Estudo das Preposições Inglesas ( com exercícios e respostas) - PARTE III - lição 10

Mais uma série de preposições para o nosso estudo. Vamos a ele.




CONTRARY TO – Significa: o oposto de, em oposição.

Ex.: a) I really can’t understand Carl; after five hours of meeting and discussion, he still keeps his ideas contrary to the rest of the staff.

b) Contrary to public opinion, he did well and won the


DESPITE – Pode ser seguida de substantivo ou gerúndio e tem o sentido de: indiferença, quando desconsidera determinadas condições.

Ex.: a) Despite the lack of money, the canned food venture got an amazing start up.

b) Despite losing weight on that unusual diet, Dayse promised me never do it again.

DIVIDED BY – Muito fácil, é usada apenas em aritmética.

Ex.: a) 15 divided by 3 equals 5 b) Life is just for everyone. 4 divided by 2 is always 2.

DOWN – Em geral é: Movimento para baixo.

1- Indo ou situando-se numa posição inferior.

Ex: a) Because of his mental problem, he can’t eat without splitting the food all down his chest.

b) After offending his neighbour, he went down the stairs and apologized.

1 – Designando queda.

Ex.: a) He fell down the tree and got seriously injured.

b) He did wrong and let all his work go down the drain.

2 – Movimentopara o sul.

Ex.: a) During Summer, the whole family went down to Santa Catarina to visit BetoCarreiro World.

b) I live in Manaus but every year I come down to Rio for carnival.

3 – Quando ocorre queda na reputação ou no status de uma pessoa.

Ex.: I know that man asking for money among the passers-by. He went down the scale of life very rapidly.

4 – Seguindo a extensão (ao longo)

.Ex.: a) Walk down this street and turn your first left; you’ll see the church you’re looking for.

b) You can check the schedule at the transportation counter; it’s just down the hall.

6- Usada também para descrever algo que vem ocorrendo por longo

período de tempo.

Ex.: a) Shakespeare was really a great man. His fame echoed down

the centuries.

b) Please, accept this gold ring, it has passed down through

five generations.

7-Dentro do estômago.

Ex.: a) With a juicy hamburger and a large soda down me I’ll fell

much better.

b) I’m not feling well. I can’t keep anything down.

8- Demonstrando oposição ou requerendo a destruição.

Ex.: a) Down with dictatorship in this country. We need peace and


b) Many people in the United Satates are discontent with the

president. ‘Down with Bush administration’ they say.

DOWN UNDER – Esta locução prepositiva é usada quando queremos nos referir a

Austrália ou a Nova Zelândia.

Ex: a) “Are you from down under, Kelly?”.“Yes, I am. I was born

in New Zealand.”

b) He was born in France but he’s been living down under for

15 years.

DOWN TO – Indica também descida, também expressando um destino ou direção.

Ex.: a) The falling leaf floated in the air for a moment on its way down to the grass.

b) I was feeling lonely and decided to go down the pub to

drink withmy mates.

DUE TO – Usa-se para: explicar a razão de um fato ou acontecimento, geralmente indesejado. (DEVIDO A).

Ex.: a) He had to get an emergency loan due to the menace of bankruptcy.

b) The meeting had to be postponed due to lack of


DURING – Indica: Período de tempo.

Ex.: a) Carnival is my favorite party. I usually lose weight during the four days of joy and plea

b) The film starts with a young woman who disappears during


EXCEPT – Não incluindo; excetuando.

Ex.: a) We went to the park and enjoyed all the rides except the roller coaster.

b) Put all the ingredients inside the pot except the flour.

Obs.: Pode-se usar EXCEPT FOR com o mesmo sentido, porém numa conotação mais generalizada.

Ex.: a) We all had anunforgettable vacation in Canada and, except for the extremely cold weather, everything was great.

b) Except for those poor beggars asking for my money, I had

a wonderfuldinner.

FACING – De frente; na direção de algo.

Ex.: a) He built his house on a thriving area of the city facing the river.

b) For minutes he didn’t say anything. He only stood, serious

and sad, facing the burning house.

FOR – Esta preposição é uma das mais ricasde todas emsignificados epodeexpressar diferentes e variados conceitos, tais como: duração, troca benefício, entre outros. Preste, pois muita atenção ao estudá-la.

1 – Primeiramente, usa-se ao: mencionar-se destino.

Ex.: a) After many years in Nepal and homesick, she left for her motherland last week.

b) He got home very hungry and head for the kitchen.

2 – Duração.

Ex.: a) My vacation will be very short this time. I’m going to be away for one week only.

b) She’s been teaching in that school for sixteen years.

3 – Como razão para uma atitude baseada em convicção.

Ex.: a) Many terrorists have killed themselves and others for fanatic reasons.

b) You can’t imagine the things she can do for love.

4 – Expressando um propósito ou finalidade.

Ex.: a) The leading actor arrived 45 minutes late for the interview.

b) Robots are sometimes used for performing dangerous tasks.

5 – Quando se é a favor de que algo seja feito.

Ex.: a) The English 102 is all for having extra classes this semester.

b) My teacher didn’t votefor Lula at the last election. He doesn’tlikehim.

6 – Representando; estar ligado ou ter algo a ver.

Ex.: a) She feels happy fighting for the disable of her neighborhood.

b) He fought for his country during the second world war.

