__________> about life <_____________

Life is the duty we brought home to do.

When you see it, it's already six o'clock!

When you see it, it's already Friday!

When you see it, it's already Christmas...

When you see, the year is over...

When we realized - we lost the love of our life.

When you see it, 50, 60 years have passed!

Now it's too late to be disapproved...

If I was given one day, another chance, I wouldn't even look at the clock.

I would go ahead and throw the golden, useless husks of hours along the way...

I would hold the love that's in front of me and say I love it...

And there's more: don't stop doing something you like due to lack of time.

Don't stop having people by your side for pure fear of being happy.

There will only be that time that sadly will never come back -

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 05/01/2023
Reeditado em 15/01/2023
Código do texto: T7687419
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro