
Bad voices in my head told me that

Bad things are the right to do

Anybody know the best for you

I give up

I give in

You’re scared to tell people how much it hurts


Keep by my side

Did someone break your heart inside?

Keep by my side

Did someone break your heart inside?

Sometimes I feel like someone is watching me

Like shadows are hovering over me

Staring at me

Pointing at me


Keep by my side

Did someone break your heart inside?

You’re too young to hate the world so much

There is such blood

The world sucks, people are not true

I just can’t do this without you

If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad

If it makes you happy, why the hell are you so sad?

Gabriela Rigoletto
Enviado por Gabriela Rigoletto em 02/08/2012
Código do texto: T3809357
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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