Estudo das Preposições Inglesas ( com exercícios e respostas) - PARTE II - lição 8



BESIDES – Esta preposição tem o sentido de: Adição, além de, em adição a, também.

1- Além de

Ex.: a) He has other friends besidesme.

b) What other instruments do you play besides drums and guitar?

2 – Apresenta também o significado de: Exceto.

Ex.: a) There’s nothing in the drawer besidesan envelope and some sheets of paper.

b) I’m very hungry and there’s nothing in my fridge besides lemons.

BETWEEN – Quer dizer: entre; duração, comparação, contraste, conexão:

1 – No espaço que separa: dois lugares, pessoas ou objetos.

Ex.: a) In this new competition you will lose between twoand six kilograms. It’s very hard.

b) I was sitting between my two sisters when the bell rang.

2 – Diferenciandooucomparando .

Ex.: a) Dali said: “The difference betweena mad man and myself is that … I’m not mad”.

b) I can’t see any difference between these two books.

3 - Dividindo em partes,entre duas ou mais pessoas ou coisas.

Ex.: a) You can take the candy, but divide it between you and your brothers.

b) Confidentially and between ourselves, I can’t understand his words.

4- Conectando: dois ou mais lugares, coisas ou pessoas.

Ex.: a) Finally, there’s a new bus service between my house and downtown.

b) Go back to the one you love. Nothing more than a telephone call between you and her.

BEYOND – A conotação aqui é: Distância, além de, do outro lado de, fora de alcance.

1 – Em um pontoalém.

Ex.: a) It’s impossible to see my house from here; it’s beyond those mountains.

b) My job goes beyond just teaching. I like to show the children the steps for success.

2 – Maistardeque.

Ex.: a) The students left for a three month vacation to return beyondthe end of may.

b) In some places of Russia many people live beyond the age of a


3 – Além do alcance de.

Ex.: a) For many people, the existence of life in outer space is beyond


b) My head began to be full of projects and undertakings beyond my


4 – Muito difícil ou confuso.

Ex.: a) I can’t solve this geometry calculation; it’s beyond me.

b)You can call my sister anything but jealous.

BUT – Como preposição, quer dizer: Com exceção de, menos, exceto.

Ex.: a) Everyone but Charles and Sue attended our meeting this morning.

b) Every product in this store butthe suits and jeans comes from the

southof Argentina.

BUT FOR – Se não fosse por isso. – Quando um fato ou razão impede que outro se realize.

Ex.: a) But forCarol’s lack of fluency in the English language, she should have achieved that job.

b) I’d have dropped all these plates but for your warning.

BY – Esta preposição é uma das mais ricas de significados. Seu emprego é freqüente e variado e requer um estudo à parte. Vamos a ela.

1- Passando ao lado; indicando proximidade.

Ex.: a) Nowadays Londoners can use the London loop, which runs by the whole perimeter of the city.

b) I feel more confident in the classroom when she’s by my side.

2- Evitando alguém ou alguma coisa.

Ex.: a) Joe passes by every dog he sees on the streets. He hates these animals.

b) Were you hungry this morning? Why did you pass by without

saying a word?

3- Aqui indica: Posição, proximidade, numa determinada região.

Ex.: a) Many families in the Amazon region live in floating houses built by the river.

b) I’m sure there’s a public phone somewhere here by this village.

4- Em relação a um prazo de tempo que não deverá ser ultrapassado.

Ex.: a) You’ll be receiving your shipment by Friday at the address you gave me.

b) By noon tomorrow they’ll have found your documents, I promise


5- Indicando ação (de pessoa ou coisa).

Ex.: a) Armed assaults by guns maniacs have become our time’s evil menace.

Ex.: b) She was hurt by the driver’s negligence.

6- Meio, forma pela qual se faz alguma coisa.

Ex.: a) We began the interview by asking him when he would star the great


b) You can learn new words in English by reading American


7- Agente(como na voz passiva).

Ex.: a)Monalisawaspaintedby Leonardo Da Vinci.

b) I didn’t know that the Statue of Liberty was a gift given byFrance to

the US.

8- Quando se refere a um criador.

Ex.:a) I loved that new book by Stephen King.


9- Posição aproximada; junto a.

Ex.: Who’s that girl by the window?

10- Durante um período; indicando circunstância.

Ex.: I need to get this plane in order to arrive in Madridby day.

11- Usada para: expressar medidas, dimensões, direções, etc.

Ex.: That poor man lives in a tiny room, which is only 4 meters long by3 meters width.

12- Referindo-se a: quantidade ou relativo a um tempo passado.

Ex.: a) Unlike Brazil, in England people buy groceries by the Pound.

13- E, finalmente, quando se deseja dizer algo que: se sucede aos poucos.

Ex.: Rome was not built in one day, they made it step by step.

14- E ainda: através de, por meio de, via.

