River of Sadness

Riding the boat of sorrow

through the lonely river of life.

It makes me wonder if it was worth it?

All these shed tears,

What was their use?

It created this long and wide river of sadness!

How can I mend this broken heart?

Will I ever find the sea of dreams?

So I can take my trip to the Island of happiness?

Tempest and storms for each trouble and hardship

I encounter through the way of Life!

I row the boat, alone, through illusions and fantasies!

Oh, some fantasies seem so true,

so close to the happiness I so long hope to find,

but pain and suffering they bring!

Why do I keep falling?

Why do I still believe I can relief this emptiness I feel?

How can I mend this broken heart?

Will I ever find the sea of dreams?

So I can take my trip to the Island of happiness?

I can see it!

Is this it?

Will I finally find the peace I so long seek?

Looking in your eyes I can dream…

I reach the heavens

transforming this river of sadness…

Into the everlasting river of life!

Will it flow to the everlasting peace?

Will I reach the eternity of life?

Can you be there?

How can I mend this broken heart?

Will I ever find the sea of dreams?

So I can take my trip to the Island of happiness?

I can feel the peace,

New tears will fall, but only tears of joy,

for the journey’s end is near!

I will finally rest,

from this long and depressing time.

Peace and quietness will I see!

Lovely tunes of joy,

flowers and gardens,

and only the good memories of this past life will I have!

To mend a broken heart

and to find the sea of dreams,

reaching the Island of happiness first you must believe…

Believe it’s there, beyond the suffering,

and beyond the waterfall of change.