corpo reflete
o amor a si mesmo
em favor a si
com alma em favores
enseja a graça da paz
Tao Te Ching 道德經 - Dishisân Zhang 第十三章 - Yàn Chî 厭恥 - Haiga Style by Joseph Shafan
Tanka by Joseph Shafan
seal and signature: & japan-type
Illustrative image in composition:
Paradigm of a integrated mind-brain-society - Metaphor Analysis and Mind Mapping by G. Zaltman
Fonts: Arial Unicode MS - Microsoft Co. - [under user license]
Copperplate Gothic Bold - Microsoft Co. - [under user license]
Black Chancery - Earl Allen & Doug Miles[Public Domain]
Xaphan by Iconian Fonts - Daniel Zadorozny - [Commons license]
o amor a si mesmo
em favor a si
com alma em favores
enseja a graça da paz
Tao Te Ching 道德經 - Dishisân Zhang 第十三章 - Yàn Chî 厭恥 - Haiga Style by Joseph Shafan
Tanka by Joseph Shafan
seal and signature: & japan-type
Illustrative image in composition:
Paradigm of a integrated mind-brain-society - Metaphor Analysis and Mind Mapping by G. Zaltman
Fonts: Arial Unicode MS - Microsoft Co. - [under user license]
Copperplate Gothic Bold - Microsoft Co. - [under user license]
Black Chancery - Earl Allen & Doug Miles[Public Domain]
Xaphan by Iconian Fonts - Daniel Zadorozny - [Commons license]