The sound of silence

Shut up! I have to stay in peace

I can not stand, can no longer

Radios connected, gutters overflowing

Tireless phones, people talking

It would be asking too much to the world, please do silence?

Enough! I do not want to hear the agony

Not come with sarcasm or irony

Inquieta TV in high volume

Sound is heard, as nose is to manure

The only thing I would like to hear now is the sound of silence!

I do not want to hear Pitty, Mozart, Bach or Belchior

Not songs of love or the Minuet in G major

The creep of iron in railway tracks

The hum of cheerful birds singers

The Mujiri than the cows or steers

Any sound now seem annoying


Ah! that peace!

The silence satisfy me

Yes I am

I can sleep

I can not hear more

Infernal noises or

Sounds just banal

It seemed that it would explode

It is so nice not hearing any sound

Only my heart doing tum tum

As the drum to the samba school

Is! School of samba

Me and a school of samba have much in common

The movement syncope, the rhythm of Olodum

Samba the samba root and is expert

I only hear my voice

Still only in thought

So it would be good to hear someone

Even if in mourning or regret



Is anybody there?

I can not hear response ...



Is anybody there?

I can not hear response

Maybe he heard,

But it would not have recognized

Yeah, that long ago that not hear anything

Where are they? Its crap!

They are here, or hidden?

I listen to them its bandits

No matter: serious or clownery

Come, make me laugh

Contains tragedies, jokes

Something childish, funny phrases

Come, speak something

Lack of petrol, diesel or alcohol

Long phrases or words limited

A sound

A can

A dog

A paw

A goose

A cow

A flat

A jerk

The horn, the cell

The flaw, or just the sea

Engines of cars snoring

The ocean waves breaking on the rocks

It would be asking too much, please, to break the silence?



Is anybody there?

I can not hear,

I have to talk

Might be listening, I have only set

And with the silence, do not find words to rhyme

Ever relax.

Enviado por Prima em 05/05/2009
Código do texto: T1577298
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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