The love sails

The love sails,

as if it were a ship,

exploring seas, oceans…

It confronts storms,

any and all adversity,

just to find you.

This love is so great,

bigger than the earth, bigger than the sea…

And all the rivers lovingly

run to find it.

There are no barriers that can hold it back,

and love will inevitably find you.

love sails without stopping

following the stars, heading towards the sun…

The Love is the purest essence

dispersed in the air…

And for you to find it,

just breathe.

Breathe, breathe... slowly

let love in.

Autor: Karlos Brasil

All Rights Reserved


Karlos Brasil
Enviado por Karlos Brasil em 12/12/2024
Reeditado em 13/12/2024
Código do texto: T8217390
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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