7 – Usada para comparar uma coisa com outra do mesmo tipo.

Ex.: a) Alice is very tall for her age.

b) For a man in his position he’s not polite.

8 – Definindoocasião.

Ex.: a) what did you give your wife for her birthday?

b) For the first time in his life he got late for an appointment.

9 – Quando algo é apropriado, conveniente.

Ex.: a) The city should provide more facilities for pedestrians.

b) Munro-begging has become a favorite activity for outdoor enthusiasts.

10 – Referindo-se à troca de um objeto por outro.

Ex.: a) He made a lot of money and changed his cramped flat in the suburbs for a comfortable house near the sea.

b) He changed his 60 year-old wife for a girl in her thirties.

11 – Também no caso de: permuta de valores descritivos.

Ex.: a) Some artists make huge sums of money for their participation in very short TV commercials.

b) How much did you pay for this nice suit?

12 – Com o mesmo sentido de because of.

Ex.: a) The Amazon river is famous for its enormous proportions.

b) He didn’t say any word forfear of being punished.

13 – Denotandoobrigaçãoouresponsabilidade.

Ex.: a) It’s for you to decide whether to stay in this house ormove away.

b) “It’s not for me to say” is a famous success of Johnny Mathis.

14 -Referindo-se ao significado de algo.

Ex.: a) USA stands forUnited States of América

b) Do you know the Japanese word for ‘thank you’?

Vamos praticar um pouco esse grupo?


1 – Para começar, preencha os espaços com uma preposição apropriada.

a) He came ____________ twelve floors using the staircase although the elevator was working normally.

b) Silvia learned a lot ____________ her two-week vacation to Cairo in Egypt.

c) I’m sorry but I’m totally _____________ to your idea of hiring Kirk to this company. He’s not reliable to the job.

d) Jenny and her two sisters got twelve oranges from their cousin’s backyard, which ___________ three equals 4 each.

e) It’s only ____________ her last year in school that she thought she could be an actress.

f) She’s a famous actress but, lately, _____________ box office successes, her life has been tormented.

g) Unfortunately _____________ the lack of participants we had to cancel the final game.

h) _____________ the outbreak of foot and mouth disease, Stonehenge is sometimes closed to visitors.

i) Australian researchers have found, over the years, the royal vowels had shifted _____________ the social scale.

j) Just before I fell asleep I saw a white finned Cadillac wheeling _____________ the road. _____________ my dream I felt certain that, ______________ appearances, the driver was actually me.

2 – Transforme estas frases com o uso de uma das preposições aprendidas, mantendo, porém, o mesmo sentido. Siga o exemplo.

Ex.: Although he’s very intelligent, he can’t get much success in life.

Despite his intelligence, he can’t get much success in life.

a) While I was traveling around Europe, I visited several countries only by train.


b) Carlos may his job soon. His ideas are often the opposite on those of the office manager.


c) His performance was bad and he had to be replaced in the second half of the games.


d) You’ll need some warm clothes if you travel to Parana in the winter.


e) The mother bought eighteen marbles and gave to her three children. Six to each.


3 – Neste exercício será dada uma frase como modelo. Você deverá formar outras frases utilizando uma preposição. Siga o exemplo.

Ex.: The president kept his own opinion to that of the Congress.

The president kept his own opinion contrary to that of the Congress.

a) To his strict personality.


b) The riot across the country.


c) The strike of public sectors.


d) To all expectations.


4 – Organize as palavras na ordem certa para formar frases.

a) Soccer team / contrary to / expectations / American / played / this year / all / very well.


b) Chains / hanging / Louis / gold / chest / comes / here / full of / chains / down / his.


c) Police / the danger / go to / despite / every week / 200.000 / estimate / that / youths / funk clubs.


d) Coat / cold wind / her / without / went out / despite / she / the.


e) The Congress / several speeches / about / dr. Vera / two months / during / anatomy / gave.


f) Soho’s Architectural heritage / Westminster Council / due to / been / efforts / protected / of the / has.


g) Down / transportation counter. / the hall / the schedule / check / at the / it’s.


h) Character / viewer / playing / walked / series / favorite / the / a / TV / out / he / despite / of.






a) Down b) during c) contrary to d) divided by e) during f) despite g) due to h) due to I) down j) down - during – despite


a) During my trip to Europe I visited several countries only by train.

b) Carlos may lose his job. His ideas are often contrary to those of the office manager.

c) Due to his bad performance he had to be replaced in the second half of the game.

d) You’ll need some warm clothes if you go down to Paraná in the winter.

e) The mother bought eighteen marbles, divided by their three children and gave six to



a) The president kept his own opinion due to his strict personality.

b) The president kept his own opinion during/due to the riot across the country.

c) The president kept his own opinion due to/during/despite the strike of public sectors.

d) The president kept his own opinion contrary to all expectations.


a) Contrary to all expectations, American soccer team played very well this year.

b) Here comes Louis full of gold chains hanging down his chest.

c) Despite the danger, police estimate that 200.000 youths go to funk clubs every week.

d) Despite the cold wind, she went out without her coat.

e) During two months dr.Vera gave the congress several speeches about anatomy.

f) Due to efforts of the Westminster Council, Soho’s architectural heritage has been


g) He walked out of the series, despite playing a favorite character.

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 13/07/2015
Reeditado em 13/07/2015
Código do texto: T5309869
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro