I see you

There must be something, you know

That we can do to break this ice

I´m getting tired and lonely

Come baby take my advice

I take it any longer

The nights are just getting colder

Without you by my side

I just feel I won´t survive

Tell me that you don´t remember

What it felt like to be in love

The things we used to do together

Now I´m sitting here and you´re long gone

Baby come to me right now

Don´t leave me here waiting for you

I can´t this pain much longer

I just want to see you once again

Ever since the first time we met

I just couldn´t stop thinking about you

This might seem childish I admit

But I´m still in love with you

The clock has stopped long ago

Like my heart it won´t move

Ever since you walked out that door

My whole body has just froze up

Tell me that you don´t remember

What it felt like to be in love

The things we used to do together

Now I´m sitting here and you´re long done

Baby come to me right now

Don´t leave me here waiting for you

I can´t take this much longer

I just want to see you once again

Your words

Your smile

They hurt more

Than denial

You should Know

Here and now

What I feel

Is still real

Please don´t keep me waiting

I don´t think I can handle

Being left alone

In this empty house

Baby come to me right now

I just want to see you once again

Jose DaSilva
Enviado por Jose DaSilva em 29/01/2011
Código do texto: T2759963
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