.||| Break My Radio |||. Canção POP ! ;D

Hey, boy, I'm here to watch

What you planned for tonight

And what will you do to feel right

I know what you're thinking

I know who you're looking for

And I know how much you wanna deny

I got a tip for you

Is not good for me too

But that's the only way I can help you

Break my radio and forget my songs

Tear my letters and what you want

Sell my clothes and burn all our pics

Then you can see now if you're right or wrong

Hey, boy, I'm here to sing

and make a try to check your heart

Jut to see if you finished with all

Or still are remembering everything

I know you try to sleep every night

with your conscience clean without fights

But always you leave me alone

you should know the nightmare hasn't gone

I got a tip for you

Is not good for me too

But that's the only way I can help you

Break my radio and forget my songs

Tear my letters and what you want

Sell my clothes and burn all our pics

Then you can see now if you're right or wrong

When you dream you always see

Our true smiles and our heart in tree

The taste of my kiss and my smell on you

So you agree, it was the worst thing you could do

But that's the only way I can help you

Break my radio and forget my songs

Tear my letters and what you want

Sell my clothes and burn all our pics

Then you can see now if you're right or wrong

*Sujeita à correções.

Enviado por ÉDYH em 30/10/2010
Código do texto: T2587749
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