon's "Hellenic".

Thucydides reports that one of the first causes of the war was the dispute between Corcyra and Epidamnus. The latter was a smaller city, which Thucydides himself considers necessary to inform the reader about where it is located. Corinth, which also claimed control over the city (Epidamno), intervened in the dispute, taking the side of the Epidamniians. Afraid that Corinth might capture the Corcyraean navy (which, in size, was second only to the Athenian one), Corcyra sought help from Athens, who ended up intervening, preventing Corinth from disembarking in Corcyra during the Battle of Sibota, besieging Potidaea and prohibiting any and all trade between Corinth and Megara, its closest ally (cf. megaric decree).

There was disagreement among the Greeks as to which party had violated the treaty between the Delian and Peloponnesian confederations, due to the fact that Athens was defending an ally (which the treaty itself

of peace allowed). The Corinthians asked Sparta for help. Fearful of Athens' growing power, and observing how the Athenians were willing to use that power to subdue the Megarians (the Athenian embargo of the Megarian decree would have ruined the state), Sparta finally declared that the peace treaty had been violated, starting the Peloponnesian War.

The first phase of the war (known as the "Ten Years' War" or, less frequently, as "Archidamus' War", after the Spartan king Archidamus II) extended

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until 421 BC, when the Peace of Nicias took place. The Athenian general and leader Pericles claimed that his city was fighting a defensive war, avoiding battle against the superior land forces of the Spartans, importing everything necessary through the powerful Athenian navy: the plan was simply to hold out longer than Sparta could. fight - the Spartans feared being absent from their city for a long time due to the revolts raised by the helots. For this strategy to work, Athens had to endure regular sieges, until in 430 BC the city suffered from the appearance of a terrible plague, which ended up decimating approximately a quarter of its population, including Pericles himself.

With Pericles' absence from the government and military leadership, less conservative elements gained power and Athens went on the offensive. The city captured around 300 to 400 Spartan hoplites at the Battle of Pylos. This amount represented a significant fraction of the Spartan offensive strength, which they ultimately decided they could not afford to lose. Meanwhile, Athens had suffered humiliating defeats at Decelia and Amphipolis. The Treaty of Nicias concluded with the Spartan recovery of their hostages and the Athenian recovery of the city of Amphipolis. Athens and Sparta signed the Treaty of Nicias in 421 BC, promising to maintain it for fifty years.

The second phase of the Peloponnesian War began in 415 BC, when Athens embarked on the Expedition to Sicily (415–413 BC) to support Segesta, a city that had asked for Athenian help after being attacked by Selinunte, leader of the city of Syracuse, who was trying to obtain hegemony over Sicily. Initially, Sparta was willing not to help its Syracusan ally, in the same way that Nicias had asked Athens not to meddle in the matter, since the peace treaty was still standing. However, Alcibiades, an Athenian general of great influence among young people at the time, ended up convincing the Athenians to intervene in the conflict, resulting in the inflammation of Sparta, which accused him of incredibly gross impious acts and ended up taking part in the conflict as well. , since it could not allow Athens to subjugate Syracuse (this would result in Athenian dominance over the western cereal market, in addition to opening the way to Etruria). The campaign ended up being a complete disaster, and probably the greatest defeat suffered by the Athenians to date, with Nicias killed and Alcibiades deserting Athens and joining forces with Sparta.

With the support of the new Spartan general Alcibiades, the Ionian possessions of Athens rebel. In 411 BC, through an oligarchic revolution in Athens, peace was achieved, but the Athenian navy, which remained faithful to the democratic system of government, refused to accept the change and continued fighting in the name of Athens. Alcibiades, who wanted to return to Athens, planned to ally with the Persians to defeat the Spartans, but, as there were no means, and, later, due to the supposed attempt to seduce the wife of King Agis II, Spartan king, he ended up leaving Sparta , addressing the Athenian forces stationed on Samos, where he was welcomed as a general. The oligarchy in Athens ended up collapsing and Alcibiades set out to regain what had been lost.

In 407 BC, however, Alcibiades would be replaced due to a naval defeat at the Battle of Nócio. The Spartan general Lysander,

Strengthening the naval power of his city, he won victory after victory. After the Battle of Arginusa, on the Arginusa islands, whose victory belonged to the Athenians, but which, due to bad weather, had their naval troops prevented from rescuing some of their shipwrecked and wounded men, Athens made the mistake of executing and ostracizing eight of its best commanders. Lysander won a crushing victory at the Battle of Egospótamus (River of Goats) in 405 BC, which virtually destroyed the Athenian fleet. Athens ended up surrendering a year later, finally putting an end to the Peloponnesian War.

The war left a trail of devastation. Unhappy with the Spartan hegemony that followed (including the fact that Sparta had ceded Ionia and Cyprus to the Achaemenid Empire with the end of the Corinthian War (395–387 BC); cf. Treaty of Antalcidas), Thebes decided to attack. Their general, Epaminondas, crushed Sparta at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC, inaugurating the brief period of Theban rule in Greece. In 346 BC, unable to prevail in its conflict with Phocis, which had already lasted ten years, Thebes asked Philip II of Macedonia for help, which resulted in rapid Macedonian rule over much of Greece, which was weakened after 27 years of fight each other. The basic political unit from that moment on was the empire, which ended up beginning the Greek Hellenistic period.

Hellenistic period

Philip V of Macedon, "the darling of Hellas", wearing his royal diadem

The Hellenistic period of

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Greek history begins with the death of Alexander in 323 BC and ends with the annexation of the Greek peninsula and islands by the Roman Republic in 146 BC. Despite the fact that the establishment of Roman government did not break the continuity of Hellenistic society and culture - which remained essentially

the same until the advent of Christianity - it marked, however, the end of Greek political independence.

During the Hellenistic period, the importance of Greece "itself" (i.e., the territory represented by present-day Greece) within the Grecophone world sharply delineated. The great centers of Hellenistic culture were Alexandria and Antioch, capitals of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria respectively. Other important centers were Smyrna, Seleucia on the Tigris, Ephesus, and Pergamum, all outside mainland Greece (cf. Hellenistic Civilization for the history of Greek civilization outside Greece during this period.)

Athens and its allies (all the populations of Central Greece and the Peloponnese, with the exception of Sparta), upon receiving news of Alexander's death, revolted against Macedonia, but were defeated within a year, in the Lamian War. Meanwhile, a struggle over the power left by Alexander broke out among his generals, resulting in the dismemberment of his empire and the establishment of a number of new kingdoms (cf. Diadochis). Ptolemy got Egypt, Seleucus got the Levant, Mesopotamia and some cities to the east. Control of Greece, Thrace and Anatolia was contested, but by 298 BC the Antigonid dynasty had supplanted the Antipatrid.

Macedonian control of the Greek city-states was intermittent, with the appearance of revolts. Athens, Rhodes, Pergamum, and other Greek states maintained substantial independence, joining the Aetolian Confederation (or "Aetolian League") with the intention of defending that independence. The Confederation of Achaia (or "League of Achaia"), although theoretically subject to the Ptolemaic dynasty (also called the Lagid dynasty), in fact acted independently, controlling the majority of southern Greece. Sparta also remained independent, but refused to be part of confederations.

In 267 BC, Ptolemy II persuaded Greek cities to revolt against Macedonia, resulting in the War of Chremonides, named after the Athenian leader Chremonides. The Greek cities were defeated and Athens lost its independence as well as its democratic institutions. This marked the end of Athens as a political agent, even though it remained the largest, richest and most cultivated city in Greece. In 255 BC, Macedonia defeated the Egyptian fleet at Kos and extended its rule to all the Aegean islands, with the exception of Rhodes.

Sparta remained hostile to the Achaeans, and in 227 BC ended up invading Achaia, gaining control of the Confederacy. The remaining Achaeans preferred to distance themselves from Macedonia and ally themselves with Sparta. In 222 BC, the Macedonian army defeated the Spartans and annexed the city - it was the first time Sparta was occupied by a foreign power.

Philip V of Macedonia was the last Greek ruler who had both the talent and the opportunity to unite Greece and preserve its independence against the power of Rome, but he died from a wound that continued to grow. Under his auspices, the Peace of Naupactus (217 BC) At that time he had control of all of Greece, with the exception of Athens, Rhodes and Pergamum.

In 215 BC, however, Philip had forged an alliance with the Roman enemy, Carthage. Immediately, Rome seduced the Achaean cities, causing them to abandon their former loyalty to Philip, and made alliances with Rhodes and Pergamum - the latter, the greatest power in Asia Minor. The First Macedonian War broke out in 212 BC, ending inconclusively in 205 BC. Macedonia, however, had been marked as an enemy of Rome.

In 202 BC, Rome defeated Carthage, leaving it free to pay attention to the east. In 198 BC the Second Macedonian War broke out — for reasons that are still unclear, but basically because Rome saw the

Macedonia as a potential ally of the Seleucids, the greatest power in the east. Philip's allies in Greece disowned him, and in 197 BC he was finally defeated at the Battle of Cynocephali by the Roman consul Titus Quintius Flamininus.

Fortunately for the Greeks, Flaminius was a man of moderation and a self-confessed admirer of Greek culture, as well as knowing and speaking the language - which is why, in fact, many of Philip's allies had sided with Flaminius. Philip had to capitulate his fleet and become a Roman ally, so he was spared. During the Isthmian Games, held on the Isthmus of Corinth in 196 BC, Flaminius declared, amid general enthusiasm, the independence of the Greek cities, making them free, despite Roman garrisons still being found in Corinth and Chalkidiki. The freedom promised by Rome, however, was an illusion. All cities, except Rhodes, were part of a new Confederation controlled by the country itself.

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Rome, and democracy was replaced by aristocratic regimes allied with Rome.

Greco-Roman period

Militarily, Greece had entered into such decline that the Romans conquered its entire territory (168 BC onwards) - even though Greek culture, in return, had "conquered" the Romans.

Although the beginning of Roman rule over Greece is conventionally dated to the sack of Corinth by Lucius Mummius in 146 BC, at the end of the Achaean War, Macedonia had already fallen under Roman control with the defeat of its king, Perseus, by Lucius. Emílio Paulo Macedônico at the Battle of Pydna, in 168 BC, at the end of the Third Macedonian War. The Romans divided the region into four smaller republics, and in 146 BC, Macedonia officially became a Roman province, making Thessaloniki its capital. The remainder of the Greek city-states gradually, and eventually, paid homage to Rome, finally burying their de jure autonomy. The Romans left local administration to the Greeks without even trying to abolish the traditional political pattern. The agora in Athens continued to be the center of civil and cultural life.

Caracalla's edict in 212 AD, called the Edict of Caracalla, granted Roman citizenship to people born outside the Italian peninsula to all adult males throughout the Roman Empire, so that provincial populations had their status equal to that of their own city ​​of Rome. The importance of this decree is historical, more than political: it served as the basis for integration where the state's economic and judicial mechanisms could be applied throughout the Mediterranean in the same way as it had been with Lazio, throughout the Italian peninsula. In practice, naturally, integration did not occur uniformly. Societies already integrated into Rome, such as Greece, were favored by the edict, compared to societies further away, those that were very poor or those that were simply very different, such as Britannia, Dacia and Germania.

Caracalla's edict did not set in motion the process that led to the transfer of power from Italy and the West to Greece and the East, but rather accelerated it, establishing the basis for Greece's rise as a major power in Europe and the Mediterranean. during the Middle Ages. During this period, Christianity, coming from Palestine, was introduced into Greece in the middle of the first century AD by Paul of Tarsus. Several of the New Testament epistles were addressed to Greek cities such as Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi and Ephesus. After around 200 years, the Christian religion had become predominant throughout Greece and would exert a greater influence on the Byzantine Empire.

Byzantine period

The history of the Byzantine Empire is described by academic August Heisenberg as the history of "the Roman state of the Greek nation that became Christian." The division of the empire into west and east and the subsequent collapse of the Western Roman Empire were developments that constantly accentuated the position of the Greeks in the empire and ended up allowing them to be completely identified with it. Constantinople's main role began when Constantine transformed Byzantium into the new capital of the Roman Empire, whose name was changed to Constantinople. The city, located in the heart of Hellenism, became a reference point for the Greeks until the modern era.

Emperors Constantine and Justinian exercised their rule over Rome during the period from 324 to 610. Assimilating Roman tradition, the emperors sought to provide the basis for subsequent improvements and the formation of the Byzantine Empire. Efforts to safeguard the empire's borders and to restore Roman territories marked the first centuries. At the same time, the definitive formation and establishment of orthodox doctrine, as well as a series of conflicts resulting from heresies developed on the borders of the empire, marked the initial period of Byzantine history.

In the first period of the middle of the Byzantine era (610-867) the empire was attacked both by old enemies (Persians, Lombards, Avars and Slavs) and by new groups that appeared for the first time in history (Arabs, Bulgarians). The main characteristic of this period is the fact that enemy attacks were not limited to the state's border areas, but extended far beyond, even threatening the capital itself. At the same time, such attacks lost their periodic and temporary character, turning into permanent installations that became new states - of course, hostile to the Byzantine Empire. Changes could also be observed in the internal structure of the empire, dictated by both external and internal conditions. The predominance of small free farmers, the expansion of military states and the development of the theme system gave the final touch to the evolutionary process that had begun in the previous period. More changes could also be seen in the administrative sector: administration and s

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Society had become Greek in an immiscible way, while the process of restoring orthodoxy after the iconoclastic movement successfully allowed the resumption of missionary actions among neighboring peoples and their positions in the Byzantine sphere of cultural influence. During this period, the State was geographically reduced and economically harmed, as wealth-producing regions had been lost; However, the State achieved much greater linguistic, dogmatic and cultural homogeneity.

The year 1204 marks the beginning of the late Byzantine period, when the most important event for the empire took place. Constantinople was lost to the Greeks for the first time, and the empire had been conquered by crusaders from the Latin world, being replaced by a new empire where Latin would be the language of government, a period that lasted for 57 years. Furthermore, the period of Latin occupation definitively influenced the internal developments of the empire, since feudal elements began to be part of the Byzantine way of life.

In 1261, the Greek empire was divided between members of the ancient Greco-Byzantine Komnenos dynasty (Despotate of Epirus) and between the Palaiologos dynasty (the last dynasty until the fall of Constantinople). After the gradual weakening of the structures of the Byzantine Greek state and the reduction of its territory due to the invasions of the Turks, the Greek Byzantine Empire finally came to an end at the hands of the Ottomans, in 1453, a date considered as the end of the Byzantine period.

It is important to note that the term "Byzantine" is a contemporary idea, agreed upon by historians. People at the time used to call the empire from the 20th century onwards simply as the "Greek Empire", much like the "Romeo-Greek Empire" before that. For this reason, the Greeks sometimes call themselves "Romioí" (Ρωμιοί) in a colloquial way. The term "Romeo" ('related to Rome') was sometimes used due to the tradition bequeathed to many aspects of the political administration of the empire. It should also be said that many empires throughout Europe used the term, in addition to the Greek Byzantines, such as the Carolingians or the Germanic Holy Roman Empire (Latin Sacrum Romanum Imperium), which considered themselves as legitimate heirs of the Empire Roman.

Ottoman period

The Battle of Navarino in October 1827 marked the definitive end of Ottoman rule in Greece

When the Ottomans arrived, two Greek migrations took place. The first comprised the Greek intellectual layer, which migrated to Western Europe, influencing the advent of the Renaissance. The second migration was that of the Greeks leaving the plains of the Greek peninsula and settling in the mountains. The country, mostly made up of mountainous terrain, prevented the Ottomans from conquering the entire Greek peninsula, as they did not develop a military or administrative presence in the mountains. There were many mountain Greek clans throughout the peninsula and islands. The Sfachiots of Crete, the Suliots of Epirus, and the Maniots of the Peloponnese were among the most resilient mountain clans throughout the period of the Ottoman Empire. Between the end of the 16th century and the 17th century, many Greeks began to migrate from the mountains to the plains. The millet system contributed to the ethnic cohesion of the Orthodox Greeks by segregating the population of the Ottoman Empire according to each person's religion. The Greek Orthodox Church, an anti-religious institution, provided assistance to Greeks from all geographic areas of the peninsula (i.e. mountains, plains and islands) to preserve their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and racial heritage during the harsh years of Ottoman rule . The Greeks who lived in the plains during the Ottoman occupation were either Christians who suffered from foreign rule or Crypto Christians (Greek Muslims who secretly practiced the faith of the Orthodox Church). Many Greeks became crypto Christians in order to avoid heavy taxation, while at the same time expressing their identity by maintaining secret relations with the Greek Orthodox Church. However, Greeks who converted to Islam and who were not crypto Christians were considered Turks in the eyes of the Orthodox Greeks, even if they did not adopt the Turkish language. On the other hand, the converted layer played an immense role in the creation of modern Greek culture, since Turkish traditions and customs were learned throughout the occupational period. The most obvious traces of Turkish influence on current Greek culture can be seen in Greek music and cuisine.

Modern period

The Chios Massacre (1824), by Eugène Delacroix, when the Ottomans violently repressed the Greeks in the 1830s, Greece gained its independence.

The Ottoman Empire dominated Greece until the beginning of the 19th century. In 1821, the Greeks rose up, declaring their independence in the Greek War of Independence, although they only achieved real emancipation.

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ion in 1829. The elites of European nations saw the Greek war of independence - duly accompanied by examples of atrocities committed by the Turks - in a romantic way (cf. the painting "Massacre of Chios" from 1824, by Eugène Delacroix). A large number of non-Greek volunteers fought for the cause (including, for example, Lord Byron) and yet at times the Ottomans found themselves on the verge of suppressing the Greek revolution almost completely, had it not been for French intervention. , England and Russian Empire. Ioánnis Kapodístrias, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, himself a Greek, returned to the motherland as president of the new republic, after the officialization of Greek independence. The republic disappeared a few years later, when Western powers helped transform Greece into a monarchy, whose first king came from Bavaria and the second from Denmark. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, in a series of wars against the Ottomans, Greece sought to extend its borders to include the ethnic Greek population of the Ottoman Empire, slowly expanding its territory and population until reaching its current configuration in 1947. In World War I, Greece joined the Triple Entente powers to fight against the Ottoman Empire and the Triple Alliance. After the war, Greece was granted parts of Asia Minor, including the city of Smyrna, whose population was largely Greek. At the time, however, Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk overthrew the Ottoman government, organized a military attack on Greek troops and defeated them. Immediately, hundreds of thousands of Turks living on the territory of mainland Greece moved to Turkey, in exchange for hundreds of thousands of Greeks living in Turkey, who were to be sent to Greece.

Despite the country's armed forces being numerically small and poorly equipped, Greece contributed decisively to the Allies in World War II. At the beginning of the war, Greece joined the Allies and refused to meet the demands of the Kingdom of Italy. On October 28, 1940, Italy invaded Greece, but Greek troops expelled the invaders after a bloody battle (cf. Greco-Italian War), marking the Allies' first victory in the war. Hitler reluctantly became involved, with the main objective of securing dominance over his southern flank: troops from Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria and Italy successfully invaded Greece, achieving triumph over Greek, British, Australian and New Zealand units.

However, when the Germans attempted to take Crete in a massive paratroop attack - with the aim of reducing the threat of a possible counterattack by Allied forces in Egypt - the Allies, as well as the Cretans, offered fierce resistance. Although Cretan resistance ended up coming over land, the battle significantly delayed German plans, so that the German invasion aimed at the Soviet Union began fatally close to winter. A recent alternative view of the event is that the German troops involved in the battle of Crete were not so numerous as to impact the much larger attack against the Soviet Union.

During many years of Nazi occupation, thousands of Greeks died in direct combat, in concentration camps or from pure starvation. The occupiers murdered much of the Jewish community despite attempts by the Greek Orthodox Church and many Greek Christians to protect the Jews. The economy took on an air of languor. After liberation, Greece experienced an equally cruel civil war - between communists and royalists (monarchists), which lasted three years (1946–1949).

During the 1950s and 1960s, Greece continued to evolve slowly, first with help from the United States, through grants and loans from the Marshall Plan, and, later, with the increase in the tourist sector. In 1967, the Greek armed forces seized power in a coup d'état, overthrowing the right-wing government of Panayiotis Kanellopoulos and establishing the Greek military junta of 1967-01974, which would become a colonel regime. It was even suspected that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was involved in the coup, and the new regime in Athens was supported by the United States. In 1973, the regime abolished the Greek monarchy. In 1974, the dictator Papadopoulos denied aid to the United States, conjecturing that, as a result, this country, through the cooperation of Henry Kissinger, had organized a second coup d'état. Colonel Demétrios Ioannides was appointed as the new head of state.

Many consider Ioannides responsible for the coup against President Makarios III of Cyprus - the coup would be a pretext for the first wave of Turkish invasions of Cyprus in 1974 (cf. the 1974 crisis between Greece and Turkey). The events in Cyprus and the demonstrations that followed the violent repression

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that of the insurrection at the Athens Polytechnic led to the outbreak of a military regime. A charismatic exiled politician, Konstantinos G. Karamanlís, returned from Paris as interim prime minister and later won reelection to two terms as leader of the conservative New Democracy party in 1975, following the plebiscite that confirmed the deposition of King Constantine II, a constitution democratic republican was established. Another previously exiled politician, Andreas Papandreou, also returned to Greece and founded the socialist party PASOK, which won elections in 1981, dominating the country's political course for nearly two decades.

Since the restoration of democracy, Greece's economic stability and prosperity has grown. The country became part of the European Union in 1981 and adopted the Euro as its currency in 2001. New infrastructure, EU funds and rising tourist income, its merchant marine, its services, its electrical and telecommunications industries have brought the Greeks a standard of unprecedented life. Tensions continue to exist between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus and the delimitation of borders in the Aegean Sea, but relations between these two countries have thawed considerably following a series of earthquakes - first in Turkey and then in Greece - and frequent of sympathy and generous assistance on both sides. I want to thank everyone for this work that I did as proof of a good writer and I want to show everyone my point of view about Greece and thank you all very much.

I want to thank you for this work prescribed here as a very familiar example of a great people who have always dedicated themselves to popular culture and I want to say that we are well acquainted with the finest nature and I see that it makes us look for the true reason for knowing much better the life and the ancient world and I want to wish everyone this wonderful story in which it portrays us about several romantic songs of very deep love about a past that was stuck in time and that still reveals to us today and shows us the simple reason why we know much better about close to beautiful old stories that today we will find an answer to your questions and that can make us know their unforgettable value up close and I want to say here at the end with lots of love and affection to all my listeners wherever they are, be it me, you or whoever it is, the world will always be the same as always because what changes is our ways of thinking and that life is an endless resonance and that we must always go back to the old time that perhaps it can and wants to tell us that life has always been a simple reaction and revelation that made us seek, above all the certainties and uncertainties, the pure and hard notion that made man stop in time when he was undecided about life and its nature that made him recognize himself through time and teach him about the emptiness of death to get to know life better up close and that ancient times had always kept us fuller and more adapted to a simple notion of facing ourselves and understanding life better and it is said that science made man on ancient times and that today man can govern and make life the best disciplines for living, only by knowing life much better and conserving over time that he can be in a great relationship with nature that is limited to a circuit in the life of space and time. Here, with much deep love, I want to thank all my dear friends who are always enjoying here, in this climate of peace and love, the best international romantic songs that make us look for the present, past and future of a new and unforgettable generation that always will show us with more affection and dedication the best tests of living and holding back on the more than dreamed of educations and lessons that have always been stories in the life of man on earth and I want to wish here to all my dear friends, from friends to friends a unforgettable big hug from writer and radio host Roberto Barros. Hugs and have a good day!


Here I want to show an unprecedented narration as a full message that defines itself about a great and fabulous story in which I show about the ancient city called Rome that I tell about beautiful and unforgettable international romantic songs for everyone to listen to with immense love to understand and feel deeply about beautiful knowledge that mixes with the true dynamics that we can remember several ancient events that can tell us and show us great stories that marked a great era of dreams where fantasy can be the best companion of a great adventurous dream that we seek in your past or in the future a deep relationship and reaction with the most codifying nature that lacks pleasure and love for our world and that makes us seek among many trajectories and achievements a valuable role of

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and get to know life itself much better and with divine love, in which here, in mere words, we can simply be well connected about our desires to be happy, knowledge of our ancestor's life, recognition with the Self that we dedicate ourselves to the mere pleasure of knowing much better life and our world for the best way to live and be happy where here now with lots of love, dedication to all my formidable listeners, I want to say that we satisfactorily admit by a simple notion and desire about life that life maybe is a passing thing and that we are duly delving deeper into a space that I simply believe that we will still meet as we have a lot to know and tell beautiful and extraordinary stories that simply reveal to us a very remote era of our time and that we are synchronized with the era of young people who always believed in the past as an answer to the true future and that we can know it fully, as closely as we have to take them as a friend of a simple adventurous notion that in everything and through everything happens to us and that will always be kept as a memory and memory of a great time that here we will now remember with beautiful love songs about a romantic moment of pleasure where the radio waves synchronize us with power and that we can dream much better about the future in which I am here I'm going to tell a beautiful story for everyone to hear in which I leave my best regards as writer and radio host Roberto Barros. Hugs!

I want to express in a few words a historical reunion of a city that dates back to around 753 BC, with the founding of a small town on the Italian peninsula. Although the foundation took place in the 8th century BC, the oldest written record is that established by the historian Marco Terêncio Varrão (116 BC - 27 BC) during the reign of Augustus, around 500 years after the fact. Over time, Rome became the center of a vast civilization that dominated the Mediterranean region for centuries, and which would be overthrown by some Germanic tribes, beginning the historiographical era of the Middle Ages.

Let us see that we are fully showing a rich history that begins in a very ancient era and that its particularities show us that a great development has taken place in which art and politics play a great role in the history of the Romans that today we can understand their deep values ​​and mysteries that make us highlight a true custom and love for Rome and that Rome is simply a warrior city that has always had a great relationship with man and the gods that we can believe in their words and constructions of a great people who today shows a more fertile and stronger dignity under a great domain and military strength over a great region that transformed us and made us believe under its influences and customs that we can fully know in art and culture, both political and artistic, which has demonstrated a great role for the entire world in which cinema portrays us and has made the world a great triumphal scale of certain films and great stories that makes me understand the culture and history narrated in depth on a certain poster that we conceal the knowledge and unfolding through art and culture and that today we can understand where the world began and its variable ways of living and that there are in the dreams of each one great magical processes that culture unfolds for us and makes us contemplate a great desire for our ancestors and that culture today today be more realistic to our point of view in which we are committed to preserving above all a very fine role in socialist development in which we can say that Rome has class, it means love, it is glory and work and development and that I want to show by I complete here now his entire history in which we are preserved in time and in the past and today we understand his origin much more classic and better from his reign until his maturity with life in general.

Theater of Ancient Rome

Roman mosaic depicting actors and an aulus player (House of the Tragic Poet, Pompeii)

The theater of Ancient Rome was a diverse artistic modality, extending from street theater and acrobatics at festivals to the staging of the comedies of Plautus and Terence and the tragedies of Seneca. Although Rome had its own performance tradition, cultural Hellenization in the third century BC had a profound and energizing effect on the theater of that civilization, stimulating the development of high-quality literature conducive to performance.

The historian Livy postulated that the Romans had experienced theatrical art for the first time in the 4th century BC, through a performance by Etruscan actors. Beacham argues that this civilization would have known "pre-theatrical practices" some time before recorded. Roman drama began to develop in 240 BC, with the execution of productions by Livy And

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ronic. This modality remained popular in late antiquity, in the middle of the 4th century AD, with 102 out of 176 public games being dedicated to theater, in addition to events with gladiators and chariot races, in considerably fewer numbers.

Kingdom of Rome

Kingdom of Rome, also known as Roman monarchy or royal period, is the expression used by convention to define the Roman monarchical state from its origin (April 21, 753 BC) until the fall of royalty in 509 BC. The documentation of this period is precarious and even the names of the kings are uncertain, citing only the legendary kings, presented in the works of Virgil (Aeneid) and Titus Livy (Ab Urbe condita libri). Its origins are imprecise, although it seems clear that it was the city's first form of government, a fact that archeology and linguistics seem to confirm.

According to legendary tradition, Rome was ruled by seven kings. The ancients attribute to each sovereign an innovation in the formation of Roman institutions: Romulus (r. 753–717 BC) founded the city and kidnapped the Sabine women; Numa Pompilius (r. 717–673 BC) created religious institutions, priesthoods and rites; Túlio Hostílio (r. 673–642 BC) destroyed Alba Longa; Ancus Márcio (r. 640–616 BC) founded the colony of Ostia; Tarquinius Priscus (r. 616–579 BC) carried out major construction work in Rome; Servius Tullius (r. 578–535 BC) divided Roman society into census classes; and Tarquin the Proud (r. 534–509 BC) represented the typical Roman tyrant.

The king (rex) accumulated executive, judicial, legislative and religious functions. The ratification of laws was carried out by the Assembly of Curia, made up of all citizens of military age (up to 45 years old), and the Senate, or "council of elders", acted as a royal council and chose new kings. In the final phase of royalty, from the end of the 7th century BC, Rome was dominated by the Etruscans. They influenced the Romans both on a cultural level (spreading the use of tunics, religious practices and worship of new gods), and on a material level (expanding trade and creating drainage channels to dry local swamps).

The traditional chronicles, which have reached the present day through authors such as Livy, Plutarch, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, among others, say that there was a succession of seven kings. The traditional chronology, narrated by Marco Terêncio Varrão, shows that these reigns were 243 years in total duration, that is, there is an average of 35 years per reign (much longer than any documented dynasty), still reevaluated today, since the work of Barthold Georg Niebuhr. The reigns of the first monarchs raise great doubts for historians, due to their large average length and the fact that some appear to be rounded.



Aeneas carrying Anchises (enócoa with Attic black painting c. 520−510 BC), Louvre Museum

Verse from a Roman didrachma, anonymous author (ca. 269-266 BC)

In Virgil's Aeneid and Livy's Ab Urbe condita libri, Aeneas, son of the goddess Venus, flees Troy with his father Anchises, his son Ascanius and the survivors of the city. With him he made several pilgrimages that finally took him to Lazio, in Italy, where he was received by the local Latin king, who offered the hand of his daughter, Lavinia. This provokes the fury of the King of the Rutuli, Turnus, a powerful Italic monarch who had taken an interest in her. A terrible war between the populations of the peninsula breaks out and as a result, Turno is killed. Aeneas, now married, founds the city of Lavinius in honor of his wife. His son, Ascânio, rules the city for thirty years until he decides to move and found his own city, Alba Longa.

About 400 years later, the son and legitimate heir of the twelfth king of Alba Longa, Numitor, is deposed by a stratagem by his brother Amulius. To secure the throne, Amulius murders Numitor's male descendants and forces his niece Rhea Sílvia to become a vestal (virgin priestess, consecrated to the goddess Vesta), however, she becomes pregnant by the god Mars and from this union the brothers Romulus and Remus (born March 771 BC). As punishment, Amulius locks Rhea in a dungeon and orders her children to be thrown into the Tiber River. By miracle, the basket where the children were staying ends up getting stuck on one of the banks of the river at the foot of the Palatine Hill where they are found by a she-wolf who breastfeeds them; Next to the children was a woodpecker, a bird sacred to the Latins and to the god Mars, who protects them. Some time later, a sheepherder named Fáustulo finds the boys near the foot of the Fig Tree Ruminal (Ficus Ruminalis), at the entrance to a cave called Lupercal. He collects them and takes them to his home where they are raised by his wife Aca Larência.

Rômulo and Remus grow up with the region's shepherds, hunting, running and exercising; They plundered the caravans that passed through the region in search of booty. In one of the robberies, Remo is captured and taken to Alb

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Long. Fáustulo then reveals to Rômulo the story of his origin. He leaves for the city of his ancestors, frees his brother, kills Amulius, restores Numitor to the throne and gives his mother all the honors due to him. Realizing that they would have no future in the city, the twins decide to leave the city along with all the undesirables and then found a new city in the place where they were abandoned. Romulus wanted to call it Rome and build it on the Palatine, while Remus wanted to name it Remora and found it on the Aventine. As a way of deciding, it was established that it was necessary to indicate, through auspices, who would be chosen to give the name to the new city and reign after the foundation. This generated disagreement among the spectators, which led to a fierce argument between the brothers that ended with Remus' death. An alternative version states that, to surprise his brother, Remus would have climbed the city's newly built quadrangular yard and taken it in a rage, Romulus would have murdered him.


Map of the Seven Hills of Rome

Primitive huts found on the Palatine Hill (8th century BC) Classical authors such as Livy, Plutarch and Dionysius of Halicarnassus based their reports on fragments of works by older writers, such as Helanicus of Mytilene, a Greek author from the 5th century BC. Furthermore, such authors , tried to find rational explanations for unlikely passages in the city's creation myth, such as the Capitoline wolf. The Romans designated the female wolf and the prostitute by the same word, lupa. Thus, historians claim that in reality the twins' nurse would have been Aca Larência, wife of Fáustulo, who would have worked as a prostitute. The first inhabitants of Rome, the Latins and Sabines, are part of the group of Indo-European populations originating from Central Europe who came to the Italian peninsula in successive waves in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC; Old Latium (Latium Vetus) was the ancient territory of the Latins, currently southern Latium; in case of danger, the Latin-Sabian dwellings united in confederations to face their enemies. The hills of Rome began to be occupied at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC; Archaeological remains dated between the 14th and 10th centuries BC are the first evidence of habitation in the Palatine. Three successive overlapping walled enclosures have been dated at the site, two from the 8th-7th centuries BC and one from the 7th-6th centuries BC.


Rome grew up on the left bank of a navigable stretch of the Tiber River, about 25 kilometers from its mouth, therefore with easy access to the Tyrrhenian Sea. It had the advantages of a position that was both maritime and inland. Located about twenty kilometers from the Alban hills, which constitute a natural defense, on a plain far enough from the sea, the city would not need to fear incursions by pirates. Furthermore, both the river itself (and Tiber Island) and the Capitol and Palatine Hills operated as easily defensible natural citadels. However, Rome's greatest asset in terms of its location was its proximity to the Tiber River. This played a fundamental role in the city's economic development because goods that came from the sea had to go up the river to be sent either to Etruria or to Greek Campania (Magna Grecia). In this way, Rome was able to monopolize land traffic, since it was located at the intersection of the main roads in the Italian interior. Furthermore, because there are important salt pans close to the city, Rome managed to become the perfect market point on the "salt route", later known as via Salaria.


Terracotta funerary urn dating from the 8th century BC found in Lazio. Its shape would be an artistic representation of the dwellings of the period. More information here!

Rome was initially a small settlement or group of settlements located on the Palatine Hill and the surrounding hills. Its population was around a few hundred inhabitants who based their economy on agriculture (wheat, barley, peas, beans), livestock (goats, pigs), fishing, hunting and gathering; the manufacture of ceramic items, clothing and other household items were produced by families for internal consumption; there was no defined social stratification. From ca. 770 BC archaeological sites in the region, especially necropolises, began to demonstrate a greater number of human remains, which indicates human growth, external influences derived from commercial contacts, especially with the Greek colonies of Campania, greater artisanal specialization (use of wheel potter), and the emergence of economically differentiated social classes; such processes intensified between the end of the 8th and 7th centuries BC.

Many graves from the period, found in various locations in Lazio, contain individuals with ornaments that highlight their wealth, which can be understood as evidence of the progressive formation of

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a dominant aristocracy, which controlled the means of production, as well as surpluses, acquiring a hereditary characteristic in maintaining power. In this context, many settlements showed notable growth, becoming centers of power that were fortified with terraces and moats (remains of a wall dating from 730 BC were found in the Northeast in the Palatine); Rome, previously a small settlement on the Palatine, covered in the middle of the 7th century BC the Forum Valley, the Quirinal, part of the Esquiline and the Caelian. At the end of the 7th century BC, archaeological evidence points to an intense urbanization process: huts were replaced by more solid houses (stone foundations, wooden structures and tile roofs); a public square was opened in the Forum; traces of public buildings, sanctuaries and temples were detected along with tiles, terracottas and decorative friezes.


Representation of a Roman family, Vatican Museum The Roman social base was the gentes (clans), kinship associations between families who believed they descended from common ancestors who, in order to express their relationship, used the same name. Under these conditions, each member of a people (the "gentil") had two names, a personal one (first name; e.g. Marco, Cneu, Tito) and a gentilicio (name; e.g. Márcio, Névio, Tácio); Due to the evident autonomy that the people had in the social context, it is speculated that they existed since before the formation of the State in Rome. Each family that made up the people was controlled by a respective paterfamilias who exercised absolute power (inpotesty) over their property, animals, slaves, children and wife; Based on his power (patria potestas), the paterfamilies had the right to kill or sell any member of his family, represented it in its relations with other families and the community and performed rites and sacrifices in honor of ancestors and gods. Thus, even as adults, their children did not acquire legal autonomy until the death of the paterfamilies, when in their own right they were considered patresfamilias rum.

From the term pater the term patrician was coined, the name of the dominant social layer in Rome. This layer boasted a greater number of herds, lands and slaves, in the same way that they were bequeathed the right to exercise public, military, religious, legal and administrative functions; sometimes they appropriated the ager publicus, lands that belonged to the government. Below the patricians was the clientele (singular: client), a class made up of commoners, freed slaves, foreigners or illegitimate children who associated themselves with the patricians, providing them with various services in exchange for economic aid and social protection. This relationship between patricians and clientele was based mainly on moral rather than legal connotations, since clients enjoyed the "trust" (fides) of their lords. The clientele had among its obligations the cultivation of part of the patricians' lands, as well as providing military services. The greater the number of clients under the protection of a patrician, the greater his social and political prestige.

The plebeians (from plebs, crowd) were peasants, small farmers, artisans and traders. In the monarchical period, commoners did not have political rights although they were subject to tax burdens and military obligations. Marriage between plebeians and patricians was prohibited to avoid the mixing of both social classes. At the threshold of the Roman social pyramid were slaves who were defeated in war or commoners in debt. In the case of commoners, slavery could occur in two ways. The first occurred when an impoverished family sold their own children into slavery. The second was a form of debt payment, that is, the debtor, unable to pay off his debts, could become a slave to the creditor. They were seen as instruments of work, being considered the property of their master, and could be sold, exchanged, rented or punished. As a slave, the person did not have any rights, such as to marry, move from one place to another, participate in assemblies and make decisions. During the monarchy they were few in number.

Roman women, matrons (matronae), had the right to own property, be educated and participate more actively in social activities, such as banquets and electoral campaigns.

