__________> watch the signs <_____________

For my friends who are... SINGLE

The love is like a butterfly. As much as you try to catch her, she will run away.

But when you least expect it, she's there by your side.

Love can make you happy, but sometimes it can also hurt you.

But love will only be special when you aim to give yourself only to someone who is really valuable. So enjoy the free time to choose .


For my friends...NOT SINGLES

Love is not getting involved with the "perfect person", the one of our dreams.

There are no princes or princesses.

Face the other person in a sincere and real way, extolling their qualities, but also knowing their flaws.

Love is only beautiful when we find someone who makes us the best we can be.


For my friends who like to... FLIRT

Never say I love you if it does not interest you.

Never talk about feelings if they do not exist.

Never touch a life if you don't intend to break a heart.

Never look into someone's eyes if you don't want to see them shed tears because of you.




To my friends... MARRIED.

Love doesn't make you say "it's the fault", but it makes you say "forgive me".

Understand the other, try to feel the difference, put yourself in their shoes.

The saying goes that a happy couple is the one made of two good forgivers.

The true measure of compatibility isn't the years you've spent together;

but how much in these years you were good to each other.


To my friends who have a BROKEN HEART

A heart like that lasts as long as you want it to, and it will grieve as long as you let it.

A broken heart misses you, imagine how good it would be, but don't let him cry forever.

Allow yourself to laugh and meet other hearts.

Learn to live, learn to love people with solidarity, learn to do good things, learn to help others, learn to live your own life.


For my friends who are... INNOCENT.

She (e) fell in love with you, and it wasn't your fault, it's true.

But think what could have happened to you. Be sincere, but don't be harsh; don't get your hopes up, but don't be critical; you don't have to be a boyfriend or girlfriend, but you might find that she/he is a great person and could become a great friend.


For my friends who are AFRAID OF ENDING.

Sometimes it's hard to break up with someone, and that hurts you.

But it hurts a lot more when someone breaks up with you, doesn't it?

But love also hurts a lot when it doesn't know what you feel.

Do not deceive such a person, do not be thick and rude hoping that he (e) guess what you want.

Don't force her to break up with you, because the best way to be respected is to respect her.


To finish...

Thanks to everyone who read all my doodles,

thank you for all the criticism and praise, gratitude

Victória Moore
Enviado por Victória Moore em 02/12/2022
Reeditado em 02/12/2022
Código do texto: T7663027
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro