Estudo das Preposições Inglesas ( com exercícios e respostas) - PARTE II - lição 7

Passemos a estudar agora um novo grupo de preposições.


Grupo I


BARRING ( De uma maneira mais formal, diz-se: BAR ).Excetuando-se; não incluindo.

Ex.: a) Everything is set for the big contest on Saturday, barring the bad weather.

b) We’re expecting 200 guests, bar the lack of room for everybody.

BECAUSE OF – Indica razão de um ato. Pelo motivo de ou causa de.

Ex.:a) Many people didn’t get to work this morning because of the dreadful snowstorm, which blocked all the streets.

b) Because of an emergency the referee had to interrupt the game in the middle of the second half.

BEFORE – 1 - Vindo em uma posição precedente.

Ex.:a) It’s my turn now; I was before this lady who just left the queue.

b) I like to get home early and have dinner before my favorite news program.

2 – Na presença de; na frente.

Ex.:a) They put the victim before the man who had raped her.

b) We don’t need to hurry. We have the whole afternoon before us to finish this task.

3 – Precedendo um evento.

Ex.:a) Just before breakfast we arrived in a city called Forrest.

b) I need to study hard and sleep very well one day before any important exam.

4 – Mais cedo, precedendo determinada hora.

Ex.: a) You must be ready for inspection before 8:00 in the morning.

b) My English class starts before 7:00 am on Saturdays.

BEHIND – 1 – Um dos sentidos desta preposição é: inferior ou atrasado em comparação


Ex.: a)You need to concentrate more; you’re always behind your colleagues to answer my questions.

b) He’s a good athlete but he always arrives behind the others in the race.

2 – Ainda aplica-se BEHIND para dar apoio financeiro ou prover idéias.

Ex.: a) Our last Mayor was behind the projects of socializing the elderly and the disabled.

b) England has been, for many years, behind the researches of new drugs to against AIDS.

3 – Também quer dizer: Escondido, oculto sob.

Ex.: a) He was completely calm before we pointed the bear behindhim.

b) Behindher jokes and joyfulness lies a deep frustration.

4 – Outro sentido é: Dar apoio ou encorajar alguém.

Ex.: a) I hope you continue with this fight for love and justice; I’ll be always behind you.

b) I trust you, man. I’m sure you’ll always be behind me.

5 – Também usa-se BEHIND com : referência a algum mau período da vida que já passou.

Ex.: a) Carlos finally retired, leaving behind the long and stressful days of a bus driver.

b) You seem stressed. The best you can do is leave that problem behind and enjoy life more.

6 – Usa-se ainda: Para quem está atrasado. Não em dia com alguma coisa.

Ex.: a) The written test drive is tomorrow and I’m still behind with these street signs memorization.

b) You need to hurry up. You’re behind your homework for the

English class tomorrow morning.

7- Estar por trás, no sentido de ser responsável por algo.

Ex: a) Thomas Edison is the man behind the invention the electrical bulb.

b) Mr. Kale told me he knows the person behind the company robbery.

BELOW – 1 – Em posição diretamente inferior.

Ex.: a) Talk to Ralph; he’s the guy with a scarf just below the left ear.

b) Please, place your signature here, below my name.

2 – Inferior em posição ou importância a alguém ou alguma coisa.

Ex.:a) In the army, a major comes below a colonel and in a restaurant a bus-girl comes below a waitress.

b) When she walks among those people she feels really bad and below

hernoble position.

3 – Usa-se também BELOW quando se diz que: algo não é bom o suficiente

para alguém ou alguma coisa.

Ex.: a) can’t accept this job. It’s below my category and the salary is below my life style.

b) Your marks in English are below average now, but I’m sure you will

improve them in the future.

4 – Indica também: Menos que, inferior.

Ex.: a) With the temperature below 2º c, who dares to go to Buenos Aires this month?

b) Interests this year are below expectations, so I think I’m going to try that loan.

5- Usa-se também no sentido de: mais novo em idade.

Ex: a) Children below the age of 14 are not allowed to watch this film.

b) Although Pablo is below 18 he can vote for Brazilian candidates.

BENEATH – 1- Numa posição inferior, em baixo (comobelow).

Ex: a) We had our picnic early in the afternoon, beneath an old tree.

b) Take another look carefully and you’ll find beneath your eyes what

you’relooking for.

2- Quando se tratar de algoque está sendo coberto.

Ex: a) The morning was cold and she was wearing two shirts beneath her coat.

b) The dog took the bone and buried it beneath the ground.

3- Tarefa considerada baixa para alguém. (sentidofigurado).

Ex: a) Josh refused to do that task totally beneath him.

b) It’s absolutely intolerable working beneath these conditions.

BESIDE – 1 – Quer dizer: Ao lado.

Ex.: a) The best cigars you can find at Tomy’s, beside the station.

b) My street is too crowded now. They built a supermarket right beside the subway station.

2 – Usadatambémpara: Fazerumacomparação.

Ex.: a) She’s really very beautiful but, beside my daughter, she’s nothing.

b) My bedroom walls seem rather old besidemy brother’s.