Political institutions


Cicero denounces Catilina, a fresco that represents the Roman Senate meeting in the Hostilian Curia. Palazzo Madama, Rome

The Latin term senātus is derived from senex, meaning "old man". Therefore, senate literally means "council of elders." Its origin possibly comes from the tribal structure of the Lazio communities in which there was often an aristocratic council of tribal elders. Early Roman families denoted gentes or clans that were governed by a patriarch, the "father" (pater). When is

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he first families came together to form Rome, the patriarchs of the main people were selected to participate in a council of elders (the future senate). Over time, however, they recognized the need for a single leader, leading them to elect a king (rex) and invest their sovereign power in him. When the king died, power would naturally revert to them. The senate had three main responsibilities: it functioned as the definitive repository for executive power, advisor to the king and as a legislative body in tune with the people of Rome. Roman senators met in a temple (templum) or any other location that had been consecrated by a religious official (augur).

During the monarchy, the most important function of the senate was to select new kings. The period between the death of a king and the election of the next was known as interregnum, when a king died, a member of the senate (the buried) nominated a candidate to replace him. In the first interregnum, which occurred after Romulus' disappearance, the senate, which was then made up of one hundred men, was divided into ten decurias, each governed by a decurion who served as inter-king for five days. For a year the decurios alternated in power until the new king was acclaimed. After the Senate gave its initial approval of the candidate, he was formally elected by the people and would then receive final approval from the Senate. Thus, although the king was officially elected by the people, the decision was effectively made by the senate. The most significant role of the senate beyond royal elections was that of the king's advisory council. Although the king was not bound by the senatorial council, the growing prestige of the senate made his council increasingly reckless. Technically, the Senate could make laws, although it would be incorrect to view Senate decrees as legislation in the modern sense. Only the king could decree new laws, although he often involved both the senate and the curial assembly (popular assembly) in the process. However, the king was free to ignore any decision the senate had approved.

Legislative assemblies

Servian Wall (in red) and its respective gates

Legislative assemblies were the main institutions. One of them, the assembly of curias, although it had some legislative powers, only had the right to symbolically ratify decrees issued by the king. The functions of another, the "Silent Assembly" (comitiacalata), were purely religious. During this period, all citizens of Rome, that is, individuals of military age (up to 45 years old), were divided into a total of 30 curias, the basic units of division in the two popular assemblies. Members of each curia would vote, and then the majority would determine how the curia would vote before the assembly.

The assembly of curias (comitia curiata) was the only popular assembly with any political significance during the Kingdom of Rome. The king presided over the assembly, and submitted decrees for the assembly to ratify. An inter-king presided over the assembly during the intercalary periods between kings. After the selection of a new king and the initial approval of the senate was conceived, the burial held the formal election before the assembly of the curias. The new king interpreted the auspices (omens of the gods), and if these were favorable, legal powers (the lex curiata of empire) were granted to the candidate. On Kalends (first day of the month) and Nones (fifth or seventh day of the month), this assembly met to hear announcements. Appeals heard by the curial assembly often dealt with issues relating to family law.

During two fixed days in the spring, the assembly was scheduled for testimonies of wills and adorations. All other meetings did not have pre-fixed dates and were held as needed. She also had jurisdiction over the admission of new families to a curia, the transfer of families between two curias, as well as the transfer of plebeian individuals to the patrician state (or vice versa), or the restoration of citizenship to an individual. The assembly usually decided such matters under the presidency of a maximum pontiff. Since the assembly was primarily a legislative assembly, it was (theoretically) responsible for ratifying laws. However, the assembly's rejection of such laws did not prevent their promulgation. On some occasions the assembly of curias reaffirmed the legal authority of a king, and sometimes ratified the decision to go to war.

The Silent Assembly (comitia calata) was the oldest Roman assembly. It met in the Capitol and was called by the assemblies of the curia and/or centuries. The assembly had the function of inaugurating the king of sacred things (rex sacrorum) or any flame or vestal. Occasionally the people were summoned to meetings that dealt with cases such as detentatio sacrorum, that is, situations in which an individual renounced the cult of his people and, through adoption, practiced

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very common in order to establish ties between people, it adopted the cult of its new people. the people had nominal participation in the assembly.

Executive judiciaries

Circus Maximus (in red)

During the reign of Rome, the king was the main executive magistracy. He was the chief executive, high priest, chief legislator, supreme judge, and commander in chief of the army. His powers rested on law and legal precedence, and he could only receive these powers through the political process of a democratic election. In practice, he had no real restrictions on his power. When a war broke out, he had the sole authority to organize the troops, select leaders for the army, and conduct the campaign as he saw fit. He controlled all assets held by the State, had the exclusive competence to divide the land and spoils of war, was the city's main representative in relations with the gods or the leaders of other communities, and could unilaterally decree any new law. According to the historian Sallust, the degree of legal authority (imperium) held by the Roman king was known as legitimum imperium. This probably means that the only restriction on the king was the mosmaiorum. This, for example, suggests (but does not require) that he should consult the senate before making decisions.

While the king could unilaterally declare war, for example, he normally preferred to have these declarations ratified by the popular assembly, furthermore, he did not normally decide matters dealing with Roman family law, but rather let the popular assembly decide such matters. While the king had absolute power over criminal and civil trials, he probably only acted on cases at their initial stage (in iure), then forwarding the case to one of his assistants (a judge; in Latin: iudex) for decision. In the most serious criminal cases, the king could refer the case to the people, gathered in a popular assembly, for judgment. Furthermore, the king usually received consent from the other priests before introducing new deities. Sometimes he presented his decrees to both the popular assembly and the senate for ceremonial ratification, but the rejection of his decrees did not prevent their promulgation. The king chose several officials to help him and unilaterally granted them their powers. When the king left the city, an urban mayor (praefectus urbi) presided over the city in his place. The king also had two quaestors as general assistants, while several other officials, the duumviri perdulionis (duumviri perduellionis), assisted him during cases of treason. In war, the king occasionally commanded only the infantry, and delegated command of the cavalry to one of his personal bodyguards, the tribune of the swift (tribunus celerum). According to some theories, from the 6th century BC, with the decline of the monarchical system, kings were replaced by life-long masters of the people (magistri populi) (dictator) in executive conduct.

Roman kings

The traditional chronicles, which have reached the present day through authors such as Livy, Plutarch, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, etc., say that there was a succession of seven kings. The traditional chronology, narrated by Marco Terêncio Varrão, shows that these reigns were 243 years in total duration, that is, there is an average of 35 years per reign (much longer than any documented dynasty), still reevaluated today, since the work of Barthold Georg Niebuhr. The Gauls, led by Brennus, sacked Rome after the victory in the Battle of Ália in 390/387 BC, so that all historical records of the city were destroyed, including those from older phases. Therefore, later sources, referring to the oldest period, must be analyzed with caution, as they were written centuries after the events.

The reigns of the first monarchs raise great doubts for historians, due to their long average duration and the fact that some seem to be rounded to around 40 years. This curious fact, which stands out even more when compared to current reigns, in which life expectancy is greater, was explained in Roman traditions because most kings had been related to their predecessor. However, it is more likely that only the last kings actually existed, and so far no historical evidence has yet been discovered regarding the first.


Romulus transports rich booty to the temple of Jupiter, Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres, École des Beaux-Arts, Paris

Abduction of the Sabines, oil by Pietro de Cortona (ca 1627–1629), Capitoline Museums, Rome

Romulus was not only the first king of Rome, but also its founder, along with his twin Remus. In the year 753 BC, both began to build the city next to the Palatine Hill, when, according to legend, Romulus killed Remus for having sacrilegiously crossed the mountain.

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omerio. After the founding of the urbe (city), Romulus invited criminals, escaped slaves and assistants to provide assistance in the new city, thus populating five of Rome's seven hills. To obtain wives for his citizens, Romulus invited the Sabines to a festival, where he kidnapped the Sabine women and took them to Rome. After the subsequent war with the Sabines, Romulus united the Sabines and the Romans under the government of a diarchy together with the Sabine leader Titus Tácio.

Romulus divided the population of Rome between strong men and those unfit to fight. The fighters constituted the first Roman legions; although the rest became commoners of Rome, Romulus selected one hundred of the highest-ranking men as senators. These men were called fathers and their descendants would be the patricians, the Roman nobility. After the union between Romans and

Sabinos, Romulus added another hundred men to the senate. Under the reign of Romulus, the institution of augurs was also established as part of the Roman religion, as was the assembly of curia. Romulus divided the people of Rome into three tribes: Romans (Ramnes), Sabines (Titians) and the rest (Lucers). Each tribe elected ten curias (community of men), also providing 100 knights (celeres) and 1,000 infantry soldiers (milites) each, thus forming the first legion of 300 riders and 3,000 infants; he could occasionally summon a second legion in case of urgency. These tribal contingents were commanded by military tribunes (tribuni militum) and cavalry tribunes (tribuni celerum).

After 38 years of reign, Romulus had fought numerous wars, extending Rome's influence throughout Latium and other surrounding areas. He would soon be remembered as the first great conqueror and as one of the most devout men in the history of Rome. After his death at the age of 54, he was deified as the war god Quirinus, honored not only as one of the three main gods of Rome.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius and the nymph Egéria, oil on canvas (c. 1631-1633), Condé Museum

Numa Pompilius, of Sabine origin, was Romulus' successor. Reluctant about the position, he was convinced by his father with the claim that he would be serving the will of the gods. Remembered for his wisdom, his reign was marked by peace and prosperity. Numa reformed the Roman calendar, adjusting it to the solar and lunar year, also adding the months of January and February to complete the twelve months of the new calendar. He instituted numerous Roman religious rituals (e.g. The Agonalia) and appointed new priesthoods: the salians (salii) to worship Mars and a greater flâmine (flamenmaioris) as supreme priest of Quirinus, the quirinal flâmine (flamen quirinalis).

He organized the territory surrounding Rome into districts, for better administration, and distributed the lands conquered by Romulus among the citizens, organizing the city into guilds and offices.

Numa was remembered as the most religious of the kings, even above Romulus himself. Under his reign, temples were erected to Vesta and Janus, an altar was consecrated in the Capitol to the border god Terminus, and the flames, vestals and pontiffs of Rome were organized, as well as the College of Pontiffs. Tradition has it that during Numa's rule a shield of Jupiter fell from the sky with the destiny of Rome written on it. The king ordered eleven copies of it to be made, which were revered as sacred by the Romans. As a kind and peace-loving man, he sowed ideas of piety and justice in the Roman mentality. During his reign, the doors of the Temple of Janus were always closed, as a show that he had not waged any war throughout his term of office after 43 years of reign, Numa's death occurred peacefully and naturally.

Túlio Hostílio

Túlio Hostílio defeats army from Veios and Fidenas, oil on wood by Cavalier D'Arpino (ca. 1601), Petit Palais, Paris.

Túlio Hostílio, of Latin origin, was Numa Pompílio’s successor. Very similar to Romulus in his warrior character, he was completely opposite to Numa in his lack of attention to the gods. Túlio fomented several wars against Alba Longa, Fidenas and Veios, which gained Rome new territories and greater power. It was during the reign of Tullius that Alba Longa was completely destroyed, with the entire population being enslaved and sent to Rome. In this way, Rome imposed itself on its mother city as the hegemonic power of Lazio. Despite his belligerent nature, Túlio Hostílio selected a third group of individuals who came to belong to the patrician class of Rome, elected among all those who

they had arrived in Rome seeking asylum and a new life. He also erected a new building to house the senate, the Hostília Curia.

During his reign, the king was involved in so many wars that he neglected his attention to the deities, which led, according to legends, to a plague hitting Rome, which affected many Romans, including the king himself. When Tulio sun

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When he asked Jupiter for help, the god responded like a bolt of lightning that reduced both the monarch and his residence to ashes. His reign came to an end after 32 years of duration.

Anco Márcio

Denarius of Gaius Censorinus issued in 88 BC with an effigy of Numa Pompílio and Anco Márcio

With the death of Túlio Hostílio, the Romans elected the Sabine Anco Márcio, a peaceful and religious character. He was the grandson of Numa Pompilius and, like his grandfather, only extended the limits of Rome, fighting in defense of Roman territories when necessary. During his reign, he fortified Mount Janiculum, on the western bank of the Tiber River, to guarantee greater protection for the city on this flank, also building the first bridge in Rome, the Sublician Bridge, as well as the first Roman prison, the Mamertine Prison. Other of the king's works were the construction of the Roman port of Ostia on the Tyrrhenian coast, as well as the first salt factories, taking advantage of the traditional river route for the salt trade (via Salária) that supplied Sabine farmers.

The size of the city of Rome was increased due to the diplomacy exercised by Anco, allowing the peaceful union of several smaller villages through alliances. Thanks to this method, he achieved control of the Latins, resettled on the Aventine, thus consolidating the plebeian class of Rome. However, conflicts between Romans and Latins were still evident during his reign. After 24 years of reign, he died possibly a natural death like his grandfather, being

remembered as one of the great pontiffs of Rome. He was the last of the Latin Sabine kings of Rome.

Tarquínio Prisco

Túlia drives over her father's corpse, oil on canvas by Jean Bardin (c. 1735), Mainz State Museum

Tarquinius Priscus was the fifth king of Rome, and the first of Etruscan origin, presumably of Corinthian descent. After emigrating to Rome, he obtained the favor of Ancus, who adopted him as his son. Upon ascending the throne, he fought in several victorious wars against the Sabines and Etruscans, thus doubling the size of Rome and obtaining great treasures for the city. One of his first reforms was to add one hundred new members to the senate, coming from the conquered Etruscan tribes, so that the number of senators rose to a total of three hundred. He also expanded the army, doubling the number of troops to 6,000 infantry and six hundred riders. Furthermore, he is credited with creating the Roman Games.

Tarquínio Prisco used the great booty obtained in his military campaigns to build great monuments in Rome, of which the city's large sewage system stands out, the Cloaca Máxima (whose purpose was to drain the waters of small streams that tended to stagnate in the valleys located between the hills of Rome towards the River Tiber), the Roman Forum and the Circus Maximus, a large stadium that housed horse races and which had a temple-fortress on the Capitol Hill, consecrated to Jupiter. Tarquínio was assassinated after 38 years of reign by the sons of his predecessor, Anco Márcio. His reign is remembered for introducing Roman military symbols and civil positions, as well as for celebrating the first Roman triumph.

Serbian Tulio

Digitally retouched version of an Etruscan fresco located in the François Tomb, Vulcos. It features the Etruscan nobleman Célio Vibena, Mastarna and Sérvio Túlio. See original here

Servius Tullius, son-in-law of Tarquinius Priscus, assumed the throne and, like his predecessor, fought several victorious wars against the Etruscans. The booty acquired was used to finance the first walls that surrounded the seven Roman hills on the Pomerian, the so-called Servian walls, as well as a temple dedicated to Diana on the Aventine hill.

In the military sphere, Serbian Tullius introduced new military tactics, along the Etruscan and Greek lines, and strove to make the Roman army more disciplined and basically composed of heavy infantry, like the Greek hoplite phalanxes. His army, made up of 6,000 infantrymen and 600 riders, was made up of men with a minimum amount of goods called adsidui (adsidui), in order to differentiate them from the proletarians (proletarii), the poor of society who made up the lower class (" lower class") and who had no right to participate in the army. In the social sphere, he developed a new constitution for the Romans, with greater attention to the citizen classes. He instituted the first census in history, dividing the population of Rome into five census classes, also creating the Assembly of Centuries. He also used the census to divide the city into four urban "tribes" (tribus urbane), based on their spatial location within the city, and the remainder of the Roman territory into 16 rural tribes (tribus rusticae), establishing the tribal assembly (comitia tributa). . Servius's reforms meant a major change in Roman life: the right to vote was established based on economic wealth, so much of the political power remained reserved for the Roman elites. However, in

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During Serbia's time, the most disadvantaged classes were gradually favored, in order to obtain greater support from

part of the plebeians, which is why its legislation can be defined as unsatisfactory for the patricial class. The great 44-year reign of Servius Tullius ended with his assassination in a conspiracy hatched by his own daughter Tullia and her husband Tarquinius, his successor on the throne.

The death of Lucrécia, oil on canvas, Eduardo Rosales (ca. 1871), Prado Museum

The lictors bring the sons of Brutus, Jacques-Louis David (1784)

Tarquin the Superb

The seventh and last king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud. Son of Priscus and son-in-law of Servius, Tarquinius was also of Etruscan origin. He used violence, murder and terror to maintain control over Rome as no previous king had, even repealing many of the constitutional reforms that his predecessors had established. His best work for Rome was the completion of the temple of Jupiter, begun by his father Priscus; he called on the Etruscan sculptor Vulca de Veii to produce the temple's statue of Jupiter.

Tarquinius abolished and destroyed all the Sabine sanctuaries and altars in the Tarpeian rock, thus infuriating the Roman people. The crucial point of his tyrannical reign occurred when he allowed the rape of Lucrezia, a Roman patrician, by his son Sextus Tarquinius. A relative of Lucrécia and nephew of King Lucius Junius Brutus (ancestor of Marcus Junius Brutus), convened the senate that decided to expel Tarquinius in 509 BC. Tarquinius may have then received help from Lars Porsena, who nevertheless occupied Rome for his own benefit. Tarquinius then fled to the city of Tusculum and later to Cumae, where he would die in 495 BC. This expulsion supposedly put an end to Etruscan influence in both Rome and Latium and led to the establishment of a republican constitution. After Tarquin's expulsion, the senate decided to abolish the monarchy, converting Rome into a republic in 509 BC. Lúcio Júnio Bruto and Lúcio Tarquínio Colatino, nephew of Tarquínio and widower of Lucrécia, became the first consuls[p] of the new government of Pomegranate. That same year, during the embassy of members of the royal family in Rome, a stratagem known as the Tarquinian Conspiracy was planned by patricians and members of the senate who were supporters of the fallen monarchy; Among the participants in the coup were Brutus' sons, Tito Júnio Bruto and Tibério Júnio Bruto. The stratagem, however, proved unsuccessful, and the conspirators were sentenced to death.


Like other Roman institutions, the religious practices of Ancient Rome, according to tradition, were established during the Kingdom of Rome. According to Livy, Numa Pompílio founded the Roman religion after dedicating an altar to Jupiter Elício on the Aventine Hill and consulting the gods through an augury. He divided the system of Roman religious rites, which included the form and timing of sacrifices, supervision of religious funds, authority over all public and private religious institutions, and instruction of the population in celestial and funerary rites. Numa also established the ceremonies (caerimoniae), originally the secret ritual instructions, which are described as statae et sollemnes ("established and solemn") and which were interpreted and supervised by the College of Pontiffs, flamines, the king of sacred things and the vestals .


Augur in Etruscan representation of the Tomb of the Augurs, Necropolis of Monterozzi

The College of Pontiffs, the most important priesthood in Ancient Rome, as well as the position of maximum pontiff (pontifex maximus), were established in the reign of Numa Pompilius. The pontiffs had the supreme (judicial and practical) superintendence of all matters, private or public, and of religion, in addition to being the guardians of the books that contained the ritual ordinances of the Romans. Details about their attributions and functions were contained in the so-called pontifical books (libri pontificalis or libri pontificii), the fundamental texts of Roman religion, which survived in fragmentary transcriptions and commentaries, of which the first writings were credited to Numa Pompilius, to whom is credited with codifying the texts and fundamental principles of civil and religious law (ius divinum and ius civile) in Rome. These books were sanctioned during the reign of Ancus Márcio.

The flamines, Roman priests dedicated to the service of particular gods, were among the most important priesthoods in Ancient Rome. During the monarchy, the three who made up the group called greater flâmine were established, those who were chosen among the patricians and dedicated to the gods Jupiter (dial flâmine), Mars (martial flâmine), and Quirino (quirinal flâmine). Later, another 15 flâmines were established, the minor flâmines, who were chosen among the commoners to dedicate themselves to minor gods such as Carmenta, Cer

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es, Flora, Pomona and Vulcano. According to Plutarch, Romulus established the priesthood of the first two during his reign, however most scholars believe that these, as well as the chirinal flâmine, were created by Numa. The flâmines, whose positions were for life, were inaugurated by the silent assembly and were subject to the authority of the maximum pontiff. The king of sacred things, a characteristic position in Etruscan religion, as well as in some Latin cities (Tusculus, Lavinius and Velitras), had notable importance in Roman religion. In Rome, the priesthood was deliberately depoliticized so that the king of sacred things was not elected but chosen by the highest pontiff from among the patricians subordinate to him, and his inauguration was witnessed by the silent assembly. With the overthrow of the kings of Rome in 509 BC, the king of sacred things assumed some of the sacred obligations previously exercised by them.

Etruscan pottery found near regia, in the Roman Forum, containing an inscription of a rex (ca. 6th-5th centuries BC). It is still a mystery whether the engraved word rex is referring to one of the kings of Rome, or else a king of holy things.

Bust of the Roman emperor Lucius Verus (r. 161–169) as an archival Louvre Museum

The Vestals, chaste priestesses of the goddess Vesta, were created, as a priesthood, during the reign of Numa Pompilius. However, according to Livy, the origins of the Vestals come from Alba Longa. Numa, according to Plutarch, founded the Temple of Vesta, appointed the first four priestesses (two from the Titians and two from the Ramnes) and appointed a maximum pontiff to assist them. Tarquinius Priscus (according to Plutarch) or Servius Tullius (according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus) added two other vestals to the temple, these coming from the lucers. Their main functions were to watch, in shifts, the eternal fire that burned on the altar of the goddess Vesta and the sacred relics of Rome, the fatale pignus imperii, present offerings to the goddess within established deadlines, participate in the consecration of temples, priestly banquets and festivals. like that of Bona Dea and sprinkled and purified the sanctuary every morning with water, which, according to Numa, should have come from the Egerian spring (frequented by the nymph Egeria). It was later considered that any water that came from a spring or stream was acceptable. In official sacrificial rituals, they prepared and sprinkled a mixture known as mola salsa (wheat and/or barley flour with salt) on the forehead and between the horns of sacrificial victims, as well as on the altar and in the sacred fire. This practice, very popular during Roman sacrifices, was attributed to Numa Pompilius.

Augurs had a well-known role in Roman religion, since they were the ones who interpreted the divine will regarding proposed actions through the interpretation of auspices and/or auguries. During the monarchical period, one of the rituals of the augurs, the inauguration (inauguratio), which consisted of a rite in which the gods approved, through signs, the appointment and/or inauguration of someone, was a privilege of the king and the main priests. In the republic, the king of sacred things, the greater flamines, the augurs and the pontiffs acquired the right to be approved in the ritual.

The Salians, usually known as Palatine Salians (salii palatini), were priests instituted by Numa and were chosen from among the patricians of Rome to dedicate themselves to Mars Gradivo in his temple on the Palatine. Túlio Hostílio, in fulfillment of a vow made during the second War with Fidenas and Veios, established another group of salians, the hill salians (salii collini), who dedicated themselves to Quirino. One of the duties of the Palatine Salians was to care for the 12 bronze ancis (ancilia) of Mars that were found in the Palatine. Furthermore, on March 1st, they celebrated the festival of Mars in which they traveled around the city carrying them, singing and dancing; at the end of the route there was a celebration of the god in the Temple of Mars on the Palatine.

The fecials (fetiales), established in Rome by Ancus Marcius, were a priesthood dedicated to the god Jupiter. Their main functions consisted of the formal declaration of peace and war, confirmation of treaties and, in specific cases, the exercise of missions as diplomats or ambassadors. Others, the Arvais brothers (fratres arvales), were priests who dedicated themselves to providing public offerings to the country fertility gods. It is speculated that they were established during the reign of Romulus and that they presumably had affinities with the priests known as Titian sodais (titii sodales) who, according to tradition, were established by Titus Tatius.

Cults and rituals

Sculptures representing the Capitoline triad, Prenestino Archaeological Museum, in Palestrina

Model representing the structure of the Capitoline Temple of Jupiter erected by Tarquin the Proud

In Ancient Rome, cults (sacer; singular sacra) were traditional cults, public (publica) or private (privata), both

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s supervised by the College of Pontiffs. The creation of public worship (sacra publica) is attributed to Numa Pompilius, although many consider it to have a previous origin, possibly prior to the founding of Rome. In this way, one can be seen as the reformer and reorganizer of the cult according to his own views and education. Public services were held and funded by the State, in accordance with the provisions left by Numa, and were attended by all senators and magistrates.

Public cults (sacer publica) were held in the name of the entire Roman people or their main subdivisions, the tribes and curia. They included "rites in the name of the Roman people" (sacra per populo), that is, all the public holidays (feriae publicae) of the Roman calendar and the other festivals that were considered to be of public interest, including those relating to the hills of Rome, the paid, to curias and sanctuaries (sacelos). Public cults were aimed at people, a family, or an individual. Individuals had cults on dates peculiar to them, such as birthdays, the "day of consecration" (dies lustricus), funerals and expiations. Families worshiped at home or at the tomb of their ancestors. These were considered necessary and imperishable, and the desire to perpetuate family worship was one of the reasons for adoption in adulthood. Within the public cults there were gentilic cults (sacer gentilicia), private rites particular to a people. These rites were related to the belief in the common ancestry of the members of a people, which is the basis of the cult practices of the dead.

Due to contact with the Etruscans, the Romans assimilated several of their gods who began to be worshiped by them in the Roman way. During the process of conquest that took place after the republic, these gods tended to acquire characteristics of deities worshiped in other regions, especially Greece. Rome offered no native creation myth, and Roman mythography explains little of the character of its deities, their relations, or their aspirations with the human world, but it recognized that the Roman theology of immortal gods (di immortales) who ruled all the kingdoms of the heavens and earth. There were gods of the heavens, gods of the underworld, and a myriad of lesser deities. Among all the gods worshiped, those that stood out comprised the so-called triads: the archaic triad (Jupiter, Mars and Quirino, of Indo-European origin) and the Capitoline triad (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, of Etruscan origin).

According to some scholars, Vulcan, god of forges and fire, got his name from Latin words linked to lightning (fulgur, fulgure, fulmen), which in turn are related to flames. On the other hand, recent studies suggest that the word Vulcan is possibly related to the Cretan god Velcano, linked to nature and the lower world, who in turn is related to the Etruscan god Velchans. He was one of the oldest Roman gods and the oldest sanctuary in Rome was dedicated to him, the Vulcanal at the foot of the Capitol in the Roman Forum, which had been founded by Titus Tatius in the 8th century BC and was a meeting point for the Etruscan haruspices. A fragment of Greek pottery found in Vulcanal dating from the 6th century BC has a representation of the god Hephaestus, which can be seen as an indication of the union of both gods.

Ruins of the Temple of Vesta, Roman Forum

Ruins of the Temple of Saturn, Roman Forum

Vesta, protective goddess of the home, derives her name, according to Georges Dumézil, from an Indo-European root; According to scholars, its origins are associated with the Vedic god Agni. Linked with the sacred fire of fertility, she was involved in a version of the birth of Romulus, Servius Tullius and Cêculus, founder of Palestrina. In addition to Vesta, the Romans worshiped other entities that acted as guardians of the home, as well as, by extension, of the Romans: the homes, penates, jinn and junos. Homes were spirits that acted either as good entities (protectors of homes, families, sailors and soldiers, fields, roads and Rome itself) or bad. The Penates, originally from Troy (brought by Aeneas), were a pair of gods who protected the pantries of Roman homes. The jinn, according to Roman tradition, were entities that acted as protectors of all men (women were protected by the junos, servants of the goddess Juno), so that each one had their own, even Rome; They appeared as winged figures or as men with a cornucopia.

Diana, goddess associated with hunting, the Moon and childbirth, has an Indo-European root in her name, the same from which the name of the Vedic god Diaus and the Latin words deus and dies (day, daylight) derive; in tablets from Pylos the theonym διϝια is, according to scholars, a reference to Diana. Her cult presumably began in Aricia with open-air cults among the Latins, having spread to the outskirts of Rome where, in the s

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In the 6th century BC, Servius Tullius erected a temple dedicated to her on the Aventine Hill. The cult of the Roman gods that symbolized the Sun and the Moon (Luna), according to tradition, was established in Rome by Titus Tácio, based on Sabine deities. Sol was identified as the grandfather of the Latin king. Two temples were dedicated to Luna, one on the Aventine Hill, below the Temple of Diana, and the other on the Palatine.

In the Roman pantheon there were an infinite number of deities linked to rural cults. Ceres, goddess of pastoral, agricultural and human fertility, hypothetically has an Indo-European origin, as the root of her name suggests. Archaic cults are evident among many neighbors of the Romans, such as Latins, Oscans, Samnites and a Faliscan inscription dating from the 600th century BC highlights prayers to the goddess. Over time, on Roman soil, the name Ceres became synonymous with grains and, by extension, bread. Saturn, a god linked to the beginnings of agriculture and grapevine cultivation, was worshiped as one of the founding Roman deities; a temple begun during the reign of Tarquin the Proud and completed in 497 BC, located in the Capitol, was dedicated to him. Saturn's wife was the goddess linked to harvest, wealth, abundance and prosperity; it was introduced into Roman cults by Titus Tácio from a Sabine deity; A temple was dedicated to her in the Capitol, close to the one dedicated to her husband. Faun, patron saint of agriculture and protector of shepherds, is sometimes identified, particularly in the work of Virgil, as one of the ancient kings of Latium, having been the son of Pico, son of Saturn. He was, as it were, a disseminator of cults in Latium and, according to traditions, during his reign the heroes Evander and Hercules arrived in Latium. Conso, protective god of grains and silos, of possible Etruscan or Sabine origin, was one of the oldest Roman agrarian deities. Represented as a seed, an altar near the Circus Maximus was dedicated to him. Mater Matuta, originally a Sabine goddess, was incorporated into the Roman pantheon and a temple erected by Servius Tullius was dedicated to her near the place where the Forum Boarius would be founded in the future.

Image of the temple of Janus in a sesterce of the reign of Nero (r. 54–68)

During the monarchy, before the spread of the cult of some gods such as Pluto and Proserpina, the Romans created the first concepts of their underworld through Indo-European deities. Orc, god

of the dead and of oaths, later associated with another Roman god, Dis Pater, was one of the first deities of the underworld; His cult was widespread in rural areas. Another important deity of the underworld was Libitina, goddess of funerals and burials. A grove located on the Esquiline Hill was dedicated to her, which, like other locations associated with underworld entities, was considered "unhealthy and inauspicious". Servius Tullius, during his reign, established a tax known as the "death tax" which consisted of the payment of a coin to the Libitina temple when a person died.

According to classical authors, Romulus and Titus Tatius, or Numa Pompilius, established the cult of Terminus, god of boundary markers, from a Sabine deity, since the word Terminus (in Latin: Terminus meant boundary stone in Latin; presumably this deity originated from a Proto-Indo-European god. It is speculated that a stone dedicated to the god was located on the Capitoline Hill before Tarquinius Priscus or Tarquinius the Proud erected a temple on the site; It is believed that its immobility was a good omen for the permanence of the city's borders. Fortuna, Roman goddess of luck and fortune, was established by Ancus Márcio or Servius Tullius. The first temple dedicated to her was erected during the reign of Servius Tullius. on the banks of the Tiber River (in Trastevere). Sancus, originally an Umbrian deity, introduced to the Roman pantheon by Titus Tatius, was the god of truth, honesty and oaths. During the reign of Tarquinius, a temple was erected in his honor. .

Numa Pompílio associated Janus, god of beginnings and transitions, with the first month of the calendar, January. Due to his characteristics as a divinity, several elements were associated with him, such as light, the Moon, the Sun, time, movement, the year, doors, and bridges. Numa erected Jano Gemino (Ianus Geminus), a temple consecrated to the

god that was ritually opened in times of war and closed when Roman forces rested, in addition to a statue, both located in Argiletus (ancient Roman road). It is speculated that the epithet Gemini (Geminus) was coined during Numa's reign.


Pales Festival, or The Summer, oil on canvas, Joseph-Benoît Suvée (ca. 1783), Rouen Museum of Fine Arts

Hail, Caesar! Io, Saturnalia!, oil on panel, Lawrence Alma-Tadema (ca. 1880), Akron Museum of Art

Roman calendars show about 40 annual religious festivals. Some lasted

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several days, others a single day or less: in the calendars there were sacred days (dies fasti), in smaller numbers, and non-sacred days (dies nefasti). Comparison of surviving Roman religious calendars suggests that official festivals were organized according to broad seasonal groups that allowed for different local traditions. Some festivals may have required only the presence and rites of their priests and acolytes, or specific groups.

One of the oldest rituals known to the Romans was the Latin Holidays (Feriae Latinae) celebrated since before the founding of Rome, in a pre-urban pastoral context, in order to reaffirm the alliance between members of the Albensian peoples (in Latin: populi albenses; 10th century - 8th century BC) and the Latin league (7th century - 338 BC). Each Latin city sent a representative with offerings, such as sheep, cheese, or other pastoral products. The Roman leader presiding over the festival would offer a libation of milk and perform a sacrifice of a sheep, with the sacrificial meat consumed as part of a communal meal. Amid the festivities, figurines called oscillas were hung on the trees. Lupercalia, another Roman pastoral festival,

presumably it was established before the founding of the city. Held between February 13-15, its purpose was to avoid evil spirits and purify the city, providing health and fertility. In Antiquity it was believed that the name Lupercalia demonstrated some connection with the ancient Greek festival of Lycaia and the worship of the god Pan, assumed to be an equivalent of the Greek god Faunus, established by Evander; During the republic, the festival was associated with the capital's she-wolf, an institution attributed to Rômulo and Remus. The rites were performed by the Lupercos (Quintilianos [Quinctiliani] and Fabianos [Fabiani]), a corporation of Faun priests, who dressed only in goat skin.

The Parília, celebrated annually on April 21, aimed at the purification of both shepherds and sheep. This festival was celebrated in recognition of the Roman deity Pales (patron of shepherds and sheep) and, according to Ovid, predates the founding of Rome; During the late republic it was associated with the city's anniversary. Cerealia was one of the great festivals dedicated to the goddess Ceres. It was held over seven days from mid to late April, however, the dates are uncertain. Its archaic nature is evidence of its relationship to a nighttime ritual described by Ovid, in which torches were tied to the tails of live foxes. The purpose and origin of this ritual are unknown, but it may have been intended to cleanse crops and protect them from disease and pests, or to bring warmth and vitality to their growth.

Lemuria was celebrated on the 9th, 11th and 13th of May. During this festival, the Romans performed rites to exorcise ghosts (lemurs or larvae) from their homes. Its origin comes from another festival, Remúria, instituted by Romulus to appease the spirit of Remus. The Equiria, established by Romulus, was dedicated to the god Mars and took place on February 27, according to the Roman calendar. In this festival, the divinity was celebrated through horse racing, a common practice in other festivities such as Consuália.

According to Livy, Consuália was created by Romulus in honor of the god Conso with the aim of attracting new residents to Rome. Saturnalia, established by Romulus or Numa Pompílio, was celebrated in honor of the god Saturn, originally on December 17th. It was celebrated with a sacrifice in the temple of Saturn and a public banquet, followed by private offerings, continuous feasts, and a carnival atmosphere where masters served slaves.

Roman men in pretext togas participating in a religious ceremony, probably the Compitália. Fresco found on the outskirts of Pompeii

Fornocalia, instituted by Numa Pompílio, was dedicated to the goddess Fornax so that the grains were properly cooked. Robigalia, another festival instituted in an era held on April 25th, consisted of the sacrifice of a dog to protect grain crops from disease. Due to the presence of the king and the quirinal flâmine at the festivities, it is speculated that it is of Sabine origin. Fordicidia, held on April 15, was a festival of fertility for both crops and animals. Instituted by Numa, it involved the sacrifice of a pregnant cow to Telo, goddess of the earth.

The Compitália, held once a year in honor of the communal homes, was, according to some writers, established by Tarquínio Prisco, as a result of having witnessed the miracle of the birth of Servius Tullius, who was supposedly the son of a family home, a deity family guardian; Dionysius of Halicarnassus states that the person who established the festival was Serbian Tullius himself. Celebrated days after Saturnalia, Compitália consisted of offering honey cakes to homes. Each family deposited in front of their residence

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ence a statue of the goddess Mania, as well as male and female woolen dolls in reverence for the homes and the goddess; slaves offered balls of wool.

Roman law

The famous Niger Pencil, from the Roman Forum, is among the oldest Roman objects (7th century BC), National Roman Museum

During the Roman monarchy, according to some authors, the set of laws that prevailed in Rome were the "king's laws" (leges regiae). Its origins date back to the institution of both the senate and the assembly of curias by Romulus. Its function, more than just an instrument of the power of the kings, was to create laws that responded to the needs of a society made up of different tribes, especially in matters in which the mores (customs) were not sufficient. They gave kings a way to resolve religious and military issues, either directly or through an assistant such as the master of the people (magister populi) of the Tarquin period. Thus, while on the one hand the king's laws created new laws different from customs, on the other hand they transformed some of them into laws.

The king's laws were established based on the external influence suffered by the Romans over the centuries. Initially, a clear Greek influence is noted, since since the 8th century BC there has been evidence of commercial and/or political relations between the Romans and Greeks. Furthermore, according to classical authors, Romulus studied in Gábios, a center under Greek influence. Another influence is Sabina, which is reflected in the use of ox skin as a support for writing, as well as in the content of some of the laws. And finally, the Etruscan influence becomes evident from the government of the Etruscan kings, having a political, economic and judicial nature. An example of this influence would be the attitude of kings towards people who lost much of their functions during their reigns.

According to fragments of Sextus Pomponius and other classical authors, the king's laws were deliberated both by the senate and by the assembly of curias (comitia curiata) and approved by the king of

sacred things and by the maximum pontiff. However, there are those who argue that, due to the power of the kings, they were the ones who decided, without the veto of the curias, with only the support of the College of Pontiffs, in addition to the deliberation of the senate. It is speculated that the curias only had the function of publicly participating in the promulgation of laws. On certain occasions the kings held comical assemblies similar to those of the republican period. This is attested by the words when, comitative, present in the first Roman calendar.

The king's laws were in short applied to sanction instances of a religious nature, however these were not the only sanctions in use. Others include confiscation of property and the death penalty, which was not administered in the name of any sacred principle, but in retribution for a crime with equal punishment.


