Today I woke up thinking about you

I went out looking for inspiration any

Coincidentally bumped

the one i love watching me

Will you forget me

Let me abandon my well

It seems that you love esfriastes

What was once the fire burn.


Never say that our love is gone

you can finish with this one

Que te guards at the bottom of the chest

Who loves you and nobody else

Do not throw away this love

built on the rock after

Let's change our history

For it is not trivial.

I remember the first meeting where we

Stumbled on the words enciosos.

Hands trembling and cold sweat on his face

Couples onlookers stared in

Sparrows were parties in the trees

symphony that once seemed rehearsed

this love tenderly cradling

Passion us drunk.

What matters in life is to vibrate

This chance to live only in the two

Nothing left I can do

God forbid that this happens

Let's be happy is what matters

You're the reason my simple living

Off everything and am able to die

In my world that's left is you.

J. Chaves

J Chaves
Enviado por J Chaves em 16/05/2013
Código do texto: T4293827
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro