Love will come

Someday someone will touch yours hairs

and looking into your eyes...

They'll realize how immense your world is,

a world full of mysteries and gaps...

This someone

will whisper in your ear...

and with sweet words your heart will be conquered...

You won't be able to avoid it,

you will open the doors of your world

to this stranger who has just arrived...

With him you will lose yourself

and you will live the most beautiful love story...

Then time will pass, and you'll realize,

that love fills lacunae, empty spaces,

and that it's never too late to give yourself up...

Love comes like that, sneaky, with a smile,

with a look, with a whisper, you just have to believe...

And open the doors of your world

for this new love to inhabit...

Knock knock... Who is?

It's love arriving gently,

to rest eternally in your heart.

Autor: Karlos Brasil

Todos Direitos Reservados


Karlos Brasil
Enviado por Karlos Brasil em 12/12/2024
Código do texto: T8217419
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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