Fragments of Etruscan decorative regal terracotta plaques, in the Roman Forum (ca. 6th century BC)

The period between the founding of Rome and the expulsion of its last king lasted two and a half centuries. Having begun, like other cities in Latium, as a simple shepherd's refuge, the settlement on the Palatine expanded until it dominated the entire circle of the seven hills. Slowly, in parallel with this internal growth, a succession of conquests brought the frontiers to both banks of the Tiber, to the Tyrrhenian Sea, to a long strip of Latium, from Ostia to Circeios, and from the Sabine frontier to the Volscian highlands. . Due to the liberal policy, there was a constant flow of new settlers, who brought strength and knowledge to the community. Over time, the presence of this new population, outside the privileged circle of the founders, brought problems that were overcome and contributed to the formation of legislators and statesmen among the

ruling classes. Thus, after more than two centuries of existence, in 509 BC, the royal period ended and the Roman Republic began without any violent rupture of traditions.

One of the main factors supporting the gradual transition is the large Etruscan contingent that inhabited Rome at the end of the kingdom. One of the people who most influenced Rome in this period, they imported into the city several elements such as the fasces (bundle of rods and axes that symbolized the empire of kings), games, triumphs, certain cultic and ceremonial practices, tunics, gods and the arts (architecture, bucaro pottery, decorative arts). In 509 BC, when the senate removed Tarquin from the throne and in his place elected two magistrates, initially called praetors and later consuls, there was no massive expulsion of the Etruscans; This characteristic of archaic Rome to absorb immigrants is also attested in many Etruscan cities where there are Greek, Latin and Italic contingents. Be that as it may, with the end of the power of the monarchs, the consuls restored the three hundred members

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Senate members who had been reduced under Tarquin and began their term under the supervision of senators who during the republic acquired full decision-making powers over state affairs and, until the advent of the empire, would be the active force in the politics of Ancient Rome.

The last Roman kings, unlike their predecessors, based their position on popular support and challenged the power and privileges of aristocrats. To this end, like the Greek tyrants, they carried out an ambitious foreign policy, promoted the arts and undertook major architectural projects. Furthermore, they tried to legitimize their position by attributing a special and personal favor from the gods (Servio Túlio claimed kinship with Fortuna) and adopted a populist government; Authors such as Tim Cornell state that Sérvio Túlio's reforms fall within this scope. The populist and aristocratic character of the regime of the last kings is confirmed by the later Roman attitude towards monarchical authority. In the Republic, the mere idea of ​​a king provoked deep repulsion, as it was at odds with the aristocratic ideology of the ruling class. Thus, among the members of the rural oligarchy, there was a horror that one of them would try to stand above his equals by defending the needs of the lower classes and thereby gain their support; Espúrio Mélio, Marco Mânlio Capitolino and the Gracchus brothers were executed on charges of monarchism (regnum).


The history of Rome dates back to 753 BC, with the founding of a small town on the Italian peninsula. Although the foundation took place in the 8th century BC, the oldest written record is that established by the historian Marco Terêncio Varrão (116 BC - 27 BC) during the reign of Augustus, around 500 years after the fact. Over time, Rome became the center of a vast civilization that dominated the Mediterranean region for centuries, and which would be overthrown by some Germanic tribes, beginning the historiographical era of the Middle Ages. It became the headquarters of the Catholic Church and, under pressure from political circumstances, it would be forced to give up part of itself, within, to form an independent State, Vatican City. It continued, however, to play an important role in global politics, as it did in the history and culture of European peoples for millennia.

Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome was a civilization that developed from the city-state of Rome, founded on the Italian peninsula during the 8th century BC. During its twelve centuries of existence, Roman civilization transitioned from monarchy to an oligarchic republic until becoming a vast empire who dominated Europe

Western and around the entire Mediterranean Sea through conquest and cultural assimilation. However, a list of socio-political factors would worsen its decline, and the empire would be divided in two. The western half, which included Hispania, Gaul and Italy, definitively collapsed in the 5th century and gave rise to several independent kingdoms; the eastern half, governed from Constantinople, began to be referred to as the Byzantine Empire from 476 onwards, the traditional date of the fall of Rome and used by historiography to demarcate the beginning of the Middle Ages.


The etymology of the city's name is uncertain, and there are several theories that come to us from Antiquity. The least likely tells us that it would derive from the Greek word Ρώμη (Róme), which means "bravery", "courage". The most likely is the connection with the root *rum-, "breasts", with a possible reference to a she-wolf (in Latin, magnifying glass) who would have adopted the twins Romulus and Remus who, it is thought, were descendants of the people of Lavinius. Romulus would kill his brother and found Rome.

In recent decades, advances in the Etruscan language and archeology in Italy have reduced the odds of these theories, introducing new possible hypotheses. It is currently known that Etruscan was spoken from the region that would later become the Roman province of Récia, in the Alps, to Etruria, including Latium and the entire region to the south, up to Capua. The Italic tribes entered Latium from a mountainous region in the center of the Italian peninsula, coming from the eastern coast. Despite the circumstances of Rome's founding, its original population was, certainly, a combination of Etruscan civilization and Italic peoples, with a probable predominance of Etruscans. Gradually, Italic infiltration would increase, to the point of predominating over the Etruscans; i.e., the Etruscan populations would be assimilated by the Italics, inside and outside Rome.

The Etruscans had the word Rumach, "from Rome", from which "Ruma" can be extracted. Further etymology, as with most Etruscan words, remains unknown. That it could perhaps mean "theta" is pure speculation. Later mythological associations cast doubt on this meaning; After all, none of the original colonists were raised by wolves, and it is unlikely that

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and the founders had some knowledge of this myth about themselves. The name, Tiberius, could perfectly contain the name of the Tiber (in Italian: Tevere). It is currently believed that the name comes from an Etruscan name, Thefarie, in which case the Tiber would derive from *Thefar.

First Italic people

Map of ancient Italic languages

Rome grew with the settlement of people on the Palatine Hill to other hills eight miles from the Tyrrhenian Sea, on the south bank of the Tiber River. Another of these hills, the Quirinal, was probably a warehouse for another Italic people, the Sabines. In this area, the Tiber forms a "Z" shaped curve containing an island that allows it to be crossed. Thus, Rome was at the crossroads between the river valley and the traders traveling north to south along the western side of the peninsula.

The traditional date of foundation (April 21, 753 BC) was agreed much later, at the end of the Republic by Publio Terêncio Varrão, assigning a duration of 35 years to each of the seven generations corresponding to the seven mythological kings. However, archaeological pieces have been discovered that indicate that the area of ​​Rome may have already been inhabited as early as 1,400 BC. These archaeological discoveries also confirmed that in the 8th century BC, in the area of ​​the future Rome, there were two fortified settlements, the Rumi, on the Palatine Hill, and the Titientes, on the Quirinal, and, further north, the Luceres, who lived in the woods. These were just three of the numerous Italic communities that existed in the first millennium BC in the region of Lazio, a plain on the Italian peninsula. However, the origins of these people are unknown, although it is assumed that they may descend from the Indo-Europeans who migrated from the North of the Alps in the second half of the second millennium BC, or from a possible mixture of these peoples with other Mediterranean peoples, perhaps from the North from Africa.

In the 8th century BC, the Italics — Latins (in the West), Sabines (in the upper Tiber valley), Umbrians (in the Northeast), Samnites (in the South), Oscos and others — shared the peninsula with other large ethnic groups: the Etruscans from the north and the Greeks from the south.

The Etruscans were established north of Rome, in Etruria (an area corresponding to the current north of Lazio and Tuscany). They would have been a great influence on Roman culture, as clearly demonstrated by the Etruscan origin of the seven mythological kings.

Between 750 BC and 550 BC, the Greeks had already founded several colonies in the south of the peninsula (which the Romans would later call Magna Grecia), such as Cumae, Neapolis and Tarentum, as well as in the eastern two thirds of Sicily.

Etruscan rule

The Servian Wall inherited its name from the Serbian king Tullius and is the true first wall of Rome.

Temple of Jupiter 526 BC-509 BC

Etruscan tomb

After 650 BC, the Etruscans became dominant in the Italian peninsula, expanding into the north-central part of the region. Some modern historians consider that this movement was associated with the desire to dominate Rome and perhaps the entire Lazio region, although the matter is controversial. Roman tradition only informs us that the city was ruled by seven kings from 753 BC to 509 BC, starting with the mythical Romulus who, together with his brother, Remus, founded Rome. Regarding the last three kings, especially Tarquinius Priscus and Tarquinius the Proud, he also informs us that they were of Etruscan origin — according to ancient literary sources, Priscus was the son of a Greek refugee and an Etruscan mother — and whose names refer to Tarquinia.

The historiographical value of the king list is, however, dubious, although the last kings appear to have been historical figures. It is also believed — although controversially disputed — that Rome would have been under Etruscan influence for almost a century during this period. It is known, however, that in these years a bridge called Ponte Sublício was built, which would replace a shoal of the Tiber River used for its crossing, and the Cloaca Máxima, the Roman sewage system, engineering works with a typical layout of the Etruscan civilization. From a technical and cultural point of view, the Etruscans are considered to have the second greatest impact on Roman development, only surpassed by the Greeks.

Continuing their expansion south, the Etruscans established direct contact with the Greeks. After initial success in conflicts with the colonizing Greeks, Etruria would decline. Taking advantage of the situation, around 500 BC, a rebellion took place in Rome that would give it independence from the Etruscans. The monarchy was also abolished in favor of a republican system based on a senate, composed of the city's nobles, some popular representatives, who would guarantee political participation to the citizens of Rome, and magistrates elected annually.

However, the Etruscan legacy proved to be lasting: the Romans learned to build temples, and it is thought that the former were responsible for introducing the worship of a triad.

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divine ade — Juno, Minerva, and Jupiter — possibly corresponding to the Etruscan gods Uni, Menrva, and Tinia. In short, the Etruscans transformed Rome, a pastoral community, into a true city, imprinting on it some cultural aspects of Greek culture, which they would have adopted, such as the Western version of the Greek alphabet.

Roman Republic

Roman Forum

Roman expansion in the Italian peninsula

At the turn of the 5th century BC, Rome joined the Latin cities as a defensive measure against the Sabine incursions. Winning the Battle of Lake Regilo, in 493 BC, Rome once again established the supremacy over the Latin regions that it had lost with the fall of the monarchy. After a series of struggles, supremacy was consolidated in 393 BC, with the subjugation of the Volsci (volsci) and the Aequi (aequi). In the previous year, they would have already resolved the threat from neighboring Veios, conquering them. The Etruscan power was now confined exclusively to its own region, and Rome had become the dominant city of Latium. However, in 387 BC, Rome would be sacked by the Gauls led by Brennus, who had already been successful in the invasion of Etruria. This threat would be quickly resolved by consul Marco Fúrio Camilo, who defeated Breno in Túsculo shortly afterwards.

To ensure the security of its territory, Rome committed itself to rebuilding buildings and became the invader itself, conquering Etruria and some territories from the Gauls, further north. In 345 BC, Rome turned south, fighting other Latins, in an attempt to secure its territory against subsequent invasions. In this quadrant, their main enemy were the feared Samnites who had already defeated the legions in 321 BC.

Despite these and other temporal setbacks, the Romans continued their casual expansion in a balanced manner. In 290 BC, Rome already controlled more than half of the Italian peninsula and during that century, the Romans also took over the poleis of Magna Grecia further south.

Plan of Rome in the times of the Roman Republic

According to legend, Rome became a Republic in 509 BC, when a group of aristocrats expelled Tarquin the Proud. However, it took several centuries for Rome to assume the monumental form in which it is popularly conceived. During the Punic Wars, between Rome and the great Mediterranean empire of Carthage, Rome's status increased further, as it increasingly assumed the role of a capital of an overseas empire for the first time. Beginning in the 2nd century BC, Rome experienced a significant population explosion, with ancestral farmers exchanging their land for the large city, with the advent of farms operated by slaves obtained during the conquests, the latifundios.

In 146 BC, the Romans razed the cities of Carthage and Corinth, annexing North Africa and Greece to their empire and transforming Rome into the most important city in the western Mediterranean. From here, until the end of the republic, citizens would engage in a race for prestige, supporting the construction of monuments and large public structures. Perhaps the most notable was the Theater of Pompey, built by General Pompey, which was the first permanent theater ever built in the city. After Julius Caesar returned victorious from the Gallic conquests and subsequent civil war with Pompey, he embarked on a reconstruction program unprecedented in Roman history. He would, however, be assassinated in 44 BC with most of his projects still under construction, such as the Basilica Julia and the new house of the Roman Senate (Cúria Hostília).

Roman Empire

At the end of the republic, the city of Rome already boasted the grandeur of a true capital of an empire that dominated the entire world.

Mediterranean. It was, at the time, the largest city in the world and probably the most populous city ever built until the 19th century. Estimates of population peaks vary between less than 500,000 and more than 3.5 million, although most popular values ​​by historians range between 1 million and 2 million. The city's grandeur increased with the interventions of Augustus, who completed Caesar's projects and initiated his own, such as the Forum of Augustus, and the Ara Pacis ("Altar of Peace"), in celebration of the period of peace experienced at the time. (Pax Romana), also redefining the administrative organization of the city into 14 regions. Augustus' successors tried to continue this edifying line, leaving their own contributions to the city. The great fire of Rome, during the reign of Nero, would destroy a large part of the city, but, in turn, it would allow and drive a new wave of building development.

By this time, Rome was a subsidized city, with about 15 to 25 percent of the grain supply being paid for by the government. Commerce and industry played a less significant role when compared to other large cities such as Alexandria, but it was still a large metropolis and the world's largest city.

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largest commercial and industrial center in the world, so it was dependent on other regions of the empire to obtain primary foods and raw materials. To pay for grain subsidies, taxes were introduced into the lives of provincial citizens. If this were not the case, Rome would be significantly smaller.

Rome's population declined shortly after its peak in the early 2nd century. At the end of that century, during the reign of Marcus Aurelius, a plague would devastate the citizens at a rate of about 2,000 per day. When, in 273, the Aurelian wall was completed, only a fraction of Rome's maximum population remained: around 500,000.

A historical event graphically designated as the crisis of the third century outlines the disasters and political problems of the empire, which was practically collapsing. The fear and threat of barbarian invasions were evident in the decision of Emperor Aurelian who, in 273, ended the circumscription of the city with the massive Aurelian wall, whose perimeter was around 20 kilometers. Rome remained the capital of the Empire, although the emperors spent less and less time there. At the end of Diocletian's political reforms in the 3rd century, Rome would be deprived of its traditional role as the administrative capital of the empire. Later, Western emperors would rule the empire from Mediolanus (modern Milan) or Ravenna, or cities in Gaul, and in 330, Constantine I established the second capital at Constantinople. At this time, part of the Roman aristocratic class moved to the new center, followed by many of the artists and men of the trade who lived in the city.

The Arch of Gallienus, one of the few remaining monuments from Ancient Rome from the 3rd century, served as a door in the Servian wall. The two side gates were destroyed in 1447

However, the Senate, now devoid of its former political influence, preserved its social prestige. In 380, the two Augustians (Theodosius I in the East and Gratian in the West) declared that they recognized as the only religion in the empire "the faith that the Roman Church had received from Saint Peter." The conversion of the empire to Christianity transformed the Bishop of Rome (later designated pope) in the most important religious figure of the Western Empire, as officially declared in 380, in the Edict of Thessalonica. Despite its increasingly passive role in the empire, Rome managed to preserve its historical prestige, and this period would see the last wave of building activity: Constantine's predecessor Maxentius built notable buildings, such as the basilica in the Roman Forum, Constantine himself Constantine erected his famous arch to celebrate victory

against the first, and Diocletian would build the largest baths of all that existed. Constantine also became the first patron saint of official Christian buildings in the city; he donated the Lateran Palace to the pope and built the first great basilica, the ancient St. Peter's Basilica.

Rome remained, however, a banner of paganism, run by aristocrats and senators. When the Visigoths appeared near the walls in 408, the senate and the mayor proposed pagan sacrifices, and everything indicates that even the pope would agree, if this could save the city. Even so, not even the new walls prevented the city from being sacked, first by the Visigoth Alaric on August 24, 410, and then by the vandal Genseric in 455 BC and, later still, by the troops of general Ricímero (mostly composed of barbarians). ) on July 11, 472. The sacking of the city, unprecedented since the time of Brennus, alarmed the entire Roman civilization: the fall of Rome meant the definitive overthrow of the ancient order. Many inhabitants fled and, by the end of the century, Rome's population had fallen to around 30,000.

City plan during the Roman Empire

Even so, the damage caused by the looting was probably exaggerated in the historiography of the time. The city was already in decline, and many of the monuments had already been destroyed by the inhabitants themselves, who stole rocks from temples, public buildings and nearby statues for their personal purposes — it is even common to find statues and archaeological pieces nowadays used in residential homes throughout the city. Furthermore, many of the churches would also have been built this way. For example, the first St. Peter's Basilica was erected using parts of the abandoned Circus of Nero. This attitude was a constant feature of Rome until the Renaissance. From the 4th century onwards, imperial edicts against the theft of stones and, especially, marble, were common - their very repetition shows how ineffective they would be. On some occasions, new churches were created directly from pagan temples, probably transforming a pagan god or hero into the corresponding saint or martyr of Christianity. This is how the Temple of Romulus and Remus became the basilica of the twin saints Cosmas and Damian. Later, the

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Pantheon, "Temple of All Gods", would become the Church of All Martyrs.

Medieval Rome

The barbarian invasions and Byzantine rule

During the Gothic War, Rome was surrounded several times by the Byzantine and Ostrogoth armies.

The Column of Phocas, the last imperial monument in the Roman Forum

The ancient basilica of Saint Lawrence Outside the Walls was built directly over the tomb of the favorite Roman martyr

In 476, the last emperor of the West, Romulus Augustus, who had been manipulated (like most emperors in this period) by his father, general Flávio Orestes, was deposed by barbarian troops led by Odoacer and exiled to the Egg Castle, in Naples. . The Fall of the Western Roman Empire would, however, have little impact on Rome. Odoacer, and later the Ostrogoths, would continue to rule Italy from Ravenna. However, the Senate, despite having long been deprived of its great influence, would continue to rule Rome, with the Pope generally coming from a senatorial family. This situation would persist until the forces of the Eastern Roman Empire, led by Belisarius at the behest of Justinian, captured the city in 536.

On December 17, 546, the Ostrogoths of Totila recaptured the city and again sacked it. Belisarius recaptured the city, only to lose it again in 549. Belisarius was replaced by Narses, who definitively captured Rome in 552, ending the Gothic War that devastated the Italian peninsula. The continuous war around Rome between the 530s and 540s left it practically abandoned and desolate. The aqueducts were no longer repaired, leading to a reduction in the population to around 30,000 concentrated on the banks of the River Tiber, in the Campo de Marte area, abandoning areas without a water supply. There is even a legend that speaks of a time when Rome would be completely uninhabited. The Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian (r. 527–565) nevertheless tried to secure subsidies for Rome for the maintenance of public buildings, aqueducts and bridges, although without great success, as the entire Italian peninsula was dramatically impoverished by recent wars. He also became the patron saint of the remaining scholars, orators, physicists and magistrates, in the hope that the younger ones would seek a better education. After the wars, the senate structures were reestablished under the supervision of a prefect and other officials appointed and held accountable by the Roman (Byzantine) authorities in Ravenna.

However, the pope had become one of the religious icons throughout the Byzantine Empire and, effectively, more powerful locally than senators or any other Byzantine officials. In practice, the local power of Rome fell to the ṕapa and, over the next few decades, the aristocratic senatorial power, as well as the Byzantine administration of Rome, would be absorbed by the Catholic Church.

The reign of Justinian's nephew and successor, Justin II (r. 565–578) was marked by the invasion of the Lombards led by Alboíno (568). With the capture of the regions of Benevento, Lombardy, Piedmont, Spoleto and Tuscany, the invaders effectively restricted imperial authority to small swaths of land around coastal cities, including Ravenna, Naples, Rome and the area of ​​the future Venice. The only portion still under Byzantine rule was Perugia, which allowed the repeatedly besieged connection between Rome and Ravenna. In 578, and again in 580, the senate, in its last

interventions of which there is record, he was forced to resort to the assistance of Tiberius II (r. 578–582) against the approaching dukes, Faroaldo I of Spoleto and Zoto of Benevento.

Maurice I (r. 582–602) would insert a new fact into the ongoing conflict by establishing an alliance with Kildebert II of Austrasia (r. 575–595). The armies of the King of the Franks invaded the territories of Lombardy in 584, 585, 588 and 590 and, in the previous year, Rome had already suffered a disastrous flood from the Tiber River, followed by a plague of Black Death in 590 — the latter became is famous for the legend associated with the procession of the new pope, Gregory I (r. 590–604), through Hadrian's Tomb, which tells of an angel who appeared over the building charging his flaming sword, as a sign that the pestilence would end . From this year onwards, the city finally remained safe.

Meanwhile, Agilolfo, the new Lombard king (r. 591–616) managed to secure peace with Childebert II, reorganized his territories and continued attacks on Naples and Rome in 592. With the emperor occupied with wars on the eastern borders and the successive exarchs unable to defend Rome from invasions, Gregory took the initiative to begin negotiations for a peace treaty, which would be reached in the autumn of 598 — although only later recognized by Maurice — lasting until the end of his reign.

The pope's position would be strengthened by the usurper Phocas (r. 602–610). Phocas recognized his primacy over the Patriarch of Constantinople

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and even decreed Pope Boniface III (607) as "representative of all the Churches". It was during the reign of Phocas that the last imperial monument in the Roman Forum was erected, the column that bore his name. He also donated the Pantheon to the pope, which had been closed for centuries, which probably saved it from destruction.

Plan of Rome in the Middle Ages

Medieval plan of Rome

During the seventh century, an influx of Byzantine officials and clergy from other parts of the empire culminated in a dominant presence of the Greek language and aristocracy. However, this strong Byzantine cultural influence did not always translate into political harmony between Rome and Constantinople. In the controversy over Monothelitism, the popes felt great pressure (even physically translating) for not being able to keep up with the changes in Constantinople's theological orientations. In 653, Pope Martin I would be deported to Constantinople and, shortly after a brief trial, exiled to Crimea, where he died.

Shortly afterwards, in 663, Rome received its first imperial visit in the last two centuries, by Constantius II — its worst misfortune since the Gallic Wars, as the emperor tried to remove the metals that existed in the city, including those from buildings and statues, to make them available for the construction of weapons for the fights against the Saracens. However, during the following half of the century, and despite various tensions, Rome and the Papacy continued to prefer Byzantine rule — partly because the alternative would be Lombard domination and, on the other hand, because most of the food brought to Rome they came from papal states in other parts of the empire, particularly Sicily.

In 727, Pope Gregory II refused to accept the decrees of Emperor Leo III the Isaurus, establishing iconoclasm. Leo's initial reaction was to try to kidnap the Pontiff, in vain, but he would later send a force of Byzantine troops, under the command of Exarch Paul, who would be contained by the Lombards of Tuscia and Benevento. On November 1, 731, a synod was convened by Gregory III in Rome to excommunicate the iconoclasts, to which the emperor's response was the confiscation of large portions of papal territories in Sicily and Calabria and the transfer of several areas of the pope's ecclesiastical rule under Byzantine control for the Patriarch of Constantinople (the creation of the patriarch of Grado, separating him from the jurisdiction of Aquileia). Rome, under the rule of the pope, was thus expelled from the Byzantine Empire.

During this period, the Lombard Kingdom was going through a period of renaissance, under the leadership of Liuprando. In 730 he sent a raid against Rome to punish the pope, who had allegedly supported the duke. Although protected by the city's massive wall, the pope could do little against the Lombard king, who in the meantime managed to ally himself with the Byzantines. Gregory III, understanding the impotence of resisting such an alliance, was the first pope to ask for help, for the first time in an official way, from the kingdom of the Franks, then under the command of Charles Martel (739).

Liuprando's successor, Astolfo, was even more aggressive: he conquered Ferrara and Ravenna, thus ending the Exarchate of Ravenna. Rome would probably be the next victim. In 754, Pope Stephen III went to France to appoint Pepin the Short, king of the Franks, as patricius Romanorum, i.e., protector of Rome. In August of the same year, the king and the pope crossed the Alps to defeat Astolfo, in Susa, managing to make him promise that he would give up conflicts with the pope, returning the occupied territories to him. However, when Pepin returned to Saint-Denis, Astolfo broke his promise and besieged Rome for 56 days in 756, giving up as soon as they heard the news of Pepin's return to Italy. This time he would agree to hand over the promised territories to the Pope, and thus the Papal States were born.

In 771, the new king of the Lombards, Desiderius, devised a stratagem to definitively conquer Rome and depose Pope Stephen III. His main ally would be Paulus Afiarta, leader of the Lombard faction residing in the city. However, the plan would not be successful, and Stephen's successor, Pope Adrian I, called on Charlemagne to declare war on Desiderius, who would be finally defeated in 773. The Lombard kingdom was dissolved, and Rome was placed in the orbit of a new and great political institution.

The Holy Empire

The crown of the Holy Roman Empire (10th century),

at the Schatzkammer in Vienna

On April 25, 799, as the new pope, Leo III, led the traditional Lateran procession towards the Church of Saint Lawrence in Lucina, along the Via Lata, the urban stretch of the Via Flaminia (current Via del Corso), two nobles (followers of the predecessor, Hadrian), who did not like the pope's weaknesses in relation to Charlemagne, attacked the processional train, leaving the pope seriously injured. Leo fled to meet the king of the Franks and, in November 800, the king entered

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He arrived in Rome leading a strong army and a large number of Frankish bishops. Charlemagne then organized a judicial tribunal to decide whether Leo should continue the Papacy, or whether the conspirators' claims would be valid or not. However, this court was part of a chain of meticulously planned events that would surprise the world: The pope, naturally acquitted, and the conspirators exiled, would crown Charlemagne as Western Roman Emperor in St. Peter's Basilica on December 25 800. This attitude definitively ended Rome's loyalty to its "half", Constantinople, creating a rival empire that, after a series of conquests by Charlemagne, now encompassed most of the western Christian territories.

The borders of the Holy Roman Empire between the years 962 and 1806, on the borders of modern Europe

After the death of Charlemagne, the lack of a figure of equal prestige caused some disagreements in the new institution. At the same time, the Roman Church faced secular demands from the city itself, driven by the conviction that the Romans, although impoverished and devalued, retained the right to elect the new Western emperor. The pope claimed a territory that went from Ravenna to Gaeta, which would mean sovereignty over Rome. However, this sovereignty would be continually disputed over the following centuries, and only the most politically strong popes managed to maintain it. The main weakness of the Papacy was precisely the need to elect new popes, from time to time, in which the emerging noble families quickly sought to obtain a leadership role. Neighboring powers, namely the Duchy of Spoleto and Tuscany, and later the emperors, learned how to take advantage of this internal weakness and, consequently, became arbiters between the candidates.

Thus, the environment in Rome was close to anarchy. The most scandalous moment occurred in 897 with the exhumation of Formoso's corpse to be tried in court. These crises were worsened by the emergence of a new threat, the Arabs or, as medieval Italians referred to them, the Saracens: these newcomers from North Africa had already conquered Sicily and their penetration into Southern Italy was being conducted effectively. The infiltration of pirate bands brought terror to the territories around Rome, to which Paschal I (r. 817–824) responded by relocating the remains of all the holy martyrs within the city walls. Still, this measure did not prevent the Muslims from sacking St. Peter's Basilica in 846. In 852, Leo IV commissioned the construction of a new wall around an area on the bank of the Tiber opposite the seven hills, which would come to be referred to as as "Leonine City".

Rome Commune

Interior of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, one of the most beautiful churches in Rome built or rebuilt during the Middle Ages By this time, the newly renovated Roman Church was once again attracting pilgrims and prelates from all parts of the Christian world, bringing their money with you: despite the reduced population (ca. 30,000), Rome was once again transformed into a city dependent on consumers, this time run by the government bureaucracy. Meanwhile, the other cities on the Italian peninsula, run mainly by new families that were taking over from the old aristocracy, were increasing their autonomy, forming a new class of entrepreneurs, traders and merchants. Soon after the sack of Rome by the Normans in 1084, the reconstruction of the city was supported by powerful families, such as the Frangipane and the Pierleoni, whose financing came from trade and banks, rather than from land. Inspired by neighboring cities, such as Tivoli and Viterbo, the Roman people also began to consider the city the status of a commune and, consequently, greater autonomy from papal authority.

Driven by the words of the controversial preacher Arnold of Brescia, an idealist and fierce opponent of ecclesiastical property and the Church's interference in internal affairs, the Romans rebelled in 1143. The Senate and the Roman Republic were therefore reborn. However, the Rome of the 12th century shared little with that which had governed the Mediterranean 700 years earlier, and the Senate soon found itself in a constant effort to survive, alternating support for the Pope and the Western Roman Empire, in an ambiguous political position. In Monteporzio, in 1167, during one of these alternations, the Roman troops would be defeated by the imperial forces of Frederick Barbarossa. Interestingly, the victorious enemy would be briefly driven away by the plague and Rome would remain safe.

In 1188, the communal government would finally be recognized by Pope Clement III, forced to pay large sums to the commune's officials, and the 56 senators would become vassals of the pope. The Senate has always failed

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in carrying out their duties, which led to several changes being attempted. Often only one senator headed the institution, which sometimes led to tyrannies that did not help the stability of the newborn organism.

In 1204, the bad atmosphere set in again, this time confronting the family of Pope Innocent III and their rivals, the powerful Orsini, leading to new disturbances in the city. Many of the ancient buildings suffered destruction by the machines used between rival sides to surround their enemies in the countless towers and fortresses, used in medieval Italy as a symbol of nobility.

The Torre dei Conti was one of the many towers built by the noble families of Rome as a standard of their power and to defend the various fiefdoms that surrounded the city in the Middle Ages. Only a third of the tower remains.

The struggles between the popes and Emperor Frederick II, also king of Naples and Sicily, would lead Rome to support the Ghibellines. To affirm his loyalty, Frederick sent the Carroccio to the commune, which he had won from the Lombards in the Battle of Cortenuova in 1234, and which would be displayed on the Capitoline Hill. Later that year, during another revolt against the pope, the Romans, led by Luca Savelli, sacked the Lateran. Interestingly, Savelli was the son of Pope Honorius III and father of Honorius IV, although at this time family ties did not determine his loyalty. Rome was definitely not destined to evolve into an autonomous and stable commune, like other communes such as Florence, Siena or Milan. The endless struggles between these noble families (Savelli, Orsini, Colonna and Annibaldi), the ambiguous alignment of the Pope , the pride of the population that never abandoned the dream and splendor of the past, and the weakness of the republican institution would continually deprive the city of this possibility.

In an attempt to imitate other more successful communes, in 1252, the people elected a foreign senator, the Bolognese Brancaleone degli Andalò. Hoping to achieve peace in the city, Andalò suppressed the most powerful nobles (destroying around 140 towers), reorganized the working classes and issued a set of laws inspired by those applied in northern Italy. However, despite the rigid stance with which he faced adversity, he died in 1258 with most of his reforms yet to be implemented. Five years later, Charles I of Anjou, later king of Naples, would be elected senator. His entry into the city would only take place in 1265 and shortly afterwards he would leave due to the need to face Conradino da Germania, the heir of the Hohenstaufen who was approaching to claim his family's rights over southern Italy. From June of that year, Rome's government was once again characterized by a democratic republic, electing Henry of Castile as senator. Conradino and the Ghibelline faction would be defeated at the Battle of Tagliacozzo (1268) and, thus, the government of Rome passed back into the hands of Carlos.

Nicholas III, a member of the Orsini, would be elected in 1277 and would transfer the headquarters of the Papacy from the Lateran Palace to the Vatican, as it was more protected, and would prohibit access to the status of senator of Rome by foreigners. Since he was a legitimate Roman, the people elected him to the senate, and the city was once again run by the papal faction. However, Carlos was elected senator again in 1285 and, with the Sicilian Vespers, his charisma would be irreversibly affected. Thus he lost authority in the city, a place that would be occupied by another Roman and also pope, Honorius IV of the Savelli family.

Babylonian captivity

Celestine V's successor was an energetic Roman from the Caetani family, Pope Boniface VIII, who would have been involved by heredity in family disputes with his family's traditional rivals, the Colonna. However, this quarrel did not divert him in his struggle to reassert the universal supremacy of the Holy See. In 1300, Boniface VIII celebrated the first Jubilee and founded the first University of Rome. The Jubilee would, as it proved, be an important step for Rome, as it would increase its international prestige; consequently, the city's economy would see a boost, due to the flow of pilgrims. Boniface died in 1303, shortly after the humiliation of the Attack of Anagni (Schiaffo di Anagni, "Slap of Anagni") that marked the rule of the Papacy by the king of France, marking a new period of decline for Rome.

For this reason, Boniface's successor, Pope Clement V, never entered the city, beginning the famous period of the Avignon Papacy, also known as the "captivity of Avignon" (in allusion to the Babylonian captivity), in which the Pope moved the headquarters of the Catholic Church to Avignon, a situation that would last for more than 70 years. As a consequence, the independence of local power was verified, although it proved to be very unstable; also the lack of financial income previously assumed

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rted by the Church caused a profound decline in Rome. For more than a century, Rome stopped building development. Worse, many of the city's monuments, including the main churches, were showing the first signs of decay.

The Pope's return to Rome

Cola di Rienzo rioted the Capitol in 1347 to create a new Roman Republic. Although short-lived, this attempt was recorded on the statue near the staircase leading to Michelangelo's square.

Despite the decline and the absence of the pope, Rome would not lose its spiritual prestige: in 1341 the famous poet Francesco Petrarch traveled to Rome to be distinguished as a poet on the Capitoline Hill. Meanwhile, the nobility and the poor lined up to demand the pope's return. Among the various ambassadors who traveled to Avignon during this period, the simultaneously bizarre and eloquent figure of Cola di Rienzo stands out. As he increased his power over the population, on May 30, 1347 he conquered the Capitol leading the enthusiastic population. Although short-lived, the period of his leadership over the population of Rome proved to be one of the most important moments in the city's medieval history; Cola strove to spread the rejuvenating aura of the common concept of eventual Italian independence, at the center of a politically confused dream similar to the prestige of Ancient Rome. Later, assuming power in a dictatorial manner, he assumed the title of "tribune", in a clear reference to the plebeian magistracy of the republican era. Di Rienzo also considered his status equivalent to that of the Roman-Germanic Emperor. On August 1, 1347, he conferred Roman citizenship on all Italian cities and prepared the election of a Roman emperor for Italy. As a measure of containment, the Pope declared Di Rienzo a heretic, criminal and pagan, manipulating public opinion to the point that it began to distance itself. On December 15, Di Renzo was forced to flee.

In August 1354, Di Rienzo again became a protagonist, when Cardinal Gil Alvarez De Albornoz entrusted him with the position of "senator of Rome" in the course of his certification program for the papal government in the Papal States. In October, the tyrannical Cola, who was once again becoming unpopular due to his controversial behavior and heavy debts, was murdered in a dispute provoked by the powerful Colonna family. In April 1355, Charles IV of Bohemia entered the city for the traditional ritual of coronation as emperor. His visit was attended with great displeasure by the citizens, as he was not well-endowed financially, having received the crown from a cardinal and not the pope, and for leaving just a few days after the coronation.

With the emperor back on his lands, Albornoz could now regain some control over the city, even while remaining in the safety of his citadel in Montefiascone, in the northern region of Lazio. The senators, now appointed directly by the pope, were chosen from various cities throughout Italy, although the city was independent. The senate now included six judges, five notaries, six marshals, several family members, twenty knights, and twenty armed men. Albornoz managed to suppress traditionally aristocratic families, and the "democratic" faction felt confident enough to initiate an aggressive policy. In 1362, Rome declared war on Velletri, the repercussions of which resulted in a civil war: the rural faction hired a group of condottieri, the Del Cappelo (those "of the Hat"), while the Romans purchased the services of German and Hungarian troops, plus to its own 600 cavalry and 22,000 infantry units. During this period, all of Italy was swept by the ruthless condottieri groups. Many of Savelli, Orsini and Annibaldi, expelled from Rome, became leaders of these military units. When the war with the Velletri ended, Rome surrendered again to the Pope, Urban V, on condition that he forbade Albornoz from entering Rome.

On October 6, 1367, in response to the prayers of Saint Bridget and Francesco Petrarch, Urban V finally traveled to the city. During his presence, Charles IV was crowned again (October 1368). At this time, the Byzantine emperor John V Palaiologos also went to Rome to request a crusade against the Ottoman Empire, although without success. A few years later, unhappy with the city's atmosphere, Urban V returned to Avignon, on September 5, 1370. His successor, Gregory XI,

he scheduled his return to Rome for May 1372 but, again, the French cardinals, with the support of their king, managed to persuade him. The pope remained this way until January 17, 1377, when Gregory XI reinstalled the Holy See in Rome.

However, the incoherent behavior of his successor, the Italian Urban VI, would provoke the Great Western Schism in 1378, which would destroy any legitimate attempt to improve conditions in declining Rome.


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The Renaissance in Rome

The School of Athens, 1509, Stanza della Segnatura, painting by Rafael Sanzio, Vatican Museums

During the pontificate of Pope Nicholas V (p. March 19, 1447), the Renaissance entered Rome at the same time that the city became the center of humanism. Nicholas V was the first pope to include academics and artists, such as Lorenzo Valla and Vespasiano da Bisticci, at the Roman court.

On September 4, 1449, Nicholas announced a Jubilee for the following year, the consequence of which would be a new influx of pilgrims from all over Europe. The crowd would be so large that, in December, on the Santo Ângelo Bridge, around 200 people would die, "run over" or drowned in the Tiber River. That same year, the plague reappeared in the city, and Nicholas V fled Rome.

Despite his reprehensible attitude, Nicholas V managed to stabilize the temporal power of the Papacy, isolating it from the emperor's interference. In this way, the coronation and wedding of Emperor Frederick II, on March 16, 1452, was nothing more than a civil ceremony. The Papacy now firmly controlled Rome. Stefano Porcari's attempt, which aimed to restore the republic, was ruthlessly suppressed in January 1453. Porcari would be hanged together

with his assistants, Francesco Gabadeo, Pierto de Monterotondo, Battista Sciarra and Angiolo Ronconi. However, the pope's reputation would be questioned when, at the beginning of the execution, Nicholas V appeared too drunk to confirm the graces he had granted to Sciarra and Ronconi.

Nicholas V was also the designer of the urban remodeling, together with Leon Battista Alberti, which included the construction of the new St. Peter's Basilica.

