Estudo das Preposições Inglesas ( com exercícios e respostas) - LIÇÃO 9 - REVISÃO DA PARTE II

Vamos trabalhar agora com todas as preposições desta parte II.

I) Preencha os espaços com a preposição adequada.

a) Don’t wait for me this weekend; I’ll come back only _____________ Tuesday.

b) Ted worked hard these days. There’s a good sum of money waiting for him _______________ the weekend.

c) Many centuries ____________ Christ, the Egyptian developed a thriving civilization ____________ the Nile River.

d) He says the economic conditions must be right but he’s not clear about what he means ____________ this.

e) _____________ Liz’s bad behavior in class, the teacher was forced to send her out and put her for a confrontation ______________ the school director.

f) A rodeo is programmed for this weekend in Wickamcity ______________ the rain.

g) “Is there a barber shop around here?” “Yes, there’s one ______________ the bakery and the bookstore”.

h) I enjoyed the movie Jurassic Park but it was nothing _______________ the fascinating book ____________Michael Crichton.

II) Construa frases lógicas unindo as duas colunas:

a) You can reach Orkney ( ) Beyond death?

b) The Italian chapel was built ( ) Before the man wearing a kilt

c) Do you believe there is life ( ) By Italian prisoners of war by ferry

d) In the summer time in Orkney you can hardly see the

difference ( ) By ferry

e) All the girls at the contest are ( ) Between night and day

f) She stared completely motionless ( ) By overtaking two cars in the last


g) He won the race ( ) Behind Jane in beauty and elegance

III) Escolha a preposição correta:

a) Wait for me in your house at three o’clock sharp _____________ before / barring / except – some problem with the traffic.

b) If you live now you’ll be able to arrive ______________ bellow / by / behind – night at your destination.

c) ______________ besides / because of / but for – my knowledge of every corner in this city, we wouldn’t have found Craig’s house. He lives in a hidden neighborhood.

d) Let’s meet at six ______________ beside / besides / before – the cafeteria for a long drink. We need to commemorate your promotion _______________ barring / before / between – your trip to Sidney.

e) “Can you see Liz?”. “Sure! Isn’t she the one in jeans ________________ below / between / but for – Celine and Joe?”.

f) The couch wants the whole team concentrated twelve hours ________________ before / behind / beyond – the match.

g) Many people lost money in the economy change of 1991 ________________ barring / besides / because of – failure in administration.

h) My father got a promotion. Now, he has twelve people working _______________.

barring / below / before – him

i) ___________ “Behind / but for / below – every great man there stands a woman”.

j) Do you speak any other language ___________ beside / between / besides–- English?



a) By; beyond b) by; before c) before / by; beyond; beside d) by e) because of -

before f) barring g) between h) beside - by


C – f – b – a – d – g - e


a) Barring b) by c) but for d) beside – before e) between f) before g) because of

h) below I) behind j) besides

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 11/07/2015
Reeditado em 11/07/2015
Código do texto: T5307409
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro