we often hear people say they are insecure and we ourselves have our own insecurities, they can be  from the way we look to the way we act and sometimes  extend to  the way we live.

In my own personal opinion Insecurities do not come from within.

They come when  people point out the “mistakes” and tell you that there is something wrong with you. You start paying attention and somehow you get convinced that it is really something  wrong. You easily get poisoned it’s easy to start doubting your potential when others tell you otherwise that’s a common thing to happen when you glow. People will constantly come and try to dim your light. And as a consequence of that we now start to internalize what we have been told or showed  it now becomes an insecurity because we bought into the narrative we were sold. it directly affects the way one sees themselves and in some cases it might result in inferiority complex and self segregation from certain groups of people and activities, be careful not to let your insecurities stop you from living the  life you  desire

I’m  your reflection and mirror image I representation of  what you fear in your own being i am part of you

. As a consequence of being insecure  we tend to judge ourselves from the eyes of others and  comparing ourselves to people becomes a constant habit  which is not a  valid criteria to go through it because we all have our limitations and strong points comparing a cat to fish for its ability to run is completely insane and puts one of them  out of concept, so why compare yourself to others? When that will only be the seed to even more  insecurities and constant self doubt ??!! Please don’t go around causing your own suffering. But instead learn to make peace with every single part of you and find your personal strength and work towards building it and also understand that you do not  need ones validation to exist except for your own simply for the fact that at the end of the day you are in charge of your own life and you get to choose how to live it and most important what to be.

if whether you will let your insecurities speak loud and dictate how you life your own life or if you will take the lead and be in charge, The truth is that the qualities you're attracted to already exist inside you. You don't need anyone to make you feel worthy; you have the capacity to do this for yourself.💛

Enviado por Calmeyoü em 10/01/2022
Código do texto: T7426593
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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