Nicholas V's successor, Callixtus III, did not continue Nicholas's cultural policy, devoting himself to his greatest passion, the love for his nephews. The Tuscan Pius II, who took the reins after his death in 1458, proved to be a great humanist, although he did little for Rome. It was during his pontificate that Lorenzo Valla demonstrated that the Donation of Constantine had been a forgery. Pius II was also the first pope to resort to armed struggle, in a campaign against the rebellious Savelli barons in the suburbs of Rome, in 1461. A year later, with the transfer of the head of the apostle Saint Andrew to Rome, there was a new influx of pilgrims. The pontificate of Pope Paul II (1464 - 1471) was notable solely for the reintroduction of Carnival, which would become a very popular celebration in Rome during the following centuries. Still in the same year (1468), a conspiracy against the pope was dismantled, organized by intellectuals from the Roman Academy, founded by Pomponio Leto, resulting in the imprisonment of those involved in Castel Sant'Angelo.

However, the most important pontificate was, without a doubt, that of Sixtus IV. To favor a family member, Girolamo Riario, he instigated a conspiracy on the part of the Pazzi (Congiura dei Pazzi) against the Medici family of Florence (26 April 1478) and, in Rome, he fought the Colonna and the Orsini. Despite the great costs of this policy of intrigue and war, Sixtus IV was a true patron saint of art in the same vein as Nicholas V: he reopened the academy and reorganized the Collegio degli Abbreviatori and, in 1471, began the construction of the Vatican library, the first of which curator was Platinum. The library was officially founded on June 15, 1475. Sixtus had several churches restored, including Santa Maria del Popolo, the Virgin Water and the Hospital of the Holy Spirit, had some streets paved and was also responsible for building a famous bridge over the Tiber, which is currently known by its name. However, his largest project was the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican Palace. Its decoration brought together some of the most renowned artists of the time, including Mino da Fiesole, Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Pietro Perugino, Luca Signorelli and Pinturicchio — already in the 16th century, Michelangelo painted it with what would become his work -prize, transforming the Chapel into one of the most spectacular monuments in the world. Sixtus died on August 12, 1484, and was considered the first king-pope of Rome.

During the pontificate of his successors, Innocent VIII and Alexander VI (1492-1503), Rome suffered from chaos, corruption and emerging nepotism. In the time between the death of the first and the election of the second, 220 murders occurred in the city. Alexander VI had to face Charles VIII of France, who invaded Italy in 1494 and entered Rome on December 31 of that year. The pope was forced to barricade himself in the Castel Sant'Angelo, which had become a true fortress thanks to the work of Antonio da Sangallo, but the skillful Alexander knew how to win the king's help, appointing his son César Borgia as military advisor in the subsequent invasion of the Kingdom of Naples. Rome was thus safe. However, with the king's movement south, the pope changed his position, aligning himself with the anti-French league

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that of the Italian states that, finally, forced Carlos to retreat to France.

Alexander, considered the most nepotistic pope of all, favored his implacable son Caesar Borgia, creating for him a personal duchy made up of some of the territories belonging to the pontifical states, and banishing the Orsini family, Caesar's most insistent enemy, from Rome. In 1500, the city celebrated a new jubilee, but the streets became increasingly unsafe, especially at night, when they were controlled by bands of criminals, the bravi. However, it was Caesar himself who murdered Alfonso de Bisceglie, his sister Lucrezia and, presumably, the pope's son, Giovanni de Gandia.

The Renaissance had a major impact on the appearance of Rome with works such as Michelangelo's Pietà ("Piety") and the Borgia Chamber frescoes, all created during Innocent's pontificate. Rome reached its peak of splendor under Pope Julius II (1503 - 1513) and his successors Leo X and Clement VII, both members of the Medici family. During these twenty years, Rome had become the largest art center in the world. The old St. Peter's Basilica was demolished and a new one was started over. The city hosted artists such as Bramante, who built the Tempietto of San Pietro in Montorio and was the author of a major project to renovate the Vatican City, Raphael, who in Rome became the most famous painter in Italy for his frescoes in the Nicoline Chapel , Vila Farnesina, Raphael's Rooms, among other famous works of art, and Michelangelo, who began decorating the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and created the famous statue of Moses for Julius's tomb. Rome partially lost its religious character to gradually become a true Renaissance city, with a large number of popular festivities, horse races, parties, intrigues and episodes of negligence. The economy stabilized with the presence of several Tuscan bankers, including Agostino Chigi, who was a friend of Rafael and also a patron of the arts. Before his premature death, Rafael was also, and for the first time, a promoter of the conservation of the ruins of Antiquity.

The Sack of Rome and the Counter-Reformation

In 1527, the ambiguous policy followed by the second pope of the Mécic family, Pope Clement VII, resulted in a dramatic sack of the city by the imperial troops of Charles V of the Holy Empire, who devastated the city for days. Many of the citizens were murdered or sought shelter outside the walls. The Pope himself imprisoned himself in Castel Sant'Angelo. The sack thus marked the end of the era of greatest splendor in modern Rome.

The Jubilee of 1525 resulted in a farce, with Martin Luther's claims instilling criticism and spite for the pope's greed towards all of Europe. The prestige of Rome would be confronted with the dismemberment of the churches of Germany and England. Still, Pope Paul III (1534 - 1549) strove to appease the situation by calling the Council of Trent, although he was, ironically, the most nepotistic of the popes. Paul III even separated Parma and Piacenza from the Papal States to create an independent duchy for his own son, Pedro Luís Farnésio. He continued, however, his patronage of art, attending Michelangelo's Last Judgment, asking him to renovate the Capitol and assist in the construction of the new St. Peter's Basilica. After the initial shock of the sack of Rome, he also called upon the brilliant architect Giuliano da Sangallo the Younger to fortify the walls of the "Leonine City".

The need to renew religious customs became evident with the period of vacancy that followed the death of Paul III, with the streets of Rome becoming scenes of satire on the cardinals who attended the conclave. His immediate successors were two figures of little authority who knew nothing to do to escape Spain's real sovereignty over Rome.

Paul IV, elected in 1555, was a member of the anti-Spain faction. His policy would result in a new siege of the city by the Neapolitan viceroy's troops in 1556. Paul appealed for peace, but was forced to accept the supremacy of Philip II of Spain. He was one of the most hated popes of all and, after his death, the population revolted, setting fire to the palace of the Holy Inquisition and destroying his marble statue in the Capitol. Paul's perspective on the Counter-Reformation was evident in the order to confine the Jews to a central area of ​​Rome, around the Portico of Octavia, thus creating the famous Roman Ghetto.

The Counter-Reformation would be considered only by his successors, the moderate Pius IV and the severe Pius V. Although the first was a nepotist, loving the splendours of the court, he allowed the introduction of more severe customs by his advisor, Carlos Borromeu, who was about to become one of the most popular figures in Rome. Pius V and Borromeo gave the city the true character of the Counter-Reformation. All the pomp

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it was removed from the court, the jesters expelled, and the cardinals and bishops were forced to live in the city. Blasphemy and the use of concubines were severely punished; prostitutes were expelled or confined to districts reserved for that purpose. The power of the Inquisition within the city was readjusted, and the palace rebuilt with new space for prisons. During this period, Michelangelo opened the Porta Pia and transformed the Baths of Diocletian into the spectacular basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, where Pius IV was buried.

Fontana dell'Acqua Felice in St. Bernard Square

The pontificate of his successor, Pope Gregory XIII, was a failure. His measures would spark new riots in the streets of Rome. The French writer and philosopher Montaigne argued that "life and property were never so insecure as during the time of Gregory XIII, perhaps", and that a confraternity even performed homosexual marriages in the church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina. The courtesans so repressed by Pius now became prostitutes who worked openly on the streets.

Sixtus V had, however, a distinct temperament. Although his pontificate was short (1585-1590), it became one of the most effective in the history of Rome. Sixtus was even stricter than Pius V, and gained nicknames such as castigamatti ("punisher of the mad"), papa di ferro ("Iron Pope"), dictator and even, ironically, devil, since no other pope preceded him in the persecution. so determined of the reform of the Church and customs. Sixtus profoundly reorganized the administration of the Papal States, and cleaned the cities of Rome of all braves, prostitutes, procurators, duels, and the like. Neither nobles nor cardinals considered themselves exempt from the policing carried out by Sixtus. The money from fees, which was no longer allocated to corruption, allowed an ambitious building program to take place. Some older aqueducts were restored, and a new one was built, the Acqua Felice (named after Sisto, Felice Peretti). New houses were also built in the desolate district of Esquilino, Viminal and Quirinal, while other houses in the center were demolished to open new, wider roads. Sixtus' goal was to make Rome a better destination for pilgrims, and new roads would allow better access to the basilicas. The old obelisks were moved or erected to beautify Saint John Lateran, Saint Mary Major and Saint Peter, as well as Piazza del Popolo, in front of the church Santa Maria del Popolo.

Italian unification

Proclamation of the Roman Republic

Government by the papacy was interrupted by the brief Roman Republic (1798), established under the influence of the French Revolution.

Another Roman Republic emerged in 1849, following the revolutions of 1848. Two of the most influential figures in Italian unification, Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi, fought on the side of the republic.

The return of Pius IX to Rome, with the help of French troops, marked the exclusion of Rome from the unification process of the second war of Italian independence and the Expedition of the Thousand, after which the entire Italian peninsula, with the exception of Rome and the Veneto, would be unified under the House of Savoy.

In 1870, with the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War, the French emperor Napoleon III stopped ensuring the protection of the Papal States. Shortly afterwards, the Italian government declared war on the states. The Italian army entered Rome on September 20, opening a breach in the wall, Porta Pia, after a three-hour bombardment. Rome and all of Latium would be annexed to the Kingdom of Italy.

The Italian government then offered Pius IX the possibility of preserving the "Leonine City", although the offer was rejected as its acceptance translated into recognition of the legitimacy of the government of the Kingdom of Italy over its former domains. Pius IX thus declared himself a "prisoner of the Vatican" although, in truth, he was never denied the right to travel. Officially, the capital would not be moved from Florence to Rome until 1871.


Today's Rome not only reflects the stratification of the various eras throughout its history, but also constitutes a contemporary metropolis. The vast historic center contains areas dating from Ancient Rome, medieval times, several palaces and artistic treasures from the Renaissance, many fountains, churches and palaces from the Baroque, as well as many other examples of Art Nouveau, neoclassicism, modernism, rationalism and any others artistic styles of the 19th and 20th centuries (indeed, the city is considered an encyclopedia and a living museum of the last 3000 years of Western art history). The historic center practically coincides with the limits of the walls of imperial Rome. Some areas were

reorganized after unification (1880–1910 - Roma Umbertina), and some additions and adaptations were made during the fascist period, such as the much-discussed Via dei Fori Imperiali, from Via della Conciliazio

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ne, in front of the Vatican (for the construction of which a large part of the old Borgo was destroyed), the institution of new Quartieri (of which EUR, San Basilio, Garbatella, Cinecittà, Trullo, Quarticciolo and, on the coast, the restructuring of Ostia ) and the inclusion of border towns (Labaro, Osteria del Curato, Quarto Miglio, Capannelle, Pisana, Torrevecchia, Ottavia, Casalotti). These expansions were necessary to accommodate the exponential increase in population, a consequence of the centralization of the Italian State.

During the Second World War, Rome suffered few bombings (with a greater incidence in San Lorenzo), and was declared an open city. Rome fell to the Allies on June 4, 1944, and was the first capital of the Axis nations to fall.

After the war, Rome continued to expand due to the growth of centralized administration that resulted from unification and industry, with the creation of new quartieri and suburbs. The official population currently stands at around 2.5 million; During working hours, workers increase the value to 3.5 million, which represents a dramatic increase from previous values: 130,000 in 1825, 244,000 in 1871, 692,000 in 1921 and 1,600,000 in 1931.

Rome hosted the 1960 Olympic Games, for which it used many ancient sites, such as the Villa Borghese and the Baths of Caracalla, as sources of income. For the Olympic games, new structures were created, such as the new Olympic Stadium (later enlarged and remodeled for the 1990 FIFA World Cup), the Villaggio Olimpico (Olympic Village, created to welcome athletes and later restructured as a district residential), etc.

Many of Rome's monuments were restored by the Italian state and the Vatican for the 2000 Jubilee.

Facade of the Quirinal Palace, official residence of the President of the Italian Republic

As the capital of Italy, Rome is home to the nation's main institutions, such as the Presidency of the Republic, the government, its ministries, the parliament, the main judicial courts, and the diplomatic representatives in Italy of all other countries, and the Vatican City ( Interestingly, Rome also houses, within Italian territory, the Vatican Embassy, ​​the only case of an embassy within the limits of its own territory). Many institutions are housed in Rome, namely those of a cultural and scientific nature — such as the American Institute, the British School, the French Academy, the Scandinavian Institutes, the German Archaeological Institute — for the nobility of schooling in the Eternal City - and other humanitarian ones , such as FAO.

Rome is currently one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, not only due to the incalculable immensity of archaeological and artistic treasures, but also due to the charisma of its unique traditions and the majesty of its magnificent villas (parks). Among the most significant resources, the numerous museums (such as the Capitoline Museums, the Vatican Museums and the Galleria Borghese), the aqueducts, fountains, churches, palaces, historic buildings, monuments and ruins of the Roman Forum, and the catacombs.

Among the hundreds of churches, the five largest basilicas of the Catholic Church are in Rome: Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano ("Saint John Lateran", Rome's cathedral), Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano ("Saint Peter)" , Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura ("Saint Paul outside the Walls"), Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore ("Saint Mary Greater"), and the Basilica di San Lorenzo fuori le Mura ("Saint Lawrence outside the Walls"). The bishop of Rome is the pope; During pastoral activity in the city, he is assisted by a vicar (typically a cardinal).

I would like to thank the great people of Rome with great pleasure and simply say that I did this work with the encouragement of showing everyone the great history of Rome and its cultures because as a writer I feel closer to a path of peace and love for a great understanding and more than conquered work of all my qualities.

I want to thank you for this work prescribed here as a very familiar example of a great people who have always dedicated themselves to popular culture and I want to say that we are well acquainted with the finest nature and I see that it makes us look for the true reason for knowing much better the life and the ancient world and I want to wish everyone this wonderful story in which it portrays us about several romantic songs of very deep love about a past that was stuck in time and that still reveals to us today and shows us the simple reason why we know much better about close to beautiful old stories that today we will find an answer to your questions and that can make us know their unforgettable value up close and I want to say here at the end with lots of love and affection to all my listeners wherever they are, be it me, you or whoever it is, the world will always be the same as ever because what changes is our ways

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to think about and that life is an endless resonance and that we must always go back to the old time that perhaps it can and wants to tell us that life has always been a simple reaction and revelation that made us search for all the certainties and uncertainties the pure and hard notion that made man stop in time when he was undecided about life and its nature that made him recognize himself through time and taught him about the emptiness of death to know life better up close and that Ancient times had always kept us fuller and more adapted to a simple notion of facing ourselves and understanding life better and it is said that science made man in ancient times and that today man can govern and make life the best disciplines of living, simply by knowing life much better and conserving over time that you can be in a great relationship with nature that is limited to a circuit in the life of space and time. Here, with much deep love, I want to thank all my dear friends who are always enjoying here, in this climate of peace and love, the best international romantic songs that make us look for the present, past and future of a new and unforgettable generation that always will show us with more affection and dedication the best tests of living and holding back on the more than dreamed of educations and lessons that have always been stories in the life of man on earth and I want to wish here to all my dear friends, from friends to friends a unforgettable big hug from writer and radio host Roberto Barros. Hugs and have a good day!


I want to show here, with a lot of love, work and satisfaction, as a radio presenter four stories that I certainly believe that we are fully experiencing a fascinating fascination of cinema that certainly in everything it has always been conducive to certain proportions that teaches us, as a school, different modalities in which history is always the science that gives art to the director to describe different dilemmas that in my mere introduction I bring to life more the sentimentalist side that makes us impose ourselves on the mere and severe circumstances that life ends up with in each gesture, purposefully that the term of dynamics is used, which I simplify to the mere pleasure of sound that puts the best phrases and stories on a great musical preposition that comes telling the stories that the reader is the speaker and makes the magic rise over a great contradiction that we can understand that in each story there is a brief cinematographic philosophy that will take us to paradise that is full of assumptions that mess with the dynamics of the listener that may be synchronized to my station that I certainly pass on the message about an influential story that tells the story of star wars as a fight between human beings against several aliens who try to invade planet earth and are captured by humans in a great combat that here we can understand man's passage on earth in which he becomes a conqueror of space and steps on moon about a great revelation and scientific human development that becomes cinema films to the progress of man who becomes a great conqueror that we see today on cinema screens when the phantom of the opera which is a dramatic film that tells the story of a boy who was born a bastard son and his childhood is revealed in a great story of a young man who, due to his amazing appearance, lived for a long period of time hidden in the back of the Paris theater who falls in love with a beautiful young woman called Christine who, with his beautiful voice made him awaken the ghost of the opera that chased him and fell in love with her beautiful voice that here we can simply review that in everything it is portrayed in a dramatic and sad story that has the gift of simplifying this story as a short story that I simplify like a renaissance that moves our soul on a great tonality that I romantically unfold a great classification that identifies itself with beautiful romantic songs that in everything and for everything have their contradictions that we can listen to their narratives with a musical resonance that detaches us from the soul that sighs, as in its devotions, a great affection of love as a counterversion to a deeper feeling that rises from the depths of the opera on the modern side that I simplify in the melody and romantic song that nostalgia reveals itself from the fire of desire and is encouraged with the euphoria that is perhaps the strongest cause for a feeling to be dissolved upon a thought that in my philosophies, love, whatever it may be, will remain alive, which is where the melody lets go and the musical routes prevail

leaving the entire story romanticized in which dynamics are used as a counterversion to the romantic song dose that would be unlike the opera of the ghost that is reborn in the most captivating gift of a modern thought in which the story of youth is told

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everything is becoming a socialist tale being told over beautiful romantic songs and I also want to talk here about a very dramatic story that simply talks about two young people who meet at a party who have a disagreement about love that cannot be and is captive and free as the others who walk and breathe talented moments of pleasure that in everything tells the story of two families that disagree and become enemies, causing a great tragedy between two young people who fall in love and who fight to maintain a love that could never if you doubt at first glance that certainly not all strings are united by intimate family ties that are as hard as a teaching word as soft as a beautiful song that struggles as a deep feeling of beautiful romantic songs that perhaps they can tell us about the love and that youth would not discard his romantic words that one has the gift and the finest and most intimate purity that unites the unusual genius of someone who is perhaps poorly at home with life and I know that life leads us to different pleasures that move our hearts very deeply and we can see Romeo and Juliet as something well defined, the mere dispensations of pleasure and that judgment and feeling are taken from the fruit when life always remains lacking in beautiful gifts, desires and betrayed feelings that we apprehend with life what life offers us about beautiful lessons of love and hate that kills and we can experience this pleasure and this story of Romeo and Juliet has a deep feeling that we can resonate their stories about their gifts and that deep in our souls the truth leads us to the mere pleasure of loving one another with body and soul, that love is never foolish or obstructed by others, as long as it itself does not die, and that it has to show that it exists intimately and that it is not a common thing that recedes the solid weaknesses that fertilize life because it is in fact an unforgettable love that was born from the fruit of pleasure over the gentle affection of the purest and most teaching recognition as the heat of the fire that burns fervently over its flames as the air that softens us and makes us breathe continually to live and pulsate in our lungs how much death has to kill to give life and how much life has to give life to make us live and this is the nature of the rhythm that releases us on all the affections that make us live and die and that springs up on the earth and made the human being and in it the relativities of life were developed as well as nature, rhythm that never stops pulsing and so is the love that we can dedicate ourselves to and that between certain melodies of romantic music we are preserved by its lyrics and ballads that makes us more euphoric and we can hide an image of love over his words as well as a beautiful romantic sound that always awakens our emotions that are contradictory to our best moments of pleasure and here I want to sentimentally tell another story that perhaps can tell us that there are things that come from beyond and that awakens our senses as well as perhaps relapsed spirits as well as angels and demons that roam the entire earth and involve us with nature and that is or that mixed in a beautiful woman called Joana Dark who was born burdened perhaps with a very good feeling deep that made him fight against different armies and that it is said that not all things can really be realities because it is always said that life would always be morbid and that there is a contradictory imagination that makes us deserve certain gifts of well-being with God and phenomena that can discourage our lives, more intimate perseverance in terms of devotion unites us to the most captive love that we have and sow and that we do not build strong without having compassion and a truly relationship with life and we are almost targeted and carried away by the voracity of life and that evil can constrain us or make us sin and follow it skillfully as all the tests we will have to fulfill and pay for them because everything has its price and that we will certainly act consciously on any predominance that afflicts our feelings and even may they be voices coming from our consciences as a spiritual support that discourages our emotions and oppresses our nerves and drives us to favor certain ways of living or that life may inhibit us from self-relevance over our mentalities that are not of human nature or something sinister the mere realities of living because perhaps not everything is perfect and we may be being carried away by some fascination or something from the other world that today we exchange our feelings about a more tonic and expressive way of living that we perfect ourselves in the modernity of life under high control and that high science cannot disguise inserted insufficiencies in the real ways of living when Joana Dark heard voices that said that she was a spiritual deity who made her pay for the mistakes she made that led to her death.

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death that justice is perhaps more prudent when seeking, due to certain real and compatible evidence, its contradictions and realities, true justice in which here I simply told this story that otherwise I believe acts a moment of we found a way out of so many whirlwinds that relatively I believe in God's justice that really is more finite and conscious and I tell you that there are wonderful things in our lives that make us conform and that behave us with a great consistency that we identify ourselves mentally with the planes of the soul that rise subconsciously when we are synchronized with the force of our spiritual Self that comes into combination with the mind that feels and passes on a positive emotion that makes us transcend a mentalized force through a moral fluid through the energy of the spirit a chemical is passed nuclear to the senses and the human body causing a superlative effect on the negative side that deaffects our nerves when there is no good moral behavior of the mind and physique we can talk about psychology and I want about another story

talk about the logic of maturation which consists of a state of mental energy that here, as a writer, psychologist and radio presenter, I show with lots of love and work to all my dear readers and friends these wonderful stories that I made and tell with great satisfaction to the international romantic sound that serves as a therapy to clarify the true dynamics and development of both mind and body that drive us through the resonance of music and story reading that engages us in a clearer and more logical side of developing our mind and our emotional impulses that may be under a depressive effect and everything becomes wonderful, consistent and tonic when we are synchronized with the harmony of music that surprises us and gives us true life and consciousness cheers us up when we can identify with the nature of music and everything and everything becomes real and fantastic our minds that may be in a state of fantasies we simplify love against hate and see realities improve over our wills and the mind acts and feels and performs miracles and this is real, magical, eccentric because music is a fight reaction and when we listen to music we are in conformity with our natures and a very fine story is told that when the man was in the desert he found himself tired and indignant with life and He found a dry bamboo in the bush that he broke in half and made a flute and started blowing for a few minutes and he felt better with the sound that came out of the flute and it made him feel health and well-being which he soon achieved return to his house and when he arrived he turned on his radio and enjoyed beautiful romantic songs that made him change other paths and directions and he really found the key to life and harmonized with the universe and that was a cure in which I Here I simply want to pass on all this information to all my dear friends and listeners and I want to tell you to enjoy these beautiful words and stories with these beautiful romantic songs that I made for everyone because I tell you that there is in life a

great dispensation of bad moral fluids that we disseminate when there are certainties that comfort our soul and when we comfort ourselves we harmonize with life on the real plans of God and I want to here in this real moment to thank everyone with lots of love and work and to seek From the bottom of my soul the best way to live and thank you all very much and a big hug from the writer and radio host Roberto Barros.


Perhaps we can describe in beautiful words as a good narrative that through a simple and estimable foresight of the cinema that unfolds on the screens the very dilemma of transporting and telling the story over many episodes that tells a story that perhaps we can consider as a significant one true cinematic image of space that tells in several short stories the story of Star Wars, which was very successful on the North American cinema screen, which tells the story of human beings in space against various space monsters that dominate a large surface of domains on Earth and we can being very close today to a great revelation where we see space being explored by great masters of science who here, through great study and knowledge, everything is led to the fascination of NASA scientists who have always shown us the world outside and inside in which we can imagine life outside the earth and the contact of human beings with the supernatural that shines on great studies and knowledge about a nature that shows us and that has revived and told better today in the stories of North American cinema about space, several fictional tales science that makes us revive and transports us to the other world in which

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perhaps we can dedicate ourselves to a simple notion of time and the way in which it reveals to us, perhaps as in thematic tales, the story of the time machine that was revealed on cinema screens and turned into a film that shows us about almost all spheres of life where the human being can be very close to any frontier to the unknown world that represents great elevations and space travel of the man who lives in the present and travels about the past as a sentimentalist idea of ​​reviewing time and knowing the eases and phases that can in the feeling scientific conquer life on a true time travel that tells the story certainly based on the scientific studies that we can describe about time and space leaving everything and everyone on a border between life and death that perhaps we can know the past that was proposed in the future as the present that spreads over a beautiful and good clairvoyance of life and here perhaps the world is more simplified by a deeper and better-dreamed notion of life over mere and so fantastic fantasies that rarely made us go back to time as an imagination of the man who traveled in space as back to the future that tells a miniseries of several well-narrated films that talk about a time travel in which we can today have a true more energetic image about life that portrays us about a great relationship and man's passage through time and space that we can dedicate ourselves deeply and talk about space and here I want to talk a little about certain things that turned into several very adventurous stories that made space man's great scientific study about the life that conquered space and stepped on the moon in which we can today understand and have in the logic of dynamics and life a simple narrative that tells in beautiful tales the dynamics of man who through great studies became gods and conquered the space in whom we can see through a simple and real cinematic dynamic, a relationship between man and the stars that we can dedicate ourselves to on cinema screens and perhaps transport ourselves to a new world where human beings become aware of certain dilemmas and live in a relationship with nature in that everything becomes a scientific paper on great studies and advances of great science in which it simply opens the most real and loyal doors of cinema that through a simple notion and transformation of man with the universe turns into a great development both scientific and cinematography that turns into great and extraordinary cinema stories in which we can learn about the great development of space man and that there is a great metaphysics and relativity with man and nature in science and that open beautiful images in the beautiful doors of cinema spaces where we can, through a great real clairvoyance of life, challenge the universe more strenuously about a hard and good relativity with certain space beings and cavernous monsters that inhabit the fearless galaxies over the great deep holes of the earth in which everything is based on a great imagination of the man who came down from the stars to show and fight great and terrible space monsters in defense of his great planet that we certainly experience certain things equivalent to paradise as well as the deep hell that makes me think intensely today about the barriers of time in which he dresses death on earth crumbling the most vital seed of life among the habitable beings that are destined or were destined in different creations and civilizations that were born so much from the fruit of life that the story of the great tree of life and the tree of knowledge is told that certain dynamics were preserved between the human being and God together with mother nature and the world was formed over all living things and nature was harmonized over heaven and earth when we experienced certain things quite equivalent to hell and the heavens that me makes us think intensely today about the barriers of time in which life on earth is clothed, making a vital fruit sprout over all the relativities of the existence and subsistence of the universe, over all the resistances of life in which everything developed giving life to the human being between the eternal fire of God that transformed into love over all things in life, making us believe in the essence of life in which life was created and the world was formalized to the stars in which we can today by a simple notion of man who knew life and who came from the stars many years ago were perhaps gods who were astronauts and who lived on earth and dominated the world many years ago until the arrival of ancient times that today we can understand about life both in space and on earth in which we know the nature of the human being as an ancestral source that we can have ancestors and today we see the space as a great formality of life in which we can show and get an idea by telling different stories about the

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the best American cinemas about the spaces in which here, through a simple notion and study, I show a good narration by many masters of cinema and great directors of beautiful and estimable films that describes a role about a beautiful and extraordinary film that may have shown us a state of feeling that through work and studies everything gave rise to a certain desire that is transformed into a certain space that is defined in a good and beautiful film story that tells us about a journey in space that we can dedicate to the study of man in space that simply became a film story that is based on a scientific study of a film made about science fiction that tells the story of a war that starts in the stars that we can save the planet from extinction and the nickname Star Wars came about starting from a speech by the then Massachusetts senator, Edward Kennedy, who referred to the program as a “Star Wars” idea — of course ironizing the proposal for a laser weapons system in Earth orbit that I now want to show with A great expression of a film story that won the award for best space film and won an Oscar on American cinema screens and here I show its entire story. Thanks!

Here by a great screenwriter called Yann Rodrigues who tells an infinity about a beautiful transformation that has a well-defined controversy about this formidable film so that we can understand all the particularities and formation between a

concept about the Star Wars trilogies, let's show a beautiful description here and have my hug. Thanks!


Forget the divergences you know between the Star Wars trilogies. Different explanations for the same concept, wonderful or detestable characters, quality of special effects, can count as mistakes or successes in the story created by George Lucas. Each phase, however, demonstrates a distinct worldview about each era.

Like most fans, I reviewed the six films in anticipation of the seventh, which premieres tomorrow. What will await us?

A New Hope (1977) / The Empire Strikes Back (1980) / Return of the Jedi (1983)

The first film is revolutionary. It presents new concepts in visual effects, design and a story that made anyone at the time a little (or a lot) nerdier. The prominence deserved by this film goes beyond production characteristics, however. It is key to understanding the views on the world exposed in 1977, the year of release, and in subsequent films.

Good x Evil

Starting with the obvious. The dichotomy, common to modern society, is clear in the Galaxy. With the merit of not worrying about origin explanations – they would come 20 years later -, Lucas presents the Empire and the Rebel Alliance in the midst of a key phase of the war. Darth Vader, completely black, and Princess Leia, completely white, show in their appearance which side we should root for – don't repeat this at home. It is a visual device that is quite outdated and, yes, racist, even though it is functional and natural for the vision of the time.

These well-defined poles reflect humanity itself in the midst of the Cold War. United States against Soviet Union, in a world

divided after the also dual Second World War. The enemies have common characterizations, in addition to the visuals, such as the ideology of power imposed through fear and the pathological lack of aim of the stormtroopers.

Skepticism x Religion

Admiral Motti: Any attack by the Rebels against this station would be a futile gesture, no matter what technical data they obtained. This station is the greatest power in the Universe! I suggest we use it!

Darth Vader: Don't be so proud of this technological terror you've built. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force.

The dialogue between Darth Vader and one of the Death Star's military leaders is just one of the scenes presenting the difficult relationships between skepticism and religion, so inherent to the 20th Century. The same occurs several times between Han Solo, Obi-Wan or Luke. The expansion of scientific over religious thought, one of the great movements of thought since the 18th century, had reached one of its peaks a few years earlier, with space exploration and the arrival of man on the Moon.

Obi-Wan: The Force is what gives a Jedi their power. It is an energy field created by all living beings. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It holds the galaxy together.

Much is said about the discrepancy between the concept of the Force evidenced in Ben's (Obi-Wan) speech and in the new trilogy, more precisely in Episode 1, when the concept of midichlorians appears.

Geeky technicalities aside, the discrepancy makes perfect sense, in the context of each time. Focusing on the original saga, we see a wise Obi-Wan, with little time available and many things to teach Luke. The boy, as intelligent as he may be, didn't grow up receiving

the instruction we are used to seeing around the Jedi Council. Old Ben is empathetic as he gives a simple explanation

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and easy to understand, even on a subjective topic like Strength.

This is Lucas' stance with the public. Nobody knew the world of Star Wars, first introduced in that film. The planet was quite conservative – it still is – and less eager for levels of explanatory detail, if we compare it to the 2000s. Thinking about American culture, the Protestant ideal, in the middle of the Cold War, understanding the Force as that which unites everyone is easy because association with the concept of God. If you didn't ask big questions about God, you wouldn't ask big questions about the Force.

Space exploration

The human imagination has always been fertile, however, few periods in History must have concentrated the imagination of so many people in the Universe as the years after July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the Moon. No wonder , eight years later comes a story that presents human imagination about outer space at an unprecedented level.

Intergalactic travel, extraterrestrial life, unthinkable technologies, and of course, lightsabers. It was all there, a model of space life capable of blowing every mind that thought about it for even a minute. Many moments in the first three films focus on these elements, so that the audience can absorb and dream: Luke knowing the Lightsaber; the different beings (count the time contemplating the unimaginable beings in the bar scene, in the first film, where Luke and Ben meet Han Solo) including an alien band, with alien instruments; the different languages ​​and even forms of communication; scenarios and more scenarios.

Tatooine A New Hope


Yes, there are feminist demonstrations in the first trilogy. Princess Leia shows achievements in 1977 that many female characters in 2015, unfortunately, have not yet achieved. Starting with the inciting incident. The most famous saga in the history of cinema begins thanks to Leia's movements. As we have already discussed here, the inciting incident is the event that starts the story, that takes it out of rest. Star Wars happens as we know it from the moment Leia records a message and sends it to Obi-Wan, through the cutest robot before Wall-E, R2-D2. It is the princess's decision that allows Luke to come into contact with the robots and his destiny.

There are other interesting constructions. Leia first appears hiding from the Empire's soldiers – a princess and rebel leader, with no guards. At the time of her capture, she shoots (and kills) a stormtrooper, and at no point is she treated as a “poor thing” while in Lord Vader's custody. She does not give up the location of the rebel base, even under torture or duress. At the moment of her rescue, if Luke and Han Solo don't know what to do, or may make a wrong decision, she imposes herself, leads, shoots, protects herself... These are demonstrations of strength, scene after scene, much more frequent than the demonstrations of dependence.

It is true that the first film still presents the atmosphere of a love triangle, the need for romance, among other possible errors and/or offensive clichés. The Empire Strikes Back still shows a strong Leia, but increasingly stuck in a script where she must be Han Solo's wife. Return of the Jedi takes the lead again for Leia, who annihilates the disgusting Jabba with physical force, has her relationship with Luke (thus, with the Force, revealed), in addition to several scenes in which she is not just a supporting player in the action. We can discount the negative points of 1977 and the 80s

(example, movies don't pass the Bechdel Test). More concerns lie in 2015.

The ethics of choice

Probably the main theme of the entire saga. The trilogy separates good and evil, maintaining, however, the flow between them. Luke could choose to become a Sith, or Darth Vader could choose to abandon such an ideology.

In the dissociation between the paths, feelings considered negative – fear, anger or anxiety – are the key to falling under the rule of evil. At the same time, Luke struggles to demonstrate, through his father, that this is not a path of no return, love is capable of returning someone to good.

While this battle sounds distant from our reality, similar dilemmas present themselves in situations closer to home, such as a young person's transition to adulthood, leaving home and wanting to explore the world, choosing to commit to a way of life and everything that the choice entails (whether it's a career, a relationship, or becoming a Jedi).

The Phantom Menace (1999) / Attack of the Clones (2002) / Revenge of the Sith (2005)

The most recent trilogy, considered the least interesting by nine out of ten fans, follows a different path. The need created by the intention of telling the origin of the greatest villain of all time brings us a story that dives into darkness every second – as Anakin approaches his inner Sith.


Commercial blockade imposed on a people, difficulties in overcoming the problem

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by rulers. It could be a newspaper headline, but it is George Lucas's choice of political setting for the Galaxy.

There is a lot of criticism regarding the complexity of the plot in Phantom Menace, due to the various interests involved, the lack of clarity between the agents and who is on which side. Between mistakes and successes, this complexity reflects quite well a difference between 1999 and 1977. The political world has become more difficult to analyze, interests are less visible, everyone is more suspicious.

In history, democracy and the Republic take place before the Empire, but they are shown at a time when the public is more identified with these models. Good and evil are no longer those clear dichotomies. We are entering the era of the antihero, of the gray world, which is not just in the Galaxy, but in Anakin.

It is interesting to see that, coincidence or not, Anakin's political vision follows a growing, albeit timid, movement in the 2000s, of disillusionment and impatience with the democratic model led by representatives of the people. There are many opportunities to see the distrust of the political class by the Jedi – has anyone seen something similar here?


So this is how democracy dies: with great applause – Padmé, on the demonstrations for the return of the Dictatorship


In fact, the concept didn't work. It was forgotten in Attack of the Clones, and makes a brief appearance in Revenge of the Sith. The attempt to explain the Force through biological means, however, relates well to the new times. Science dominates even more, in a presumed intellectual dispute with Religion, in the 2000s. There is a lack of patience for supernatural/abstract concepts, especially in geek productions.


The new trilogy almost follows in the footsteps of the old one. Padmé is a queen who pretends to be a servant, explores hostile planets, makes political decisions, shoots, “kills” androids. Hers is the plan to rescue her palace (and consequently planet), even though she is accompanied by two Jedi's, and she is the leader of the troop during the rescue and surrender of enemy chiefs.

Just like her daughter, Leia, she loses protagonism, as the script needs her to appear in the novel and in the following films. The films pass the Bechdel Test, however, Padmé becomes a parameter for Anakin and, convenient for the story or not, it is a little irritating that she gives up her own life for the pain (immense, it's true) caused by Anakin. Points for A New Hope and Return of the Jedi, points for Phantom Menace, red note when it comes to the other half of the saga (and the most hardcore fans will probably go crazy when reading this).


Master Windu is awesome. There are no other terms. One of the great gains of the new saga over the old one.

Jar jar

It is indefensible in any worldview.

The ethics of choice

The old films created a cult around the Jedi, ok. It is in recent years, however, that we effectively witness the worldview of this group.

While the focus before was on making Luke a Jedi capable of defeating his father and the Sith Lord, the focus has shifted to the lifestyle, the weight of that style's choices. Mindfulness is a buzzword well aligned with the 900-year-old teachings of Master Yoda.

Patience, empathy, compassion, love are words that show the path of the Jedi. Peace and Justice are his eternal protectors. Anakin has difficulties because his greatest weight lies in passion and fear. He knows injustice, slavery, and power. One sounds like a tool to extinguish the others, and all the teachings of the gentlemen of the Galaxy end up strange to his ear.

Anakin's political views are a beautiful reflection of how choice is viewed by his personality. As someone with a lot of power and a lot of fear, he only sees the former as a way to avoid the latter. Whenever power is not enough, it feeds the fear of losing. Whenever fear increases, it fuels the thirst for power.

Someone who feels this cycle would not be able to bet on something like a democracy, where they depend on the strength of others and their own detachment. Thus appears Darth Vader and Lucas' greatest lesson.

The Force Awakens (2015)


I tried not to access anything other than the trailers. I haven't read books or seen cartoons that complement the films. So my curiosity is great, and I'm sure yours too, about what awaits us in tomorrow's film.

