Emeritus Magistrate with remarkable flower

If a flower has its perfume
Life is a paradise of dreams
And if a fragrant flower is named after Mary
Blessed by God will be all his days
It is a measure of joy, is a symphony
Conducting a scholarly work in harmony.

Its legitimacy is notorious and incontrovertible
With functional competence makes hundreds of sentences
A golden cradle in kind heart
The magistrate makes a faithful image Justice
Those who seek the solution of the painful work in conflict
Always keeping the balance between the parties

Brazil has changed with social justice and full citizenship
Enjoying the Labour Court a unique place
And in this delivery, she gives the jurisdictional provision
Yes, a woman, a judge who holds the office of magistrate
Valuing all the work of the human person - life
With their eyes focused on human dignity.

A challenging role that is reborn every day
Faced with faith and courage variable problems
Performing the noblest role of Citizen with Justice
The Legal and Constitutional Culture in our country
In the public interest, or other classes
It's a fair provision, no curve of head.

The universe rotating, rotating without changing the hours
Methods, systems and new modern styles
Walking in processualistic of the procedures
But the man still hasn't learned to honor the work
Stepping up the labor courts in the solution of conflicts
That extends across all jurisdictions.

Notable magistrate of the Labour Court - Maranhão
Oh Maria do Socorro Almeida de Sousa!
Most beautiful flower that turns into petals, the reality
Holder of inflexible principles of probity clearer
Today, I don't do a petition as a lawyer
But, as a poet writing a commendable homage.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 27/02/2014
Reeditado em 27/02/2014
Código do texto: T4708136
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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