I'm Fine

You've been away for ages

Away from my life

There were so many changes

You're someone's wife

Then we meet at the mall

Just out of the blue

You hold up a call

And ask "How are you?"

I just say "I'm fine"

I say I'm alright

It's been a long time

Good night

Wake up at high noon

Sleep with the sunrise

Not changing any soon

Not getting anymore wise

Make myself a sandwich

The usual one

Cry myself to sleep

And wake up alone

But I just say "I'm fine"

I say I'm alright

It's been a long time

Good night


Realized that I miss you

Wondered if you miss me

I'm not good, mind you

Just wait and see

Yet I just say "I'm fine"

I say I'm alright

It's been a long time

Good night

And I just say "I'm fine"

I say I'm alright

It's been a long time

Please stay in sight and good night

Tiago RR
Enviado por Tiago RR em 12/06/2007
Código do texto: T524373