The political world presented may be even more chaotic than it seemed in Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones. The Sith were defeated, or not, by the lightsaber shown in the trailer.

Even in the optimal scenario, an entire Galactic Empire was defeated. Each planetary system may require different forms of government and relationships, and the Rebel Alliance did not have that many leaders. Conquered and not exterminated peoples harbor hatred, which can make them unwilling to form any friendship. More realistically, legions of the Empire were spread across the Galaxy maintaining order, and the destruction of the central power does not mean the end of a war. Outside

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path followed by the Alliance. Return from a Republic? Another political model? What inspiration might the current decade have given to the Galaxy?

Luke and Leia are another interesting unknown. Luke not appearing in the trailers has raised several theories, but I prefer to follow what Return of the Jedi indicates. Leia ends the film aware of the Force. She and Han Solo have a relationship. Luke, as a Jedi, must be celibate. It's likely that one of the main characters (and I'm betting on the girl) is the son of the most famous couple in the Galaxy.

Not having a son leaves Luke free to follow all kinds of paths, but being the only Jedi, it's natural that he would try to train new ones and live up to the name of the film Return of the Jedi, as indicated by Yoda and Obi-Wan. It's likely that one of his Padawans is the holder of the new mask we'll see in The Force Awakens.

On the social side, the question remains about how Disney will portray minorities in history. The cast is already trying to balance the equation through the new protagonists, with the addition of a woman and a black man – both carrying lightsabers.

What types of conflicts and choices will be presented tomorrow, and in the next films in the saga? Until we find out, may the Force be with you.

Yann Rodrigues

Screenwriter, passionate about narratives. Editor and podcaster of Além do Roteiro.

Here I want to talk in big words about Star Wars, which tells its entire story here, which I show below.

Star Wars:

Star Wars is an American space opera franchise created by filmmaker George Lucas, which features a series of nine science fantasy films and two spin-offs. The first film was released simply under the title Star Wars, on May 25, 1977, and became an unexpected worldwide phenomenon of popular culture, being responsible for the beginning of the "era of blockbusters", which are cinematic superproductions that are successful in the box office and become franchises with toys, games, books, etc. It was followed by two sequels, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, released three years apart, forming the original trilogy, which follows the iconic trio of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia, who fight for the Rebel Alliance to overthrow the tyrannical Galactic Empire; In parallel, Luke's journey to become a Jedi Knight and the fight against Darth Vader, a former Jedi who succumbed to the Dark Side of the Force and the Emperor.

After 16 years without new films, a new trilogy called a prequel began in 1999, with The Phantom Menace. This goes back in time to tell how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader and follows the fall of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, replaced by the Empire. It was also released at three-year intervals, with the last one released in 2005. Reactions to the original trilogy were extremely positive, while the prequel trilogy received mixed reactions from both specialized critics and the public. Even so, all the films were successful at the box office and received nominations or won Oscar awards.

In 2008, the animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released, a spin-off pilot for the animated series of the same title. This year, the total box office revenue collected from the six existing episodes was announced, which totaled approximately 4.41 billion dollars. After the premiere of Episode VII and Rogue One, this value exceeded 7 billion, making Star Wars the third highest-grossing film series in history, behind the Star Wars films.

J. K. Rowling's Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Wizarding World. It is the biggest franchise in the history of cinema, with the sum of films and products equivalent to more than 30 billion dollars. This generated several subproducts, including electronic games, cartoons, books and comics, which resulted in the creation of the saga's expanded universe. In 2012, The Walt Disney Company purchased Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and announced a new trilogy of films, called the "sequel trilogy", a sequel that will continue the Skywalker family saga after Return of the Jedi. This trilogy will have a two-year gap between films, and in these gaps, Disney will release spin-offs in the expanded universe, which take place during the episodes of the trilogies. The first chapter of this phase, under the title The Force Awakens, premiered on December 18, 2015, receiving critical acclaim, and became the franchise's biggest debut. Followed by, Rogue One, the first spin-off released on December 16, 2016.

The old expanded universe was constructed non-canonically by Lucasfilm in 2014, and its material is now released on Disney under the Legends label, which attempts to organize the expanded universe, which contain contradictory stories. Taking into account the new trilogy, which tells a different story from the old canonical one, Disney considered only the seven films and the Clone Wars series as canonical. The new expanded universe came into force in 2014, with the first production

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the official Star Wars franchise after Disney's purchase of Star Wars Rebels. Unlike Legends, the stories in the new expanded universe are supervised by the Lucasfilm Story Group, founded by Kathleen Kennedy (president of Lucasfilm) with the aim of maintaining continuity between all products (films, books, series, comics and games) of the franchise.


The series began with the simple title Star Wars, written and directed by George Lucas, released on May 25, 1977. At the time of its debut, it became the highest-grossing film of all time, grossing US$775,398,007 million. and winning seven Oscar awards.

20th Century Fox discrediting a film set in space allowed George Lucas to have all rights to the film. The success gave him enough money to open his own film company: Lucasfilm, and the film was turned into a franchise and series, earning derivative products.

In 1978, Star Wars had a Christmas TV special, The Star Wars Holiday Special aired on CBS, which was notorious for having a largely negative reception and was never shown again on television or released on DVD. George Lucas had no significant involvement in the production and expressed disappointment with the final result.

Followed by the Christmas fiasco, came successful sequels in cinemas: The Empire Strikes Back released on May 21, 1980, considered by critics and audiences to be the best film in the series, due to its balance between dark and dramatic moments. The trilogy was closed by Return of the Jedi released on May 25, 1983, which despite its commercial success received criticism for its light tone. After the release of The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars (1977) was subtitled "Episode IV: A New Hope". This occurred because at the time George Lucas had announced the "prequel trilogy", released in the late 90s, and the original trilogy would be chapters 4, 5 and 6 of the saga.

In the 1980s, because of the success of ewoks among children, the TV films were released: Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984) and its sequel, Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985). The Ewoks also had an animated series shown between 1985-87 on ABC, just as the droids C3PO and R2-D2 also had an animated series on ABC between 1985-86.

George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars series, was inspired by the mythological concept of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey to create the series.

In the cinema re-releases in 1997, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Star Wars, modifications were inserted in the original films, motivated primarily by the advancement of special effects technology, which will allow the creation of scenes that were impossible to be done at the time of filming. originals.

George Lucas continued to modify the original trilogy in subsequent re-releases, such as the release of the first DVD on September 21, 2004. Reception to these special editions was mixed, with fans creating petitions and edits of their own to restore copies of the original trilogy. During the "Star Wars Celebration V" convention (in August 2010), George Lucas confirmed that he would re-release the entire saga on Blu-Ray, as in January 2010, the president of 20th Century Fox, Mike Dunn, announced that the films would be released in September 2011. The discs include documentaries, interviews, deleted and unreleased scenes, as well as more modifications.

More than two decades after the release of the original Star Wars film, the Prequel Trilogy began with the highly anticipated The Phantom Menace, released on May 19, 1999. Even though it was a box office success, it received mixed reception from critics and audiences. It was followed by: Attack of the Clones, released on May 16, 2002, also a box office success with lukewarm reception and finally Revenge of the Sith, released on May 19, 2005. It is the most praised by critics and the public from the prequel trilogy, and listed by Rotten

Tomatoes in 2007 as one of the "100 Greatest Science Fiction Films of All Time".

During the production of the prequel trilogy, George Lucas said several times that he would not produce a new trilogy, or sequel to Return of the Jedi because "the saga is about the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker, and the story ends when Luke redeems his father". Although there are rumors and reports that he wrote a post-Return of the Jedi story about Anakin's grandchildren, George Lucas said they were just vague synopses without a story.

In 2003, Lucasfilm signed a contract with animator Genndy Tartakovski to produce a 2D animated series that would be shown on the Cartoon Network channel entitled Clone Wars, later released on DVD in two volumes. The series served as a bridge to the arrival of Revenge of the Sith in theaters, as it narrates the events that immediately precede the beginning of the third film, including the moment in which Jedi Master Mace Windu manages to use the Force to press General Grievous' chest when came into your

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the ship with the kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, thus explaining the reason for his cough.

On August 18, 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was released, a computer-animated film that would serve as an introduction to the TV series of the same title. The second animated series about the war that takes place between episodes II and III, also shown on Cartoon Network between 2008 and 2014. The series introduced a new main character, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's padawan. Clone Wars was replaced by Star Wars Rebels, which takes place between episodes III and IV, the first Star Wars series launched by Disney, in October 2014, currently shown on Disney XD.

In 2012, George Lucas sold the production company Lucasfilm to The Walt Disney Company for 4 billion and a new trilogy was announced.

Lucas only participated as a creative consultant on the new films, stating that: "I always said I wouldn't do anything else, and I won't, but that doesn't mean I can't let Kathleen (president of Lucasfilm) do more." The story of Episode VII is based on a brief synopsis written by George Lucas with a script by Michael Arndt, Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams (also the film's director). The first film in the new trilogy called The Force Awakens, premiered on the world circuit on December 17, 2015, with sales of 300 million in the United States and more than 600 million around the world in just 5 days, becoming the biggest debut of all time.

In 2005 George Lucas had announced the development of the project for a live-action TV series (with real actors) set in the years between Episodes III and IV, but with a plot not focused on known characters, but on situations of political conflict between planets. and smugglers. The project reached such a stage that some screenwriters completed stories to be used in new episodes, but in 2011 producer Rick McCallum declared that the project would be shelved pending better technology developments, aiming to reduce costs. With Disney's acquisition of the franchise, material from the live-action series would have been used in Star Wars Rebels. In 2013, Disney executive director Bob Iger confirmed the development of two anthology films within the expanded Star Wars universe, with the first of them, Rogue One, premiering on December 16, 2016. Unlike the main saga, the anthologies don't focus on the Skywalker family.

The episodes of the web series Star Wars: Force of Destiny take place at different times, which makes it difficult to include them in the schedule. Miniseries, short stories, comics and books from the official Star-Wars canon are also excluded, as well as the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge theme park (between VIII and IX). The chronology uses the fictional calendar of the Star-Wars universe in years before and after

of the Battle of Yavin. The Battle of Yavin IV represents the end of Episode IV, in which Luke Skywalker and the Rebels destroy the first Death Star.

Episode plot

The Prequel Trilogy tells the youth of Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), a slave boy on the planet Tatooine, conceived (without a father) by the midi-chlorians symbiotes in his mother Shmi Skywalker. He is discovered by Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, believing that he is the "Chosen One", predicted by a prophecy to bring balance to the Force and destroy the Sith, as he is a child prodigy with talent in piloting, engineering, precognition and high potential. of the Force. The Jedi Council, led by Yoda, senses that Anakin's future is clouded by fear, but reluctantly agrees to have Qui-Gon's apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, train Anakin after the Sith Lord Darth Maul assassinates Qui -Gon. At the same time, the planet Naboo is under attack and its ruler, Queen Padmé Amidala, seeks help from the Jedi to repel the Trade Federation's attack. Sith Lord Darth Sidious secretly planned an attack to give his alter-ego, Senator Palpatine, a pretext to mutiny and overthrow the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and take his place (Episode I).

Promotional poster for The Phantom Menace, showing young Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd), protagonist of the prequel trilogy, with the shadow of what he will become in the future: Darth Vader

The sequence shows Anakin at the age of 19 in a friendly but conflicted relationship with his master Obi-Wan and tormented by strong emotions: passion and hatred, feelings forbidden to Jedi. After having a vision where his mother is in danger, he returns to Tatooine to see her, but discovers that she has been kidnapped and killed by the Sand People; Anakin succumbs to hatred and coldly exterminates the sand people. He gives himself over to love by falling in love and getting married

secretly with Padmé, now a senator, who she was ordered to protect after she suffered an assassination attempt. At the same time, the Republic is in crisis with the Separatists - led by the Sith Lord Count Dooku - but Obi-Wan discovers an army

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of clones created to help the Jedi defend the Republic from the Separatists, starting the Clone Wars, planned by Sidious/Palpatine to destroy the Jedi and attract Anakin to his side (Episode II).

Three years later, the separatist Dooku is killed by Anakin and it is revealed that Padmé is pregnant. The Jedi has a prophetic vision of his wife dying in childbirth, similar to what happened to his mother, and Palpatine convinces him that only the dark side has the power to save her life; he also deceives Anakin by claiming that the Jedi want to take power from the Republic. Desperate and with his faith in the Jedi shaken, Anakin submits to the dark side by adopting the Sith name Darth Vader, while Palpatine transforms the Republic into the tyrannical Galactic Empire — naming himself emperor for life —. Order 66 is put into practice and the clones exterminate the Jedi with the help of Vader, who also kills the separatist leaders on Mustafar, ending the chronic wars. A duel between Vader and Obi-Wan takes place, where the master defeated his former disciple, amputating his legs and leaving him dying on the bank of a river of lava. Palpatine arrives at the scene next, saving Vader and placing him in mechanical armor that preserves his life. Meanwhile, Padmé dies giving birth to twins Luke and Leia, who grow up hidden from Vader, without knowing who their real parents are (Episode III).

The events of the original trilogy begin 19 years later, as Vader oversees the Death Star space station, which will allow the Empire to crush the Rebel Alliance (formed to combat Palpatine's tyranny) led by Princess Leia Organa who is with the Death Star project/plan. Death Star stolen by the Rebels. But Vader captures Leia, who hides the plan and a message in the droid R2-D2, who then together with his colleague C-3PO escapes to the planet Tatooine, where they are acquired by Luke Skywalker and his uncle and aunt. While Luke cleans R2-D2, he accidentally triggers the message implanted by Leia, begging Obi-Wan Kenobi for help. Thus, Luke helps the droids find the Jedi Knight who, pretending to be a hermit, under the nickname Ben Kenobi, tells Luke he knows his father. He said that Anakin was an excellent Jedi and that he was betrayed and murdered by Vader.

After Luke's uncles are killed by the Empire, he teams up with Obi-Wan and hires smuggler Han Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca to take them to Alderaan. Leia's home planet, which is later destroyed by the Death Star. After invading the space station, Obi-Wan sacrifices himself and lets Vader kill him during a lightsaber duel; thus allowing the group to escape with Leia and the plans that will help the Rebels destroy the Death Star. But Obi-Wan achieves immortality, similar to his master Qui-Gon, and continues to communicate with Luke in the form of a luminous spectrum. Guided by Obi-Wan and with help from Han, Luke manages to use the Force to destroy the Death Star, then he and Han are knighted by Leia (Episode IV).

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original trilogy and responsible for the redemption of Anakin Skywalker.

Three years later, the rebels, crushed by the Empire, retreat to the planet Hoth, but are discovered by Vader and a battle ensues. The Rebel Alliance, despite being shattered, manages to escape. During the battle, Obi-Wan Kenobi directs Luke to go to Dagobah to meet Yoda to begin Jedi training. But his training is interrupted when Darth Vader lures him into a trap after freezing Han Solo in carbonite and capturing Leia, Chewbacca and C-3PO. In the trap Luke and Vader arrive at a gigantic and deep round ventilation and maintenance area, where Vader cuts off Luke's right hand using his lightsaber, leaving him hanging from an antenna exhausted and injured. When Vader reveals himself to be Luke's (Anakin Skywalker) father trying to seduce him to the dark side, while the team Lando, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewie and Leia fight the stormtroopers to reach the Millennium Falcon ship. Vader offers Luke an alliance to destroy the Emperor and rule the Galaxy together. But Luke refuses to join the assassin Vader and throws himself into the abyss, falling into a ventilation system that launches him out of the suspended city, but holds on to a small antenna below the city. Luke escapes with the help of Leia and Lando Calrissian, but Han is taken by bounty hunter Boba Fett. (Episode V)

A year later, Luke rescues Han Solo from the hands of gangster Jabba the Hutt and returns to complete his training, finding Yoda on the verge of death, who before passing away confirms that Vader is his father; Moments later, Obi-Wan tells Luke that he must face Vader to become a Jedi Knight and finally reveals that Leia is his twin sister.

As the Rebels attack a second Death Star, Luke confronts Vader in the presence of Emperor Palpatine, who wants his son to kill his father and become his new father.

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disciple. During the duel, Luke succumbs to his anger and brutally overpowers Vader, but controls himself at the last minute when he realizes that he is about to suffer the same fate as his father. So he spares his life and proudly declares his loyalty to the Jedi, then furious, Palpatine tries to kill Luke, at this moment the sight of his son being electrocuted makes Vader recover and eliminates his master, suffering mortal injuries in the process. Redeemed, Anakin Skywalker fulfills the Chosen One's prophecy and dies in his son's arms and Luke definitively becomes a Jedi. Han and Leia finally come to terms with their relationship, while the Rebels destroy the space station and the Empire. (Episode VI)

30 years after the fall of the Empire, Luke Skywalker is missing, and in his absence the First Order has emerged, led by a creature from the dark side, Supreme Leader Snoke, who wants to recover the Empire and fights against the Resistance, commanded by Leia and supported by the New Republic. Poe Dameron, a Resistance pilot, goes to Jakku to meet Lor San Tekka, a former ally who has a map with Luke's whereabouts. But the First Order arrives and captures Poe; but later he escapes with the help of Finn, a deserter stormtrooper; The BB-8 droid escapes with the possible map of Luke's whereabouts and ends up in the hands of Rey, a scrap dealer, pilot and with great knowledge of mechanics, who lives alone waiting for her family to return. While escaping, Finn and Poe are hit, Poe disappears and Finn ends up finding Rey and they both flee the First Order in the Millennium Falcon. They eventually meet Han Solo and Chewbacca who were looking for the ship and they go to Maz Kanata's Pirate Fortress to ask for help, a Force-sensitive woman over 1,000 years old. Han and Leia had a son, Ben Solo (Kylo Ren), who fell to the dark side after being seduced by Snoke and wanting to be powerful like his grandfather Darth Vader. He was trained by Luke, but betrayed him and destroyed Skywalker's Jedi Academy. Luke then, feeling guilty, went after the first Jedi Temple; Han and Leia ended up separated in the tragedy.

Daisy Ridley as Rey, protagonist of the new trilogy.

Rey eventually finds Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber in the Pirate Fortress, and has a Force vision, Maz Kanata says that the saber belonged to Anakin and Luke, and now "calls" for Rey, but she rejects him and leaves. The First Order arrives at the Fortress behind the maps, with help from the Resistance and Poe, Han, Finn and Chewbacca manage to escape, but Rey is captured by Kylo Ren. He tries to get information from her, but she is powerful in the Force and he can't. After meeting Leia at the Resistance base, Han, Chewbacca and Finn go to rescue Rey and also shut down the shields of the First Order's superweapon, Starkiller, which destroyed an entire Republic star system, while Poe and his squad attack the superweapon, Rey manages to escape using her Force powers. Han and Chewbacca implant explosives in the superweapon; Soon after, Han finds his son and tries to bring him to the light side again, but Kylo Ren deceives his father and coldly kills him with his saber. Leia feels her death in the Force. The Resistance manages to destroy the superweapon while Finn and Rey try to escape before it explodes but are stopped by Kylo Ren who hits Rey and duels with Finn, who uses Anakin's saber, but Kylo wins and injures Finn . Rey recovers herself, takes Anakin's saber and fights fiercely with Kylo Ren, defeating him, but is unable to kill him. Rey then escapes from Starkiller in the Millennium Falcon with the help of Chewbacca. The droid R2-D2, which was in hibernation mode, completes the map of the temple where Luke was and Rey goes to find him. (Episode VII).

Resistance members led by General Leia Organa abandon their main base when a First Order fleet reaches the planet where they are. After the battle, the Resistance ships flee at the speed of light. Leia reprimands Poe Dameron for a counterattack that, while successful, caused the loss of many lives and ships; at the same time, Supreme Leader Snoke berates General Hux for letting the Resistance escape. Hux, however, is using a tracker that can follow ships at the speed of light, and begins a chase with the Resistance, who manage to keep their distance, but the ships' fuel, which also keeps the shields functioning, is close to running out. During an attack, Kylo Ren hesitates to fire on the Resistance's leader ship when he senses that Leia, his mother, is there, but TIE fighters shoot and destroy the command bridge, killing many of the leaders there,

including the famous Admiral Ackbar. Leia manages to save herself using the Force, but is unconscious and severely injured, and Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo takes command. Disapproving of his passive strategy, Poe, Finn, BB-8 and ship mechanic Rose Tico come up with a plan to disarm the First Order's tracking device and contact Maz Kanata, who recommends a code-breaking mercenary (deco

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dificador, the popular "hacker") who is in a casino city called Canto Bight, on the planet Cantonica, and who wears a red flower in his lapel.

Having arrived on the planet Ahch-To with Chewbacca and R2-D2 aboard the Millenium Falcon, Rey encounters Luke Skywalker. Luke, however, even after learning of Han Solo's death, frustrates her expectations by refusing to teach her because of his frustration with Ben Solo – who became Kylo Ren. Hidden from Luke, Rey begins to communicate with Kylo Ren through visions and telepathy. Convinced by R2-D2, who shows him the original recording of Leia asking Ben Kenobi for help, Luke decides to initiate Rey into the ways of the Force, but also tells her of his mistakes as a Jedi Master. Luke and Kylo tell Rey different versions of the incident that drove Kylo to the dark side of the Force and Luke into exile. Unable to convince Luke to join the Resistance, Rey leaves Ahch-To without him, willing to confront Kylo Ren alone, as she still feels there is light within him. Luke sees the spirit of his master, Yoda, who destroys the Jedi temple on Ahch-To and teaches him that failure can teach much more than success, and that he must not lose Rey.

On the Resistance ship, Amilyn Holdo reveals her plan to escape discreetly in small camouflaged transport ships. Considering the strategy cowardly and risky, Poe instigates a riot and arrests Holdo. Finn, Rose and BB-8 head to Canto Bight and enter a casino frequented by wealthy weapons dealers. They find the man with the red flower, but are arrested by the police for parking the ship in a prohibited location. In jail, they find

DJ, who claims to be able to break the codes they need, in exchange for money. With the help of some child slaves, they manage to escape Canto Bight together with DJ, and they actually manage to enter the ship, but are discovered by Captain Phasma and captured – BB-8 manages to escape. Meanwhile, Rey arrives on the same First Order ship where they are and is immediately captured by Kylo Ren, who takes her to Snoke, who proves to be much more powerful than her. Rey tries to convince Kylo to join the Resistance. Snoke reveals that he was responsible for the mental communication between Rey and Kylo, ​​and it was all part of his plan to destroy Luke Skywalker. Upon receiving the order to kill Rey, Kylo becomes angry to kill the enemy and tricks Snoke, killing him, using the lightsaber via telekinesis, instead of killing Rey. Kylo and Rey fight together against Snoke's guards; After the battle, Kylo reveals that Rey's parents were two scrap dealers who abandoned her in exchange for booze, and asks Rey to join him so they can rule the galaxy together. Rey refuses and asks him to join the Resistance. Both use the Force against each other, Rey manages to escape and Kylo declares himself the new Supreme Leader.

Finally recovered, Leia neutralizes Poe and releases Amilyn Holdo, beginning the escape in smaller ships. Holdo sacrifices herself by remaining on the main ship to provide cover, while the other ships escape to the planet Crait, which has an old abandoned Rebel Alliance base. On the First Order ship, DJ, who was being arrested along with Finn and Rose, betrays them by revealing the Resistance's evacuation plans. First Order ships begin attacking the small Resistance ships and destroying almost all of them, but Holdo accelerates her ship to the speed of light towards the First Order ship, destroying it in a kamikaze attack. The remaining small ships manage to enter the former Rebel Alliance base on Crait. BB-8 frees Rose and Finn, who escape after defeating Captain Phasma, and join the

survivors on Crait. When the First Order arrives on the planet, Poe, Finn and Rose join in an attack using old weaponry, but begin to lose the battle. Chewbacca arrives piloting the Millenium Falcon with Rey and takes the TIE fighters with him, destroying them in a chase through the caves.

Rose saves Finn, who was about to kill himself by running into the weapon used by the First Order to invade the base. Luke appears and confronts Kylo alone, giving the Resistance time to escape through the back of the base. Kylo tries to strike Luke but discovers that he is actually just a projection – Luke is still on Ahch-To. Luke challenges Kylo by telling him that he is not the last Jedi, while Rey levitates rocks using the Force in the back of the base, allowing the Resistance to escape. On Ahch-To, Luke, exhausted by the effort of projection, disappears in the same way as Yoda, joining the Force. The few members of the Resistance escape aboard the Millenium Falcon. When questioned, Leia states that everything the rebellion needs to rise again is on board that small ship where they are.

In Canto Bight, one of the child slaves who helped Finn and Rose escape was left with a ring bearing the symbol of the Resistance. This child, without realizing it, quickly uses the Force to grab a broom, and wields it as if it were a lightsaber in front of his eyes.

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air to the stars in the sky. (Episode VIII)

Influences and themes

The Flash Gordon series and the film Seven Samurai by Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa were quite influential in the creation of Star Wars.

George Lucas reports that he was inspired by different genres, such as: film series, Japanese film, western films, war films, mythology; medievalism, among others.

Adventure series, especially Republic Pictures' Commando Cody and Flash Gordon, starring Buster Crabbe; The work of essayist Joseph Campbell strongly influenced Lucas (especially The Hero with a Thousand Faces); Medieval knights and paladins, from feudalism, also inspired several characters and concepts present in the franchise; The works of director Akira Kurosawa (including the Hidden Fortress and Seven Samurai), the term jedi is derived from jidaigeki, the name given to Japanese narratives about samurai.

The final battle scenes in A New Hope are based on aerial combat from the Second World War, present in war films from the 1950s and 1960s. The final scene, where the heroes are decorated with medals, came from the films The Three Musketeers and Triumph of the will.


The Star Wars saga makes use of archetypes, common in science fiction and ancient mythology, as well as the classical music present in these genres. The use of the monomyth, also known as the Hero's Journey by mythologist Joseph Campbell, is a constant in the films: The fallen hero (Anakin\Ben Solo), the father\son tensions (Anakin\Obi-Wan, Luke\Vader and Kylo Ren \Han Solo), the maidens (Padmé\Leia\Rey) who are not defenseless, but strong women, the love that endures despite adversity\separations (Padmé\Anakin and Leia\Han). The reinterpretation of mythological archetypes is the basis of the timelessness of the films, as they focus on themes that everyone can relate to, incorporating modern concepts.

An example of the use of the monomyth throughout the series is the parallelism between the stories of Anakin and Luke Skywalker: Both are found at a young age by an elder who introduces them to a wider universe, revealing to them their abilities, both elders know something about their origin that they themselves are unaware of (Qui-Gon-Jin and the prophecy about the Chosen One and Obi-Wan Kenobi and the identity of Darth Vader), both see their master dead before having their training completed, being adopted by a master with a student/teacher relationship with the previous master (Obi-wan is Qui-Gon's former padawan and Yoda is Qui-Gon's former master). Both are evident in their use of the Force (Anakin surpasses his masters and Luke evolves almost without training), both are plagued by strong emotions: love and anger. Anakin feels love for Padmé and anger at his mother's death and Luke feels love for his friends and anger at the death of his uncles, both see these emotions used against them in an attempt to persuade them to the Dark Side of the Force and both are saved by compassion they feel. Luke out of compassion for his father, not killing him when he had the opportunity and Anakin out of compassion for his son, not letting the Emperor kill him.


Iconic scene from the first Star Wars (1977), showing the two suns of the planet Tatooine.

The events described in the Star Wars universe take place in a fictional galaxy. Several species of alien creatures (often humanoid) are depicted. Robotic droids are also commonplace, generally being built to serve their owners. Space travel is common, and many planets are members of the Galactic Republic, later reorganized as the Galactic Empire.

One of the prominent elements in Star Wars is the "Force", an omnipresent energy that can be used by those with the ability to do so, known as Force Sensitive. It is described in the first film produced as an "energy field created by all living beings, which surround us, permeate us and hold the galaxy together". It can be felt better by those who have a greater number of midi-chlorians, which are a species of microorganisms that live in symbiosis with humans. The Force allows its users to perform various supernatural feats, and can also amplify certain physical characteristics, such as speed and reflexes and impulse; These skills vary between characters and can be improved through training. Although the Force is used for good, there is a dark side that, when reached, fills its wielder with hatred, aggression and evil.

The six films feature the Jedi, who use the Force for good, and the Sith, who use the dark side for evil, in an attempt to dominate the galaxy. In the Star Wars Expanded Universe, many of those belonging to the dark side are not Sith, this being determined mainly by the "Rule of Two" which establishes that there can be only two Siths, a master and his disciple.

Cultural impact

The iconic lightsaber

Star Wars revolutionized cinema and the way of making films

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movies. Here comes the concept of blockbuster (blockbuster film) with big box office and budgets. The young audience was the industry's new target. The era of ''commercial cinema'' began, focused on a series of hits that generate derivative products. The countless techniques created by Industrial Light & Magic revolutionized the film special effects industry and other studios began to invest in technology. Another revolutionary company founded by Lucas to make Star Wars is Skywalker Sound, which innovated the use of cinema sound. Among the companies created by George Lucas, which later became independent, are Avid Technology, THX and Pixar Animation Studios, now owned by Disney. John Williams' iconic soundtrack is world-renowned even by those who have never seen the films. The Star Wars (1977) soundtrack was chosen

by the American Film Institute (AFI) the most memorable of all time.

The AFI also named Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi two of the 100 greatest heroes of American cinema and Darth Vader the 3rd greatest villain of American cinema. The phrase "May the Force be with you" was voted the 8th most memorable line by the AFI and the first Star Wars was ranked 15th on the AFI's list of the 100 greatest films in American cinema.

George Lucas, with Star Wars, had become cinema's most successful independent filmmaker. Lucas put practically all the money earned from Star Wars into the production of The Empire Strikes Back, not surrendering to the power of the studios. In fact, Lucas was responsible for revitalizing the strength of what he had always fought against as an independent filmmaker.

In 2005, Forbes Magazine estimated the total revenue generated by the Star Wars franchise (during its 28-year history) at approximately US$20,000,000,000.00 (twenty billion), today estimated at 30 billion, easily making it to one of the most successful film-based franchises of all time. Also on Forbes, in the list of the richest people in the world published in the magazine in 2004, George Lucas appears in 153rd place, with an estimated fortune of 3 billion dollars.

Numerous events and fan conventions are held annually in honor of Star Wars, such as Star Wars Celebration.

Map of the fictional Star Wars galaxy

The term Expanded Universe (EU) is a generic term for licensed Star Wars material outside of theatrically released films. The material expands on the stories told in the films, they can take place at any time, from 25 thousand years before The Phantom Menace or years after Return of the Jedi. Currently, these stories have been decolonized by Disney and are released under the Legends label. This was because in the EU there are numerous stories after the events of Return of the Jedi and this would contradict the new trilogy. Furthermore, the UE has always been freer with some stories contradicting each other, so to ''organize'', Disney transformed the old UE into Legends, non-canonical.


The first Star Wars book predates the release of the first film, with the novelization of the first film released in December 1976, subtitled "From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker". Credited to Lucas, the novelization was written by a ghostwriter, Alan Dean Foster, quickly followed by the novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye, also written by Alan Dean Foster, published in April 1978. Lofo later, novelizations of The Empire Strikes Back (1980), by Donald F. Glut and Return of the Jedi (1983), by James Kahn, as well as the Han Solo Adventures trilogy (1979-1980), by Brian Daley, and The Adventures of Lando Calrissian (1983 ) trilogy by L. Neil Smith.

Timothy Zahn's best-selling Thrawn trilogy (1991-1993) reignited interest in the franchise and introduced the popular characters Grand Admiral Thrawn, Mara Jade, Talon Karrde and Gilad Pellaeon. The first novel, Heir to the Empire, reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, and the series finds Luke, Leia, and Han facing off against the tactical genius Thrawn, who is plotting to retake the galaxy for the Empire. In Dave Wolverton's The Courtship of Princess Leia (1994), set immediately before the Thrawn trilogy, Leia considers a political marriage to Prince Isolder of the planet Hapes to be advantageous, but she and Han marry instead. Steve Perry's Shadows of the Empire (1996), set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, was part of a multimedia campaign that included a comic book series and a video game. The novel introduced the crime lord Prince Xizor,

another popular character who would appear in several other works. Other notable series from Bantam Books include the Jedi Academy trilogy (1994) by Kevin J. Anderson, the 14-book Young Jedi Knights series (1995–1998) by Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, and the X-wing series (1996–2012 ) by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Allston.

Publisher Del Rey took over publishing Star Wars books in 1999, releasing what would become a series of Star Wars novels.

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19 books called The New Jedi Order (1999-2003). Written by multiple authors, the series was set 25 to 30 years after the original films and introduced the Yuuzhan Vong, a powerful alien race trying to invade and conquer the entire galaxy. The best-selling Legacy of the Force series (2006-2008) chronicles Han and Leia's crossover with Jacen Solo to the dark side of the Force; Among his evil deeds, he kills Luke's wife, Mara Jade, as a sacrifice to join the Sith. Despite no longer being canon, the story is reminiscent of The Force Awakens, where Han and Leia are parents to Ben Solo, who became the dark Kylo Ren.

Three series established in the Prequel era were introduced to younger audiences: the 18-book Jedi Apprentice (1999-2002) chronicles the adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi and his master Qui-Gon Jinn in the years before The Phantom Menace; 11-book Jedi Quest (2001-2004) follows Obi-Wan and his own apprentice, Anakin Skywalker between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones; and the 10-book The Last of the Jedi (2005–2008), set almost immediately after Revenge of the Sith, features Obi-Wan and the last surviving Jedi. Maul: Lockdown by Joe Schreiber, released in January 2014, was the last Star Wars novel published before Lucasfilm announced the creation of the Star Wars Legends imprint.

Although Thrawn was designated as a Legends character in 2014, he was reintroduced into the canon in the third season of Rebels in 2016, with Zahn returning to write more novels based on the character, and set in the new canon.


Marvel Comics published a series of Star Wars comics from 1977 to 1986. The original Star Wars comics were published in Marvel's Pizzazz magazine between 1977 and 1979. The 1977 installments were the first original Star Wars stories that were not directly adapted from the films published in print, as they preceded the Star Wars comic book. From 1985 to 1987, the children's animated series Ewoks and Droids inspired comic book series from Marvel's Star Comics imprint.

Two months after the debut of the first film, Marvel Comics began publishing the Star Wars comic book, the first six issues of the series were an adaptation of the film, the first new version of the magazine appeared in the seventh issue, published in January 1978.

At the end of the 80s, Marvel stopped publishing comics from the franchise, which would only be published again in the following decade. The chosen publisher was Dark Horse Comics, starting with the popular Dark Empire series (1991-1995). Dark Horse has released dozens of series following the original trilogy, including Tales of the Jedi (1993–1998), X-wing Rogue Squadron (1995–1998), Star Wars: Republic (1998–2006), Star Wars Tales (1999–2005 ), Star Wars: Empire (2002–2006) and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2006–2010).

Following Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm, it was announced in January 2014 that in 2015 the franchise's comic book license would return to Marvel Comics, whose parent company, Marvel Entertainment, was purchased by Disney in 2009. Launched in 2015, the three The first publications were Star Wars, Darth Vader and the miniseries Princess Leia.

In 2017, IDW Publishing released the Star Wars Adventures anthology series. In 2022, Dark Horse returned to publishing new Star Wars comics and graphic novels.

Electronic games

The first electronic game was Star Wars Electronic Battle Command, released in 1979 by Kenner. In 1982, Parker Brothers published the first Star Wars video game for the Atari 2600, The Empire Strikes Back. It was followed in 1983 by Atari's arcade rail shooter Star Wars, which used vector graphics and was based on the Death Star race scene from the 1977 film. The next game, Return of the Jedi (1984), used more traditional raster graphics,[citation needed] with the follow-up game The Empire Strikes Back (1985) returning to vector graphics.

In 1991, Star Wars was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, followed by a sequel the following year. Super Star Wars was also released in 1992, followed by two sequels over the next two years. Lucasfilm started its own video game company in 1982, known for adventure games and flight combat games set in World War II. In 1993, LucasArts released Star Wars: X-Wing, the first self-published video game in the franchise and the first space flight simulator based on the franchise. It was one of the best-selling games of 1993 and established its own game series. The Rogue Squadron series, released between 1998 and 2003, also focused on space battles during the films.

Dark Forces (1995), a hybrid adventure game incorporating puzzles and strategy, was the first Star Wars first-person shooter. It featured graphics and gameplay unusual in other games, made possible by LucasArts' custom Jedi game engine.

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The game was well received, and was followed by four sequels. The series introduced Kyle Katarn, who would appear in several games, novels, and comic books. Katarn is a former stormtrooper who joins the rebellion and becomes a Jedi, a similar storyline to Finn's in The Force Awakens.

An MMORPG, Star Wars Galaxies, was in operation from 2003 to 2011. In 2011, the game was discontinued in favor of a new Star Wars MMO entering the market in December of the same year: Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Disney teamed up with Lenovo to create the augmented reality game Jedi Challenges, released in November 2017.

In August 2018, it was announced that Zynga would publish free Star Wars mobile games.


Star Wars board game

The success of the Star Wars films led the franchise to become one of the best-selling franchises in the world. While filming the original 1977 film, George Lucas decided to pay $500,000 to his director's salary in exchange for full ownership of the franchise's merchandising rights. The first six films produced approximately $20 billion in merchandising revenue.

Kenner made the first Star Wars action figures to coincide with the film's release, and today the original figures are highly valuable. Since the 90s, Hasbro has held the rights to create action figures based on the saga. Star Wars was the first intellectual property to be licensed in the history of Lego, which produced a LEGO Star Wars theme.

Lego has produced animated short films and comedy miniseries to promote its sets. The Lego Star Wars video games are the most critically acclaimed.

In 1977, the board game Star Wars: Escape from the Death Star was released, not to be confused with the board game of the same name published in 1990. A Star Wars Monopoly and themed versions of Trivial Pursuit and Battleship were released in 1997, with updated versions released in subsequent years. O

The Risk board game was adapted into two editions by Hasbro: The Clone Wars Edition (2005) and the Original Trilogy Edition (2006). Star Wars tabletop RPGs have been developed: a version by West End Games in the 1980s and 1990s, one by Wizards of the Coast in the 2000s, and another by Fantasy Flight Games in the 2010s.

Star Wars cards have been published since the first "blue" series, by Topps, in 1977. Dozens of series have been produced, with Topps being the licensing company in the United States. Some of the card series are movie promotional photos, while others are original art. Many of the cards have become highly collectible with some very rare "promos", such as the 1993 series II Galaxy "floating Yoda" P3 card, which usually retailed for $1,000 or more. While most "base" or "common card" sets are plentiful, many "insert cards" or "chase cards" are very rare. From 1995 to 2001, Decipher, Inc. owned the license for, created and produced a trading card game based on Star Wars; the Star Wars Collectible Card Game (also known as SWCCG).

Multimedia projects

Shadows of the Empire (1996) was a multimedia project set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, which included a novel by Steve Perry, a series of comics, a video game and action figures. The Force Unleashed (2008–2010) was a similar project between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, which included a novel, a 2008 video game and its 2010 sequel, a graphic novel, an RPG supplement, and toys.

3D re-release

In September 2010, Lucasfilm confirmed that it would convert all six Star Wars films into 3D. According to the producer, all episodes would be re-released in theaters in this format,

starting with Star Wars Episode I: The Fastasma Menace, which was re-released on February 10, 2012, in the United States. A spokesperson for the production company said the idea is to release the films widely and possibly in most territories at the same time. Distribution would again be from Fox. In August 2012, Lucasfilm announced via Facebook that Episodes II and III would be re-released in 2013. Attack of the Clones was scheduled to premiere on September 20, 2013, and Revenge of the Sith, would come weeks later, on October 11, 2013.

Despite expectations, the conversion of Episode I to 3D format did not please fans, which resulted in a low financial return and criticism of the final result.

In January 2013, Disney canceled the release of Episodes II and III to focus efforts on new episodes of the franchise.

I want to thank everyone here for this extraordinary text that I tell with beautiful and unforgettable words, a good narration of a film that went down in the history of cinema as a box office champion in which I explored my mind and defined it with my contradictions about the great history of cinema in which war was consecrated in the

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considers it as the best space film that was made into a great trilogy over several titles that we can get to know better about its appearance and work about great mysteries that are defined over a great battle that takes place over a war in the stars that tells several stories and that shows us a feature film for perhaps a discovery of man about the stars that today we can unveil and dream better with the space that we tell this story with beautiful and extraordinary characters and that was recorded in the history of American cinema in which we can see all its magnitude about life of the human being about a great battle that would simply be like a highly evolved fascination about life and that shows us through its science fiction a more contagious side that made us dream about life and its existence and that reminds us of the conquest of the

man over space that we simply conquered the cinema screen and created a surface through a dynamic of man who scientifically conquered space and made great imagination and fantasy dream on cinema screens and I want to thank everyone for this work and thank you very much!


I believe that life can lead us to certain things that through an event we can hide a story that here I describe as a true drama of a film that has gone down in the history of many that tells the story of Erik, a deformed man and genius who lives in the dungeons of the Paris Opera who falls in love with a beautiful and beautiful girl who sings at the Paris opera called Christine Daaé, a soprano maiden who turns the Phantom of the Opera's obsession into what in everything we can here is ahead of a true romance that becomes the passion of a boy who, due to his childhood being a trauma in which he suffered such consequences that made him lose his beautiful childhood image until he became a young man who lived for many years in hiding due to his amazing appearance that made him a a being like a legend who transformed him into a legend in the theater of Paris with his dynamic voice that preserved his mischievous courage, hatred of revenge and love for his fellow men that he always heard singing from the back of the theater in which he took himself to observe every night of melodies and operas by many young women who were a stage attraction that made him become a ghost in which he preserved his personality in living a life secretly outraged by a suffering that he always carried with him in his chest over a devotion that did to him like in the stories created about a beautiful young man who perhaps forced a situation in which he spent his childhood suffered among certain people of his time who had fun beating him, in which he rebelled and managed to escape into the great theater in Paris where he remained for a short time until he became an adult in which he became alive with a deeper soul that rises from the fire of his passion in which he was attracted by the opera and by the sounding voice of beautiful and unforgettable young women who sang in the theater in which he fell in love with a beautiful and beautiful young woman called Christine Daaé who showed a gift and had in her magnitude of singing the soul of the colors which made her and consecrated her as the best opera singer in which everything can have a meaning that perhaps could have awakened the side dark in the shadows that lived a beautiful boy called Erik, a deformed man and genius who lives in the dungeons of the Paris Opera who through a sweet and dazzling song made him feel love and made him search for a great moment in which his pain deepened about a spiteful desire to believe in his imagination that life could perhaps conceive certain things for him that would preserve him, perhaps through a gesture and feeling, an expression of affection in which the soul is consequently a gift of making itself loved and that life perhaps can tell us that not even suffering can destroy anyone's feelings and that that person cannot deserve us and that they can be restless and suffering from any absorption in living life and simply a song coming from the teaching soul of a beautiful girl with a fine and sad look that could have a divine heart that in its voice made you fully believe in the teaching life of perhaps a being who suffered somewhere that simply conquered your soul and made you dream of a salvation of believing and becoming free from some emptiness that awakened him from the darkness that proposed a conquest in the world of song and from the beauty of a young girl who spent an unforgettable moment on top of a tremendous nightmare in which he made him pursue and get to know him more closely to see her talent in which he made us love madly with body and soul, that we can certainly believe in the benign strength of love, that we can be happy and that we are stuck in different places both in heaven and in hell, and the young woman gave him freedom with her soul and tone of voice that certainly softened a heart sick person who perhaps could have been a good genius who lived on a barrier of suffering that was close by and

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As he entered the theater, the fire turned him into a deep love that made him fall in love with a young woman, as it is said in a French Gothic fiction novel written by Gaston Leroux. It was first published as a serialization in Le Gaulois from 23 September 1909 to 8 January 1910 and in volume form in April 1910 by Pierre Lafitte. The novel is partially inspired by historical facts about the Paris Opera during the 19th century and an apocryphal tale concerning the use of a famous musician's skeleton.

Perhaps today we can say with great conviction that life can contain us and that perhaps great trials have passed that today we see in modernity youth expressing themselves about love that is as captivating as ever, all the same that simply shows us attractiveness over dependence on any young person that perhaps life will make you love and that desire is certainly a very deep thing that we only assimilate when we feel love no matter how much we venture, and it is said that things are not limited when we see and see in everything from deep knowledge and no matter how much it comes from within our souls because everything is absorbed even if it has indifferent parts and emotions and love is certainly something substantial to the life that we deeply attach ourselves to and try to conquer and here with beautiful words I want to say that it certainly should about This novel is a true reason for a deeper and more harmonious explanation that genius arises in everything and everything can have a soul because life would be extraordinary and perhaps here in this story we are giving you the love that perhaps could have come from a deep recognition human who in everything and for everything turned around and made true salvation emerge from the shadows and that true love exists when we can admit it as something like god and here I want to thank all the creators of this extraordinary French Gothic fiction romance film that was written by Gaston Leroux. It was first published as a serialization in Le Gaulois from 23 September 1909 to 8 January 1910 and in volume form in April 1910 by Pierre Lafitte. The novel is partially inspired by historical facts about the Paris Opera during the 19th century and an apocryphal tale concerning the use of a famous musician's skeleton.

And I wish all of you dear and illustrious friends from France and my best regards to the cinema of Paris that here I have the honor as an author and writer to say my words in dedication of this formidable film made by everyone and I want to thank you all and a big hug from writer Roberto Barros to my dear and loyal friends at Academia Edu. Thanks!

Here I want to tell and show this formidable biography that talks about the unforgettable Phantom of the Opera film for everyone to read a little and find out and good lesson!

The story:

The Phantom of the Opera is a French gothic fiction novel written by Gaston Leroux. It was first published as a serialization in Le Gaulois from 23 September 1909 to 8 January 1910 and in volume form in April 1910 by Pierre Lafitte. The novel is partially inspired by historical facts about the Paris Opera during the 19th century and an apocryphal tale concerning the use of a famous musician's skeleton.

Typically its use is in the folk festival production of Der Freischütz from 1841. Nowadays, it is overshadowed by the success of its various stage and film adaptations, reaching its peak when it was adapted for musical theater by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe. The show broke the record for its longest run on Broadway (surpassing Cats), and has continued on stage to this day since its premiere in 1986. It is the most watched musical ever, by over 100 million people, and also the most successful entertainment production that ever existed, yielding 5 billion dollars (5 billion on the long scale, used in Portugal).

Le Fantôme de l'Opéra has been translated numerous times into Brazilian Portuguese, with the most widespread versions coming from publishers Ediouro and Ática. The preference for these versions is due to greater fidelity to the story originally created by Gaston Leroux. In Portugal, "The Phantom of the Opera" was translated and published by Bico de Pena.

The plot

Opera singer Christine Daaé triumphs at the gala night celebrating the retirement of the former managers of the Paris Opera. Her old childhood friend, Raoul, hears her singing and remembers her love for Christine. At the moment, there are rumors that the Opera is haunted by a ghost and this is known to the managers through letters and evil acts. Some time after the gala, the Paris Opera performed Faust, with the prima donna Carlotta playing the title role, against the Phantom's wishes. During the performance, Carlotta loses her voice and the large chandelier falls onto the audience.

Christine is kidnapped by the ghost and is taken to his home beneath the Opera House where he identifies himself as Erik. He intends to keep her

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r a few days, hoping that she will come to love him. But she makes Erik change his plans when he unmasks him, to the horror of both, seeing his noseless, lipless, sunken-eyed face that resembles a centuries-old dried skull, covered in yellowish dead flesh. Fearing that she will leave him, Erik decides to keep her with him forever, but when Christine asks for release after two weeks, he agrees to the condition as long as she wears his ring and is faithful to him.

On the roof of the opera house, Christine tells Raoul that Erik has kidnapped her. Raoul promises to take Christine where Erik can never find her. Raoul tells Christine that they must escape the next day, to which Christine agrees. She, however, takes pity on Erik and decides not to leave, until she sings him a song one last time; which Raoul does not agree with. They are unaware of Erik listening to their conversation and filled with jealousy and anger.

The following night, Erik kidnaps Christine during a production of Faust and tries to force her to marry him. Erik states that if she refuses, she will use explosives (which he planted in the cellars) to destroy the entire opera house. Christine refuses, until she realizes that Erik has learned of Raoul's attempt to rescue her and has imprisoned him in a hot torture chamber (along with the Persian, an old acquaintance of Erik's, who was helping Raoul). To save them and the people above at the Opera, Christine agrees to marry Erik. Erik initially tries to drown Raoul and the Persian, using the water that would have been used to extinguish the explosives. But Christine asks and offers to be his "living bride", promising him not to kill herself after becoming his bride, as she had been thinking about doing since the beginning of the novel. Erik finally frees Raoul and the Persian from their torture chamber. When Erik is alone with Christine, she lifts his mask to kiss him on the forehead. Erik reveals that he has never received a kiss (not even from his own mother), nor has he been allowed to give one and is overcome with emotion. He and Christine cry together and their tears "mix together". Erik later expresses that he has never felt so close to another human being.

Erik allows the Persian and Raoul to take Christine, but not before making her promise that she will visit him on his dying day and return the gold ring he gave her. He also makes the Persian promise that he will later go to the newspaper to report his death, because he will soon die "of love". In fact, some time later, Christine returns to Erik's lair, to bury him somewhere he will never be.

found (at Erik's request) with the gold ring. Then a local newspaper receives a simple note: "Erik is dead."


Erik, a deformed man and genius who lives in the dungeons of the Paris Opera.

Christine Daaé, a soprano maiden who becomes the Phantom of the Opera's obsession.

Raoul the Viscount of Chagny, a noble sailor in love with Christine.

The Persian, Erik's friend.

Phillipe, Count of Chagny, elder brother of Raoul, patron of the Opera.

Armand Moncharmin and Firmin Richard, the two directors of the Opera.

Madame Giry, box coordinator.

Meg Giry, daughter of Madame Giry and a ballerina.

Joseph Buquet, the stage manager.

La Carlotta, the Prima Donna and leading soprano of the Paris Opera.

Mercier: The Opera House's set coordinator.

Gabriel: The superstitious choirmaster.

Mifroid: The police commissioner working on Christine's disappearance.

Remy: The managers' secretary.

The Inspector: An inspector hired to investigate the strange happenings concerning Box Five.

Shah and the Sultan: The two kings who tried to kill Erik after he built his palace.

La Sorelli: The leading dancer that Count de Chagny has an affair with.

Jammes: A dancer at the Opera House.

Madame Valérius: Christine's elderly guardian.

Reyer: The manager of the Paris Opera.

Cinema, theater and music

Movie theater:

The Phantom of the Opera was transferred to the stage and cinema screens numerous times, when it was a resounding success, especially among the general public. The first version, from 1925, is 93 minutes long and is a black and white silent film, with sections in two-color Technicolor, made by Universal studios, with Lon Chaney in the role of the Phantom.

Other equally popular versions followed, including 1943, directed by Arthur Lubin, with Claude Rains in the title role. In 1962, the English studio Hammer produced its version, in an adaptation with a more human and tragic focus on the character. Also noteworthy is the 1974 rock opera version, directed by Brian De Palma and starring Paul Williams, titled Phantom of the Paradise, among many others.

In 2004, an adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical directed by renowned director Joel Schumacher was staged again for the cinema, with Gerard Butler as the ghost, Emmy Rossum as Christine and Patrick Wilson Raoul, closing the love triangle. The Phantom of the Opera was nominated for an Oscar in three categories. The movie ass

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It cost 96 million dollars, making it the most expensive independent film ever made. Once ready, Universal purchased the copyright for this version. The 96,000,000 came from Lloyd Webber's own pocket.

In 2011, The Phantom of the Opera was released in cinemas for a limited period and later on DVD at the Royal Albert Hall, celebrating the 25th anniversary of Webber's musical. It starred Ramin Karimloo as Phantom and Sierra Boggess as Christine.


Numerous musical theaters and plays have been made based on Leroux's work, the most famous being that of Andrew Lloyd Webber, the musical of the same name has been running in New York, at the Majestic Theater, since 1986, being the longest-running musical in the history of Broadway.

Ken Hill's The Phantom of the Opera (1976/1984): Musical by Ken Hill, with lyrics by Gounod, Offenbach, Verdi, and others.

The Phantom of the Opera (1986): Musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber

The Phantom of the Opera: Musical by Helen Grigal (libretto and lyrics) and Eugene Anderson (music).

Phantom (1991): Musical by Maury Yeston (music and lyrics) and Arthur Kopit (text).

Phantom der Oper by Arndt Gerber / Paul Williams

The Phantom of the Opera by BAT Productions

Phantom of the Opera by David Bishop / Kathleen Masterson

Phantom der Oper by Karl Heinz Freynick / Ingfried Hoffmann

The Phantom of the Opera by Rob Barron / David Spencer

Das Phantom der Oper by Sahlia Raschen / Ulrich Gerhartz

The Phantom of the Opera by Sean Grennan, Kathy Santen, Cheri Coons / Michael Duff

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaslight Theater

Das Phantom der Oper by Thomas Zaufke, Felix Müller / Victor Hunt

The Phantom of the Opera by Walter Murphy

The Phantom of the Mask - children's adaptation directed by Rosi Campos.

The Phantom Of The Opera-adaptation by the Finnish band Nightwish.

In 2000, The Phantom of the Opera was played by Paul Stanley, lead singer of the hard rock band Kiss.

I want to thank everyone here for this great resplendence in which I support myself here with a lot of love and historian to tell an unforgettable story that I tell here about the Phantom of the Opera who as a writer and artist and I show this work here with a lot of love and work made by me and I wish you all the best and have my extraordinary hug from the writer Roberto Barros.


I believe that the existence of a family in everything and for everyone cannot be distorted even if it has to be a war that, like a conflict, things become emergent to the gesture and affliction of love that due to the circumstances I say that there are no borders between a passion that perhaps due to a certain benevolence things are intended and certainly cause an impact on the mind of the human being that through his unforgettable imprisonment everything may have undone to the mere pleasure of an achievement that through the outstanding life things are animated to the mere pleasure of becoming know even when there is a

mismatch of a family between both issues that are fought between a nightmare that is determined by any order from the throne to the dispensable role that makes facing and encouraging a story that would be romantic and very tragic that if we are talking here about two young people whose death ends up uniting their families, once at war, that everything started between friends who, for the simplicity of life, met on city streets to play where the bourgeoisie didn't seem to buy their rights to live when above all there was hidden a benevolent flame of a very beautiful girl with white skin and green eyes who maintained her contagious beauty over a life half imprisoned, perhaps by fate, which for some time turned into a story of deep and tragic love that we can here understand how it all began and we can tell it here some things.

Romeo and Juliet, the tragic story of the love of two young people, is the title of a tragedy by Shakespeare (1597), an immortal work of literature, which begins as follows: "Two notable families of beautiful Verona, where the story takes place , they turn old disagreements into war, staining their hands with blood.

Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances that dates back to antiquity. Its plot is based on a tale from Italy, translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeo and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562, and revived in prose as Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1582. Shakespeare drew on both, but reinforced the action of secondary characters, especially Mercutio and Paris, in order to expand the plot. The text was first published in a Quarto of 1597, but this version was considered to be of very poor quality, which stimulated many other later editions that brought it into line with the original Shakespearean text.

Romeo and Juliet is probably the most famous romantic tragedy in world literature and the bard drew inspiration from a popular poem from 1559, written by Arthur Brooke. The poem had an expressed moral which was that children must obey

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to their parents, under penalty of falling into disgrace, as happened to the young couple.

The name of the combination refers to the famous work of English writer William Shakespeare. But the nickname only caught on in the 60s, long after its invention. At the time, an advertising campaign for a guava brand presented Cebolinha and Mônica, from Turma da Mônica, as Romeo and Juliet.

It is often said that Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story between two young people who are prevented from being together due to rivalry between their families and who, as a result, end up committing suicide.

As we can see that certain things in life between both people that we can find within a wide range, even if they are and remain in perfect union, true love between both people, which, perhaps due to an incapacity or bad occurrence, does not all surface an idea they cannot be done well due to a distorted habit that can nullify true love conceived.

Verona is the scene of the historical conflict between two traditional families: the Montagues and the Capulets. By a misfortune of fate, Romeo, only son of the Montague family, and Juliet, only daughter of the Capulet family, meet during a masquerade ball and fall madly in love.

We can see the pain of high knowledge that can deeply inhibit us about all the things that even when we do not know them firmly because I believe that the will is a self-value that esteems us and conscience makes us react to all the inabilities of life when we cannot losing something about our wills that might simply tell us something relatively valuable.

I believe that we are going through a dispensation in life that inevitably makes things seem like we are going to rock bottom when the answer should be more clearly and firmly under control and we can define the contradiction of living and dying when in everything there is simply a union that we practically cannot escape this uncertainty because we are still united by a bond of deep love and there are no indifferences about what we think and death wants to deeply inhibit our hearts that between both families love cannot remain silent in how much he himself has to know himself because it would be conceivable that love is fallible to the mere pleasure of living even if he has been silenced and imprisoned by any cruel factor in life but he would never stop holding hands even if he is dying because here I tell you that Romeo and Juliet really met and ran away from everyone to survive and that they were the target of a tragedy, both issues of love and suffering that made Romeo poison himself. In the meantime, however, the news reached Romeo that Juliet had killed herself and because he was not aware of Friar Lourenço's trick, he decided to kill himself by drinking poison at his beloved's grave. And so he did. When Juliet woke up, she saw Romeo's body and stabbed herself with a blade, dying and taking her own life. Paris is a suitor of Juliet. Handsome, rich, and a relative of Prince Escalus. He is also an aristocrat and a higher social order and everything happened after the death of Paris, Romeo takes the poison. When Juliet awakens and realizes that Romeo took the poison, she kills herself with her lover's dagger. Finally, prohibited from living this love story, they choose death. Faced with this, families that previously lived in discord, go through a moment of peace and thus end a tragic story of love between both families that we can certainly see today and have a more prudent logic about a notion of living that simply enters two bonds joined two people that we can understand that love is an expression of attachment that nothing can break before the truth between both bonds of a love that turned into a fatal tragedy in which we can understand that love will always exist even that it has to be proven and I face the fearless danger that it is said that life is morbid about the feelings of someone you love and nothing equals the unforgettable love no matter how much it is imprisoned on any question about life everything arises on the life as simply the value of living and being happy when you truly love someone and we will certainly not fear death and simply show ourselves more alive and faithful to the disadvantages that life faces and so here with lots of love and expression the story of two young people who loved each other so much and who died for love and that life is simply something relative when there is existence that transforms us into life and so is certainly love that when someone is united under a true bond in which they unite on equality of knowing and loving each other and here I tell the story of those who left and who learned to love and who fought for the realistic honesty of knowing each other that became a love story.

I want to simply show you a beautiful and

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imada biography that in everything and for everything begins as an intro to a beautiful and unforgettable romance book that tells the story of two young people who fought against an inability to know each other and who loved each other until death.


Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written between 1591 and 1595, at the beginning of William Shakespeare's literary career, about two teenagers whose death ends up uniting their families, once at war. The play was among the most popular in Shakespeare's time and, alongside Hamlet, is one of his most performed works around the world. Today, the relationship between the two young people is considered the archetype of young love.

Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances that dates back to antiquity. Its plot is based on a tale from Italy, translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeo and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562, and revived in prose as Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1582. Shakespeare drew on both, but reinforced the action of secondary characters, especially Mercutio and Paris, in order to expand the plot. The text was first published in a Quarto of 1597, but this version was considered to be of very poor quality, which stimulated many other later editions that brought it into line with the original Shakespearean text.

The dramatic structure used by Shakespeare—especially the effects of generics such as switching between comedy and tragedy to increase tension; the focus on more secondary characters and the use of subplots to embellish the story—has been praised as an early sign of his dramatic skill and artistic maturity. Furthermore, the play attributes different poetic forms to the characters to show that they evolve; Romeo, for example, becomes more versed in the sonnets as the plot progresses.

In more than five centuries of production, Romeo and Juliet has been adapted in the infinite fields and areas of theater, cinema, music and literature. While William Davenant tried to reinvigorate it during the English Restoration, and David Garrick modified scenes and removed material considered indecent in the 18th century, Charlotte Cushman, in the 19th century, presented to the public a version that preserved Shakespeare's text. The play became memorable on Brazilian stages with the interpretation of Paulo Porto and Sônia Oiticica in the main roles, and served as an influence for the Viscount of Taunay in his Inocência, also based on Amor de Perdição, by Camilo Castelo Branco, considered the " Lusitanian Romeo and Juliet". In addition to being influential in Portuguese ultra-romanticism and Brazilian naturalism, Romeo and Juliet remains famous in

current film productions, notably in the 1968 version by Zeffirelli, nominated for best film, and in the more recent Romeo + Juliet, by Luhrmann, which brings its plot to the present day.


Romeo and Juliet depicts the interaction between three prominent families in Verona:

Capulet House

Capulet is Juliet's father and patricarch of the Capulets.

Lady Capulet is Capulet's wife.

Juliet is the only daughter of the Capulets and the female protagonist of the play.

Tybalt is Juliet's cousin, and the son of Lady Capulet's brother.

Nurse is Juliet's confidant and nurse.

Peter and Gregory are the Capulets' servants.


Prince Escala is the Prince of Verona

Paris is a young nobleman, a relative of the prince, and Juliet's suitor.

Mercutio is a relative of the prince and a friend of Romeo.

House of Montéquio

Montéquio is the patriarch of the house of Montagues.

Senhora Montéquio is the matriarch of the Montéquios house.

Romeo is the only son of the Montagues, and the male protagonist of the play.

Benvolio is Montague's nephew and Romeo's cousin.

Abraham and Baltasar are the servants of the Montagues.


Friar Lourenço is Romeo's confidant and a Franciscan.

Friar João is the one who would deliver Friar Lourenço's letter to Romeo.

An Apothecary, who sells the fatal potion to Romeo.

Rosalina is an invisible character, Romeo's suitor before he met Juliet and her cousin on her paternal side.


“Two families, equal in dignity…”

- Choir:

Romeo's Last Kiss on Juliet by Francesco Hayez. Oil on canvas, 1823.

The play opens on a street with a disagreement between the Montagues and the Capulets. The Prince of Verona intervenes and declares that he will punish with death anyone who contributes to yet another fight between both families. Later, Paris talks to Capulet about marrying his daughter to him, but Capulet is confused about the proposal because Juliet is only thirteen. Capulet asks Paris to wait two years and invites him to a planned ballet party that will be held at the house. Lady Capulet and Juliet's Nurse try to persuade the girl to accept Paris' courtship. After the fight, Benvólio meets his cousin Romeu, son of the Montagues, and talks about the boy's depression. Benvolio ends up discovering that she is the result of unrequited love.

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by a girl named Rosalina, one of Capulet's nieces. Persuaded by Benvolio and Mercutio, Romeo answers the invitation to the party that will take place at the Capulets' house in the hope of meeting Rosaline. However, Romeo falls madly in love with Juliet. After the party, in the famous "balcony scene", Romeo jumps over the wall of the Capulets' courtyard and listens to Juliet's declarations of love, despite her hatred for the Montagues. Romeo and Juliet decide to get married.

With the help of Friar Lourenço - hopeful of the families' reconciliation through the union of the two young people - they manage to get married secretly the next day. Teobald, Juliet's cousin, feeling offended by the fact that Romeo fled the party, challenges the boy to a duel. Romeo, who now considers Teobaldo his companion, refuses to fight with him. Mercutio feels encouraged to accept the duel on Romeo's behalf because of his "calm, vile and insulting submission." During the duel, Mercúcio is fatally wounded and Romeo, angered by his friend's death, continues the confrontation and kills Teobaldo. The Prince decides to exile Romeo from Verona because of the murder, pointing out that, if he returns, he will have his last hour. Capulet, misinterpreting Juliet's grief, agrees to marry her immediately to Count Paris and threatens to disinherit her when she refuses to become Paris's "merry bride." When she then asks for an advance on the wedding, her mother rejects her. When it gets dark, Romeo secretly spends the entire night in Juliet's room, where they consummate their marriage.

The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets in the Face of the Death of Romeo and Juliet, by Frederic Leighton, 1855

The next day, Juliet visits Friar Lourenço asking him for help to escape the marriage, and the Friar offers her a small bottle, advising: "... drink its contents, which will soon run through your veins, cold humor, in effect numbing, without the pulse continuing in its normal course, stopping soon…” The bottle, if ingested, causes the person to sleep and remain in a state similar to death, in a coma for “forty-two hours”. With the apparent death, family members will think that the girl is dead and, therefore, she will not marry undesirably. Finally, Lourenço promises that he will send a messenger to inform Romeo — still in exile — of the plan that will unite them and, thus, make him return to Verona at the same moment that the young woman awakens. The night before the wedding, Juliet takes the medicine and, when they discover that she is "dead", they place her body in the family crypt.

The message, however, ends up being lost and Romeo thinks that Juliet is really dead when the servant Baltasar tells him what happened. Bitterly, the protagonist buys a fatal poison from an apothecary he meets along the way and heads to the Capulets' crypt. There, he faces the figure of Paris. Believing that Romeo was a vandal, Paris confronts the unknown and, in the battle, Romeo is the murderer. Still believing that his beloved is dead, he drinks the potion. Juliet ends up waking up and, discovering Romeo's death, commits suicide with his dagger, seeing that the boy's potion no longer has a single drop. The two families and the Prince meet at the tomb and discover the three dead. Friar Lourenço retells the story of the impossible love of young people for the two families who are now reconciled due to the death of their children. The play ends with the Prince's elegy for the lovers: "No story was ever more painful / Than that of Juliet and that of her Romeo."

Textual sources:

Publication of William Caxton's translation of Ovid's tale of Pyramus and Thisbe, 1480.

Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances that date back to antiquity. One of these romances is the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, from Ovid's Metamorphoses, whose plot contains parallels with Shakespeare's story: the parents of the two lovers detest each other, and Pyramus ends up believing that Thisbe is dead. Contemporary translators of this narrative poem often refer to the Pyramus and Thisbe plot as "the Romeo and Juliet of antiquity". Xenophon's Ephesian Tales, written in

mid-3rd century, it also has many elements similar to the play, including the drastic separation of the protagonists, and the flask whose drink induces a state of apparent death.

The most recent known version of the Romeo and Juliet tale is the story of Mariotto and Gianozza by Masuccio Salernitano, in tale 33 of his Il Novellino, published in 1476. Salernitano sets his story in Siena and implants some locations from his own life into the events of history. His version includes elements such as the secret marriage, the Friar's collusion, the fight arising from the murder of a citizen, Mariotto's exile, Gianozza's forced marriage, the flask, and the crucial message at the end. In this version, Mariotto is captured and beheaded, while Gianozza dies of sadness.

Luigi da Porto adapted this

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story such as Giulietta and Romeo and included it in his História novellamente ritrovata di due Nobili Amanti published in 1530, joining the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe with Giovanni Boccaccio's Descameron. Da Porto contributed greatly to the modern conception, as in addition to elaborating the names of the lovers and their rival families such as Montecchi and Capuleti, he placed the play's location in Verona. He also created characters that today correspond to Shakespeare's Mercutio, Tybalt and Paris. Da Porto presents his tale as historically true and claims that it took place in the time of Bartolomeo II della Scala (a century before Salernitano). The Montagues and Capulets were political factions in the 13th century, but the only dissident connection that occurred between them is the one mentioned in Dante's Purgatory. In the Porto version, Romeo takes the poison and Giulietta wounds herself with her lover's dagger.

Frontispiece to the poem Romeo and Juliet by Arthur Brooke

In 1554, Matteo Bandello published the second volume of his Novelle including his own version of Giulietta and Romeo. Bandello emphasizes Romeo's initial sadness at the beginning of the play and the contention between the

families, in addition to introducing Benvólio and the Nurse into the work. The plot produced by Bandello was translated into French by Pierre Boaistuau in 1559 in the first volume of his Histories Tragiques. Boaistuau added morality and feeling, and also a bit of rhetorical language to the dialogues of the characters in the work.

As there was a tendency among poets and playwrights to publish works based on famous Italian novels - the tales of Italy were among the most popular in theater at the time - Shakespeare took advantage of this popularity in the following works (all derived from Italian novels): The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure, and Romeo and Juliet. The English bard may have been very familiar with William Painter's 1567 collection of short stories entitled The Pleasure Palace, which includes a prose version of the story of Romeo and Juliet called "The goodly History of the true and constant love of Rhomeo and Julietta". Before these productions, however, in 1562 the narrative poem The Tragic History of Romeo and Juliet by Arthur Brooke was published, which, although it had elements intentionally adjusted to reflect some excerpts from the plot of Troilus and Cressida by Chaucer, is considered a faithful translation of the version from Boaistuau.

It is believed that Romeo and Juliet is a dramatization of this translation by Brooke, and that Shakespeare faithfully follows the text, adding, however, greater emphasis to most of the secondary characters, especially Nurse and Mercutio. Dido, Queen of Carthage and Hero and Leader — both poems written in Shakespeare's time by his contemporary Christopher Marlowe — were perhaps direct influences on the story of Romeo and Juliet, even though the endings of both have the atmosphere in which the tragic love stories could prosper, unlike the play's tragic ending.

Date and text:

Cover of the Second Quarto of Romeo and Juliet published in 1599

Scholars don't know exactly when Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. However, we can acquire certain clues: Juliet's Nurse refers to an earthquake that had occurred 11 years earlier. Considering that an earthquake occurred in England in 1580, it is possible to determine that the play takes place in 1591 or that this is the year in which Shakespeare wrote the work, although many other earthquakes, both in England and in Verona, occurred before or after, causing different dates to be proposed.

Considering also that scholars point out similarities in the artistic style used in Romeo and Juliet a Midsummer Night's Dream and other plays conventionally dated to 1594-95, tradition says that Romeo and Juliet was composed between 1591 and 1595. There is a hypothesis that that the play was still a project recently begun in 1591, completed by Shakespeare in 1595.

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was published in two quarto editions before the publication of the First Folio in 1623. The two versions are referred to as Q1 and Q2, respectively. The first printed edition, Q1, appears in early 1597, produced by John Danter. As its text contains many differences compared to the latest editions, it is known as a 'bad room'. Editor T.J.B. Spencer explained in the 20th century that the version "has a detestable text, probably a reconstruction of the play from the imperfect memories of one or more actor(s)", suggesting that it was pirated for publication. A possible explanation for these shortcomings of Q1 is that the play (like many others of its time) may have been edited before the theater company performed. In any case, its appearance in early 1597 makes 1596 the latest date for the work's composition.

Facsimile of the first page of Romeo and Julie

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ta, in the First Folio published in 1623

The second edition, Q2, is called The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet and represents a superior text than the previous version (Q1). Printed in 1599 by Thomas Creede and published by Cuthbert Burby, it is about 800 lines longer than Q1. Its cover describes it as "newly corrected, enlarged and altered". Based on this information, it is believed that Q2 was based on Shakespeare's pre-performance project (known as his "foul papers"), since there are textual curiosities such as the various rubrics for characters and "false starts" for speeches that they were presumably torn out by the author but mistakenly preserved by the editor. Its text is more complete and reliable, which is why it was reprinted in 1609 (Q3), 1622 (Q4) and 1637 (Q5). In effect, all of the last Quartos and Folios of Romeo and Juliet are based on Q2, as are all modern editions, and their editors believe that any defects in editions prior to Q2 (good or bad) were caused by their respective printers and/or or by the printers and publishers of the time, and not by William Shakespeare.

The text of the First Folio, from 1623, is based primarily on Q3, with clarifications and corrections made from a theatrical book or from Q1. Other Folio editions of the play were printed in 1632 (F2), 1664 (F3), and in 1685 (F4). The modern versions - including the various folios and Quartos - first appeared in the 1709 edition by playwright Nicholas Rowe, followed by Alexander Pope's version in 1723. This last version deserves special mention, because Pope began an editorial tradition of the play at the same time. add some steps of stage and scene positions, since Q2 lacked these directions, present, however, in Q1.

The tradition continued to be used into the Romantic period. The most heavily annotated editions first appeared in the Victorian era and continue to be produced today, where there are a wide variety of notes throughout the text, highlighting and explaining the origins and culture behind the play.


Critics have found it difficult to assign a specific or best-presented theme to the play Romeo and Juliet. The proposals that emerged as main themes are: the discovery that the characters make about human beings, understanding that they are neither totally good nor totally bad and that, instead, they are a little of both; the awakening of dream fantasy and entry into reality; the danger that exists in hasty action without any type of rationalization, and the power that exists in a tragic destiny. Although this set of themes forms a complex plot for critics to define a main theme, the play is full of several intertwining thematic elements. Those that are most frequently debated by scholars are discussed below:



If my hand profanes the reliquary, in remission I accept penance: my lip, a solitary pilgrim, will show, with abundance, reverence.


You offend your hand, good pilgrim, who showed himself devout and reverent. In the hands of the saints takes the paladin. This is the holiest and most convenient kiss.

Romeo and Juliet, Act I, Scene V

Romeo and Juliet is sometimes considered a work without themes, with the exception that it deals with the love between two young people in love. These two young people have become, over time, emblematic of young lovers who are condemned by their love. Since the theme is presented very clearly in the play, there is a great exploration of the language and historical context behind this novel. In their first meeting, Romeo and Juliet use a form of communication recommended by many critical authors from Shakespeare's time: metaphor. Using metaphors of saints and sins, Romeo had the opportunity to test Juliet's feelings for him in a non-threatening way. This stylistic method was recommended by the Italian diplomat and courtier Baldassare Castiglione (whose works had been translated into English at the time). Castiglione points out that if a man uses a metaphor as an invitation, the woman can pretend that she didn't understand what he said, and then he could back down without losing face. Juliet, however, participates in her beloved's metaphor and collaborates in its development, expanding it. Religious metaphors such as "sanctuary", "pilgrim" and "saint" were in the poetic fashion of the time and were consecutively more likely to be understood as something romantic, rather than nonsense or blasphemy, as the concept of holiness became associated later through of Catholicism. Later, Shakespeare removes the boldest allusions he found in Brooke's story of Romeo and Juliet, such as one about the resurrection of Christ.

Frank Dicksee portrays the terrace scene in Romeo and Juliet, 1884

In the famous terrace scene, Shakespeare has Romeo overhearing the sun

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Juliet's illoquy, although in Brooke's version the girl's statement is made without anyone listening. By bringing Romeo into the scene to listen to his lover, Shakespeare breaks with the traditional court sequence: normally, women were forced to be shy and modest to make sure that their suitors were sincere towards them. The (intentional) breaking of this rule only serves to advance the theatrical plot a little, however.

Lovers are able to skip the declarations of love part and start talking about their relationship—like when they decide to get married after meeting for just a single night. If we focus on the final suicide scene, we can see a contradiction in the message: in the Catholic religion, suicides were condemned to live and suffer in hell; however, there was also the concept that, if they died through the "Religion of Love", alongside their love, they would be united with him in paradise. Therefore, the love between Romeo and Juliet seems to express the "Religion of Love" rather than expressing the Catholic view. Another interesting point to highlight is that, although their love is passionate, it was only consummated in marriage, which prevents them from losing the public's sympathy.

Arguably, Shakespeare links sex and love with death. For example: throughout the story, both Romeo and Juliet, as well as the other characters, personify it as a dark event, often equating it with Eroticism: upon discovering Juliet's (fake) death, for example, Capulet says that her daughter was "deflowered", a simple allusion to the end of female virginity. Juliet also compares Romeo to death in an erotic way and, even before her suicide, she takes possession of Romeo's dagger and says: "Oh! welcome, dagger! Your scabbard is here. Rest there very still and let it rest." die."

Bad luck and luck

Oh, I'm the fool of fortune!


Scholars are divided on the role of luck in the play. There is no consensus among them on whether the protagonists are really fated to die together or whether the events occur

through a series of unlucky hypotheses. Arguments for fate often refer to the two as "star-crossed lovers." This expression points out that the stars predetermine the future of lovers. Scholar John W. Draper believes there is a parallel between the Elizabethan belief of the "four humors" and the play's main characters (Tybalt being a hypochondriac). Interpreting the text through moods reduces the value of the plot attributed to chance by modern audiences.

Still on this topic, other scholars find in the play a plot surrounded by a lot of bad luck, placing it not as a tragedy, but as an emotional melodrama. Ruth Nevo believes that the high degree to which opportunity is highlighted in the narrative makes Romeo and Juliet the most futile of tragedies in its events, but not in its characters: when Tybalt challenges Romeo to a fight, for example, he is not being impulsive, that is, after Mercutio's death, the most expected action at the moment and his choice ends up being taken. In this scene, Nevo reads Romeo as a young man aware of the dangers that disregarding social norms, identity and commitments can entail and, therefore, he decides to commit murder not because of a "tragic flaw", but due to circumstance.


