“EUROPEAN KUKAI” - Haikai - Results of the 2021

Edition 2021 (#4/24) - 262 participants from 43 countries:

Australia (3), Austria (3), Azerbaijan (1), Belarus (2), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Brazil (4), Bulgaria (18), Canada (16), Croatia (19), Cuba (1), Denmark (1), Finland (1), France (9), Germany (15), Greece (1), Hungary (1), India (24), Indonesia (2), Iran (3), Ireland (1), Israel (1), Italy (17), Japan (1), Lithuania (7), Luxembourg (1), Malta (2), Montenegro (3), Netherlands (4), New Zealand (1) North Macedonia (2), Norway (10), Philippines (3), Poland (14), Romania (19), Russia (14), Serbia (4), Sri Lanka (1), Switzerland (2), Tajikistan (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), United Kingdom (8), Ukraine (5), USA (15).


Belos Haicais (Haiku)! Parabéns pela organização do Concurso e parabéns a todos que participam!

harbinger of winter -

on the cherry branch

three leaves…


prenúncio do inverno -

no galho de cereja

três folhas...

Vanice Zimerman, Brazil

Agradeço os votos recebidos.


Saturday, July 10, 2021:
