Letra e melodia by Gabriella Lima

Fala sobre uma menina que não aguentava mais viver sobre pressão da mídia, da família e até da sua cara metade.

Fala que aparência engana, que estar com cara alegre estampada no dia-a-dia não significa que está tudo bem.

Na verdade minha personagem passou por um distúrbio alimentar por conta de não saber quem ela era...

Cry out loud é a realidade de muitos famosos...

Cry out loud 18/08/04

One year from now I realized how she’s feeling

After so many people around her she feels so silly

She’s tired of being compared, sentenced all the time

She can see a lot of people behind

The only thing she wants is to be normal

All the things she says are informal

She wants to try new stuff, gets out of the house

So cry out loud

Her life is not as good as we think

Sometimes she doesn’t know where to hide

All the time she thinks her life’s a lie

She just wants to run away

She doesn’t know how to start

Wake up! Stand up! Step up! Keep up!

She fell apart and cried out loud

She’s trying to get over it and she will

She’s strong, lovely and everybody knows

After that her life was left a mess

But now she will give her best

She wants her life back

She wants to eat a big snack

I’m happy and I can see her now

Because before this

She was crying out loud…

Gabriella Gilmore
Enviado por Gabriella Gilmore em 13/03/2009
Código do texto: T1485317
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