According to Caroline Spurgeon, "… in Romeo and Juliet the dominant image is light, and all its forms and manifestations: the sun, the moon, the stars, the fire, the lightning, the flashes of gunpowder, and the light that reflects beauty and love, while, on the other hand, we have night, darkness, clouds, rain, fog and smoke."

The concept of light and shadow is very well portrayed in the painting Romeo on Juliet's Deathbed, by Füssl, 1809.

In fact, scholars have long criticisms and analyzes about the wide use of "light" and "darkness" that Shakespeare made a point of using in the play. This use is a stylistic technique very easily found in literature to refer to a sensorial experience in descriptive language. Caroline Spurgeon considers this theme of light to be "a symbol of the natural beauty of young love" and this interpretation served as an argument for other critics. In short, we can say that Romeo and Juliet see each other as a light in the surrounding darkness: the first describes his beloved as if she were the sun; brighter than a torch; a jewel that shines in the dark of night, and a bright angel among black clouds. Even when Juliet is (apparently) dead, he says: "...the badge of beauty on your lips and cheeks is still crimson, the pale banner of death having made no progress..." Juliet, in turn, describes Romeo as "day in night" and "whiter than snow upon a raven."

This contrast between light and dark present in their dialogue can be a clear metaphor for love and hate, youth and maturity. Sometimes these metaphorical intertwinings

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rich people create what is today called dramatic irony, since Romeo and Juliet's love is a light in the midst of their family's hatred, which would be darkness, even though the two young people live a passionate relationship in the light of night, while your relatives fight in broad daylight. Once these supposed paradoxes exist in the play, it creates an atmosphere of the moral dilemma that the lovers will have to face: be faithful to family or be faithful to love?

At the end of the story, when the "morning is gloomy and the sun hides its face in sadness", in the words of the Prince of Verona himself, light and darkness return to their rightful places, and this reflects the true inner darkness of the struggle between families faced with sadness for lovers. The characters then recognize their mistakes in light of recent events, and everything returns to natural order, "thanks to the love of Romeo and Juliet". Furthermore, the theme of "light" and "darkness" can also be interpreted as a form

linked to time, and so the playwrights of sixteenth-century England expressed the passage of time through descriptions of the sun, moon and stars, in short.


This time of pain is not conducive to courtship.


Time in Romeo and Juliet plays an important role in the play's language and plot, as both Romeo and Juliet struggle to maintain an imaginary world in the face of the harsh reality that surrounds them. When Romeo swears his love for Juliet to the moon, she protests: "Do not swear by the moon, that fickle one, whose circular outline changes every month, lest it seem that your love, too, is so changeable." From the beginning, the lovers are designated as crossed stars, based on an astrological belief associated with time. According to this belief, the stars control the destiny of humanity and, once time passes, the stars move along their course in the sky, also charting the course of lives of the beings beneath them. Romeo, for example, says at the beginning of the play that he has a feeling based on the movements of the stars, and when he thinks Juliet is dead, he challenges the course they have in store for him.

Another central (and very visible) theme is the speed with which events develop: Shakespeare's work covers a period of four to six days, while Brooke's poem takes place over nine months. Scholars such as G. Thomas Tanselle believe that time was "especially important to Shakespeare" in this play, as he used "short-term" references for the young lovers, while using "long-term" references for the older generation. highlighting a likely "headlong race to perdition". Romeo and Juliet fight against time to make their love last forever. In the end, the only way to defeat time seems to be through death which makes them immortal through art.

Time is also linked to the theme of light and darkness developed in the previous subsection: in Shakespeare's time, plays were usually performed during the day, and this forced the playwright to use words to create the "illusion" of day and night in his plays. parts.

In addition to referring to time through dialogue, which mentions the sun, moon, stars, day, night, the actors also referred to days of the week and specific times to help the audience understand the environment of the play. . In Romeo and Juliet alone, for example, one can find exactly 103 clear references to time.

Criticism and interpretation:

Historical context

Portrait of the play's first critic, Samuel Pepys, by John Hayls. Oil on canvas, 1666.

Critics have noted many weaknesses in the play Romeo and Juliet, but it is still considered one of the best Shakespearean plays. The play's most famous critic was Samuel Pepys, a naval administrator and member of Parliament known for the historical accounts he wrote in his personal diary. Among these accounts are events that occurred in the Great Plague of London, the Second Anglo-Dutch War and the Great Fire of London. As for the plot of Romeo and Juliet, Pepys wrote in 1662: "it is the worst play I ever saw in all my life." Ten years later, the poet John Dryden praised the play and the character Mercutio: "Shakespeare demonstrated the best of his artistic ability in his Mercutio, and he himself said that he was obliged to kill him in the third act to avoid being killed by him. " The criticism of

The play in the 18th century was less sparse, but no less divided: editor Nicholas Rowe was the first critic to reflect on the work's theme, concluding that the tragic ending was a fair punishment for the two families who were fighting among themselves. In the middle of the same century, writer Charles Gildon and philosopher Lord Kames argued that the play was an artistic failure, as it did not follow the "classical rules" of theater: "the final tragedy must occur because of some error on the part of the characters involved in the play." plot, and not by an accident of fate." Samuel Johnso

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n, however, he considered Shakespeare's most enjoyable play.

In the late 18th century and through the 19th century, criticism focused on debates over the play's moral message. The adaptation by actor and playwright David Garrick, made in 1748, excluded the character Rosaline, because Romeo's abandonment to be with Juliet was seen as fickle and reckless. Critics such as Charles Dibdin claimed that Rosalina's inclusion, however, was purposeful to show how reckless the hero was, and that this was the true reason for his tragic end. Others argue that Friar Lawrence may have been the spokesman Shakespeare used to demonstrate his warnings against unwarranted haste. With the advent of the 20th century, all these arguments about the play's morality were challenged by critics such as Richard Green Moulton. He believed that the accident, and not the characters' fault, was what led to their deaths.

Dramatic structure:

Romeo and Juliet and Friar Lawrence by Henry Bunbury, 1792-96

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare employs several dramatic techniques that have garnered much praise from critics. The most notably highlighted technique is the sudden changes of genre from comedy to tragedy (such as, for example, the exchange of paranomasia between Romeo and Mercutio shortly before the entrance of

Tybalt). Before Mercutio's death in Act III, the play is basically a comedy, but after his death, the play suddenly takes on a serious tone and takes on tragic elements. When Romeo is punished by the Prince and goes into exile, the fact that the protagonist has not been executed and that Friar Lawrence offers a plan to reunite them both, the audience/reader can still hope that the lovers will end well. At this stage, the audience/reader finds themselves in a "breathless state of suspense" until the opening of the last scene in the tomb, after all, if Romeo is late enough for the Friar to appear, he and Juliet will still be able to save themselves. These sudden changes of states (from hope to despair, and then reprieve, and hope again) are simply elements that serve to highlight the tragedy, until the final hope ends and the protagonists die.

Shakespeare also uses subplots to offer a clearer view of the main characters' actions: when the play opens, Romeo is in love with Rosaline, who has refused all of the boy's courtship. This affection that Romeo has for Rosaline is an evident contrast between his love for Juliet later. This contrast allows for a comparison between both relationships through which the audience (or reader) has the chance to believe in the seriousness of the love and marriage between Romeo and Juliet. Paris's affection for Juliet also establishes, in turn, a contrast between the girl's feelings for him and her feelings for Romeo. The formal language she uses when in Paris's presence, as well as the way she talks about him to her Mistress, show that her feelings lie with Romeo. Furthermore, the subplots of feuds between the Montagues and the Capulets provide an atmosphere of hatred that becomes the main contributor, according to some critics, to the tragic ending of the play.


Romeo by Bianchini, one of the characters who uses the sonnet in his speeches

The poetic forms used by Shakespeare throughout the work are very varied, which makes Romeo and Juliet rich in poetry (despite the translations into Portuguese having insisted on prose). It begins with a 14-line prologue in the form of a Shakespearean sonnet, recited by a Choir. Most of the text of Romeo and Juliet is, however, written in blank verse, much of it within iambic pentameter, with less rhythmic variation than most of his later plays. Shakespeare chooses his poetic forms according to the character who will speak. Friar Lourenço, for example, uses the forms of sermon and synthesis, and Ama uses only blank verse, strictly corresponding to colloquial speech. Each of these forms is also shaped to the emotion of the scene the character occupies. Romeo, for example, at the beginning of the play tries to use Petrarch's sonnet to talk about Rosaline - probably because this form was often used by men who wanted to praise the beauty of women whose love was impossible to achieve due to the lack of reciprocity, like his situation with Rosalina. This form of sonnet is also used by Lady Capulet when she tries to convince her daughter of the wonderful man that Count Paris is. When the meeting between Romeo and Juliet occurs, the poetic form changes: from the Petrarchan sonnet (which was becoming archaic at the time of Shakespeare), we have a more contemporary form of sonnet, using metaphors such as "pilgrim" and "saints". Finally, when the two meet on the terrace, Romeo tries to use the sonnet form that sensitizes his love, but Juliet breaks the technique by saying: "Do you still love me?" In doing so, she seeks a

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true and sincere expression, rather than a poetic exaggeration of their love. In Juliet's speeches, Shakespeare uses words with monosyllables when she is before Romeo, and formal language when before Paris. Other poetic forms used in the play are the epithalamium (in Juliet); the rhapsody (in the dialogue in which Mercutio quotes a certain Queen Mab), and the elegy (in Paris). In the language of the play, Shakespeare saves his prosaic style, using it more frequently in the speeches of the poorest characters, although he also uses them in others, such as Mercutio. Humor, in turn, is an important element in the work: scholar Molly Mahood identified at least 175 puns in the text. Many of these puns are jokes of a sexual nature, especially those involving Mercúcio and the Nurse.


The play's first psychoanalytic critics saw a major problem in the plot of Romeo and Juliet: Romeo's impulsive personality, resulting from a supposed "poorly controlled and concealed aggression", which led to Mercutio's death and also to the lovers' suicide. Romeo and Juliet is not considered a psychologically complex play, and its psychoanalytic reading pays attention to the tragic male experience with illness. Norman Holland, writing in 1966, considered "Romeo's dream" to be a "realistic desire that satisfies their fantasy in terms of Romeo's adult world and his hypothetical oral, phallic, and oedipal childhood phases so frequent in psychosexual development." . Hollanda takes advantage and recognizes that a dramatic character is not a human being with mental processes separate from those of the author. Critics such as Julia Kristeva focus on the hatred between the two families, arguing that this hatred is the cause of Romeo and Juliet's passion, and emphasizes that this understanding of theirs is manifested very clearly in their language: Juliet, for example, he says "my only love was born of my only hate" and often expresses his passion through the anticipation of Romeo's death. These interpretations lead to speculation regarding the playwright’s psychology, in

particularly due to the mourning that, psychoanalysts say, Shakespeare was forced to assume upon the death of his son Hamnet.


Feminist critics argue that the blame for the fight between Verona's families lies in the system of its patriarchal society. For Coppélia Kahn, for example, the strictly masculine code of violence imposed on Romeo is the main driving force of his tragedy; when Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo becomes violent, lamenting that Juliet had made him "effeminate". From this perspective, young males "become men" through violence in the name of their fathers or, in the case of employees or servants, their bosses or masters. In the play, rivalry is also linked to male virility, as demonstrated by its numerous jokes about "single women's heads". Juliet also delegates a code of feminine docility, allowing others, like the Friar, to solve her problems for her. Other critics, such as Dympna Callaghan, view feminism in the play from a historical angle, highlighting that when the play was written and performed, the feudal order was challenged by the English government, which was increasingly centralized and influenced by capitalism; At the same time, the new Puritan ideas about marriage were less concerned with the evils of "female sexuality" than those of earlier times, and more sympathetic to plays dealing with the theme of love: thus, when Juliet avoids the attempt of her father forcing her to marry a man she has no feelings for, she would be challenging this patriarchal order in a way that would not have been possible at an earlier point in history.

Homosexual theory:

The theory is a theory about gender identity that asserts that sexual orientation and sexual or gender identity of individuals are the result of a social construct and that therefore there are no essential or biologically inscribed sexual social gender roles in nature human, rather socially variable ways of performing one or more sexual roles. Based on these foundations, scholars pay attention to the issue of Mercutio and Romeo's sexuality, comparing their friendship with sexual love: Mercutio, in a friendly conversation, mentions Romeo's phallus, suggesting traces of homoeroticism between the two. An example is when he says: "What had hurt him was summoning a strange spirit into his beloved's circle and leaving him there until she had exorcised him." Romeo's homoeroticism can also be found in his attitude towards Rosaline, a woman who is distant and who wants nothing to do with him, and who shows no hope of offspring. Benvolio even argues that it is better to replace her with someone who is reciprocal. Shakespeare's "procreation sonnets" describe another young man who, like Romeo, is having difficulty

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have children and are homosexual. Critics of this theory believe that Shakespeare may have used Rosaline as a way to express the intimate problems that homosexuals face due to their lack of procreation. From this perspective, when Juliet says "What we call a rose [critics say she is alluding to Rosalina, under another name it would have the same perfume", perhaps she is raising the question of whether there is any difference between the beauty of a man and the beauty of a woman.

History of staging

Shakespeare's time

Richard Burbage, the actor who most likely played the role of Romeo for the first time.

Romeo and Juliet features — along with Hamlet — in a space that places it as one of the most performed, well-known and adapted Shakespearean plays across the planet. Its various adaptations have transformed it into one of the most famous and powerful stories in all of literature and art in general. Even in Shakespeare's time the play was extremely popular. Academic Gary Taylor said that it was Shakespeare's sixth most famous play (the five most famous are, in descending order, Henry VI, Part 1, Richard III, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Hamlet and Richard II), in the period after the death of Christopher Marlowe and Thomas Kyd, but before the popularity of Ben Jonson, who was the most prestigious playwright in all of London in Shakespeare's time.

The date of the play's first performance is unknown. The First Quarto (Q1), printed in 1597, says that "it has often been performed and acquired a large audience", which gives us the clue that performances were performed before that date. The Lord Chamberlain's Men were certainly the first group to perform it. In addition to his strong connection with Shakespeare, William Kempe is named in the Second Quarto (Q2) as Peter in a line from Act V.

Richard Burbage was probably the first actor to play Romeo, as he was the leader of the company and played the roles of the protagonists, and Master Robert Goffe (a man) was probably the first Juliet, since at the time women were prohibited from playing Romeo. play any type of role. Through this formation, it is believed that the play's first premiere took place at "The Theatre", with other productions later held at "The Curtain". Furthermore, Romeo and Juliet is one of the first Shakespearean plays to be performed outside England: a brief version of the work was produced in Nördlingen in 1604.

XVIII century

All English theaters were closed by the Puritan government on September 6, 1642. After the restoration of the monarchy in 1660, two patent theater companies (the Duke's Company and the King's Company) united, and the theatrical repertoire was divided between the two .

Mary Saunderson, probably the first professional actress to play the role of Juliet.

William Davenant of the Duke's Company staged a 1662 adaptation in which actor Henry Harris played the role of Romeo; Thomas Betterton was Mercutio, and Betterton's wife, Mary Saunderson, was Juliet—she was probably the first woman to play the role professionally. Another version, later than this, closely followed Davenant's adaptation and was regularly produced by the Duke's Company. It was a kind of tragicomedy made by James Howard, where the two protagonist lovers end up surviving in the end.

Thomas Otway's The History and Fall of Caius Marius, one of the most extreme Shakespeare adaptations of the Restoration, premiered in 1680. The plot is entirely different from Shakespeare's original: the scene is set in ancient Rome rather than Verona from the Renaissance; Romeo came to be called Mario and Juliet of Lavinia; the feud is between the patricians and the plebeians and Juliet/Lavinia wakes up from her apparent death after Romeo/Marius dies. This version of Otway was a success, and continued to be performed for the next seventy years. His innovation in the final scene was even more lasting, being used over 200 years: Theophilus Cibber's 1744 adaptation and David Garrick's 1748 adaptation took advantage of Otway's variations of the final scene. These last two versions, however, eliminated elements considered inappropriate in their times: Garrick, for example, transferred all the language referring to Rosaline to Juliet, with the aim of

reinforce the idea of ​​fidelity and minimize the theme of love-at-first-sight.

The first known production of the play in North America was amateur: on March 23, 1730, a physicist named Joachimus Bertrand announced in the Jornal Gazeta, in New York, that he would promote a production in which he would play the role of an apothecary. However, the first professional productions in North America were those produced by the Hallam Theater Company.

XIX century

Garrick's version — which changed much of the plot — became quite popular, being used for almost a century. However, no performance of Shakespeare's original text had

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returned to the United States until sisters Susan and Charlotte Cushman performed it in 1845, both as Romeo and Juliet, respectively, and then in 1847 in Great Britain with Samuel Phelps at the Wells Theatre. The Cushmans respected Shakespeare's version, which began with a sequence of eighty-four performances, and their portrayal of Romeo was considered brilliant by many critics: The Times, for example, wrote at the time: "For too long Romeo has been very conventional. Miss Cushman's Romeo is creative, lively, animated, a very fiery being." Queen Victoria, in turn, wrote in her newspaper that "no one could imagine that she was a woman". The Cushmans' success broke the tradition first established by Garrick and paved the way for later productions to begin focusing on Shakespeare's original story.

In the mid-19th century, professional shows of Shakespeare's works (including Romeo and Juliet) had two particular characteristics: firstly, they were generally vehicles for actors to acquire greater prestige in their careers, with the help of roles. secondary roles that were often marginalized to give greater prominence and focus to the central characters (and especially the actors who played them); secondly, they were "pictorial", whose action took place on spectacular and elaborate stages (requiring long pauses to change scenes) where the tableaux technique was frequently used. Henry Irving produced Romeo and Juliet in 1882 at the Lyceum Theater (he himself was Romeo and Ellen Terry was Juliet) whose production was characterized as "the archetype of the pictorial style." In 1895, Johnston Forbes-Robertson took Irving's place, and laid the foundation for a more natural image of Shakespeare that continues to be popular today, avoiding Irving's ostentatiousness and portraying the poetic dialogues as realistic prose whose aim was avoid melodramatic performances.

In Japan, George Crichton Miln produced perhaps the first professional production of the play in the country: his theater company toured throughout Yokohama in 1890. Throughout the 19th century, Romeo and Juliet had been one of Shakespeare's most popular plays, if we are to We focus on the number of professional productions that took place, giving new versions to the play. In the 20th century, the work would become Shakespeare's second most popular, behind only Hamlet.

20th century

Paulo Porto and Sônia Oiticica as Romeo and Juliet, in the most prestigious production of the play in Brazil

Although non-professionally, in 1904 the play was already staged in Brazil, in São Paulo, with Eurico Cuneo directing and, among the cast, was the actress Itália Fausta. With the production of the Teatro Universitário, in 1945, in Rio de Janeiro, Nicette Bruno staged the play alongside other names such as Sérgio Britto and Sérgio Cardoso, directed by Esther Leão.

The Brazilian version that deserves to be highlighted, however, is the 1938 one, produced at the Teatro São Caetano, also in Rio de Janeiro, which had a cast with names such as Antônio de Pádua, Paulo Ventania Porto and Sônia Oiticica (debuting on stage). In this production, Itália Fausta (who was Juliet in the 1904 production), directed and coordinated the text translated by Domingos Ramos, with the soundtrack by musician F. Chiafitelli. This version — which anticipated in several ways the advent of modern staging in Brazilian territory — won over, in particular, the public and critics of the time (both from Minas Gerais and São Paulo), in addition to receiving several national and international awards, as well as being presented in London, Germany, Madrid, and at the Globe Theater itself, where Shakespeare's theater company gave the first performances of his works. For playing Juliet in this production, Sônia is known today as the first Brazilian actress to play the role. Furthermore, her performance earned her enormous prestige on Brazilian stages. There was a recontextualization of this production, directed by Gabriel Villela 54 years later.

John Gielgud, one of the most famous actors of the 20th century who played Romeo, Friar Lawrence and Mercutio

In 1935, John Gielgud performed a production at the Noël Coward Theater where he was Romeo and Laurence Olivier was Mercury, although both switched roles during the six-week run, with Peggy Ashcroft as Juliet. Gielgud used an academic combination of the texts from Q1 and Q2, organizing the location and costumes to try to make his production as close as possible to the productions that were done in the Elizabethan theater. His efforts were enormously successful at the box office, and bequeathed a certain historical realism to future productions. Olivier later compared his performance with that of Gielgud, and said: "John, completely spiritual, entirely witty, was the height of beauty, a summary of all abstract things; and I was like all those on Earth, with blood ,

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humanity... I always felt that John had lost the inferior or human side of the characters, and that made me take on this other part... But whatever it was, when I was playing Romeo and carrying a torch, I was trying to sell the realism that exists in Shakespeare."

In 1947, Peter Brook's version marked a different style of staging Romeo and Juliet: it was less concerned with realism, while turning its attention to adapting a production that spoke directly to its modern world. In this regard, Brooke once reported: "A production is only right at the moment of its correction, and is only good at the moment of its success." In the text of her theatrical production, Brooke excluded the final reconciliation of the two families.

Throughout the 20th century, audiences, influenced by cinema, became less and less willing to accept different and older actors rather than young and adolescent actors to play the protagonist duo of lovers. A significant example of youth casting was in the Old Vic production, directed by Franco Zeffirelli, in 1960, with John Stride and Judi Dench, which served as the basis for his famous 1968 film. Zeffirelli based himself on some ideas established by Brooke, and, in doing so, removed around a third of the play's text, in order to make it more accessible and suitable for its production. In an interview with The Times, Zeffirelli stated the following: "In the play, the theme of love and disintegration between two generations has an extremely contemporary relevance."

More recent stagings have defined, in a certain way, the contemporary way of producing Romeo and Juliet: in 1986, for example, the Royal Shakespeare Company set the play's plot in modern Verona, replacing daggers or swords with pocket knives, the balls and ceremonies traditional rock parties, while Romeo commits suicide through a hypodermic needle. In 1997, the Folger Shakespeare Bookstore, which brings together a vast printed collection of the playwright's works, produced a version setting the plot in a suburban world, where Romeo jumps over the barbecue of Juliet's building to meet her, and where Juliet also discovers Tebaldo's death when he was in his class at school.

At times, the play has assigned a historical location to its plot, allowing the audience to reflect on underlying conflicts: an example are the adaptations that were set in the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in apartheid South Africa, and in the aftermath of the Pueblo Revolt. . Likewise, Peter Ustinov, in 1956, adapted the play (now under the name Romanoff and Juliet) for a comic side, whose location is a fictional European country that is in the depths of the Cold War.

In 1980, a revisionist version of Romeo and Juliet included a happy ending in the plot, where Romeo, Juliet, Mercury and Paris do not die, and where Benvolio, disguised as a woman, says that the last of these four is his true passion.

Joel Calarco, in his R&J Shakespeare, adapts the plot into a modern tale of two homosexual teenagers who love each other.

Artistic influence:


"Romeo loved Juliet

Juliet felt the same

When he puts his arms around her

He said Julie, baby, you're my flame

Thou givest fever..."

—"Fever" sung by Peggy Lee's.

Around 24 operas have been based on Romeo and Juliet. The earliest, Romeo und Julie of 1776, a Singspiel by Georg Benda, omits much of the play's action and most of its characters, and has a happy ending. It is occasionally reassembled. The best known is Gounod's, from 1887, Roméo et Juliette (libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré), a triumph in terms of criticism when it was first performed, and is always revived today. Bellini's I Capuleti e i Montecchi is always performed from time to time, but is sometimes disparaged, because of its notorious liberties with Shakespeare; however, Bellini and his librettist, Felice Romani, worked from Italian sources—most notably Romani's libretto for an opera by Nicola Vaccai—rather than adapting directly from Shakespeare's play.

Roméo et Juliette by Berlioz is a "dramatic symphony", a pharaonic work in three parts for mixed voices, chorus and orchestra, which premiered in 1839. Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's fantasy overture (from 1869, revised in 1870 and 1880) is a long symphonic poem, which contains the famous melody known as the "love theme". Tchaikovsky's invention of repeating the same musical theme at the ball, in the terrace scene, in Juliet's bedroom and in the tomb was used by directors who followed him: for example, Nino Rota's love theme is used in a similar way in 1968 film about the play, as well as Des'ree's Kissing You in the 1996 film. Other classical composers influenced by the play include Svendsen (Romeo og Julie, 1876), Delius (A Village Romeo and Juliet, 1899–1901), and Stenhammar (Romeo och Julia, 1922).

The best-known ballet version is Prokofiev's "Romeo and Juliet". Originally assigned to Ballet

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Kirov was rejected by them when Prokofiev tried to write a happy ending, and was rejected again for the experimental nature of her music. It later acquired an "immense" reputation and was choreographed by John Cranko (1962) and Kenneth MacMillan (1965), among others.

The piece influenced several jazz works, including Peggy Lee's Fever. Duke Ellington's Such Sweet Thunder contains a piece titled "The Star-Crossed Lovers" in which the couple is represented by alto and tenor saxophones: critics have noted that Juliet's saxophones dominate the play, instead of offering an image of equality. The piece has often influenced popular music, including works by The Supremes, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Waits and Lou Reed. The most famous soundtrack of this type is the song "Romeo and Juliet" by Dire Straits.

The most famous musical theater adaptation is West Side Story with music by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. It debuted on Broadway in 1957 and in the West End in 1958, and became a popular film in 1961. This version updated the play to mid-20th century New York, and warring families to racial gangs. Other musical adaptations include the 1999 rock musical William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet by Terrence Mann's, featuring Jerome Korman, Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l'Amour by Gérard Presgurvic, from 2001, and Giulietta & Romeo by Riccardo Cocciante, 2007.

Literature and art

Romeo and Juliet has attributed a profound influence on later literature to her. Previously, however, the plot had never been seen as worthy of tragedy. In the words of Harold Bloom, Shakespeare "invented the formula by which the sexual element became associated with the erotic element when passing through the shadows of death." Of Shakespeare's works, Romeo and Juliet have generated the most varied adaptations, whether in works produced in narrative verse or in prose, and also in drama, opera, orchestra and ballet, cinema, television and painting. In the English language, the word "Romeo" has become synonymous with "male lover."

Original cover of Innocence (1872), by the Viscount of Taunay, the novel considered "The country's Romeo and Juliet"

Romeo and Juliet was parodied in Shakespeare's time: in The Two Furious Women of Abingdon (1598), by Henry Porter, and in Blurt, Master Constable (1607), by Thomas Dekker, there is the balcony scene, where a virgin heroine says indecent words. From another perspective, the Shakespearean play later influenced other literary works, such as Nicholas Nickleby, by Charles Dickens. In Portugal, Camilo Castelo Branco published, in 1862, Amor de Perdição, considered a kind of "Portuguese Romeo and Juliet". Perhaps this is due to the fact that the work belongs to Portuguese Ultra-Romanticism, having similarities with the Shakespearean play in the sense of narrating the enmity between the families of Simão and Tereza, who love each other desperately, and end up having a tragic end.

Exactly ten years after the publication of Amor de Perdição, Inocência was published, a regionalist novel by the Viscount of Taunay, which has many connections with the work of Castelo Branco (such as the character Inocência being inspired by Teresa).

Taunay's work — in addition to opening each chapter with quotes from Goethe, Rosseau, Cervantes, Ovid, Molière, Walter Scott, Euripides, and Shakespeare himself — is often called "The country's Romeo and Juliet". Both Taunay's book and Castelo Branco's book have structures similar to Shakespeare's play: the protagonists participate in a reciprocal, but impossible, love and, in addition to ending in a tragic ending, they have the help of a third person who wants to see them. them together. In Brazil, in 1978 a parodic version of Turma da Mônica, Mônica e Cebolinha – No Mundo de Romeu e Julieta was released, which was published in comics, theater, television and LP.

Of all Shakespeare's works, The Play of the Two Lovers is one of his most illustrated works. The first known illustration of the play was a woodcut depicting the tomb scene, which perhaps belonged to Elisha Kirkall, whose first printing was in 1709, in an edition of William Shakespeare's plays, produced

by Nicholas Rowe. In the 18th century, the Boydell Shakespeare Gallery commissioned five paintings of the play that depicted each of the plot's five acts. In the 19th century, the fashion for producing "pictorial" theatrical performances led to directions that were inspired by paintings produced especially for play scenes, which, in turn, influenced painters to draw actors and theater scenes. In the 20th century, the play's visual icons derived from famous film productions.

Movie theater:

Romeo and Juliet is perhaps the play most transported to cinematographic structures of all time. The most famous productions were the 1936 production, by George Cukor, which won more than one Oscar, the 1968 version by director Franco Zeffirelli, and Romeo + Juliet, by Baz Luhrmann. These

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The last two were, in their time, the productions dealing with Shakespeare that broke sales records the most. Romeo and Juliet was first filmed in the silent era by Georges Méliès, although its video is lost today. The first film version of the play in talkies was in The Hollywood Revue of 1929, where John Gilbert and Norma Shearer performed the balcony scene.

Shearer and Leslie Howard, with a combined age of more than 75, played the teenage lovers in George Cukor's 1936 version. Both the public and critics disapproved of this version. Critics considered the film too "contrived", falling short just as A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935) had been a year earlier: leading Hollywood to abandon Shakespeare adaptations for a decade. Renato Castellani won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival for his 1954 version. Laurence Harvey, as Romeo, was already an experienced screen actor. Susan Shentall, however, as Juliet, was an anonymous secretary discovered by the director, who said he was interested in hiring her.

Scholar Stephen Orgel describes director Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 Romeo and Juliet as "full of beauty and youth, with lush cameras and lights, which contributed to the impression of the play's sexual energy and good looks." In this film, the protagonists Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey were already experienced actors. Zeffirelli was highly praised for this production, especially in the duel scene where the braggadocio gets out of control.

The film also created some controversy due to the appearance of the actors' nudes in the honeymoon scene, mainly due to the fact that Olivia Hussey, played Juliet, was only sixteen years old at the time the film was filmed.

Baz Luhrmann, with his Romeo + Juliet (1996) and its soundtrack, attracted a very young audience to the cinemas. Darker than Zeffirelli's version, the film focuses on the "gross, violent and superficial society" of Verona Beach and Sycamore Grove. Leonardo DiCaprio acted as Romeo, and Claire Danes, as Juliet, was praised by critics for having wisely portrayed the character despite her little experience on screen, in addition to being acclaimed as "the first Juliet in cinema whose speeches sounded spontaneously". .

In 2005, Brazilian Bruno Barreto directed the comedy The Wedding of Romeo and Juliet, which featured Luana Piovani and Marco Ricca in the main roles. In this production, which took place in São Paulo, each person's families were also rivals, but because they supported different teams: Julieta's family supported Palmeiras, while Romeu's family supported Corinthians. Although it was freely inspired by the play, the film is also based on a short story by Mario Prata, "Palmeiras, Um Caso de Amor". The film received reasonable reviews, which did not consider it a great film, but "fun, just like a football match." Other reviews considered Ricca to be an average actor in the field of

comedy, and that his relationship with Piovani's Juliet "leaves a lot to be desired."

In 2006, Disney's High School Musical used the Romeo and Juliet plot, replacing the rival families with two school "cliques". Directors have often used characters to stage certain scenes from Romeo and Juliet.

The concept of dramatizing the Shakespearean play has been widely used over time, as happened in 1998, with the release of Shakespeare in Love, by director John Madden, in which the character Shakespeare ends up finishing the work because of his own love for a young.

Historical clues:

"See, careless, in such distress,

Capelletti and Montecchi saddened.

Monaldi and Filippeschi, target of anger."

(Dante, The Divine Comedy — Purgatory, Canto VI, Line 106)

"Juliet's House" in Verona, Italy, which attracts thousands of visitors every year

Verona — the city that Shakespeare chose for his play — is one of the most prosperous in northern Italy. The city is attracting more and more young people, couples and lovers, as it has gained the reputation of being the "city of Romeo and Juliet". Possessing a well-preserved architectural and historical heritage, Verona has in its territory a Roman amphitheater, a castle from the Middle Ages, palaces and medieval churches. In addition to these attractions, and others, such as Castelvecchio, Verona has "Juliet's House" which, although it does not carry any proof that the Montagues and Capulets actually lived there, attracts many visitors. Construction of the house began in the 18th century, and it may have been owned by the Cappellos. Inside the building there is a bronze statue of Juliet, frescoes from the play, and a counter with a bit of Shakespeare's biography. The legend was created that it is good luck in love to touch the right breast of the statue of Juliet.

Indeed, the question of whether Romeo and Juliet, and, consecutively, the Montagues and Capulets, formerly

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istiram, it's old. Perhaps one of the reasons for the great doubt about the historical veracity of the play is the fact that the plot passed through the centuries until it was better used by Shakespeare, as we saw in the Textual sources section. There are records that Giralomo della Corte, an Italian who lived at the same time as Shakespeare, claimed that the young lovers' relationship had occurred in 1303, although this is not certain. The only proven element is that the Montecchi and Capulet families really existed, although it is not known whether they lived on the Italian Peninsula, or whether they were rivals.

Other literary sources that make allusions to the two families are The Divine Comedy, by the Italian Dante Alighieri, written between 1308 and his death in 1321. In this poem, Dante mentions the Montagues and Capulets as participants in a commercial and political dispute that took place in Italy . In Dante, both families are in Purgatory, sad and desolate. Many scholars disagree that these families existed, but historian Olin Moore believes that it was a design for two important political parties that were rivals in Italian territory: the Ghibellines and the Guelphs. Another literary source is found in Luigi da Porto (already mentioned in Textual sources), who also mentioned the families as rivals, and Lope de Vega, as well as Matteo Bandello, who enriched the fable and the plot.

There is no evidence regarding all these suspicions, held in Italian literature and in Shakespeare. But the various citations to the two families have excited the public and critics to investigate the issue. For the historical Rainer Sousa, "the tragic and disproportionate love of Romeo and Juliet seems to establish an archetype of a

ideal love, often far from the affective experiences experienced on a daily basis." Rainer also states that "perhaps for this reason, so many believe (or at least hope) that a love without measure like that of the Shakespearean couple would have happened."

Here, in this wonderful historical context, I want to show indefinitely a literary romance story that has become one of the best films about love and tragedy, which is classified as a romance between two young people who met and loved each other until the last day of their lives for a simple tragedy due to two notable families from beautiful Verona, where the story takes place, transform old disagreements into war, staining their hands with blood and I want to thank you for this beautiful work that I can describe and I want to thank everyone who follows me and you I wish you with lots of love and respect my hugs. Thanks!


I certainly want to say that in life we ​​can really have a great relationship perhaps with God and that God always shows us the power to value life and that there is a domain between the forces of good and the forces of evil that, due to the origin of In life, not everything we see can inevitably be reality because we only experience everything with love and we may be aware of a religious formation that, through a simple reaction or birth, perhaps we were led to certain relationships with saints, angels and archangels who, through the love of God, that enlightens us, we can reveal ourselves about a clearer side of living, which is based on the clairvoyance of making us perform such functions in which we reveal ourselves with holy faith about almost all the distortions of life, that I certainly believe that we can feel happy and that Our hearts, when we are born loving and have a high spiritual degree of elevation, can reveal ourselves to the angels and saints who always make us better understand the aspects of living and who can guide us on all reactions and revelations of life.

Here I want to talk about a beautiful and beautiful young woman called Joan of Arc who was a French peasant and saint canonized by the Catholic Church, considered a heroine of France for her deeds during the Hundred Years' War. She was born to Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée, to a peasant family, in Domrémy in northeastern France. Joan claimed to receive divine visions from the archangel Michael, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine, who instructed her to help Charles VII's forces and free France from England's rule.

Perhaps we are finally born with a gift for living happily and that we can save on such capacities and power from childhood if the problems of society suit you, which I think are many that only God can consequently destroy them because life can be and have a more than elevated purpose of survival towards everything and everyone and I believe that not everything in life is done according to our will because God wanted to make the living being an artifact of divinity that conceives him above all his unforgettable teaching love over all things of paradise that would perhaps not always be used for evil because nature is dispensable in terms of the monotony of a being and of natural life which is said to be preserved in a duel with life and is not favored over all things in life because in everything and for everything

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it itself contracts and ends both in its birth and in its destruction, remaining as the birth of the universe destroys itself as it builds itself and we can understand that perhaps certain wraths did not conceive us the power of destruction in the name of glory and peace because perhaps May the world be an artifact of contamination that can end the brighter side of life that shows itself as the fire of God over any anger and combat because I believe that not all things are at mercy against a rotten devaluation because in everything the good always dresses and sees the world whiter which only keeps him ahead of almost everything and we can believe in the justice of God who is more prudent about certain things and that war can tell us that perhaps it is a product of peace and that God taught us to know the world better and made us ahead of certain things that should never make us unaware of our conscious side because life is perhaps a factor of destruction against certain things that emanate such thoughts of construction and that God may have taught as a gift of predicting life as Joan of Arc preserved her chastity from her childhood, which made her become a young woman sanctified by the love of God, which she always carried in the silence of her life as security for living and which perhaps gave her They set out to fight against different armies that may have contradicted their blessed and spiritual side that was innately conceived of all things that would not offer them the mortal sin of killing and destroying because nothing would be capable of absorbing their personality against the power of evil. that he could have been used for good, looking like victorious things, that from his most holy faith, evil conceived failure over perdition, that among the madness worthy of revenge, everything could have gone against him and made his life hell, perhaps due to the mortal sin that Through the temptation of the devil, all his grace and faith came to nothing, certainly causing him death, which proposed a dramatic, melancholic and unrestrained end that sold him his luck against the god who always protected him and guided him with certain angels and saints who perhaps it can have a well-defined origin when it all started in his childhood that made him hear several voices that seemed to be an emanation of high faith and contact with saints that he doesn't even have an idea that Joan of Arc was a devotee and mirages about His personality ranged from his premature childhood to his adolescence, which made him fight and command large armies to defend France and against the English. Joan of Arc was a peasant woman who fought against the English during the Hundred Years' War. Since childhood she claimed to have divine visions and it was through these visions that she received the order to join the French army. Joan of Arc managed to defeat the English in the Orleans region.

Joan of Arc claimed that she had visions and heard the voices of the archangel Michael, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Margaret of Antioch. In these supernatural apparitions, she was instructed to take part in the war against the English to expel them from France and to ensure the coronation of Charles VII, the king of France.

