This is what we are
There is no humiliation greater
than this, Someone Who was
owner of everything, was born
in a Stable.
Where the animals were living,
eating, sleeping and doing their
physical needs.
Jesus was born in extreme and
incomparable poverty.
Because a person can be a beggar
or a person of the worst quality,
but, he was not born in a Stable,
was born in a bed, in a house or in
a hospital.
This is a lesson for me
to be poor, to be humliated, to be
mistreated is sign of vitory.
Jesus today is Lord of lords,
Teacher of teachers, Doctor of
doctors, Father of eternity and
King of kings. He is above everything
and everyone today and forever.
He cries because we human beings
do not recognize Him as Supreme.
This is very sad for Him.
We are too rebellious human beings.
The human being's rebillion has not limit.