Chico Xavier Spiritist Society

The goal is reap
those looking
for help.

There is here*
open arms
with love

We wait for you!

You saw us!

*Chico Xavier Spiritist Society 70 Skyview Terrace #C San Rafael, CA 94903 (click)


Our Current Schedule
We are open on Tuesdays:
6:30pm - Open Study of the Gospel
 7:00pm - Announcements and Public Lecture
7:45pm - Lay on Hands Healing
We will continue irradiation for brothers & sisters in need of spiritual assistance.  If you would like to add names to the list, please e-mail the names to

Fraternal Conversation 
By Appointment 
We offer fraternal conversation in person.
If you would like to talk to someone or need any assistance,
call Marivone at (415) 235-4703. 

Systematic Study of Spiritism Class
and Study of the Gospel

CXSS workers are committed to vibrate daily for our community and our planet! But in times like these, please remember that doing the gospel at home is an invaluable instrument to bring light to your home and an opportunity to connect with your mentors and magnetize your own water.  (

“Chico Xavier Spiritist Society was founded in April 2006. The Society is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated under the State of California and tax exempt under Federal law. Its purpose is the constant study, practice, and dissemination of Spiritism as first compiled by Allan Kardec. The Society is active in conducting spiritual, moral, and material assistance programs to benefit and empower persons in need.
At CXSS we are all volunteers who love what we do!”

Laying on of Hands and Individual Spiritual Treatment

Spiritism for Children and Youth Class Click!

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Imagens -