Mr. Nameless

Just disgrace

In your face

And you just don't want to see it

I am here

I am sickness

And all of this is about you

You don't know

You can't wonder

But the time is consuming you

Open your eyes

Look all this blood

And see what I've left


This is what remains


But you'll never be the best

Read my eyes

Open your mind

Are you ready to die??

'Cause I'll be there

Mr. Nameless

Welcome to my mind

Mr. Nameless

And you will give me your life

You couldn't imagine that this were take those proportions

Always faking, lying and destroying each other

But now is time to blow your mind

With this magnificent freak show.

JacKWastedBlood, Mr. Nameless e Mr. Dave Adams
Enviado por JacKWastedBlood em 01/09/2009
Reeditado em 06/11/2011
Código do texto: T1786976
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