Deixei De Ser Cowboy Por Ela - Em Inglês

I Stopped Being Cowboy For Her

Chitãozinho & Xororó

I always believed in love

Now I decided to change

Listen to my story, friends

Life likes to fool

I was always a good cowboy

Until I found someone

With her I was happy I know

I don't know if it was real though

I stopped being a cowboy for her

I stopped traveling for her

I dropped my crush on her

I stopped being happy for her

So I was wrong for her

That's why I decided to go back

They are secrets of passion

Because I'm not a pawn anymore

She decided to abandon me

I always believed in love

Now I decided to change

Listen to my story, friends

Life likes to fool

I was always a good cowboy

Until I found someone

With her I was happy I know

I don't know if it was real though

I stopped being a cowboy for her

I stopped traveling for her

I dropped my crush on her

I stopped being happy for her

So I…

Vinicius Moratta
Enviado por Vinicius Moratta em 04/11/2019
Código do texto: T6787316
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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