The perfect day

I woke up in the mood,

the morning sun touching my face

I stopped my world for a second,

then I saw her, there by the beach,

smiling, stroking her hair

Bikini and kanga, transparency of light,

contouring her body, her silhouette seduces

Her different look, like an innocent child,

my love is awakened

A kiss on the face and your perfume in the air,

just this, to win me over

We walk on the sand,

feet by the sea, we talked about pain, love,

encounters and kisses, of our desires

She had the colors of the sea in her eyes...

her perfect body, tanned, like it was golden,

a goddess by my side

In her hair, the sway of the waves,

before breaking on the sand

Her melodious voice, like a siren's song,

takes me beyond the sea...

I fell in love, enchanted,

her, me and the sea.

We walked for hours admiring the beauty

the sky, the sea, the mountains, which, like us,

were meeting on the horizon.

A small waterfall, a wooden bridge,

stones and a few bromeliads,

the perfect place to love...

I touched his hand, with such care and affection,

that she understood my intention...

We sat down on the rock and she smiled,

looked into my eyes, caressed my face,

and without me expecting it, she asked for a kiss.

A tight hug, and with a long passionate kiss,

we were ecstatic...

And there in that little corner,

to the sound of the waterfall, our love was consumed.

That's how the day went inside me,


Autor: Karlos Brasil

Todos os Direitos Reservados


Karlos Brasil
Enviado por Karlos Brasil em 22/12/2024
Código do texto: T8224779
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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