Estudo das Preposições Inglesas ( com exercícios e respostas) - PARTE V - lição 17

Grupo 2


ON TOP OF – Tem o mesmo significado de ON, porém, quando usada denota ênfase, ou dá sentido de altura.

Ex.: The cat spent all morning sleeping ontop of the roof.

OPPOSITE – 1) Ao contrário, não de acordo.

Ex.: Cleo’s ideas are always opposite to mine.

2) O mesmo que FACING, de frente para.

Ex.: I can’t get to sleep with all those people talking loudly just opposite my


OUTSIDE – Fora, além dos limites.

Ex.: a) He works in Brazil but invests his money outside the country.

b) The dog lives outside house but the cat sleeps in bedroom with the


OUT OF - 1) Movimento para fora.

Ex.: a) The game was over when a player kicked the ball out of the court.

b) If you come up out of the water too quickly, bubbles form in your


2) Como um motivo, geralmente inconsciente, por trás de uma ação.

Ex.: a) He supported his loss out of a deep fear of losing his high position in the company.

b) Forgive my brother. He acted out of jealousy and insecurity.

3) Fora do limite ou do alcance.

Ex.: a) I give up my studies about UFOS, it’s out of my comprehension.

b) It’s out of human’s capacity understand the mysteries of outer space.

4) Ideia tridimensional de separação.

Ex.: a) Tell me about your plans now that you are out ofthe company.

b) I don’t of Catherine any more. She’s out of my heart.

5) Material específico ou incomum.

Ex.: a) Saquê is a traditional Japanese beverage made out of rice wine.

b) Out of barley from Egyptian crops they make that beer which I love so much.

OVER – Possui várias conotações:

1-De um lado ao outro (como ACROSS), mas pelo ar.

Ex.: a) We left Rio at 8 am and flew over Washington late in the afternoon.

b) My dog gets stressed with those birds over his head all day long.

2-Sobre, por cima (como ABOVE), porém mais próximo.

Ex.: a) It’s easy to get those fruits, there just some centimeters over our heads.

b) It’ Billy behind me. I can feel the smell of cognac over my shouders.

3) Do outro lado.

Ex.: a) In order to find food the monkey had to go over the river from the forest.

b) Don’t stop on the middle. Go over the valley and you will find the river.

1) Tendo um sentido de algo que excede em quantidade; um número superior.

Ex.: a) Over three million people watched the game on TV last night.

b) As a bat and he’s been haunting the city for over a century.

2) Expressando sentimento a respeito de algo.

Ex.: a) Everyone who watched Casablanca cried over it.

b) I know you will laugh over the situation, but it’s really true. Believe me!

OWING TO – Tem o mesmo sentido de DUE TO que quer dizer razão ou motivo de uma ação.

Ex.: a)Owing to the sudden blackout we had to finish the class twenty minutes earlier.

b) Our woods have been depleted for years owing tothe cutting down of trees in forbidden areas.

Agora vamos aos exercícios:

1- Complete os espaços com as preposições adequadas:

a) São Paulo has the largest Japanese community _________ Japan.

b) He lingers ________ some of the pages and then he hangs it to a short woman and they examine it together.

c) ________ a heavy rain the fashion exhibition had to be postponed.

d) The movie is a blockbuster. ________ Eight hundred thousand people watched it in one week.

e) Don’t ask me to give Anthony a third chance on the movie, it’s _________ question.

f) Diego, my son, had a dream in which a big and white stork flew ________ our house bringing him a little baby sister.

g) You’re speaking in a way that shows a different point of view; totally ________ to mine.

h) I know our husband drinks a lot, but I think he does it ________ a necessity for love and care.

i) The thief was so scared that he jumped _____ to the other building in order to escape from the police.

j) He left his home in March to travel around the world and has visited ________ 16 countries since then.

2- Coloque na ordem certa as palavras para formar frases:

a) He / car / belongings / on top of / open / it / in order to / placed / his / the

b) Home security / all / over / Corbi / getting / worried / to / before / your / talk

c) Reduced / men / 50 / 50 per cent / up to / the / age / of / have / over / level 5 / of / levels / testosterone

d) Celia / husband / years / of / it / over / took / her / jealous / twelve / rid / to / get

e) Of / a / city / pace / you / for / to / few / weeks / change / a / your / need / spend / out side

f) Material / many / live / made / from / Amazon / forest / in / houses / dwellers / out of / the

g) Greenhouse / where / place / in / British / out of / Scilly / is / the / only / the / isles / plants / can / doors / grow

h) Got / party / never / government / so many / a for / voters / being / opposite / the

3- Altere as frases de acordo com o modelo. Siga o exemploabaixo:

He bought a wonderful house outside Manhattan.

Modelo: A hill.

He bought a wonderful house on top a hill.

a) His stressful city.

b) Extra savings.

c) The Hudson River.

d) A modern Shopping Center.

e) The business district.

4- Responda a estas perguntas utilizando preposições:

a) How long were you away on your last vacation? (OVER).


b) Why did they have to stop the game (OWING TO).


c) Where should I lay these looks (ON TOP OF).


d) Do you and Jerry have the same idea on that matter? (OPPOSITE).


e) Why did you have such a short vacation? (OUT OF).


f) Is your mother a housewife? (OUTSIDE).


g) Was it a sad movie? (OVER).





a) Outside b) over c) owing to d) over e) out of, f) over g) opposite to h) out of i) over j) over.


a) He placed his belongings on the top of his car in order to open it.

b) It took Celia over twelve years to get rid of her jealous husband.

c) For a change of pace you need to spend a few weeks outside your city.

d) Many dwellers live in houses made out of material from the Amazon forest


a) He bought a wonderful house outsidehis stressful city.

b) He bought a wonderful houseowing to his extra savings.

c) He bought a wonderful house facing the Hudson River.

d) He bought a wonderful house on top of a modern Shopping Center.

e) He bought a wonderful house out of the business district.

4-Respostas variam. Possíveis respostas:

a) I was away for over two weeks.

b) They had to stop the game owing to a brownout.

c) You may lay them on top of that counter.

d) Not at all. His idea is totally different from mine.

e) We couldn’t stay away for many days out of the company.

f) No. She needs to work outside to help the family

g) It’s the one people usually cry over it.

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 29/07/2015
Reeditado em 29/07/2015
Código do texto: T5327458
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro