.||| Not As U Thought |||. Canção POP ! ;D

I'm not, not, not

as you tought, dad

I'm not as u were

I really not, not

not wanted, dad,

you knew from this way

what I am

I should not, not,

not to tell about it

with the people

In the past

I know you're dissapointed

you wanna not believe

But it's what happens

On your home

I know you feel too shamed

At the same time too scared

But I hope u understand

my side

I'm not, not, not

as u tought, dad

I'm not as u dreamed

I really not, not

not wanted, dad,

you got so sad with me

I should not, not,

not to tell about it

with the people

In the past

Because I never asked

to feel like this

I never seen my heart

Not beating

It comes to me

Like a twist

throw down a tree

I'm not, not, not

as u tought, dad

I'm not as u dreamed

I really not, not

not wanted, dad,

you got so sad with me

I should not, not,

not to tell about it

with the people

In the past

See me as the same son

Nothing will be different

Later the change of the season

U always will be my parent

So we just have to be

Like that old friends

*Sujeita a correções.

Enviado por ÉDYH em 28/10/2010
Código do texto: T2583822
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