Life Has Shown

I feel increasingly lighter

I feel increasingly confident

The strength of this courage in my veins

Where I use to face my difficulties

I can’t let my problems affecting my being


I feel that I learned to value myself

For from our mistakes, learn to follow certain paths

I feel like I grew my level of maturity

Because I will not take further actions where

I end up hurting


Life has shown me to never lower your head to your enemies

Life has shown me to never say no to my losses

I feel stronger and stronger with my problems

Well, I learned to never let my difficulties

Take care of me

Because they may have to make believe

And you can’t win

After all that I went through

Now I understand why I had to go through all that

To my growth

God was always by my side

Where, at times when I thought this a dark abyss

With your hands

Carried me in his arms and took me to the path of overcoming

I appreciate everything that I weighed

So I learned to never give up

Today I consider myself a fighter

Thank you Mr. Jesus

David Smile
Enviado por David Smile em 16/03/2013
Código do texto: T4191690
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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