Sarah'S Song

Part I

I tried to keep her warm

And liked her by my side

But she's the daughter of storm

And she prefers the cold of night.

I tried to reach her hand

and tried to steal her heart

but I have to understand

I can't break her apart.


She lives her own drama,

She's a eskimo in Sahara

You may call her lost woman

She, honestly, prefers Sarah

Part II

So she scapes, she runs away

Don't know, maybe she was blind

And until now she swears

I live inside her mind.

I tried to reach her hand

and tried to steal her heart

but I have to understand

That I can't break her apart


She lives her own drama,

She's a eskimo in Sahara

You may call her lost woman

She, honestly, prefers Sarah


Now she answers to no one,

She's got nobody by her side

She's a queen without a throne

She has no honor, has no pride

Gabriell Araujo
Enviado por Criador de sonhos em 23/05/2021
Código do texto: T7262153
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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