3 – Para mencionar: Algo distante ou irreverente.

Ex.: a) Let’s forget this issue, which is beside the point and go straight to our subject.

b) The cost of food is beside the point, John. I suggest you stick to

discussing the expansion of our house.

c) Let’s not discuss about the cost of your product, it’s beside the

point. I’m more interested in its quality.

Agora vamos praticar fazendo alguns exercícios.

1 – Estas notas foram feitas por um jornalista quando da entrevista com um cantor famoso. Tente transcrevê-las por extenso usando cada preposição corretamente. A primeira já está resolvida como exemplo. Você deve completar as frases com suas próprias palavras.

1- BEFORE Interview/evening show

2- BESIDE Wife/during

3- BEHIND Old days/waiter

4- BARRING Live performance/rain

5- BECAUSE OF Two in the morning/big enthusiasm

6- BELOW Throw flowers/audience

7- BENEATH His contractor/another interview/his notice

8- BESIDE Some English bands/beginners

9- BEHIND Fans/the cameras/autograph

a) The interview took place minutes before an evening show.

b) _______________________________________________.

c) _______________________________________________.

d) _______________________________________________.

e) _______________________________________________.

f) _______________________________________________.

g) ___________________________________________.

h) ___________________________________________.

i) ___________________________________________.

2 – Forme frases com sentido, colocando na ordem correta estas palavras.

a) People / is / because of / dance club / hip / popular / that / so / the.


b) Hurry up! / interview / first / before / we / the end / to arrive / the / need / of.


c) Below / subject. / my / knowledge / it’s / I / talk / can’t / about / this


d) 5 / is / me / very / below / for / degrees / zero / cold.


e) Movement / is / the awareness / a clean / behind / important / environment / the most / Greenpeace / nowadays / of.


f) Before / truths / say / the nerve / her father / she / have / didn’t / to / such


g) Hotel? / about / some / what / beside / fishing / the / in / lake / the


h) Between / the Bell / I / my / when / was / two sisters / sitting / the / rang.


i) Like that / a comment / is / him / beneath / making.


j) Nobody / a blind / ugly / barring / would buy / products / I guess / person / such /


3 – Agora, a partir de um substituto, tente completar as frases, utilizando a devida preposição.

Ex.: She's going to study in the U.S.A. (Substituto: Her fluency in English).

She's going to study in the U.S.A. because of her fluency in English.

a) The end of summer.


b) Other classmates.


c) Any change in the school plans.


d) Her father’s notice.


e) Her English teacher.


4 – Neste exercício, escolha a preposição que melhor complete a frase.

a) The construction of this sports center for the poor is something great and whoever is _________(below / behind / beside) it deserves my respect.

b) Britain ranks last in the EU for language skills ___________(before / behind / barring) Ireland and Portugal, according to figures from Eurostal.

c) Researchers recommend that vulnerable people take aspirin or heart drugs ________ (before / behind / beside) crucial football matches.

d) I know you like this job but your salary here is nothing __________ (because of / beside / before) the fortune you’ll make working for me.

e) We saw him alone, smoking on the deck and watching the kids playing at the beach (before / below / beside) the ship.

f) He was generally known ________ (beside / before / beneath) the name of Tom.

g) My house stands a good way ________ (before / below / barring) the village and it is a hard climb to the top.

h) I can’t meet you tonight with so many tasks ________ (before / beside / because of /) me in the office.

i) His behavior are mean and his acts are ________ (behind / beneath / before) any contempt.

j) ________ (below / beside / because of) the strike, many people lost their jobs.

Respostas dos exercícios


1- Respostasvariam. Possíveis respostas

b) His wife was beside him during the interview.

c) He said his old days as a waiter are behind him now.

d) His spoke about his live performance next Sunday, barring the rain.

e) Because of the big enthusiasm his last show ended at 2:00 in the morning.

f) After the show he threw flowers to the audience below him.

g) His contractor confirmed another interview beneath his notice.

h) Beside his talent and fame, some English bands are nothing.

i) He had to give away autographs to his fans behind the cameras.


a) That dance club is so popular because of the hip people.

b) Hurry up! We need to arrive before the end of the interview.

c) I can’t talk about that subject. It’s below my knowledge.

d) 5 degrees below zero is very cold for me.

e) Green Peace is the most important movement behind the awareness of a clean environment.

f) She didn’t have the nerve to say such truths before her father.

g) What about some fishing in the lake beside the hotel?

h) I was sitting between my two sisters when the bell rang.

i) Making a comment like that is beneath him.

J) I guess nobody barring a blind person would buy such ugly products.


a) She’s going to study in the USA before the end of the summer.

b) She’s going to study in the USA among other classmates.

c) She’s going to study in the USA barring any changes in the school plans.

d) She’s going to study in the USA beneath her father’s notice.

e) She’s going to study in the USA before / beside her English teacher.


a) Behind b) behind c) before d) beside e) below f) beneath g) below h) before

I) beneath j) because of

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 09/07/2015
Reeditado em 10/07/2015
Código do texto: T5305660
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro