Estudo das Preposições Inglesas - Lição 6 - EXERCÍCIOS DE REVISÃO DA PARTE I

Agora, nesta fase de exercícios, vamos trabalhar com todas as preposições estudadas até aqui.

1 - Leia com atenção o texto abaixo e complete os espaços com a devida preposição de acordo com a relação que se segue.

1_______the beginning of the year the UN approved a solution asking for the suspension of the death penalty 2_______the world. Once the death penalty was reintroduced in the US in 1976, 3________670 execution has taken place. In Texas more than 20 percent of the population is, however, 4________the death penalty. The UN commission proposes a moratorium on executions 5________a first step toward a definitive abolition. The resolution was proposed by the European Union, which is concerned 6________the large number of executions worldwide, but especially in the US. American senator George Moose defended the executions saying that international law does not prohibit capital punishment for first degree murder 7_________a fair trial. American public opinion only cares 8________a fair trial. However, the US has been executing mentally disturbed inmates and people under 18 9________the time of the crime, which is forbidden by international law. 10 _________people outside the US there’s a level of concern 11_________the end of executions and organized campaigns 12________the death penalty take place everywhere 13_______the world.

1- a) About b) Across c) At d) Around

2- a) Around b) Among c) Along d) As

3- a) Along b) About c) At d) Ahead of

4- a) After b) About c) Around d) Against

5- a) As from b) As c) As for d) At

6- a) Against b) About c) Across d) Above

7- a) Apart from b) Among c) After d) About

8- a) About b) Above c) Along d) Around

9- a) At b) As c) After d) Around

10-a) Along b) Among c) Around d) Ahead of

11-a) Against b) Across c) At d) About

12-a) Against b) Amid c) About d) Away from

13-a) At b) Around c) Among d) After

2- Combine as duas colunas abaixo unindo corretamente as frases.

a) we found we had six-year-olds writing to us

b) Unfortunately Npower selected hair color

c) This website presents useful services such as

medical, students cards

d) Finally a book

e) KewsGarden attract over 860.000 visitors a


f) Our group visited the Department of Criminal


g) Hundreds of drivers formed with their trucks

an endless line ( )At the top of Pops magazine

( )Along the main road

( )Apart from being an international point of

reference for botanists

( )Among others

( )Across the road from the walls

( )About the American Presidency that is lots of


( )As something that you can not choose

3 – Em cada frase, troque o termo sublinhado por uma preposição sem mudar o sentido.

a) Most Americans are not in favor of the death penalty.

Most Americans are against the death penalty.

b) I like all kinds of sports except weight training.


c) I came here today in the capacity of the president of this TV network.


d) She even finds suspicious some excitement involving her book.


e) I really loved that last painting. This time you used a unique style clearly comparable toPortinari’s last works.


f) He decided to dress appearing to be a bat and to act only in the middle of night.


g) Becaue of what you did to clarice, she won’t support you anymore in the campaign.


Respostas dos Exercícios


1- at 2- around 3- about 4- against 5- as 6- about 7- after 8- about 9- at

10- among 11- about 12- against 13- around


a – g – e – c – f – d – b


b) I like all kinds of sports apart from weight training.

c) I came here today as the president of this tv network.

d) She even finds suspicious some excitement about her book.

e) I really loved that last painting. This time you used a unique style, clearly after

Portinari’s last works.

f) He decided to dress as a bat and to act only at night.

g) After what you said to Clarice she won’t support you anymore in the campaign.

Professor Edgard Santos
Enviado por Professor Edgard Santos em 08/07/2015
Reeditado em 09/07/2015
Código do texto: T5304354
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro