Will turn against you …

What did I do to deserve this?

what I did to endure a plague like you?

You made me suffer!

Fooling myself all these years!

False promises of love

I discovered that that was not what I wanted for my life

You showed me something good

My great talent for writing!


Now I dedicate this song to you baby

Saying that everything that is done in this world

has back

Where all his pride and ambition

That one day you let into your heart

Will turn against you ..

Hey boy

Enjoying this new experience?

Hopefully yes

For thus you chose

I tried all of my support

But you ignored me

I tried from my love

You ... More

Played out like a crap!

Oh how stupid you were!


Now I dedicate this song to you baby

Saying that everything that is done in this world

has back

Where all his pride and ambition

That one day you let into your heart

Will turn against you ..

I was too good to you

Leaving everything to do with me

I came to fight with my parents

Because of you ...

Oh! How stupid I was!

David Smile
Enviado por David Smile em 11/03/2013
Código do texto: T4183413
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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