Metamorfose Ambulante Em Inglês

Walking metamorphosis

Raul Seixas

I prefer to be

This walking metamorphosis

I prefer to be

This walking metamorphosis

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

I mean

Now the opposite of what I said before

I prefer to be

This walking metamorphosis

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

What is love about

I don't even know who I am

If today I am a star

Tomorrow is already gone

If today I hate you

I have love to you tomorrow

I have love to you

I have horror

I make love to you

I'm an actor

It's boring to arrive

The one goal in an instant

I want to live

In this walking metamorphosis

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

What is love about

I don't even know who I am

If today I am a star

Tomorrow is already gone

If today I hate you

I have love to you tomorrow

I have love to you

I have horror

I make love to you

I'm an actor

I will say

That all I told you before

I prefer to be

This walking metamorphosis

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

Than having that old opinion

Formed about everything

Vinicius Moratta
Enviado por Vinicius Moratta em 12/08/2019
Código do texto: T6718810
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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