Ex.: a) She had to come by taxi in order to arrive in time for the exam.

b) Ken Livingstone was elected mayor of Londonby means of a secret


Agora vamos aos exercícios

1) Preencha os espaços com a preposição certa.

a) These are evidences that anyone can get _________ simply looking at the pictures.

b) The blurry part you see are mountains sticking up from __________ the horizons.

c) For New Zealanders __________ the ages of 15 and 25, suicides come right after car accidents as the most frequent cause of death.

d) Skomer is an island populated __________ numerous colonies of sea birds.

e) The distance ___________ the Indian and the Pacific Coastlines of Australia is 4.35 kilometers.

f) If you live in a foreign country, __________ the fact of experiencing culture full time, you can learn its language.

g) You ordered groceries __________ computer an hour ago and you know that __________ now they’ve arrived. You’ve already paid for the food __________ having your money subtracted from your bank account.

h) I accept anyone __________ your sister in my house. She’s moody and causes a lot of problems.

i) “I wonder how kate can paint such beautiful works being so young and inexperient _________the fact that she’s moody and causes a lot of problems.

j) A good ship can break through one meter of solid ice ¬¬_______ driving her

bow on top of it.

2) Leia o texto abaixo e veja se consegue colocar 11 vezes a preposição BY além da já existente.

The celebration in April 2000 of the 500th anniversary of Brazil’s discovery was disturbed by protests from indigenous groups. The Indians want the restoration of part of their land, which has been, usurped industrial expansion. In the late 1980 international human rights groups led celebrities such as Sting and Bianca Jagger were able to force the Brazilian government to ensure the preservation of some tribes. Members of the Guarany tribe are being encouraged to commit suicide killing themselves in mass if they are forced off their land farmers.

Each day, hundreds of Guarany wander the city with their children. They stop in front of porches and homes to beg for food clapping their hands. Despite indications that the population is being eliminated local, criminal elements Funai has done little to investigate the cause of deaths. Twenty-year-old AguimarPeixoto was founded handing a nylon strap shortly after being publicly beaten what was described relatives as captain’s mafia. Hours later, LindomarCavalheiro, a 140-Pound boy, was found hanging a t-shirt from a branch of a tree. A disturbing study by professor RoseliArruda at the University of Dourados in 1996 shows the classification of suicide as the cause of deaths threats an Funai said it would open an investigation into the deaths outlined Arruda but it never did.

3) Complete as frases seguintes.

a) Could you tell me the difference between _________________________


b) Robert is very good at languages. Besides English __________________


c) “How did you get my telephone number”? “I found it by _____________


d) We can accept all kinds of credit cards but _________________________


e) Don’t wait for Jane this weekend. She’s coming beyond ______________


f) I’m sorry but I can’t pay you this week. My company only pay by ______


g) I was busy inside my tent, hearing nothing but ______________________


h) Let’s set now our prices for the next sale, barring ____________________


4) Assinale a alternativa correta.

a) I’d like to see those glasses between the hat and the backpack, please.

Nesta frase, a preposição BETWEEN define que tipo de situação?

( ) Diferenciando duas coisas.

( ) Dividindo dois objetos.

( ) Entre um ponto e outro.

b) Fernando Collor de Melo was a young president elected by direct vote.

Aqui, a preposição BY indica:

( ) Através de, por meio de.

( ) Agente.

( ) Passo a passo.

c) Nobody came to the meeting besides Henry.

BESIDES, neste caso, quer dizer:

( ) Além de.

( ) Salvo, exceto, a não ser.

( ) As duas coisas.

d) It’s Brad’s first day in the company. Don’t assign him tasks beyond his capacity.

BEYOND indica:

( ) Do outro lado de.

( ) Mais tarde que.

( ) Fora do alcance de.

e) As she didn’t mention the exact point, I stood somewhere by the station.

BY refere-se a:

( ) Passando ao lado.

( ) Posição aproximada numa determinada região.

( ) Evitando alguma coisa.



a) By b) beyond c) between d) by e) between f) besides g) by h) but I) besides

j) by


The celebration in April 2000 of the 500th anniversary of Brazil’s discovery was disturbed by protests from indigenous groups. The indians want the restoration of part of their land, which has been usurped byindustrial expansion. In the late 1980, international human right groups led by celebrities such as Sting and Bianca Jagger were able to force the Brazilian government to ensure the preservation of some tribes. Members of the Guarany tribe are encourages to commit suicide killingbythemselves in mass if they are forced off land by farmers.

Each day, hundreds of Guarany wander the city with their children. They stop in front of porches and homes to beg for food by clapping their hands. Despite indications that the population is being eliminated by local, criminal elements, Funai has done little to investigate the cause of deaths. Twenty-year-old AguimarPeixoto was found hanging by a nylon strap shortly after being publicly beaten, what was described byrelatives as captain’s mafia. Hours later, LindomarCavalheiro, a 140-pound boy, was found hanging by a t-shirt from a branch of a tree. A disturbing study by professor RoselyArruda at the University of Dourados in 1966 shows the classification of suicide as the cause of death threats and Funai said it would open an investigation into the deaths outlined byArruda but it never did.

3- Respostas variam. Possíveis respostas

a) A watchand a clock?

b) He also speaks French and Italian.

c) Looking up in the dictionary.

d) Visa and Master Card.

e) Monday.

f) The month.

g) The big noise from my tools.

h) A big change in the economy.


a) Diferenciando dois objetos

b) Através de, por meio de

c) Salvo, exceto, a não ser

d) Fora do alcance de

e) Posição aproximada numa determinada região

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 10/07/2015
Reeditado em 10/07/2015
Código do texto: T5306305
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro