

For you...

I'm grieving

You became my pain

You lied away

I went to die

For you...

I'm grieving

Kill me with your gun

Your word gun

Move away

I'm scared enough to say

Move away

Here's a thing you say

I'm grieving away

I'm grieving for you

I'm grieving today

And I feel so alone


I live with the pain

It 's pressing my heart

So strong...

Enough to make me bleed

She loved me. I lost my way

You'd say I'm okay


I'm grieving so bad...

Move away

I'm scared enough to say

Move away

Here's a thing you say

I'm grieving away

I'm grieving for you

I'm grieving today

And I feel so alone

I'm grieving

I felt so alone

I'm not scared of you

I can't never ever dream of

Something good enough as you

Enviado por Arkaniun em 07/01/2010
Código do texto: T2016444
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