The World of illusions

My Love is gone with my Best friend

Told me that he fell in love

And our love was doomed to failure

Just when I thought we were happy

To show our smiles in the photograph

And now what do I do?

How will I smile?

Or at least disguise when with my friends

As will say that our love was a just silly illusion

For those wondering where are you are?

Walk the city remembering the past

When the lights of the avenue made me smile with you

When you’re with your new love

Tell him I also remember our games

And our hugs and our laughter

And when he called me brother

You helped me realize

The world of illusions in which I lived

While real life I escaped through the window

Thanks for freeing the world of illusions

Thank you, my friend

Kaê Brito
Enviado por Kaê Brito em 16/01/2011
Código do texto: T2732203