Inspirar Coragem (em inglês)

To Inspire Courage

I'm glad to fight by your side

Together let's face the unknown

As hard are the shades in our lifes

As bright is the light in our souls

The home was left behind

Ahead lies uncountble traps

I wish I had just only a half

Of the courage that you ever show

To the fight my friends!

The blood of our enimies

Will cover all over

Our sharply blades

Together let's fight

Together let's win

The chant of the braves

This night we'll sing

For those who belive me. For those who wait me at home. For those who fought and died. For you that are here with me. Let's win this night! Let's fight 'til the sunrise!

We were born in the wars

Death! It's our last name

It's time to slay them all

Let's show'em their big mistake

Deathly paths we've found

And dread things in there

Laughing we beat everyone

After drinking some beer

To the fight my friends!

The blood of our enimies

May cover all over

Our sharply blades

Together let's fight

Together let's win

The chant of the braves

This night we'll sing

To the fight my friends!

The soul of our enimies

Discovered the size

Of their huge mistake

Together let's fight

Together let's win

The chant of the braves

The song of their graves

Might verses of steel

This night we'd sing