The Battle of Jargeau was the first offensive battle commanded by Joan of Arc, and took place on June 11 and 12, 1429, a milestone in the Hundred Years' War. Shortly after liberating Orléans, French troops headed to the Loire River valley, near the city of Jargeau.

Joan of Arc in the Hundred Years' War. She achieved significant victories for France, breaking a cycle of defeats for that country. Captured by the English, she was tried and convicted of witchcraft, being burned to death at the age of 19.

Perhaps we can understand that resistance is not a victorious purpose to preserve under such conditions of living a true dominion over all things that everything can be the target of a contradiction in which God grants us honor and glory over a very simple lesson of face life and live because, above all, such things cannot favor us with true grace, perhaps due to certain injuries that can incapacitate us between our truths and conceptions of living that make us worthy or make us innocent, simply by actions related by a factor of hatred, where revenge conceived us free will over a penalty of establishing dominion over everything and everyone that we could only have emptied of the contagious emotions that are afflicted in any temptation of voices that could be attributed to a certain mental disorder or obsession of certain evil spirits that, due to inconvenience or perhaps more serious things that we can say that are not of human nature, can infect us and make us suffer under such mental influences that in everything and through everything it has caused death and obscured faith in God It is said that innocence is not

remains silent unless we are aware of the truth and can say that life is a momentary cause

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and to develop to a certain degree on a mind that feels and can see something surprising the true established dynamics of living and we can be well aware of what we do because life is a processor that limits us on such circumstances of living because life is it has a price and it is paid for when justice is truly intended regarding the clairvoyance of life or the shadows of death because nothing remains silent because I just want to say that everything began perhaps as a spiritual emanation that may have given you a deeper feeling of living and that we only justify their mistakes and profoundly we cannot have certainly seen any supernatural act or effect that could prevent us from an evil happening that would perhaps silence justice that may have been known or unknown, its history that reveals to us a great anger and revenge that It can certainly be fair or unfair the simplicity and humanitarian recognition of prescribing its mirages and voices that we can here be in front of a penalty that perhaps it would not be up to us to conceive of death and simply a treaty that, due to the momentary nature of life, everything is contracted in which we can actually guessing from certain spiritual projections a true testament and more clinical observation to such an event that could be of a human nature or simply spiritual in that today this story can tell us that we may be living a more challenging conflict in which life exaggeratedly propagates us over more what we do and not what we feel and that we can believe in God or the devil no matter how momentary the life that brings us to talk to saints or the devil and that society is always weakened because everything is uncontested and inconceivable to the fearless real laws of living in here I tell the true story of Joan of Arc.

Here, out of a simple desire, I want to show, with a lot of love and work, a great and extraordinary biography that tells the story of a beautiful girl called Joan of Arc. Hugs!


Joan of Arc 1412 – Rouen, May 30, 1431) was a French peasant and saint canonized by the Catholic Church, considered a heroine of France for her deeds during the Hundred Years' War. She was born to Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée, to a peasant family, in Domrémy in northeastern France. Joan claimed to receive divine visions from the Archangel Michael, Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine, who instructed her to help Charles VII's forces and free France from England's rule. The uncrowned Charles VII sent Joan along with an army to try to resolve the Siege of Orleans. After just nine days of action, the battle ended in a favorable outcome for the French and Orleans was liberated, thus elevating Joan's reputation as a national heroine in the eyes of the French people. A series of military victories for Charles VII's forces followed, which allowed his coronation as king in Reims Cathedral. As a result, the morale of the French population improved and the tide of the Hundred Years' War began to turn in favor of the French.

After the failed Siege of Paris, however, Joan's popularity among the French nobility plummeted. On May 23, 1430, she was captured at Compiègne by the Burgundians, a group of French who supported the English. They handed her over to the English government, who placed her judgment in the hands of Bishop Pierre Cauchon, throwing several religious accusations against her. Cauchon found her guilty and she was sentenced to death at the stake. Joana was executed on May 30, 1431, at 19 years of age. Her death, however, elevated her to the status of a martyr and increased French patriotic fervor against the English.

In 1456, an inquisitorial court was authorized by Pope Callixtus III to examine her trial, scrutinizing her accusations and proclaiming her innocence, formally declaring Joana a martyr for the church. In the 16th century she was used as a symbol by the Catholic League against Protestants and, in 1803, Joan was officially declared a national symbol of France by decision of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920 by the Vatican.

Joan of Arc is currently one of the nine patron saints of France. She remains a popular figure in the country and around the world, being portrayed in countless pieces of literature, paintings, sculptures and other forms of art, and being a central figure in the work of several famous writers, artists, filmmakers and composers.

First years

Joana was born in Domrémy, in a small village in the Meuse valley region, in the Lorraine region, in eastern France. The city was later renamed Domrémy-la-Pucelle in her honor (pucelle being translated as "maiden" in Portuguese). Her date of birth is inaccurate; According to her interrogation on February 24, 1431, Joan would have said that at the time she was 19 years old so she would probably have been born

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in 1412 (the correct age of Joana is not known as at that time they did not care about the exact age, so the correct term to use would be "more or less". Joana once stated that, when asked about her age, " I'm 19 years old, more or less").

Daughter of Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée, she had four other siblings: Jacques, Catherine, Jean and Pierre, being the youngest of the siblings. Her parents were farmers and occasionally artisans. Joana was also very religious, went to church a lot and often fled the countryside to go and pray at the church in her city.

Painting of the apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Catherine of Alexandria to the young Joan of Arc

At her trial, Joana stated that since the age of thirteen she had heard divine voices. According to her, the first time she heard the voice, it came from the direction of the church and was accompanied by clarity and a feeling of fear. She said that sometimes she didn't understand her very well and that she heard them two or three times a week. Among the messages she understood were advice to attend church, that she should go to Paris and that she should lift the dominance that existed in the city of Orléans. She would later identify the voices as those of the archangel Saint Michael, Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Margaret of Antioch.

The Hundred Years' War

Since the Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror, seized England in 1066, English monarchs have controlled extensive lands in French territory. Over time, they came to have several French duchies: Aquitaine, Gascony, Poitou, Normandy, among others. The dukes, despite being vassals of the French king, ended up becoming his rivals.

When France tried to recover the territories lost to England, one of the longest and bloodiest conflicts in the history of humanity arose: the Hundred Years' War, which actually lasted 116 years, and which caused millions of deaths and the destruction of almost all of northern France.

The beginning of the war took place in 1337. The more than evident interests of unifying the crowns came to fruition with the death of the French king Charles IV in 1328. Philip VI, successor thanks to the Salic law (Charles IV had no male descendants), proclaimed himself king of France on May 27, 1328.

In 1337, Philip VI claimed the fiefdom of Gascony from the English king Edward III, and on November 1st he responded by planting himself at the gates of Paris through the bishop of Lincoln, declaring that he was the suitable candidate to occupy the French throne.

England would win battles such as those of Crécy (1346) and Poitiers (1356). A serious illness of the French king led to a struggle for power between his cousin John I of Burgundy or John Without Fear, and Charles VI's brother, Louis of Orléans.

On November 23, 1407, in the streets of Paris and by order of the Burgundians, the Armagnac Louis of Orléans was murdered. The French royal family was divided between those who supported the Duke of Burgundy (Borguinhone) and those who supported the Duke of Orléans and then Charles VII, Dauphin of France (Armagnacs linked to the cause of Orléans and the death of Louis). With the assassination of Armagnac, both sides faced each other in a civil war, where they sought support from the English. The supporters of the Duke of Orléans, in 1414, saw a proposal rejected by the English, who finally made an agreement with the Burgundians.

With the death of Charles VI in 1422, Henry VI of England was crowned French king, but the Armagnacs did not give up and remained faithful to the king's son, Charles VII, also crowning him in 1422.

Meeting with Carlos

Joana recognizes King Charles VII in Chinon

At the age of 16, Joana went to Vaucouleurs, a town neighboring Domrèmy. She turned to Robert de Baudricourt, captain of the Armagnac garrison, established in Vaucouleurs, to give her an escort to Chinon, where the dauphin was, as she would have to cross all the hostile territory defended by the English and Burgundians. Almost a year later, Baudricourt agreed to send her escorted to the dauphin. The escort began approximately on February 13, 1429.

Among the six men who accompanied her were Poulengy and Jean Nouillompont (known as Jean de Metz). Jean was present at all of Joan of Arc's later battles.

Wearing men's clothing until her death, Joana crossed the lands dominated by Burgundians (a French duchy sympathetic to the English), arriving in Chinon, where she would finally meet Carlos, after presenting a letter sent by Baudricourt.

Arriving in Chinon, Joana was already very popular, but the dauphin still had suspicions about the girl. They decided to put her through some tests. According to legend, afraid of presenting the dauphin in front of a stranger who could perhaps kill him, they decided to hide Carlos in a room full of nobles when receiving her. Joana would then have recognized the disguised king among the nobles without her ever having seen him before. Joana would have gone to the true king, bowed and said: "Sir, I came to lead

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lead their armies to victory". The meeting between her and Carlos would have taken place between February and March 1429, and Joana was around 17 years old at the time.

Alone in the presence of the king, she convinced him to hand over an army to liberate Orléans. However, the king still made her undergo tests before the royal theologians. The ecclesiastical authorities in Poitiers subjected her to interrogation, ascertaining her virginity and her intentions. Convinced by Joan's speech, the Dauphin gave her a sword and a standard and authorized her to accompany the French troops who were heading towards the liberation of the city of Orléans, which had been invaded and surrounded by the English eight months ago.

Military campaigns

Romantic painting of Joan of Arc at the Battle of Orleans

Armed with a white flag, Joan arrived in Orleans on April 29, 1429. The level of her participation in campaigns or command decisions is a matter of debate among historians. According to reports from French officers at the time, Joan would not have fought personally, but had stayed very close to where the battle was taking place, encouraging the men. She also participated in the war councils of the generals, who often listened to what she had to say (possibly believing that her instructions were divine in origin). Under her banner, the army of 4,000 men defeated the English in battle and broke the siege of Orleans on May 8, 1429. Joan's presence is credited as fundamental to the victory, giving courage and strength to the soldiers. The French had been pressing Orleans for almost eight months and were unable to overcome the English defenses. However, with Joan at his side, religious and patriotic fervor rekindled in the troops and led them to victory.

There are stories parallel to this one that inform that Joana's figure was different. She would have arrived to battle on a white horse, steel armor and holding a banner with the cross of Christ, circumscribed with the names of Jesus and Mary. According to this other version, Joana was simply drawn by the supernatural fascination of her dreams and proposed mission to carry out according to divine will and, without knowing anything about the art of war, she commanded the rude soldiers, with an angelic air and, in her presence, no one reacted. dared to say or commit inconveniences. She was extremely disciplined.

After the victory at Orleans, the English thought that the French would try to reconquer Paris or Normandy, but instead, Joan convinced the Dauphin to begin a campaign along the Loire River. This was Joana's strategy to lead the Dauphin to the city of Rouen.

Joan made her way to several fortified points on bridges along the Loire River. On 11 and 12 June 1429 she participated in the French victory at the battle of Jargeau. On June 15th, it was the turn of the battle of Meung-sur-Loire to be fought. The third victory was at Beaugency, on June 16th and 17th of the same year. One day after her last victory she went to Patay, where her participation was little. The fighting in the region, the only battle in the open field, was already taking place without the presence of Joan of Arc.

Coronation of Charles

Coronation of Charles VII

About a month after her victory over the English at Orleans, she led the Dauphin Charles VII to the city of Reims, where he was crowned king of France on July 17, 1429. Joan of Arc's victory and the king's coronation ended for rekindling French hopes of freeing themselves from English rule and representing the turning point in the war.

The path to Reims was considered difficult, as several cities were under the rule of the Burgundians. However, Joan's fame had spread across much of the territory and made the dauphin's Armagnac army feared. Thus, Joan passed without problems through successive cities such as Gien, Saint Fargeau, Mézilles, Auxerre, Saint Florentin and Saint Paul.

From Gien, invitations were sent to various authorities to attend the consecration of the dauphin. In Auxerre, it was even thought about resistance from a small enemy troop that was in the city. After three days of negotiation it was possible to get there without any problems. The same happened in Troyes, where negotiations lasted five days. Arrival in Reims was on July 16th.

It is known that the day of the definitive consecration of the French king in Reims Cathedral was on July 17th and it was not the most splendid ceremony at the time, as the circumstances of the war prevented it from being so. Joana watched the consecration from a privileged position, accompanied by her banner.


Statue of Joan of Arc at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris

Theoretically, Joana no longer had anything to do in the army, since she had fulfilled her promise perfectly and had correctly followed the orders that, according to her, the voices had given her. But Joan, like many others, saw that as long as the city of Paris was taken by English troops, it was difficult for the new king to be able to do so.

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was to clearly have control of the Kingdom of France.

On the same day as the coronation, emissaries from the Duke of Burgundy arrived and negotiations began to reach peace, or a truce, which was finally what was agreed upon. It was not the peace that Joana wanted, but at least it was there for fifteen days. However, the truce was not free, as there were political interests behind it. Charles VII needed to take Paris to exercise his authority as king, but he did not want to create a bad image with a violent conquest of lands that would become his domain. This was what motivated him to sign the truce with the Duke of Burgundy, as a need to buy time.

During the truce, Charles VII took his army to Île-de-France (the French region that houses Paris). There were some clashes between the Armagnacs and the English alliance with the Burgundians. The English abandoned Paris, heading towards Rouen (or Rouen in French). It then remained to defeat the Borguinhões who still remained in Paris and the neighboring regions.

Joana was wounded by an arrow during an attempt to enter Paris. This accelerated the king's decision to retreat on September 10, 1429. With the stop, the French king did not express the intention of definitively abandoning the fight, but chose to rethink his strategy and defend the option of achieving victory through peace, treaties and other opportunities in the future.

The end of Joan of Arc

The capture

In the spring of 1430, Joan of Arc resumed the military campaign and began trying to liberate the city of Compiègne. During an attack on the Margny field, controlled by the Burgundians, French allies of the English, Joan ended up being arrested on May 23, 1430. Between the 23rd and 27th she was taken to the castle of Beaulieu-lès-Fontaines. Joana was interviewed between the 27th and 28th by the Duke of Burgundy himself, Philip III. At that time Joana was the property of the Duke of Luxembourg. She was taken to Beaurevoir Castle, where she remained throughout the summer, while the Duke of Luxembourg negotiated her sale. When selling it to the English, Joana was transferred to Rouen.

The process in Rouen

Historical painting by Paul Delaroche showing Cardinal Henry Beaufort interrogating Joan of Arc in prison

Joana was imprisoned in a dark cell and watched by five men. In contrast to the good treatment she had received in her first prison, Joana now lived through her worst times.

The case against Joan began on January 9, 1431, and was led by the Bishop of Beauvais, Pierre Cauchon. It was a process that would pass on to posterity and that would convert Joana into a national heroine, due to the way in which it developed and brought the end of the young woman, and of the legend that still today mixes reality with fantasy.

Ten sessions were held without the presence of the accused, only with the presentation of evidence, which resulted in the accusation of heresy and murder.

On February 21st, Joana was heard for the first time. At first she refused to swear the oath of truth, but soon did so. Joana was questioned about the voices she heard, about the militant church, about her male attire. On the 27th and 28th of March, Thomas de Courcelles read the 70 articles of Joana's accusation, which were later summarized to 12, more precisely on the 5th of April. These articles supported the formal accusation for the Maiden seeking her conviction.

On the same day 5, Joana began to lose health due to eating poisonous foods that made her vomit. This alerted Cauchon and the English, who brought him a doctor. They wanted to keep her alive, especially the English, because they planned to execute her.

During the doctor's visit, Jean d'Estivet accused Joana of having knowingly eaten the poisoned food to commit suicide. On April 18, when she finally found herself in danger of death, she asked to confess.

The English became impatient with the delay in the trial. The Earl of Warwick told Cauchon that the process was taking too long. Even Joan's first owner, Jean of Luxembourg, introduced himself to Joan and offered her to pay for her freedom if she promised not to attack the English any more. From May 23rd, things accelerated, and on May 29th, she was condemned for heresy.


Joan of Arc being burned alive

Joan was burned alive on May 30, 1431, aged just nineteen. The execution ceremony took place in the Old Market Square (Place du Vieux Marché), at 9 am, in Rouen.

Before the execution she confessed to Jean Totmouille and Martin Ladvenu, who administered the sacraments of Communion to her. She entered, dressed in white, into the square full of people, and was placed on the platform set up for her execution. After reading her verdict, Joana was burned alive. Her ashes were thrown into the River Seine, so that they would not become an object of public veneration.

After the death of Joan of Arc

The review of her case began in 1456, when she was found innocent by Pope Callixtus III

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, and the process that condemned her was considered invalid, and in 1909 the Catholic Church authorized her beatification. In 1920, Joan of Arc was canonized by Pope Benedict XV.

Another version states that twenty years after her condemnation to the stake, Joan of Arc's mother asked the Pope of the time, Callixtus III, to authorize a commission that, in a calm and in-depth research, recognized the nullity of the process due to defects in form and content. Joan of Arc in this way had her honor rehabilitated, and the name sorceress and witch was erased so that she could be recognized for her heroic virtues, coming from a divine mission.

She was proclaimed a Martyr for the Fatherland and the Faith.

Saint Joana is syncretized in Afro-Brazilian religions with the orixá Obá.


An engraving of Joan of Arc, from 1903

Joan of Arc became a semi-legendary figure in the four centuries after her death. The main sources of information about her were chronicles. Five original manuscripts of his sentencing trial surfaced in ancient archives during the 19th century. Soon, historians also located the complete records of his rehabilitation trial, which contained sworn testimony from 115 witnesses, and the original French notes from the Latin sentencing trial transcript. Several contemporary letters have also emerged, three of which bear the signature Jehanne in the unsteady hand of a person learning to write. This unusual wealth of primary source material is one of the reasons DeVries states, "No person from the Middle Ages, male or female, has been the subject of further study."

Joan of Arc came from an obscure village and rose to prominence as a teenager, and did so as an uneducated peasant. The French and English kings justified the ongoing war through competing interpretations of inheritance law, first regarding Edward III's claim to the French throne and then that of Henry VI. The conflict had been a legalistic dispute between two related royal families, but Joan turned it along religious lines and gave meaning to features such as that of the squire Jean de Metz when he asked: "The king must be expelled from the kingdom; and are we to be English?" ". In the words of Stephen Richey, "she transformed what had been a dry dynastic dispute that left the common people indifferent except for their own suffering, into a passionately popular war of national liberation." Richey also expresses the breadth of his subsequent appeal:

Statue of Joan of Arc in Orléans, by Denis Foyatier, 1855

The people who persecuted her in the five centuries since her death tried to make it all: demonic fanatic, spiritual mystic, naive and tragically misused tool of the powerful, creator and icon of modern popular nationalism, adored heroine, saint. She insisted, even when threatened with torture and faced with death by fire, that she was guided by voices from God. Voices or no voices, her accomplishments leave anyone who knows her story shaking their head in amazed amazement.

From Christine de Pizan to the present, women look to Joana as a positive example of a courageous and active woman. She operated within a religious tradition that believed that an exceptional person from any level of society could receive a divine calling. Some of her most significant help came from women. King Charles VII's mother-in-law, Yolande of Aragon, confirmed Joan's virginity and financed her departure to Orléans. Joan of Luxembourg, aunt of the Count of Luxembourg who had kept her in custody after Compiègne, eased her conditions of captivity and may have postponed her sale to the English. Finally, Anne of Burgundy, the Duchess of Bedford and wife of the Regent of England, declared Joan a virgin during pre-trial investigations.

Three separate French Navy ships were named after her, including a helicopter carrier that was removed from active service on 7 June 2010. Currently, the French far-right political party Front National holds rallies at her statues, reproduces his image in party publications, and uses a tricolor flame partially symbolic of his martyrdom as his emblem. Sometimes opponents of this party satirize its appropriation of her image. The French civic holiday in her honor, established in 1920, is the second Sunday in May.

World War I songs include "Joan of Arc, They're Calling You" and "Joan of Arc's Reply Song".


Jeanne d'Arc, author unknown, c.1580

The so-called relics of Joan of Arc are kept in the Chinon art and history museum. Properties of the archbishopric of Tours, they were deposited in this museum in 1963. The glass jar that contains them

it was discovered in Paris, in 1867, in the attic of a pharmacy, located on rue du Temple, of a pharmacy student, M. Noblet. The parchment that closed the opening of the bottle bore the words: "Remains found under the

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queen of Joan of Arc, virgin of Orleans".

The jar contains a four-inch-long human rib covered in a blackened coating, a piece of linen fabric about six inches long, a cat's femur, and fragments of charcoal.

A microscopic and chemical analysis of the rib fragment shows that it was not burned, but impregnated with a black plant and mineral product. Its composition is more similar to that of bitumen or pitch than to organic waste of human or animal origin, reduced to the carbon state by cremation.

The “noses” of great perfumers (Guerlain and Jean Patou) notably detected a scent of vanilla in the piece of rib. Now, this perfume can be produced by the "decomposition of a body", as in the case of mummification, but not by cremation.


Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII, by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1854), is a notable example of attempts to feminize her appearance. At work, long hair and a skirt around the armor can be seen.

Joan of Arc wore men's clothing from the time of her departure from Vaucouleurs until her abjuration in Rouen. This motivated theological debates in its own time and raised other questions in the 20th century as well. The technical reason for his execution was a law on biblical clothing. The second trial reversed the

condemnation partly because the condemnation process had not considered the doctrinal exceptions relating to this text.

In terms of doctrine, she was prudent in disguising herself as a squire while traveling through enemy territory, and was cautious in wearing armor during battle. The Chronique de la Pucelle states that this deterred sexual abuse while she was camped in battles. The clergyman who testified at her second trial stated that she continued to wear male clothing in prison to deter molestation and rape. Preservation of chastity was another justifiable reason for cross-dressing: her clothes would have deterred a mugger, and men would have been less likely to think of her as a sexual object in any case.

The sword

The sword that accompanied Joan of Arc during all her battles was discovered at her recommendation under the slabs of the church of Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois (Indre-et-Loire), among other swords buried by passing soldiers. This very ancient sword was decorated with five crosses. The rust that covered her would disappear as soon as Joan of Arc had the sword in her hand.

Jean Chartier, in the Journal of the seat and Chronicle of the Maid, mentions the sword and the circumstances of its acquisition by the maid: the king wanted to give a sword, she asked Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois, we asked her if she I wanted it and I said no. A blacksmith was sent from Tours and discovered the sword among several votive offerings deposited there, apparently in a chest behind the altar. Joan broke this sword on the back of a prostitute, in Saint-Denis, according to the Duke of Alençon, probably after the failed attempt against Paris. It appears that she used to strike the backs of prostituted girls with this sword, these incidents being mentioned in Auxerre by the columnist Jean Chartier and by his page, Louis de Coutes, by the Château-Thierry stage. Charles VII was very dissatisfied with the breaking of the sword. In fact, it had assumed the appearance of a magical weapon among Joan's companions, and its destruction was a bad omen. We have no idea what happened to the pieces.

In this context, I want to thank you once again for this formidable work that tells the real story of a young woman who fought against the English in defense of France, which I explained here philosophically as a chronicle about a drama, the story of Joan of Arc, and I want to thank to everyone and wish you my best hugs and thank you!

I want to thank you for this work prescribed here as a very familiar example of a great people who have always dedicated themselves to popular culture and I want to say that we are well acquainted with the finest nature and I see that it makes us look for the true reason for knowing much better the life and the ancient world and I want to wish everyone this wonderful story in which it portrays us about several romantic songs of very deep love about a past that was stuck in time and that still reveals to us today and shows us the simple reason why we know much better about close to beautiful old stories that today we will find an answer to your questions and that can make us know their unforgettable value up close and I want to say here at the end with lots of love and affection to all my listeners wherever they are, be it me, you or Whoever it is, the world will always be the same as ever because what changes is our ways of thinking and that life is an endless resonance and that we must always go back to the old time that perhaps it left behind.

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If you want to tell us that life has always been a simple reaction and revelation that made us seek, above all the certainties and uncertainties, the pure and hard notion that made man stop in time when he was undecided about life and its nature that gave him made him recognize himself through time and taught him about the emptiness of death to know life better up close and that ancient times had always kept us fuller and more adapted to a simple notion of facing ourselves and understanding life better and it is said that science made man in ancient times and that today man can govern and make life the best disciplines for living, just by knowing life much better and preserving himself over time in a great relationship with nature which is limited to a circuit in the life of space and time. Here, with much deep love, I want to thank all my dear friends who are always enjoying here, in this climate of peace and love, the best international romantic songs that make us look for the present, past and future of a new and unforgettable generation that always will show us with more affection and dedication the best tests of living and holding back on the more than dreamed of educations and lessons that have always been stories in the life of man on earth and I want to wish here to all my dear friends, from friends to friends a unforgettable big hug from writer and radio host Roberto Barros. Hugs and have a good day!


Hello, dear friends, how are you?

I leave here as an old dream of life in which all the magnitudes of life between the love that lacks desires and pleasures in which we can be awake to a new day in which every morning shows us the mere circumstances of living and which life is simply a reality that is more opposite to our distractions that take place in the lives of each of us who feel the subtlety of the infinite that dances like a sounding board at each real passage of life in a constant pulsation that is relatively constructions of the world that was created in functions towards everyone and everything, leaving life as something created to a more splendid nature that makes us maintain ourselves on a foundation of living and being even happier with life that duly a great atomic transformation we must all the resistances and existences created from the space on the earth in which it created us and made us sprout from a certain circumstance of mother nature that through the transformations of life we ​​acquire something more realistic that makes us surprised by the divine love that we lack good thoughts in how much life keeps us ahead of a more divine plenitude and we can contemplate life over certain predominances of affection and affection for everything and everyone and we are real and loyal pieces of paradise and we will only get to know up close the concerns of life over all the monotonies that stop and roll in time and thus we will be living according to life because we are living beings and children of the supreme mother who was born from all the relationships of nature to give life to the human being, the galaxies, the planets and the stars that pass about cosmology a sympathy among others for us and that makes us awaken to a path of life and love for nature that rebels us against the storms that turn into nights and days and we can say that our zodiacs are simply signs that pass us great relevances and virtues about our ways of thinking and acting on a revelation that relate to the great magnitude from the time of our births to our deaths as a point of closure that through all transformations and projections we can share our love and commitments with life and that all the seasons make us more sentimental and caused by all the synchronies that take place in time and we can follow life better and thus be happier and we can simply say how much we are and are alive with life and totalize the good fortunes of good against evil that can show us secret paths and mysterious passages that break the silence of life over death and death over life and thus we are essences of nature and seeds of the earth in which we develop forward

all the transformations and projections that universal nature passes over planet earth as a filtration of life and subsistence that we can feel all spiritual and material things in our mind as we see and go through a circuit of elevation with life and transformation with nature and we are earthly beings surviving on a great concentration and vibration of life and we can contemplate nature because it is simply a light that makes us be born and die so we can start life again and so we are just apprehending and developing on all relationships both spiritual and material in a passive concentration of a positive and negative melody

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that transcend us from the best value to the indispensable moment of divine emotions that we may lack constructive and destructive feelings and thoughts and thus the sounding and pulsating universe was born over all modalities, existences and resistances of nature that gave rise to life from the flower from birth until we grow old, for one day we perhaps find hell as a payment judgment and then we find ourselves in paradise, there is an ascent to the conquest of heaven over eternal life in which we qualify for God's plans and life lacks deep love and eternal peace on a mysterious side that makes up life and existence after the fight of good against evil, making our commitments forever.

For you, dear listener, who is now arriving from a childhood like an angel who is simply still in the womb of a good mother being born into life and will know and learn its references from life and after some time the mere monotonies of death as a last sign of warning about life that awakens from sleep to another world and that its passage is triumphant as a beautiful arrival that is experienced with mother nature and the great divine existences of God who will always show us the path to light and of life upon mortals and that we may after

for some time to enjoy and be at ease with life as always young and dynamic on a construction of peace and love about life and so we will experience someday in a new season or at the turn of time the beautiful magnitude and fantasy of living and we are just still learning from life simply to dominate the world on a dynamic power that makes us live and understand the mere notion of being alive in full life and in this way we all live to know and conquer the world and we are going to talk about fantastic things that govern us on a triage of time over a beautiful romantic sound that makes us shine and flourish over the dynamics of all existences in life, the purest pleasure of living and being alive and thus we are triumphant and warriors of the time in which we will always fight over the barriers of youth about life and death and we describe the flower of our maturity as a path of hope, peace and love for life in which we can find paradise and that we only distance ourselves from hell for a certain time and moment of pleasure because hell would be an unusual thing due to our reasons for living and getting to know life better and its relationships with the nature of man who was born and grew up and conquered life simply through an act of love and faith in God and that everyone understands that there is a path like an unchanging light that it cannot have an end and that it would be better for everyone to understand its high value and love because the man who saw God should be acting on an agreement of the existence of life and we are pieces of paradise and we never accept the uncertainties in knowing how much we have to value and we walk on real commitments and so we will be forever with everyone and everyone will always be at peace with life and this is how the man who was born possessed of love walks and he saw God as his follower who always showed him the best paths in life that perdition simply did not conceive for him and he harvested good fruits and then qualified for paradise and ate from the tree of life without sinning because he was faithful to God and we can understand the dynamics of life on a beautiful message that we assimilate by eating the fruit of pleasure and we are only preserving immortality over life when we learn to know its paths and can trace the monotonies that want to inhibit us from any emotional declines due to certain circumstances of the realities of life and thus we live a commitment in which we must always believe in the royalty of being live and let pass the ironies that may not be real to our behaviors and optimism of living and dealing with life so that we can be eternally happy.

I saw from a sound a very passive lyric that simply told a story of life and love where a man preserved himself and sought the light when he felt in the shadows when there was never humor, feeling and pleasure about his fantasies that were being sold in life as worthless things and that he soon became aware that in order to live he didn't need to bow down because of simple feelings that made him imagine himself lost in hell while the dynamics of a beautiful young man who always stood out above the society he faced revolved around him. were incapable of favoring him with beautiful perseverance and due to a sudden illness that came from a pleasureless and solid image that it would not be worth mixing among people when he himself had to know himself and his error was a frustration that he he felt and that it was making him remain in failure and he then looked at a path where he heard a sound talking about freedom about life and he tried to listen and simply he was triggered by the bad feeling

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that his dynamic for life was dying and he found the truth when he recognized himself and saw a light shine from the bottom of his mind that gave him love and peace over his personality that removed him from perdition that soon he conquered his emotions that were fixed to his way of acting and thinking, which is why he soon found salvation when he recognized himself and saw that nothing was different and everything was different.

It was a high confidence that soon opened the doors to life and established him as the happiest man in the world.

I know that not everything is how we want it and that to know something we have to know ourselves first and that life is just a school that drives us to certain and uncertain declines that almost everything can be perfect when we are at peace with ourselves and that we should not take everything in life as truth without understanding why we may be dissatisfied with life due to an uncertain relevance or act occurring substantially on an unusual nature of our mind when it cannot contain itself if it retains whatever life is showing the other common side is that due to displeasure we are unable to assimilate the truth about perseverance as a reaction and power because we must, my dear friends, live in reality and be well satisfied with the inserted fantasies that are almost entirely out of nostalgia and I think we are too selfish with life because everything we are thinking and looking for is around us and at least I believe that we should just have more humor and let unusual things not take over our capabilities because the world can be perfect when we are at least aware of our desires and that we must believe in the truth and forget the fear of anguish, which would simply perhaps be the other key to recognizing oneself in front of almost everything and thus learning about life.

Hello, dear friends, how are you?

I hope everyone is listening and reading my words about this beautiful and enchanted song that we are just looking for some facts that we ceremonially meet the future that gives us more life and love for our desires and so I can see you next to me and I know that everything is perfect as always and we are always united by a very intimate force that takes us to paradise!

I leave here as a dream of life in which all the magnitudes of life between the love that lacks desires and pleasures in which we can be awake to a new day in which every morning shows us the mere circumstances of living and that the life is simply a reality that is more opposite to our distractions that take place in the lives of each one of us who feel the subtlety of infinity that shines like a resonance box at each real passage of life in a constant pulse that is relatively constructions of the world that it was created in functions towards everyone and everything, leaving life as something created to a more splendid nature that makes us maintain ourselves on a foundation of living and being even happier with the life that due to a great atomic transformation we owe all the resistances and existences created from the space on the earth in which it created us and made us sprout from a certain circumstance of mother nature that through the transformations of life we ​​acquire something more realistic that makes us surprised by the divine love that we lack good thoughts in how much life keeps us ahead of a more divine plenitude and we can contemplate life over certain predominances of affection and affection for everything and everyone and we are real and loyal pieces of paradise and we will only get to know up close the concerns of life over all the monotonies that stop and roll in time and thus we will be living according to life because we are living beings and children of the supreme mother who was born from all the relationships of nature to give life to the human being, the galaxies, the planets and the stars that pass about cosmology, a sympathy among the Austros for us and make us awaken to a path of life and love for nature that rebels against the storms that turn into nights and days and we can say that our zodiacs are simply signs that pass us great relevances and virtues about our ways of thinking and acting on a revelation that relate to the great magnitude from the time of our births to our deaths as a point of closure that through all transformations and projections we can share our love and commitments with life and that all the seasons make us more sentimental and caused by all the synchronies that take place in time and we can follow life better and thus be happier and we can simply say how much we are and are alive with life and totalize the good fortunes of good against evil that can show us secret paths and mysterious passages that break the silence of life over death and death over life and thus we are essences of nature and seeds of the earth in

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that we develop ourselves ahead of all the transformations and projections that universal nature can unite on planet earth as a filtration of life and subsistence that we can feel all things spiritual and material in our mind as we see and pass through a circuit of elevation with life and transformation with nature and we are earthly beings surviving on a great concentration and vibration of life and we can contemplate nature because it is simply a light that makes us be born and die so that we can begin life again and so we are just apprehending and developing over all relationships, both spiritual and material, in a passive concentration of a positive and negative melody that transcend us from the best value to the indispensable moment of divine emotions that may lack us of constructive and destructive feelings and thoughts and thus the universe was born sounding and pulsating over all the modalities, existences and resistances of the nature that gave rise to life from the flower of birth until our aging so that one day we perhaps find hell as a payment judgment and then we find ourselves in paradise, there is ascent and conquest of the heaven over eternal life in which we classify ourselves to God's plans and life lacks deep love and eternal peace over a mysterious side that makes up life over existence after the fight of good against evil remaining our commitments forever.

It's five twenty one in the morning in the middle of the night where the radio waves begin to transmit to us a certain circumstance of artifacts that have occurred in our lives and that we are just looking for love to delve into a fuller nature that gives us esteem for our lives and that we will always be here planting and germinating good fruits that can make us happy and that we are listening to several songs of deep love that tell us about a great storm and that there is a beautiful old ship lost in the storm on the high seas trying to return home in its defined place and that old love songs play on its bank where there is a tall old captain with a long white beard in uniform telling me in my dreams that he almost shipwrecked on the Bermuda Triangle and that his compass gave him showed that there was a deserted island, mysterious and full of charms that the brightness of the moon guided him through a passage in time that took him and he managed to take his ship to a secret place in paradise that looked like a large desert surrounded by old people ships anchored in a fearless place under the roars of sirens who sang to him beautiful and beautiful songs that he heard and almost became enchanted and that told him not to pass through the triangle again and that he should take a direction to the north to distance himself from the waters of the underworld and that there are secret doors on the other side of the bank and that a black sailboat with blue masts and lit lamps appeared that showed him blue lights coming out of the ship with images of dragons and prehistoric monsters that spoke about ancient things that crossed between the space and the castle of death that formed in front of him like a rainbow releasing colors everywhere and he closed his eyes and soon after he appeared in another place that looked like an old deserted city with a port very close to him. he anchored and he simply asked a blue-eyed man who was in the port for information to return to sea over the shores of the North Atlantic, which was when an unchanging sound that seemed to descend from the black clouds of the sky over a mother ship manning a commando of aliens who saw him and brightened his ship gently and sent him back by a magnetic force field to the sea with a strange language that made him believe in the frontiers of the unknown and he always dreamed of life and death that inevitably showed him a frontier that he dreamed told me that there existed a generation of ancient people on that ancient place in the waters and that he came from the United States of America on an unforgettable journey that would earn him a fabulous achievement amidst a great fog that could appear at any bookshelf and he was full of nostalgia that made him discover the frontiers of the unknown like never before, leaving this story as a case in which he and his crew walked around listening to beautiful slow rock songs on the shores of the North Atlantic sea that we can understand which was truly a magical vision coming from dreams that dazzled me with an unprecedented rock collection from Pink Floyd called: The Dark Side Of The Moon, the dark side of the moon that we can really understand about certain slow rock ballads that are desecrated as a philosophical space that leads man to a certain imagination about things from the other world that shows us in his album the other side of life like a true dream in which in philosophy certain remote places are revealed that

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are preserved in heaven and hell, simply prescribing that the world hides a desire between the love that fights over the fire of God against the evil hatred of the serpent that turns into nightmares and dreams that can take man to certain places as close to paradise as close to hell and that perhaps we can believe in the passages of life that can tell us and show us that life and death are extinct things and that simply take us to some place very distant in time.

For all the listeners who are connected to the sound of this song, I believe that I am fully daydreaming to the beautiful sound of the message that I conveyed and that will be kept as a dreamy image that is described among a good international romantic sound that talks about things from another world or on a mirage of love and that you have all my affection as a writer, novelist and screenwriter here for everyone, here I leave with lots of love between a good sound and a big hug for everyone from the great esteemed radio host Roberto Barros!


Here in this extraordinary book I want to dedicate all my capacity as a mere radio broadcaster in which my culture is more focused on a fantastic relationship in which I declare my unforgettable dreams and fantasies in which I describe beautiful and magnificent transmissions of my estimable thoughts in which I put all my extraordinary philosophy narrating several stories about a romantic dilemma and mysterious dilemma in which I see a more hidden nature that I describe from my words to the sound and gesture that develops from great musical messages and sounding lyrics that makes me awaken at the mere sound of certain words and places that can show us more closely the life in which I see the present, past and future correspond with me on a relationship with my nature that goes to infinity and I crossed the barriers of death on an aspect of a mirage that comes sounding from beautiful and sincere love songs to the mere pleasure of living and being happy and I dedicate this book with much love and respect to my dear friends and may peace and love always be with us and here with great emotion I thank God for my best intention and thank you all very much!

By: Roberto Barros